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This is a link post 8 seconds
should be candles somewhere
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post WTF was that?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Shite

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's certainly no "Momo" by Stormtroopers Of Death

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post No Melt Banana,
the masters/mistreseses of short, sharp Japanese metal rock shock.....love 'em to bits!
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 4:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post it is was your b3ta. don't worry, be happy 8 candles!
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 1:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post
And the girl and lion embodied and emerged! Maiden, Mizuki Nana, who got on the back of the White Lion. She wears herself in the same pure white costume as the lion, while singing "Do not be long" while moving between the audience seats.
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 3:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post
i had to go for a wee. what did i miss?
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 11:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post The bowl.

(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 11:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post so glad it wasn''t a poo

(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 19:32, , Reply)
This is a link post Making Machines Speak - with David Pye
A RI lecture from 1985.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post The early machine is neat.
Also, world class eyebrows.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 19:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Smashing
Fucking great.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post The research labs at BritishTelecom
takes you back
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 22:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Somewhere I have an early 80's book
called 'Teaching your computer to speak'. The title is, of course, printed in that space age lettering they used for anything electronic.
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 3:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm shocked
are you telling me Stephen Hawking is actually a third rate 80's tribute act.
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 9:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post I wouldn't say that to his face...

(at 3 mins in)
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 12:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post BBC MICRO

(, Sun 17 Dec 2017, 1:41, , Reply)
This is a link post Indie Game Review: Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy I made this!
An exercise in frustration. Sweet, sweet, frustration...
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yay! It's Friday!
Also been playing this all week, bloody difficult. Still trying to get it up the devil's chimney.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is that what they're calling it these days?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Everyone needs a hobby

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have no idea how to even control the fucker
I will keep trying.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm going to say something I'm already regretting
Cerb is right. He's 100% correct. It's a frustratingly good timewaster
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Friday again already, wow,
time flies.

At the moment, my only reference to the passage of weeks is dogbomb reviews.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 19:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post This one is Friday the Almost of Christmasween
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ooooh - I sort-of know Bennett.
So... er... yeah.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is he a cunt?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Seriously...
Is he a cunt?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post No really...
...is he a cunt?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Has he ever let off some steam whilst being a cunt?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 23:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post That cunt?

(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 3:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post LET OFF SOME STEAM, BENNETT

(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 4:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is he Cunty McCuntface?
I think he deserves corporal punishment, delivered via the medium of a clenched fist
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 5:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like the fact the protagonist is not portrayed
as a sufferer of his disability, but rather as being totally ripped.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post I mightily laffed at the sound of an increasingly irate Geordie
Yeah, Bennett is a cunt
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 5:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Great review =)
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 10:51, , Reply)
This is a link post More wildlife - this time, the comedy wildlife photography awards

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post haha these are great!

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Again

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post
GC Friday it seems. Fire up the tro-lo-lo.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post In my defence, GC said no

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post But the b3tans
are telling you yes
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post There must be Order!
But it all got a bit too much for some when banter became abuse and so we are still here in tumble weed city.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post you're very naughty
and should have done a search for key words, separately of: photography, wildlife and comedy. www.b3ta.com/features/faq/#link
Then, cross tabulate and export to a spread sheet for easy comparison.

This only works if whoever posted before used a proper description of what the link pertains to as requested in the site rules and regs 4 ./ 2 section iix. www.b3ta.com/links/1470955
Sometimes looking at the current links helps too.

Now go and stand in the corner and don't mention the 'B' word.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post I posted a video with no description other than " Ahahaha you stupid prick" and it got 19 likes AND no-one told me off, so ner

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Come here you scamp and drop some trou.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post You're not even my REAL stepdad

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 21:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's People Like You Wot Causes Unrest

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 22:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think Unclepills
has forgoten to take his pills again.

Put the facebook down and back away from the keyboard.
(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 11:28, , Reply)
This is a link post Hands up who's ever wanted to see a seal sexually harass a penguin NSFW
NSFW for hot wildlife action
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post
It's the penguins fault for dressing so provocatively
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post it's the sexy waddle

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nah, they're all at it
Hot monkey on deer action www.theguardian.com/science/2017/dec/15/sex-between-snow-monkeys-and-sika-deer-may-be-new-behavioural-tradition
I think it's all just Xmas parties getting out of hand. If they had access to a photocopier it might have all worked out differently
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post #metoo

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post I shall hold my hands up
And admit I have contributed to the problem by sending a Facebook friend request to a lady to whom I'm acquainted without first asking her permission.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post "When your a fur seal they'll let you do it."

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 18:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post "grab em by the cloaca"

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 18:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I thought a penguin's hoo-hoo was called a 'chuff'
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 22:12, , Reply)
This is a link post It is not a glass cock NSFW
Might be a nice present for any dicks you know who like coffee or tea.

Maybe an alcoholic uncle who needs to hide the fact they are still drinking.

Sort of not safe for work but your boss would have to look closely.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:49, , Reply)
This is a link post word of the year!
i'm going to use it a lot today
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm fucking not.
I've never even heard of that bloody word until today...fucking Millenials.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post i don't imagine it's used by anyone under 50
It sounds like the sort of cringy bollocks journos come out with at election time
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post don't assume my youthquake!

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Completely new word for me
I have never heard anyone mention that word.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post Get with the times, oldamadadich

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know - I'm being a total "broflake"

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Annoys me when there are already perfectly good words for stuff
Always preferred 'upset, online' to 'triggered' and 'broflake' just seems the same as 'cunt' to me but I suppose you get penalised for the swears on twitter etc
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was under the impression 'triggered' was originally a specific thing
Like for people with PTSD or whatever.

Same as 'fake news', and 'trolling' didn't always just mean 'online abuse'
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post its like when they renamed the "spastic society" to "scope"
they're still spazmos!
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post
that's insensitive, it's "scoper"now.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post "window licker" in my day

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Dinner Masher

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ha! Used to regularly call fellow eejits
"Scopey twat".

So 90s
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post you need to do a 360 on your youthquake

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Milkshake duck haha

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post that's very youthquake of you

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post
No, I think it's a noun. As in: Stop being such a youthquake.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post hmmm yeah that could work
you complete fucking youthquake sorta thing
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bollocks

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post don't harsh my youthquake

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Oxford Dictionaries' Casper Grathwohl said it was "not an obvious choice"."
Ya thenk?!
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post haha you did a real youthquake

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was sure it was going to be this or the negative of this.
Stanning An old word already but I actually heard a youth say it the other day and had never done before.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post try youthquaking for a bit

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post is this about over weight American kids?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post you've just won youthquake!

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post *something about juvenile ducks*

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post *youthquakes*

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Germany's word of the year (Dec. 08.) award goes to
'Jamaika-Aus' referring to a failed joint-formation of a three-party government for the next term. German parties have colours for some reason.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post they're a fun bunch
shoulda put a youthquake on it
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post No, she went of her own accord.

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jamaica out?
Not very friendly :(
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post In the Thesurus next to gullible.
Hey kids, he'll totally wipe out your student debts!
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 16:03, , Reply)
This is a link post Conspiracy
Hacker. Erm..
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I still, even after all this time, can't figure out if he is just f***ing with us.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:40, , Reply)
This is a link post Glass Cock Friday you say?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post In the immortal words of Magnets Magnetsson
"I've started, so I'll finish."
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post Finishing within 13 seconds is key

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nicely done.

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 17:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post dreadful example of rampant youthquake

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 19:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Nice ass
(, Sun 17 Dec 2017, 19:54, , Reply)
This is a link post Senator John Kennedy interviews Trump nominee for District Judge
...who can't answer a single question positively
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 9:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post sounds like most politicians
well versed in the art of gerrymandering and full to the brim with self belief that he can carry any job title and let everyone else do the work for him
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Why would changing constituency boundaries be of relevance here?
That guy does suck, however.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post
He might mean filibustering.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't be so obtuse:
He meant the character married to Penelope Keith in "The Good Life".
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post In all fairness,
the lexicon of politics is filled to the brim with bizarre and specific words that have no real meaning to normal people.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post SNL SKITS ARE A BORE
this is too far removed from reality to be remotely funny.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post haha wow!
the dude asking questions was very patient
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Let me guess. He's Trump's family, or he's a millionaire, or in a millionaire family, or just a massive corrupt fucking racist cunt.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Nailed it!
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post Suspect there aren't that many people who are prepared to attach themselves to this administration now
If it all comes crashing down a lot of people are going to have big stains on their careers
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I think there's still quite a few merkins left that value money over their reputation...
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Have you ever watched judge Judy?
Have you been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post I laughed out loud'd

(, Sat 16 Dec 2017, 22:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post Experts Vs Instincts

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Looked up Dobert Standard and Motion in limine...
...and whilst they were new and interesting for me to read, I've no fucking idea how anyone could expect to sit up on a chair as a district judge without such basic legal knowledge.

What a terrifying prospect it'd be to come up in front of this chap... - 'I have no idea what i'm doing, and no idea whether the opposition conducted the case lawfully, but hey - i'm good at deciding things, so my judgement is...'
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:57, , Reply)
This is a link post Happiness.
An animation by Steve Cutts.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 9:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post
GC from about a week ago. Still nice though
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 9:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Money is the root of all mousetraps
brilliant film though
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post The rat race is so repetitive.

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post I notice nobody is sucking all the joy out of it this time round
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm waiting for a short called "sadness"
that's just wall to wall happy shit - like, genuinely happy, not ironic.

That would be groundbreaking.

This was good though.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 23:53, , Reply)
This is a link post Massively useful neo-Nazi style guide
I spent the afternoon copy and pasting this in to the work 'media statements' guide.
Absolutely convinced this will be equally useful to many others here.
Bonus mumsnet swear index www.economist.com/news/britain/21728785-sponsors-fear-their-adverts-sit-alongside-ever-ruder-contentand-they-are-right-foul-mouthed
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 20:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Pfft

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 20:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post Vox Day?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 9:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Dick is a strong swear word?!
I often feel vaguely disgusted after too much MN.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mens' Nads?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 20:59, , Reply)
This is a link post Got an iPhone? Always wanted to add farts using augmented reality?
Then this app is for you
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post i'vet ouched an iphone twice

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 17:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds painful.
Maybe stop inserting them up 'there'?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 18:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Or at leat use lube.
I recommend Vegemite.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 7:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know.
It showed us by pointing at a doll.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 3:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post The police are so strapped for cash they're now using Ken in the line up

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 8:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Livingstone?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post In other news...
iPhones are a bit racist
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 18:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Using biometrics for username makes sense
Using them for passwords, less so.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 19:05, , Reply)
This is a link post Pogo - Fmaa

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ha!
Cool - which sequencing software did you use for this?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 23:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post literally came here to ask the same question

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have Cubase 9
which apparently does things with video too, but not sure. Also have Premiere, but I don't think I can sequence audio samples accurately enough. I guess I'll have a google.
(, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 19:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post
That's rather splendid
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like the bit where he cleared his throat

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 11:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post
These things fascinate me. I'd love to see how they make them. It's the bit about having the audio matching the video I dont get.
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:19, , Reply)
This is a link post It's that time again, NASA making an announcement at 6pm GMT
Probably not aliens, but might contain aliens.

Actually it's probably just that they've found lots more exo planets with googles ai.

So just another solar system, we're not special or unique...
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post too early for the oumahmoo is/isn't a spaceship data
maybe they've convinced Trump to take a ride on the next rocket he's signed off on
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Oumuamua?
Nothing yet, guess they're trying other frequencies now.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post that's the one, oomamamloomaloo

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ouvahvoo!

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post RIP Vic :'(

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Vic Mayall
A great loss.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 21:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's Aliens

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post They’ve proven that the Earth is flat.

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Erm, NASA are the ones trying to brainwash us into believing the Earth is spherical.
Why would they suddenly fess up?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post They've been caught.
The myriad of YouTube videos made it impossible to deny any more.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 17:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post they're going to probe Uranus

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 16:58, , Reply)
This is a link post Ever wondered how closely related you were to a starfish?
Or anything else? A shoe perhaps? A concept?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Almost all humans are 50th cousins"
Not me, though.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 13:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't have 5 cousins let alone 50
Silly website
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 7:24, , Reply)
This is a link post The mouse has caught a fox.

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post thank you

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post welcome

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 13:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post taken them long enough, we've been photoshopping the results for a decade or so

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Likewise

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's WB/DC, Disney haven't got them yet
or have they? I might have missed a memo
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fox own the rights to a Watchmen film going back to the mid 90's and WB had to pay them to release the film and give Fox a percentage.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post well remembered!

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes totally remembered that......
*whistles nonchalantly*

Wonder if this means we can get firefly back?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good God, I hope not.
Joss Whedon couldn't write decent dialogue to save his life.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 21:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 6:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't fuck with the mouse
according to man fired on his first day as a writer at Disney
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 20:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Except that the Mouse is now part owned by the Fox
Can you imagine, a Murdoch on the board of Disney?
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 1:52, , Reply)
This is a link post Ventolin: Disco Science

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 11:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post I particularly enjoyed the goat sequence

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 1:56, , Reply)
This is a link post Barge Boyz Trials I made this!
Some folk (including a member of B3TA) trialling out for the UK's fastest growing community group protecting the UK's canals.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 10:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post
How do I apply?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 11:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post
We can do it here if you like...can you swim?
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 11:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post
As long as it's not cold, sure.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 11:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post you're in

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I sometimes pretend to swim in the bath
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post you might be over qualified...

(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 12:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post you do realize it says Canal and not anal ? just incase you got befuddled

(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 14:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well Little Keith is obviously not from round here
I mean the CDC was the right colour, but no hair on the balls? No spunk? 2/10 must try harder.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 13:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post
He was interrupted by a Barge Boy doing his duty as it should be.
(, Thu 14 Dec 2017, 14:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Help us Barge Boyz
You're our only
(, Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:16, , Reply)

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