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pantseatflyer ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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is this a repost mr flyer?
i'm sure i'veseen it before
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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nothing but reposts. (theyre all worth it, though.)
Corn Dog ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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wax it....
that's it..... waaaax it.
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:21,
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wax it hard!
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:24,
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*waits for it to animate*
*doesn't understand it if it doesn't animate*
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:22,
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wax on
wax off
Haku Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:23,
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LittleTerryFuckwit Check out my gavel pits. Judge me. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 23:01,
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who is this masked man?
inspired by this ... previous jeremy ...
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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haha yay
he's here to save the day..woo yay
prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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fluffman to the rescue!
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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lovely as ever!
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:20,
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up, up, and away!
newg rum n coke ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:54,
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tfspacktards was great, thanks for that laugh
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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This train calls all stations to Hell
Dr Funkenstein is moving to Taiwan in one month! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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superb :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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Norse Lager brand?
Smudger ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:24,
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to be fair
there's nothing wrong with tesco's 4% lager, it's cheap, gassy and breaks the seal in 15 mins but what do you expect?
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:28,
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Deuchars IPA
brewed in Edinburgh
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:29,
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Deuchars Caledonian
The best beer in the world!* * 100% Fact
Linbox has a serious dunk habit ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:54,
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I didnt do it but thought it was a rather funny piccy. Enjoy
Wook13 Been away but is now ducking a fuck on ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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Hello new person. Please read our FAQ . Cheers.
supermoore: HUNG ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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*dons helmet*
*retreats to bunker*
gowithnoakes ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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Please, noooooo!!!!
Don't, under any circumstances, put up this pic! If you do I'll have to spack quietly to myself for a while...
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:21,
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I don't think you're
allowed to do that...
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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that's an old one
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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my first post at b3ta
prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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I still find that funny
Icouldsleepforever ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:25,
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But it looked so damn funny.
P.s I have been here for a while, the FAQ is a button I look at when flicking through stuff.:P
Wook13 Been away but is now ducking a fuck on ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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Frequently Asked Questions
a guide to posting for the board
anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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If what you're saying is; you've seen it but chose not to read it ...
... then you're in the wrong place. If you don't read it you'll end up enjoying b3ta a lot less. Although, at least you've found the reply button, which is more than many :)
Hagbard ... it's been a long time. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:23,
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10512 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:22,
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*looks at user name*
*looks at user number* *raises eyebrow*
mwybsb ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:24,
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did you spot
they are not the same?
10512 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:28,
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mwybsb ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:30,
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i got it wrong...
and never changed it
10512 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:32,
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fair enough
mwybsb ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:34,
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Two Stripe Diaries Volume 3!
Mr.2stripe ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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diddle-I-pomy favourite record of my Dad's when I was a kid
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:12,
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hear that crazy rhythm driving you insane...
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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Cheers Lemony!
DogHorse plop ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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clamps eh?
i may have to try that
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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where can we hear? /edit never mind found it.
Mr_Rense ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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it probably won't make any sense if you don't know who vork is
and he very very rarely posts here now
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:21,
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i realise it wouldnt make much sense
just wanted to hear the voice. its good.
Mr_Rense ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:23,
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Well, I recommend
you watch This flash first if you're not familiar with DHSNM. Then tonight's vjork remix is HERE Edit: took me so long to type that you went and found it. I still recommend 100% Kitten's anim, though.
DogHorse plop ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:24,
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am very woo!
mary magdalen ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:43,
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2 stripes rule! Nice flash
yay Small TJ: I'm trying to distort an X-shaped picture so it fills an Y-shaped hole. How can I do that with PS? ta
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:13,
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it must be possible
"pull the corners out" says my missus?
Mr.2stripe ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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Yeh but that just makes it bigger n smaller and stretchy, not distorted into the new shape - say ta to the missus though =)
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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Surely just pust the bottom two bits of the x together
so it looks like a Z.
generalname ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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How totally random!
did you just make that? And why are those K-mart (Tesco)-esque the best damned shoes in town?
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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They last 4eva boyyyyyyeeee
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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being the consumate asshole that I am I have to ask. WHAT THE FUCK do little white kids who live in GREAT BRITAIN know or THINK they know about black ghetto American living and/or slang? You even BEEN to an American ghetto? I mean, you DO watch COPS, do you not? I'll tell you what.. come on over, and spend a weekend or some time in Baltimore, just outside the inner city... /cockish attitude... sorryWe now return you to fluffiness
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:53,
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i did
it is my life...sadly!
Mr.2stripe ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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It is grand!
and woosome even!
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:47,
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And there i was thinking
that armpit mounted microphones wouldn't sell :)
e.parsley ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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started on a leg...
anyone care to donate me a large & spiffy PC? mine is having trouble coming to terms with the size of this image o_O edit: cropped out the nonsensical unfinished parts
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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that image
doesnt make sense to my eyes, no wonder your computer has problems with it
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:08,
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Shouldn't mock the afflicted
Is that growler i spy?
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:15,
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Ahh, Old Growler .. A fine ale.
Hagbard ... it's been a long time. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:25,
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legs scare me greatly
anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:10,
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not sure what to make of
it, but it is quite good. Edit: ohh 800 posts.
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:10,
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Is there a source pic?
I would mind having a look at it, for er.. comparison. er, yeah that's it Woo to it though
generalname ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:12,
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here 'tis
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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ooh, very nice
makes yours look such a good drawing of it. Have another woo for the accuracy.
generalname ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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Cooo ...
I didn't know it was from an original image. Which is good in some ways ('cos it's such a good likeness) but a shame in others (I'd been following this and thought it was an original).
Hagbard ... it's been a long time. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:26,
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I'm new to this...
so I'm just copying stuff for now :-)
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:33,
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This makes much more sense
I was wondering how she got her knee up that high... Nice paintjob!
RedHouse over yonder ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:45,
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lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:13,
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nice compression, you should write a faq or something :-)
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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i'm determined to avoid antialiaing at all costs from now on, can't afford the bandwidth ;)
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:24,
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tell me about it...
i'm pushing about 3.5 gig so far this month - think i'll get my wristies slapped at some point :-)
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:26,
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I am confused
You're painting over a photo? Que?
moonjam ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:33,
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no, I'm using a photo as reference
and painting it in photoshop. there are some other ones in my profile.
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:35,
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Well - okay... :) (but 10p says you're painting over the top :p )
moonjam ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:41,
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well, I'm not.
actually.... thank you!
tweaknik ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:48,
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And you think beans are cheap?
Uploaded this pic for someone else, who couldn't be arsed making an account :)
terrorbite ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:06,
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looks so real....
10512 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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What is Tesco, btw? Is it like a british walmart?
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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Tesco Value is the economy range.
terrorbite ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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they currently make £5 a second profit as well
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:08,
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horrid. Tell them i hate them.
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:09,
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i wish i made
£5 per second
10512 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:09,
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Wait a tick...
me sister works in tescos. No wait she works in sainsberys. *phew*
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:11,
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That enough to please me.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:10,
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But Jesus-mothering norkjuice. £5 a second?? Actually... thinking about it, I believe Vivendi Universal had an operating loss of $6bn a few years ago. note to self, look it up when you get to work tmrw
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:13,
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tesco value is the range that looks the price
anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:09,
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no, that's Adsa
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:13,
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yay for tinned hamsters
TJ'd to save a TW, new animated icon for my LJ *hits self with gamepad* must.not.talk.in.acronyms...
sofa jerk ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:08,
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1) Confused
2) try <small>. 3) I see you did.
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:08,
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Is the world full of lookalikes?
Smudger ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:06,
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is doghorse around?
i can't seem to post on 4rthur and wanted to express my sheer joy at his vjork song... plus your voice is unnaturally high, castrato?
lemony ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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Unseen, unheard
not me. ;)
Smudger ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:13,
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I have
strategically arranged clamps in the groin area. Cheers :)
DogHorse plop ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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Where can I
Smudger ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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ArghZombies No longer has a Leaky QUIM ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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I'll respond
Nicely shopped. Utterly inaccurate, though :)
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:10,
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hieronymus bosch pcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:14,
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meanwhile, in the top secret Ministry of Penguins,
production is in full swing
rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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oh my god
that is so good FP it FP IT HARD
Delete Me ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:04,
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yes! that is woo!
have some bouncing balls:here
edovan ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:04,
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rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:05,
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and bally.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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my god
their kill us all woo!
mongychops ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:04,
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that's good
now my brain's caught up with the speed of it. Compo entry?edit: ah, you did
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:05,
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I knew it!
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:05,
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that is perfect
almost erotic
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:05,
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Compo it!
Compo it hard!
RedHouse over yonder ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:06,
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anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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That's 6428.5 penguins produced every hour! Woo, yay, and quite possibly houpla!
feaf ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:09,
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Would you mind most awfully if I copied that and stuck it on my webspace for a day or two so I can show the chaps at work? Need something to liven the days up a bit...
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:09,
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okay then, as long as you don't say it's yours
sorry about the late reply, but i really needed to go to bed last night
rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 16:47,
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that's rather splendid :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:23,
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the FAQ told me to remove the nipples...
no pr0n but still funniness ensues
That guy with a hat. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:00,
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0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:01,
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Have I missed the bandwagon
or is this where it starts?Hooray for naked people
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:01,
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You've missed it,
by about 14 months. Great shoes on that bird though.
supermoore: HUNG ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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I just thought she was standing on her enormous toenails.
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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Her name's
karatesausage ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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Yesss! Naked people!
Excuse me, Sir, could you show me the way to the naked people on the internet?
gnu2000 ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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Double ewe
double ewe double ewe... ...nah.
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:05,
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For the big brush. And the pic too obviously.
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:01,
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round and round and round we go...
supermoore: HUNG ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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Brian Blessed on Stars in there Eyes!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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well *sigh* i guess you all missed the funny bit
That guy with a hat. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:06,
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where's that then?
hieronymus bosch pcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:08,
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Have an odd looking planet
edit/ has the bugger redexed? editedit/ apparently not
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:58,
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Are we at a safe distance? Very nice.
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:59,
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woo, very nice.
I thought it redexed too, but i just had to reload.
cheesemaster a screaming naked asian man driving a semi ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:00,
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it did redex...then it didnt. the magical powers of space...
The Spelling Police ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:01,
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very nice
..reminds me of an xmas bauble
Jaffacake ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:01,
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Or a Pepsi logo...
/wishes he had P'shop
RedHouse over yonder ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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Dr Funkenstein is moving to Taiwan in one month! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:11,
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i knew it
i just fucking KNEW it ;)
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:17,
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I can't get that evil fucker out of my head and if I don't shop it every so often it might destroy my life!
Dr Funkenstein is moving to Taiwan in one month! ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:19,
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gowithnoakes ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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woo yay
for spike. It looks like he maybe expelling some sort of foul smelling gas
Ergonomic Snail ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:53,
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Milligan and Chaplin - that great wartime comedy duo ..!
Jaffacake ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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Corporal Milligan.
A god of our times. /what are we going to do now?
Linbox has a serious dunk habit ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:57,
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what are we going to do now?
what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now?.......
gowithnoakes ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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rex hated his doctor
mongychops ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:51,
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not something i want to think about
thank you
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:53,
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let me know what you want, i'll be your bitch
mongychops ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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now that is
mongychops ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:56,
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"went in", rather
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:18,
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he must be getting a rectal themometer up his ass!
Leah ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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well done
your mother must be so proud
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:56,
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(and indeed yay!) /gets cloth to clean snot off monitor.
Linbox has a serious dunk habit ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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First attempt
at animation
pengon ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:50,
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make his head fall off!
that would be really satisfying! good first attempt though!
don rico ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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Bit jumpy
or is that my comp i am prepered to believe either
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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it is
jumpy. Used imageready but not the most intuitive animation tool. Anything a bit easier to get going with?
pengon ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:53,
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add more layers...
that'll smooth it out.. you need to patch the gap between the explosions... so there's less difference in the size of each one.. oh and you can adjust the length of time taken up by each layer as its played that's all from memory... i haven't used image ready for two years...
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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will try a better version in the morning...need sleep
pengon ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:57,
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sleep is for people who own beds.
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:57,
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may i ask what is it you call "bed"?
don rico ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:59,
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uhm... some blowup thing at the moment...
has been my bed for 8 months...
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:00,
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and what does it do?
(please do not reply)
don rico ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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that would be: adding more frames
i guess... adding layers wouldn't actually help in reducing the spazzfactor of the explosion
don rico ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:57,
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it would if the frames incrementally increased the size of the explosion
he needs about 2-3 frames to fill each jump in the anim with more of the orange splodge getting bigger each time and if ur talking image ready - it's layers, not frames.
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:59,
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i beg for humble forgiveness
it's just bitter flash mx working on my brain...
don rico ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:02,
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i will not forgive a man that does not need to be forgived
arise my son, for you have not wronged. :P
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:06,
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it's a slow release grenade
you could prolly run away before the explosion caught u up
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:53,
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Aww.. Mum, The humans are so cute
Skimo I got a front page 8 years ago ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:45,
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If the world was a better place...
we'd be riding those oppresive ostrich bastards!
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:48,
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Nah, not riding,
eating! Damn tourists. /rude Woo Skimo!
feaf ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:50,
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Oscrich is tastey.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:51,
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I've never tried it meself. What's it like?
feaf ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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Like cheesey chicken.
Healthy too.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:53,
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Chicken n cheese...mmm, pizza...
feaf ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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tastes like
chicken of course
rawr isn't really here. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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Have you seen the size of their eggs?
How fuckin' big must their anus ovipositor cunt be?I smell a goatse post approching... no!
Linbox has a serious dunk habit ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:51,
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as eny fule kno...
the eggs don't come out of their anus, but rather their ovipositor (which means "egg-putting-outy-thing" in Latin.) So there you go evening all
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:00,
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How rare.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:03,
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long necked bastards
anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:49,
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yeah, they pop up in the strangest places too...
woo to your pic!
rawr isn't really here. ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:50,
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i bet she's happy it's around!
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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God Lord!
Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap* *Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap**Fap*
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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whether you're... or not... y'know...
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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Americans tend to say
"fap", apparently.
The Ghost of Stephen Foster ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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Strangly i'm British though.
With a hint of German.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:58,
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must be fun at reunions with the generation old enough to remember WWII..
Karoma ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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Me granddad left for england before hitler came to power.
i belive his father might have been a WW1 POW but he never spoke about his german-ness much
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:16,
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Fogot the "W".
Oh well
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:00,
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been there
done that. just claim you meant to- and that "it's hitting it side to side rather than up-down motion" ;)
Karoma ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:07,
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hahahahah you must be short
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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ha ha
generalname ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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(cheeses it)
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:55,
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hehe reminds me of my safari
Only in kenya indeed
beefandcheese ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 22:12,
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Sorry if it's been done already but........
boltneck sacrificed a smurf to Cthulhu on ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:43,
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Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:48,
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Might be a bit too subtle?
What you fink?
Linbox has a serious dunk habit ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:41,
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Brown thing,
Redex, redex, redex, redex, redex, redex? /okay, so that's deliberate...
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:42,
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Great Pyramid,
redex, redex, redex, redex, redex, redex.
The Ghost of Stephen Foster ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:43,
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Great Pyramid
That's what I meant to say.
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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the Great Pyramid the only still around? Thus all the others are redexing?
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:47,
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that's why it's rather good woo! oh, and: yay!
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:49,
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It is!
N3d ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:54,
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..jesus! Thanks - i couldnt work that one out at all!!! ..... Tis nearly bedtime .. ;)
Jaffacake ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:50,
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I fink its nice.
An pweedy
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:42,
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cake and redex?
I'll take 10
anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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I get it.
I'm dead clever like that me!
supermoore: HUNG ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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you like pictures, don't you?
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:49,
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I get it,
and I like it.
Pixiedust Dedicated lurker 'till ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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One of the better red-ex jokes I've seen in a while.
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:45,
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that am a good idea
m1k3k ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:49,
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superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:37,
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what irony? pacman buys armour?
alchohol ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:40,
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Well you see...
...pacman was based on food, pacman usually ate the ghosts (after a power pill) and here the ghost is going to... you know.
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:41,
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eat some pie?
Mortal Wombatteries not included - Awesome Awesome Awesome ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:42,
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Yes, eat some pie...
...but the pie, you see the pie, and here's the clever bit, the pie is shaped exactly like...you know...
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:43,
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anythingbutthisactually ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:45,
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a thingy.
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:45,
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I have a thingi shaped like a pie
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:46,
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How does it smell?
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:47,
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duh DUH duh *tish* /coat
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:48,
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i never realised pacman was based on food. how peculiar. i wonder what was in the food to give them those ideas....chicken and mushrooms perhaps?
alchohol ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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It was a pizza originally...
...but I thought the pie looked tastier.
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:44,
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Mmmmm pie
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:47,
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I thought he was originally a puck
but graffitists would have had a field day with a game called PuckMan so they changed it.
RedHouse over yonder ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:50,
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That was something to do with either the sound he makes or some fictional Japanese character who eats a lot.
superbabyproject ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:52,
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nice take
FatherJack /me belms ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:51,
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Fiendish Feckers!
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Wed 21 Apr 2004, 21:41,
archived )
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