(mofaha┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:43,
'tries to avoid gaze'
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:44,
...not to mention the cheeky grin
(mofaha┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:46,
Oh yes that
and the vigorous wanking.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:55,
(Otis FlemmingLook, I have a Board Sig.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:46,
Oh god... I'm glad I'm drunk right now, I dont want to remember this! D;
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 23:56,
'saves URL'
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:03,
But what if mofaha should decide to post it again in the morning?
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:03,
blame it on mugatu
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:06,
or Murgatroyd
Anyway, I really must be going; work begins at 8:30 tomorrow. It's activity like this that has got me on all four top 10s of the Time of day stats: www.b3ta.com/board_stats/mainboard-users.html
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:10,
oh hai popular stats :D
haha!! g'nite :)
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:14,
what ARE you?
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:24,
A mammal
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 14:53,
JollyJack has posted more than me this week.
...fucking hell.
I know I've been gone and all that, but still, that's some achievement.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:50,
I've covered that, check my sig.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:08,
Tomorrow everyone will be so curious as to what your sig links to
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:13,
Given my memory, so will I.
With that I'm off to get another beer.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:17,
I'm currently on bourbon (fittingly).
I need some more mixers though, I'm all out of Coke, and I can't be arsed drinking it straight.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:27,
I haven't had coke in weeks.
I tend to keep to beer, smoking makes my throat really dry. {;-)
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:46,
There's been many times in my life, especially recently, where I've considered smoking.
And as for beer, I physically can't drink it. I think it's the taste, or something that just makes me feel sick.
It's why I usually stick to spirits like vodka, whiskey, brandy, gin, etc.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:48,
I'm like that with almost any funghi, tastes soil-like to me.
I like spirits, neat but, I damaged my stomach (too)many years ago and never drank any quantity again.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:56,
It does make me wonder how people can drink beer. I guess it's an accquired taste.
I think as far as drinking goes, I'm quite sensible, but there have been maybe one or two times where I've thought "never again".
Then of course, I'm out the next week. XD
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:59,
Yes it is, then again there are probably more styles of beer than wine.
The hop is quite an odd plant with only one close relative. Maybe you react to the bitterness.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:10,
That's probably it. I think I've been able to drink some wines in the past, but never fully enjoyed it.
Port's not bad, I have to say.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:13,
Yes, Port tastes lovely, terrible hangover though.
Best flavoured wine I've tasted is home made Damson (very strong fruity flavour)especially sparkling.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:19,
It gets you drunk REALLY fast, too, which I'm not sure I like, to be honest.
I prefer to have a couple before I really feel affected, be social and all that.
I don't really get hangovers, but I've been told I'll start getting them all the time when I'm older, which I can definitely say I'm not looking forward to.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:23,
My theory is that the liver becomes less efficient and the acetaldehyde
from alcohol breakdown hangs around longer. I don't really get them, I avoid drinking that much. (especially with the meds I'm on. Unexpected wine strength!
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:29,
Mm, medically, that's a very valid theory.
Of course, there's other factors, like hydration, if you've had something to eat beforehand, etc. I think right now I'm doing rather well. If I hadn't had such a big tea, I'd be hammered right now.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:33,
Hydration, I found out about that last summer
started Lithium* pills and went cutting wood in the sun... Very odd feeling of weakness and confusion. I'm so used to er, 'oddness' that I just see it as an experience. 0.5l of water and I was fine.
*for recurrent depression
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:41,
Any kind of drug, even caffeine, never goes well without a decent amount of hydration.
The worst it's ever been for me is when I drank one too many a few years ago and ended up painting my friend's garden and bathroom with technicolour yawns. It's a wonder I'm still allowed back there. XD
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:47,
As a teenager, at one party
I was in such a state people(??)dragged me somehow to a bus stop, paid the driver and said "get rid of him".
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 2:02,
There's nothing more disorientating and confusing than waking up in your own bed the morning after.
At least in my case, where I was apparently dragged home. Bad times.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 2:10,
Funny really, ethanol is really an anaesthetic, normally skilled medical people are required to administer them.
And shops selling bottles containing a fatal dose are everywhere. Twisted old world it is. I'd better sort the fire out and I'm getting tired/down. See you later.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 2:24,
Yeah, alcohol really isn't the best drug a person can take
but if people know their limits, I think they'll save a trip or two to A&E for an emergency stomach pump. I'm probably gonna go too, nighty night all. ^^
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 2:42,
mmm damson :D
meds stuff can be very odd in combinations.. speaking of which i'm done for, nite all :)
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:52,
Why am I here looking at a cat whilst three of them are sleeping behind me??? G'night
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 1:58,
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:14,
I hadn't thought of that 0______0
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 0:13,
"Some people think the movements and noises of my tics are an indication that I’m possessed by a demon. The simple answer is no, I’m not. I usually respond to this question by asking why an evil spirit would make me shout about squirrels and biscuits."
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 22:11,
fab link, spending some time exploring :D
& you could compo!
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 21:23,
talking of R4
I just got back from seeing Barry Cryer and Colin Sell. Old school funny
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:33,
(Willmotlaid a scotch egg,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:36,
hehehehe :D
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:59,
Of course you are misjudging women awfully.
Women rarely if ever:
Take time to look in mirrors, Attend to their physique Run around doing jobs in their house Take account of their food consumption Sanitise the kitchen.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:28,
So true!
The only women I know have little time for such trivial matters. I am happy to do the ironing while they do their utmost to better humanity.
Keep fighting the good fight, ma'ams!
(Willmotlaid a scotch egg,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:40,
By the way a potato of that size would be more like 100 calories
a 200 calorie potato would be a seriously rich spud
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:40,
it's a SUPER potato :P
I did actually google 'jacket potato calories' and this was the average between medium and large.
The Telephone Box (1972) La cabina (original title)
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:40,
Sounds like a bearable version of... what was it, Phone Booth or something? With the sniper?
I'll add this to the list, it intrigues me so. :)
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:51,
Much simpler and elegantly done.
Best not to know the story beforehand.
(FeralCatManUnusual disease collector.,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:55,
The whole film appears to be on Youtube. I'll give this a watch after tea.
EDIT: That was a pretty interesting film. :D
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 19:01,
Ah, the unmistakable style of ms paint
Top work!
(the wub- guide onion for the blind,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:16,
teh ultimate tool fo drawin
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:22,
He is wearing blue-red tie
If you mix him he becomes purple.
(Yo 'Ho of Charliemass-market saucetrepreneur,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:20,
yes, that exact thing, you said.
that's what happens.
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 18:22,
Thanks to Cap'n Howdy for posting the original
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 17:27,
What do you call an uninhabited island in the Inner Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland that was briefly owned by the singer Donovan in the 1960s ?
I don't know. What DO you call an uninhabited island in the Inner Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland that was briefly owned by the singer Donovan in the 1960s ?
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:24,
So how many times has Moggy "flounced" now? 12, 13 times?
And is Hedgehog from Hell still gone? :(
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:27,
Only twice, which is still pretty good going for six months.
I was in the process of collecting together a load of flounce links to make a little archive to put in my profile, but I'm actually rather upset about Hedgie's announcement yesterday and my heart's gone out of it.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:32,
Flouncing's usually quite a funny occasion; a sort of morbid fascination of someone flipping their shit and leaving.
But massively gutted about HFH going.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:34,
Yeah, Clay's doesn't bother me so much because although his stuff was very funny he didn't contribute much else to the board
whereas with THFH I'm really going to miss his personality on b3ta
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:37,
Clay was alright, but I think the whole 400px thing was a bit of a random thing to flounce over.
I'd give it a week or two before people like HFH start coming back. I hope so, anyway.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:44,
Clay I think was one of these types who go on about the integrity of their art and not liking it judged or rated
you know like when bands or authors refuse to accept prizes? Which is why he was always making attempts to thwart the FP with wide images, and why he took it so seriously when someone told him it was a bit silly.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:50,
It does seem that way, that Clay was fed up of getting FP'd all the time
for whatever reason that may be. I think I'd get a bit tired of it, if I was being FP'd a lot, but I wouldn't get mad over my work being resized for FP.
If anything, I'd probably gaz whoever sorts out the front page, asking them to take it easy, but what do I know, I've only had one FP. XD
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:54,
why would anyone be upset at their pics being fp'd?
(reali'm not happy 'til you're not happy,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:56,
I think it's because his work was being FP'd too much.
There's most likely an underlying reason.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:58,
seriously, did he say that?
wow! no, c'mon he didn't say he didn't want his pics fp'd, really? why would he care?
one question, three parts
(reali'm not happy 'til you're not happy,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:02,
I seriously think it's that not-selling-out, keepin'-it-real ethic
which is kind of understandable when celebrities shun awards, but frankly a bit of a pretentious attitude for photoshop jobs on a a comedy website.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:04,
i didn't know there was prize money for fp's
i should brush up on both my shopping skills and my sense of humour.
seriously though, i agree, it'd be pretty pretentious. he did get a LOT of fp's though, and between you and me, i did wonder how and why a few of them had made it on there
(reali'm not happy 'til you're not happy,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:10,
Oh, why and how stuff gets fp'd is no mystery
It's just the personal tastes of the mods. I don't always agree with it but I think it's certainly consistent. I mean, if I was in charge of the FP you'd see all sorts of silly things on there. But I'm not, so you don't.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:17,
or am I..?
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:27,
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 16:48,
I'm pretty sure he was just annoyed that
fps don't show your sig, and he thought it was deliberately doing so not to allow users to advertise their websites, rather than just not coded that way through the site being a bit ramshackle.
When it was explained that it was nothing personal, he seemed to make them more re-sizeable.
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 17:52,
i get why he was so pissed off about his posts being edited
but really, he was simply out trolled
(reali'm not happy 'til you're not happy,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:55,
To be fair...
Clay flounced over one of his text posts being mod edited without it being made clear a mod had edited it. (The edit was then unedited to make Clay look like he was complaining about the FP resize) The 404 width thing was just a plain argument about a mod being petty (especially as there was already another Clay post on the front page 404 wide).
Since then, the history of the event has been edited 1984 style.
it's nice to see you back in these parts as well :) I've always enjoyed your work.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sat 21 Apr 2012, 15:53,
well thank you very much!
I might even post an image in a bit. I've got an idea but it's only moderately amusing. :(
edit: Oh, and I actually thought of your Beaker montage when I watched the Muppet Movie the other day. Didn't know who made it, but just looked at your profile and it's yours. :)