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# Ning, peeps.

What should I doodle the'day?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:59, archived)
# noodles
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:00, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# hello
*waves hand in front of face*

eww what have you been eating?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# nothing yet
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# Meeeeeeeeeenky!!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:21, archived)
# mmf mmmmmf*
*ooh 'ello

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:28, archived)
# *jumps on*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:30, archived)
# *sits back*
ah, it's good to be back =D
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:35, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:00, archived)
# lovely - that's what I wanted to see...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:05, archived)
# bindun
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# the furry fantasies are..
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:09, archived)
# Terence Stamp having a wank on a tramp on an old river bank
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# bindun.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# bah! and I missed it!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# ;P
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# denizens playing chess
or sculpting life-size statues of Pip
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# Someone playing chess with the Denizens
ie, them disguised as pawns
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# So, not actually challenging them to a game, then?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# No, that would be scary
/crap at chess
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:09, archived)
# *Queen's Gambit*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:13, archived)
# something to cheer me up.
i'm all angry and stuff.


actually, draw something sunny, since it's storming here. with galeforce wind. i'd like some sun really.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# How about..
Some Nurse Sally being covered with sun lotion
by a tentacly monster.?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 11:13, archived)
# Nelson Mandela
in a drug-induced coma.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:03, archived)
# a rogue rabbid
rabbit releasing rodderick
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# Scarlet presenting Sesame Street
With Kermit
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:05, archived)
# 'ning JJ!
I'd like you to draw me, but in the style of The Simpsons.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:06, archived)
# Heh heh......
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# Scarlet
as she would have appeared in The Avengers
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# This! With lycra!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:13, archived)
# the SA crew
on the newly formed "no smoking" squad
you know, red armbands and such...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# tits with squirrels
a horse powered beaver oscilator
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:10, archived)
# Ning
: Nekkid Girl Avalange
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:11, archived)
# yay!
thats ace! :D
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:12, archived)
# SA GOONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:14, archived)
# monkey knife fight.

two gay baboons, dressed up to the nines, hitting canal street on a busy saturday night.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:14, archived)
# Curtis Stigers and Rod Steiger dressed as tigers
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:23, archived)
# >_<
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:23, archived)
# SA + supporting cast
do 'Police Academy'
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:55, archived)
# A lady's very erect nipple in extreme close up

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 11:55, archived)
# In the days before computer graphics...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:55, archived)
# Oh my trusty 48k+
How I love thee.

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:57, archived)
# yes
yes and thrice yes!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:59, archived)
# hehehe
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# I like this
so much.

Have a woo and a yay!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 11:22, archived)
# hahaha! nice
in the days before computer graphics we played outside with real tennis bats and balls.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:58, archived)
# hahah excellent
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:59, archived)
# Lovely!
I think I've played that version.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# tehe ;)

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 11:12, archived)
# That Russell T Davies...
Not ONE original idea in his head...

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:51, archived)
# hahahaha
and the doctor looked like zelda as well.

bloody rip off if you ask me.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# I understand the Terrahawks ref
but that's as far as it goes
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# Yay, Terrahawks!
'ning everyone =)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# 'ningles Prof...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:55, archived)
# A clean-shaven Master.
*hits Russell on nose with rolled up newspaper*

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# yeah, but you should see his pant beard
massice, like blessed in your pants.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:58, archived)
# crikey
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:03, archived)
cubes were my bag, baby.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:53, archived)
# and don't get me started on the shit music he had playing in it

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:54, archived)
# Oh it was all truly dreadful...
Anyone else spot the Flash Gordon rip-off at the end as well?

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:55, archived)
# hahaha yea

I now want that to be the Master regenerated but played by Eddie Izzard :D

Cake or Death Doctor...Cake..ok Damn!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:58, archived)
# he was on the shortlist for playing the Doctor before Ecclestone got it :)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:59, archived)
# yea I heard that, but I think he'd make a great bad guy :D
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# he's had enough practise in other films as a bad guy, he'll get it right eventually
Doctor Who could be just his thing....

A Tranvestite Rani maybe, she regenerates into Izzard. that'd be right up Russell T Davies' street that would...

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:03, archived)
# That woyuld be good
But he'd make a much better Master.

I like Simm, but he (probably under orders) camped it far too much.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# Good ep though
And very happy the dipshit's left
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:55, archived)
# it was poo
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:56, archived)
# i was on holiday =D
sorry i didn't reply quicker, i got called into a meeting
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# i liked the film the Black hole
why do they never put it on telly anymore?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:55, archived)
# ^^
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:02, archived)
# old BOB FTW!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:05, archived)
# Bend Over Boyfriend?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:18, archived)
# you go girl!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:19, archived)
# It was ok apart from the music and the sci fi film 'references' near the end,
namely flash gordon and jedi.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:57, archived)
# the Jedi ending made me quite aggressive
I bet Davies thought he was winning the sci-fi fans over with that as well
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:06, archived)
# yeah, i thought that too.... half the country went 'Jedi'! at the same moment
So, what do you reckon to the mystery woman picking up the ring then?
Master's Wife - secretly the Rani working with him?
Or the Rani in her own right?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:08, archived)
# I think I'd probably left the room at that point

what ring?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:09, archived)
# The Master's ring, which he blatantly kept showing at every opportunity to the camera on RTD's request no doubt,
and picked up by a cackling woman (who you didn't see directly) when the doctor
had snuffed out his torch and buggered off from the Health and safety Fire Hazard that was the Master
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:11, archived)
# What is it?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:09, archived)
# hahahahhaaha
it was so shit that finale.

Fucking Scissor Sisters!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# yep agreed!!
the only bits i liked was the make up/ special effects thing of the head thingy!! also the face of boe thing was quite good!! :D

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:10, archived)
I know it's only a tv show but
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:12, archived)
# hahaha
wasnt that just shit!! oh and old Doctor = mini gollum
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:13, archived)
# hahaha YES!!...that was just shit
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:24, archived)
# .
The way they saved the day was shit. Prayers? For fucks sake. At least do some foreshadowing.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:57, archived)
# John Simms is the best Actor this country has seen in a LONG time
EDIT: just to slightly off topic :D
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:16, archived)
# Mummy!!! Daddy!!! It's back again!!!

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:50, archived)
# arf!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:51, archived)
# hahah
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:53, archived)
# arf! arf! grrrrr! arf!

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:04, archived)
# If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
why don't you go where fashion sits

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:34, archived)
# dear lord
that's only just less burny than one of DTH's

'ning freebs
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# ning Oh mighty one
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:37, archived)
# ning!

edit: Dear God, how did I miss this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B03Od5kBXXY
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:36, archived)
# *arf*

*fails to get*

*looks again*


how good is this:www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD6k2P7RlE4&mode=related&search=
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:38, archived)
# were you away?
it was on at the cinema as a pub(l)ic information film
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:39, archived)
# Away? Ah, that could be it.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# You weren't using your microscope?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# moin

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# moin
In other news:


"Adur District Council's Permanent Mobile Home site."

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:43, archived)
# a lancing party
par for the course.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# Good grief!
'Ning also
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:39, archived)
# Arf
heya freebs
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# ning weas
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:42, archived)
# ning
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:43, archived)
# 'ning CK
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:51, archived)
# uuuuuuuuuuugh
you broke my punny bone
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:42, archived)
# He's the king of the world!

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:43, archived)
# That is TERRIBLE!
I like your three bees :)

EDIT: Oh bugger - 15k next post! I'd better go and make a picture :)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:45, archived)
# ta

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:47, archived)
# Don't trust him!

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:48, archived)
# He has a nasty stain on his pillow
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:49, archived)
# ahem
don't we all?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:49, archived)
# Not nasty, no.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:52, archived)
# Don't worry its probably MRSA bug
that someone splattered
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:54, archived)
# hahahaha!
top class punnage.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:49, archived)
# haha
must go watch this now.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:57, archived)
# hahahahaha
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:07, archived)
# harr
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:08, archived)
# Me Gecko

Says Ning
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:26, archived)
# *teases with locust*

*gets bitten*

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# *wants*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# BBC news
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# is that Richard and Judy?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# "I'm taking me mam home now, she's had one too many babychams"
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:38, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# if only she was fully corporeal
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:00, archived)
# She's pretty
Who is she?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:02, archived)
# Who's that girl? Running around with you?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:06, archived)
# 'Ning a ling
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:10, archived)
# ningking
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:11, archived)
# 'ning folks
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:19, archived)
# ning bixy
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:21, archived)
# Is it Kirsten Dunst?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:29, archived)
# I wondered that from the file name
But it didn't look much like her. And she ain't that pretty.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:34, archived)
Wheres that phonebook..
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:04, archived)
# Who you gonna call?
Probably an English teacher after that sentence. It should be 'who are you going to call?' People wonder why English skills are falling, but the answer is simple: blame the Ghostbusters.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:18, archived)
# Was at a children's centre last week
Posters up on the wall including 'caring for the enviroment' 'plaese clean you're boots' and 'learning to be freinds'.

What hope have they got?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:22, archived)
# heheh
stuff like that makes me laugh and despair simultaneously

my fav superfluous apostrophe was on a sign that said "XMA'S TREES £10"
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:26, archived)
# *shudders*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:28, archived)
# how dare he!
selling his ma's trees!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:31, archived)
# Whom are you going to call?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:53, archived)
# maybe she'll gain substance if I fill her with ectoplasma?

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:05, archived)
# Top or bottom loading?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:22, archived)
# hmmmm, not sure
I'd better try both
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:24, archived)
# "The White Zone is for loading and unnloading only. There is no stopping in a Red Zone"
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:25, archived)
'ning archie
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:27, archived)
# 'ning there fella!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# :)
'ning Archie
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:27, archived)
# 'ning fella!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# we all know what this is about don't we archie,
you want me to have an abortion.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:32, archived)
# It's really the only sensible thing to do, if its done safely. Therapeutically there's no danger involved.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:33, archived)
# and thus another Andrew McDavies was born

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:37, archived)
# Arf!
damn, the secret is out.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:41, archived)
# Really must see that film
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:33, archived)
# you certainly must!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# wouldn't it be weird, you'd be able to see yourself going in and out.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:33, archived)
# can't be that tricky
those anime guys do it all the time
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)
# She can haunt me
instead of my ex...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:22, archived)
# Well if you insist on dating the dead
What do you expect?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:28, archived)
# but I buried her
under the patio
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:31, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:57, archived)
# lovely stuff as usual Mata
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:57, archived)
# Thanks TripleB
I've heard some rock and roll gangsters are stealing a missile in Bolivia. Go defeat them with your Xtreme skills!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:02, archived)
# Triple B to the rescue!
*gets in B mobile*

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:06, archived)
# Aww!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:16, archived)
# It's that easy.
Ace as usual.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:58, archived)
# done.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:59, archived)
# Thanks :)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:00, archived)
# Hi-fiving doves!
Or ducks, or geese or whatever.
Love it Mata *clicks*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:59, archived)
# Ducks, definitely not geese.
Ducks are a universal force for good, whereas geese are the epitome of evil. It's all explained in the archives.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:01, archived)
# There should be some sort of chart to warn us of the goose risk level
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:09, archived)
# I'm sure that can be arranged
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:16, archived)
# hahaha
Will you genius!

'ning all
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:59, archived)
# g'day

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:05, archived)
# Wotcher Phexy!
Not seen you around for a bit, where's you bin?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:12, archived)
# haha!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:02, archived)
# haha
so true
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:04, archived)
# Morning all.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:56, archived)
# hahahaha!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:58, archived)
# thats a nifty icon you have there...
time for me to donate again i suppose...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:00, archived)
# donating will ease your passage.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:04, archived)
# Racist Video Suggestions on YouTube
Searching Youtube for the "Barak the Magic Negro" song, written after an article in the LA Times, I was presented with the following racist suggestions under the director videos.
What kind of algorithm are they using to choose the terms?

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:56, archived)
# 2 years to post?
Almost 3 even. Crop it to just the key bit.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:00, archived)
# the best crop would be cleverly concealed in the handy 'delete' button....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:09, archived)
# i cropped it for him
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:41, archived)
# Much better.
100% fact on the name BTW.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:54, archived)
# Wow!
You've been lerking for two years and this is your first post?

This is truly epic fail!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:01, archived)
# Tuesday already?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:01, archived)
# damn
i was going to have fish and chips monday, i wonder if i enjoyed it
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:03, archived)
# Did you have curry sauce?
Cos that will have made a difference
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:05, archived)
# my fingers look a bit yellow and they smell of indians
so maybe
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:07, archived)
# Does your kitchen smell of an overdose of turmeric?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:22, archived)
# jesus loves you
and there is nothing you can do about it
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:02, archived)
# weren't you in australia as well recently?
or am i looking at the wrong chops?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:32, archived)
# a while back now, got back on 19th of feb
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:51, archived)
# you don't happen to know anyone near adelaide do you?
i'm currently out of places to stay.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:57, archived)
# i don't sorry, mind you just leave adelaide, it's for the best
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:58, archived)
# i agree, NSW was heaps better.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:02, archived)
# jc
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:40, archived)
# so that's what breast-fed religion is all about...

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:42, archived)
# that's the kind of Jesus everyone needs
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:53, archived)
# i think i'm in love with jeeeesus!
praise be to b3ta, hallelujah!!!!

'ning ' ning brothers and sisters
praise the lord!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:57, archived)
# BIG R!
i'll guess that the suggestions are selected from tag scouring, but who knows? the oreo one probably confuses most people outside of narrow geographical areas, and 'spook' also varies in meaning depending on where you are.

edit: then there's the fat guy on a flying carpet that i'm assuming gets ignored by all....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:03, archived)
# I've been getting more into cheese lately
being a cheese aficionado is a very weird. It's very strange the things you're willing to stick in your mouth once you've accepted it as cheese.

I ate so-so cheese today that smelled exactly sweaty feet.

I once had to stop myself from eating a cheese because I could just imagine french farmers standing around, holding their cocks and laughing about stpuid americans like me as they pissed all over a piece of brie.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:10, archived)
# How d'you think it gets the crusty white rind?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:25, archived)
# I am kinda confused as to the point of this thread
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:21, archived)
# gah
I deplore your post-big-and-not-funny-image-then-run strategy

ning b3ta!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:25, archived)
# 'Ning Lord Mighty
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:27, archived)
# ning Trelarellis
how goes it?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:27, archived)
# Just been gassed by Joopman!
Other than that, fine. You?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:31, archived)
# I have pulled two muscles
that I didn't know I had
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:53, archived)
# Oooch! I managed to fall into a hedge on Saturday
Sprained two wrists and an ankle :-(
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:56, archived)
# ;)

'ning all
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:29, archived)
# 'lo pzykes
'lo all
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:43, archived)
# Weasel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:46, archived)
# *feels the love*
*smooshes back*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:53, archived)
# hiya!
*ruffles fur*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:47, archived)
# hows things?
*smooths down tufts*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:53, archived)
# the boss/colleague is on holiday, so I'm expecting to have more work to do this week
it's surprisingly quiet atm though...

and yourself? I noticed you're falling out of the stats ;)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:02, archived)
# Yea I know.
I've been spending a lot of time on KoL recently. I donno, b3ta has aggravated me of late.

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:09, archived)
# haha, that looks like fun
and reminds me of the "Munchkin" card game in its comical style
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:15, archived)
# get into it if you have the time
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:38, archived)
# ning KW
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:52, archived)
# hows you?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:53, archived)
# I am ooooooooookaaay
my second monitor has gone fizzzzzzz....phut
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:05, archived)
# =/ Mine is on its way out too
it keeps going shades of blue/pink/green
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:10, archived)
# no idea what the hell that is about.
but 'ning! all.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:36, archived)
# 2 years and you still haven't read the FAQ?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:08, archived)
# sure cure for insomnia: motorhead+photoshop

probably dunbindun years ago....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:29, archived)
# Even his boils rock harder than 99% of the world.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:37, archived)
# mmm, boils.
still up, there? i'm dead in my chair. had a fit of energy but it is gone.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:41, archived)
# Been watching fireworks, looking at making a late snack.
Just midnightish, must be well into
the 3am zone for you.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:43, archived)
# 2:45.
fireworks died off a couple of hours ago. now it's all sporadic gunfire and terror from the gutters.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:46, archived)
# Not much terror in our gutters...
...damn tweakers'll comb up anything
left for 2 seconds and try to smoke it.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:56, archived)
# durned tweakers. they ruin everything for decent drug addicts.
i'm off to bed shortly. have a good snack....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:00, archived)
# Cya pb
Sweet dreams of the end of humanity and all that.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:03, archived)
# 'night!
soon, so very soon....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 8:06, archived)
# Hot in...

was going to animate flames behind the grill but then i thought "fuggit" this prolly bindung to deaths
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:20, archived)
# Hot hot...
hotter than Dell!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:22, archived)
# ning fella!
nice fp!! hoorah!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:24, archived)
# thanks...
animate the flames hard!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:27, archived)
# *scared
will takes ages to do....then some git will say "Bindun"
Or worse.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:29, archived)
# so?
you shopping for them or you?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:33, archived)
# this is truth.
*sets to work

(worked the smoking ban last night....busiest area of the whole club was the open air smoking terrace..rammed full to the gunnels of smokers and non smokers, maddest scene ive ever seen)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:35, archived)
# you'll be surprised how fast that'll change.
smokers here adapted quite quickly: "might as well give it up, was thinking about doing so anyway...."
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:35, archived)
# everything i do, i do it for you
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:02, archived)
# you are bryan adams.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:34, archived)
# hell is other computers.
*ai twenty minutes after self-awareness is reached*

edit: just saw your typo. "bindung" is now coined for 'shops that have been done, and the new one being offered is by far inferior to those of legend'.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:31, archived)
# hell-dell-hell

a joke that never gets old in my IT department
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:21, archived)
# Weighty issues or just blubber?

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:10, archived)
# It is all relative
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:25, archived)
# coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!
i'd like a whale for a doctor. my human doctor is a skinny fucker who thinks everyone should weigh what he does.

my hair weighs more than him.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:33, archived)
# prophet mohammed leads a raid
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:54, archived)
hahahahaha *click*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:02, archived)
# he's a wily one, that mohammed.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:36, archived)
# my cat is trying to tell me something...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:33, archived)
# Is your cat a mutant in disguise as well?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:47, archived)
# 90% mutant
10% weird!
bizarre pic!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:52, archived)
# yes, get him/her a lid for privacy.
i have friends who toilet trained their cat. he used the toilet for a long time, then just stopped and they had to revert to litter again.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:38, archived)
# Achtung! Meinen?
Attention, this belongs to me?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:22, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 13:04, archived)
# Vote 1 Ed Gein

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:05, archived)
# Bit of rebranding is needed these days...
SwiftJay's all Irish low fat breakfast rounds.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:08, archived)
# vegetarians taste bland
but the meat is usually tender
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:09, archived)
# a bit of fresh ground pepper
and a few air dried hippies sorts that out!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:13, archived)
# Mince . . . smush . . . eat . . .

It's all good . . .
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:13, archived)
# i wrote a poem about ed gein a long time ago.
i've been meaning to illustrate it for here - was one of six poems (albert fish, juan corona, a few others) about multiple murderers.

being vegetarian, i know we taste better. well, the parts of me i've eaten do.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:40, archived)
# Self surf training . . .
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:04, archived)
# She'd be moving like that!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:06, archived)
# trained to surf
chained to the surf!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:07, archived)
# i think surfing is hilarious.
looks like such fun, then i hear surfers speak and if they're not braindead they're busy claiming that surfing is a serious sport. yeah, like lawn darts and pinochle.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:43, archived)
# mohammed tempted by jesus
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:45, archived)
# *bums embassy*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:46, archived)
# *burns 72 virgins*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:48, archived)
# *puts masking tape on their necks*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:53, archived)
# *accuses them of sounding like Barnaby Bear*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:23, archived)
# *throws apples at French people*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:28, archived)
# French are from . . .
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:38, archived)
# B - )
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:50, archived)
# Hooters - Religion....
Hooters - Religion....
Hooters - Religion....
Hooters - Religion....
Hooters - Religion....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 5:02, archived)
# Dilema collapsed:
Worship tits (like 95% of straight men).
What could be more transcendant.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:55, archived)
# hahaha!
i like this very, very much. his scuttling motion is perfect.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:47, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:15, archived)
# Fluff!

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:22, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:35, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:36, archived)
# Now I have lost my marbles . . .
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:26, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:29, archived)
# lima! or tuna!
good fluff.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:48, archived)
# frude freude umpff
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:09, archived)
# Hat!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:14, archived)
# He is a train driver.
His name is Charles Potsnipe.
He is married to Gretchen.
She is a wet nurse in a zoo.
She is currently nursing a litter of rare Indochinese piglets.
The piglets' names are Darcy, Frutillada, Purndunk, and Fullington Hespmunt.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:19, archived)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 4:21, archived)

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