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# Kindergarten Jones.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:11, archived)
# I smell a band wagon
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:16, archived)
# Chocadoobie!
I hope he's not too disappointed by the surprise...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:22, archived)
# Double Chocadoobie!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:23, archived)
# TRIPLE Chocadoobie, with a flake.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:25, archived)
# The surprises these days are shit
It's always a shitty animal figure doing something wacky.

Where are the helicoptors and friction powered cars?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:39, archived)
# and
small bits that children can swallow and choke on?

And no funny puns about my cock!!!!!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:42, archived)
# sorry
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:27, archived)
[challenge entry] had a go :3
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:07, archived)
# needs more generic sans serif, on generic pastel background with generic freestyle drawn fucking image
besides that :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:10, archived)
# Nice but looks a bit like a shoal of angel fish...
that could be the whisky though...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:24, archived)
[challenge entry] noobie effort - be gentle
Where'd you come from, where'd you go..?

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:59, archived)
# Flower Iris Snoopy?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:01, archived)
# cotton plant blue eye snoopy
best song ever.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:04, archived)
# Lily Allen - The fear
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:06, archived)
# That's graping my squildo
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:17, archived)
# is that celtic for having a wank?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:18, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 23:59, archived)
# don't act like your speechless
in your big house in stroud.

wandering around the east wing in nothing but elton johns platform shoes from the hit musical about a deaf, dumb and blind kid who plays pinball, i've seen you via the use of a high powered telescope.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 0:21, archived)
# i fucking hate that song
and now i'm off to bed.
g'night all!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:06, archived)
# night john boi
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:07, archived)
# Welcome to b3ta, gemvet.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:06, archived)
# is this compo driving anyone else mad?
ahhh new one tomorrow, yay
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:07, archived)
# *cough*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:13, archived)
# hahahaha
again? nah, i actually like shopping old pics, but if i see anymore mona lisas i'll slit my wrists.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 23:21, archived)
# Balls lash beagles?
This is a tough one...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:28, archived)
# Cotton eye snoopy?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:37, archived)
# I actually got this one
fast enough to laugh without filenaming!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 23:36, archived)
# Cotton Eye Joe?
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 0:35, archived)
[challenge entry] Bindun, but liked the idea
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:49, archived)
# i hope that paint is waterproof
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:51, archived)
# It'll go through the water like a yellow streak of piss
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:52, archived)
# It will quickly dissipate into its surroundings?
Making it virtually undetectable to radar?

I'm impressed, Dragon's Den here we come!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:54, archived)
# if there's seamen in your piss, you've got a leak somewhere
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:00, archived)
# Awesome flick.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:02, archived)
# Busy little boys
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 0:40, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:28, archived)
# Is the house lighter?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:30, archived)
# If a bear farts in the woods and there is no one around to hear it does it smell?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:31, archived)
# smeel
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:31, archived)
# smee... smee... smee... no it's no good sir I just can't say it
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# it's a small, off-duty czechoslovakian traffic warden!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:35, archived)
# It might have been a "silent but deadly"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:38, archived)
# Cor! now I remember that comedy called Brass
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:41, archived)
# Cor Blimey! Google's quick off the mark (7th result)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:48, archived)
# according to the official documents from Pixar no
but I used some artistic license
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:31, archived)
# Carry on then
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:32, archived)
# it's surprisingly heavy
they used cast iron loft insulation and the upstairs toilet carpet is made from dark matter
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:33, archived)
# Helps with the piss stains
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:35, archived)
/easily pleased
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:30, archived)
lea is
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:31, archived)
# heheheh
you should have seen me friday night
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:33, archived)
# To my eternal shame, I still haven't watched this film.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:33, archived)
# You should,
but either alone or with someone you don't mind sobbing in front of.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# Tears are like manna, to me.
Except when they're mine.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:39, archived)
# i liked it, but i didn't cry
then again, i laughed at titanic.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:40, archived)
# I'm usually okay unless I'm tired or other people are crying.
When I was a child I had a heart of stone but more recently even the most minor sentimental thing can make my eyes a bit watery.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:47, archived)
# i'm just a cynical fucker, mostly
but i'm easily distracted by shiny things, which can keep me amused for quite a while.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:50, archived)
# I'd give you the dvd that came free with my Blu Ray but I think my brother stole it
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:35, archived)
# Arf!
Someone's going to get into trouble, they've painted over the light house's red stripe.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:33, archived)
# put a cat on it
it would be Felix Lighter House :-)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# haha
you still conscious? what beer was it?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# one of them was this
which was actually quite lovely once you got over the oddness
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:37, archived)
# Adnams!
Lovely brewer, from a lovely coastal town.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:45, archived)

very large attic space.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:42, archived)
# i bet it loses a lot of heat through the roof
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:45, archived)
# lol.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:47, archived)
# wowzers, what a crown

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:20, archived)
# wowsers
what a queen
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:21, archived)
# :|

girls dont wear crowns, they wear tiaras.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:23, archived)
# George Michael
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:25, archived)
# the queen wears a crown
that's why she's the queen.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:25, archived)
# dang.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:31, archived)
# :D
she hasn't got a large and pendulous cock, though
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# Isn't he called The Duke of Edinburgh?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:40, archived)
# hahahahaha!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:41, archived)
# This is what I always imagine Van Morrison is doing when I hear him singing "Jackie Wilson Said"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:26, archived)
# That is some crown
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:26, archived)
# ahaha
that reminds me of this www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF8GhC-T_Mo
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:26, archived)
# Nah.
Thanks for the offer, though.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:29, archived)
# Hiya
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:47, archived)
# would
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:50, archived)
# have
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:32, archived)
# is it on Youtube?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:34, archived)
# xtube
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 22:21, archived)
# Heya Old Weezer
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:51, archived)
# crazy frog has let himself go
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:52, archived)
# did
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:52, archived)
# Haha! :)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:18, archived)
# he'll never get in tesco looking like that
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:54, archived)
# say no to drugs
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:54, archived)
# Evening Gaspy.
Couple of years ago in my town, there used to be an old man that would escape from the old people's home. He'd manage to break out every couple of weeks or so and they'd get the police helicopter out to look for him and take him back.

He's dead now.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:55, archived)
# Does he escape from his coffin every few weeks now?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:57, archived)
# If he did, they should just let him go. That's determination.
Unless he does it for the thrill of the chase.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:58, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:57, archived)
# I think the police were just happy to get to use the helicopter.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:59, archived)
# i don't blame them
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:02, archived)
# we used to have
a mad woman near us who used to wee in peoples milk bottles

quite a skill when you think about it
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:00, archived)
# For a lass, yeah, I suppose it is.
Not really the best party trick though ...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:02, archived)
# funnel
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:03, archived)
# That was her show name in the old music halls.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:04, archived)
# good job she never called herself belle elmore
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:06, archived)
# Welcome back from your indefinite absence, Fluffsocks!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:04, archived)
# Thankies.
I'll try and stay around a bit longer this time...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:06, archived)
# Tartan wheelie trollies ftw!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:58, archived)
# i've got one
well, i've got 2, but one is knackered
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:03, archived)
# Too much racing, eh?
Yeah, the wheels are pretty shit..
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:04, archived)
# yes they are
but they're damn handy if you don't want to get a bus 3 stops
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:09, archived)
# I thought about getting one before because my arms are weak and I dislike carrying things,
but where I live, the street are mainly cobbled. Plus, I'm in my twenties and I'd look like a twat.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:09, archived)
# i'm only mid-thirties
but can't carry anything even remotely heavy, so it really is great for me
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:12, archived)
# Do you have a tartan one?
I don't think I've ever actually seen a shop for them...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:22, archived)
# it is tartan, yes
i think it's from T.J Hughes
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:24, archived)

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:08, archived)
# i'm sure i saw him going towards the lidl today
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:11, archived)
# is that
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:14, archived)
# I thought all tartan variants were a marketing scam
designed to sell huge amounts of fabric to idiot tourists
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:29, archived)
# Fully operational.
And full to the brim with cans of Big Soup.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:20, archived)
# he needs vader to smush the big bits of potato up a bit though
his gums aint what they were
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:30, archived)
# "You wantsh thish, don't you?"
*pats colostomy bag on lap*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:35, archived)
# more connor
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:19, archived)
# um
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:21, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:34, archived)
# you're weird
you know that, right?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:35, archived)
# You're the one in a straight jacket trying to play with yourself.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:39, archived)
# that's just for fun
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:41, archived)
# I just needed an excuse to put my compo pic in.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:46, archived)
# Poster Cover Poster
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:50, archived)
# !!!!!!!!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:22, archived)
# Some kind of gnome hybrid
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:23, archived)
# Wizard cat cannot be killed by your mortal bombs.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:26, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:29, archived)
# Connerouflage is the bomb !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:35, archived)
# *BOOOM!*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:41, archived)
# |||||||||||SPLOSIVE|||||||||||
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:47, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:54, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:59, archived)
# Superb Connorism, that man :)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:10, archived)
# o/
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:20, archived)
# \o
*waves back*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:21, archived)
# Went to IKEA today :-(

..but it did give me an image challenge idea....

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:15, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:16, archived)
# ha!
no pubes??????????
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:19, archived)
# is it hat?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:23, archived)
# Yeah...feel it!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:26, archived)
# i like ikea
a lot of my furniture is from there and has lasted well so far.
then again, i'm a whiz with a screwdriver and an allen key
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:20, archived)
# so I heard
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:23, archived)
# that surprises me
they're usually not capable of speech when i've finished with them
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:26, archived)
# semaphor...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:39, archived)
# pfff
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:40, archived)
# Could we really make Ikea any stranger than it already is?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:34, archived)
# you betcha!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:39, archived)
# A hexing idea !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:35, archived)
# how childish
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:07, archived)
# The one, bottom left is not amused
but I am! Woo!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:11, archived)
# This confused me
then I spotted the Quo, which also confused me.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:11, archived)
# Also
The Guardian is running a Photoshop course.

At the end of the course you will be able to
• Crop and Straighten images.
• Adjust lightness/darkness and contrast
• Remove red-eye and blemishes.
• Convert images to Black and White.
• Learn to use blurring and sharpening filters to improve digital photographs.

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:13, archived)
# What about...
+ Draw CDC's
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:14, archived)
# I think we'll have to wait for the advanced course for that.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:16, archived)
# jeepers, I honestly can't comprehend why
are they going under and desperately trying to make money
are they comedy scamps mocking those who want to be photoshop pros
are the, no, that's all I can guess
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:19, archived)
# They've been offering a few of these courses lately.
My guess is they're trying a variety of methods to generate money from the website.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:24, archived)
# What? No liquify tool usage?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:19, archived)
# Did someone say "liquify"????

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:28, archived)
# "Adjust lightness/darkness and contrast"
more daily mail than guardian, shirley?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:21, archived)
# I think that depends.
If they teach you to do it with an adjustment layer, you're probably reading one of those Photoshop Techniques type magazines.
If they teach you to do it from the Image -> Adjustments menu, it's probably the Guardian or the Independent
If they teach you to do it by narrowing your eyes and grimacing while muttering about immigrants, it's probably the Daily Mail
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:29, archived)
# hahahaha
modern jounalism in three sentences, copyright 2011 mofaha
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:32, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Most true
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:03, archived)
# Ha ha ha - This!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:13, archived)
# quo's revenge
they're gonna shop all of us
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:17, archived)
# Tiny Quo cause less damage.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:27, archived)
# Right surprise earlier.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:46, archived)
# have you been watching IT?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:47, archived)
# No
but I had a sneaky feeling it'll have bin dun before. So subconciously, probably yes.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:18, archived)
# I had one once and it was the other way around
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:48, archived)
# A chicken that laid a kinder egg?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:50, archived)
# The chocolate egg inside the plastic egg
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:52, archived)
# You put a chicken up your bum?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:50, archived)
# That is a given
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:51, archived)
# You had a chick with chocolate inside?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:51, archived)
# once I pulled it out of my bum it was
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:54, archived)
# * Thinks about this for a while
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:03, archived)
# A chicken laid you, and then you laid a kinder egg which had a miniature chicken inside that then laid a miniature you?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:53, archived)
# all thanks to the magic bum
magic bum, magic bum, it grants wishes, magic bum!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:56, archived)
# How does it work, do you just rub it or do you have to send it letters like Jim'll Fix it?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:59, archived)
# you slap it on each cheek and when it farts you make a wish
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:04, archived)
# damn backwards chickens
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:59, archived)
# inside out
upside down
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:09, archived)
# boy, you turn me
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:11, archived)
# I might start buying kinder eggs again.
Just so I have something to play with at work.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:51, archived)
# There's always your cock.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:54, archived)
# B'gurk!
Nicely done.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:55, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:57, archived)
# that really happened once
some bloke in the pub told me, so it must be true.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:59, archived)
# hahahahaahah
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:01, archived)
# Ahahahaha
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:02, archived)
that is terrifying. no wonder so many people died
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:05, archived)
# it's got a lovely milky milky bit
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:19, archived)
# Improper Grammar
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:10, archived)
# ^ Facts, on b3ta?
Careful now...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:12, archived)
# I have always found there is no need to lie
when you have Rohypnol
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:13, archived)
# Hi, I hear you've been pretending to be me.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:15, archived)
# ^ lily Allen
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:15, archived)
# /o_o\
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:21, archived)
# Don't look at me
I only got back from derby 45 minutes ago
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:22, archived)
# you should stop giving out those masks
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:15, archived)
# Lily Allen has 3 nipples so I read on the interwebs
a bit like this
NSFW Due to 3 bewbs
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:17, archived)
# You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:20, archived)
# with sexy results ^_^
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:20, archived)
# With expensive results.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:22, archived)
# that's called prostitution
and is illegal, you will be hearing from my solicitor
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:23, archived)
# Stop soliciting people.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:25, archived)
# me love you long time
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:25, archived)
# You smoke cigarette in your pussy?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:30, archived)
# 2 Dollar sucky sucky
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:35, archived)
# I think you mean dorrah
Mee so hooorny
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:36, archived)
# I'm still sueing you
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:37, archived)
# Bring Sue and the other lily
I'll bring the condoms ^_^
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:38, archived)
# And I'll bring the pussy cigarettes and ping pong balls.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:39, archived)
# And we have a spanish themed party

Quick, dirty and with covered nips
^ Lily Allen
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:42, archived)
This is one weird coincidence!
There was a old woman called Lillian where I grew up (moss side, manchester, the 80's - late 90's) who had an unfeasible wide cleavage which she covered up by wearing tight sweaters which just amplified the effect even further and made it look like she had 3 tits. Her nickname amongst the locals was "Three Tit Lil'!"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 21:44, archived)
# Don't I still owe you a picture?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:49, archived)
# Really? In that case make a Valentine's card for my girlfriend, I haven't got round to it yet.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:58, archived)
# I offered to draw you anything, and you spent like two weeks angsting about it.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:01, archived)
# I have been extremely busy of late. I'm particularly stressed after starting a 6 month paediatric job last week. Starting on nights.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:03, archived)
# and you will be hearing from mine!
Please leave me alone, I enjoy a laugh but you lot are really picking on me.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:28, archived)
# ^^ Lily Allen ???
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:32, archived)
# You started it
You with your silly songs.
Except that fear song. That was ace.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:32, archived)
# I think you will find this one is more apt
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:57, archived)
# That is a great video.. I have not seen that before
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:15, archived)
# Just more girly drivel
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:25, archived)
# Hi, you and the other Lily Allen are cordially invited to a threesome at mine.
If you know any other Lily allens you are welcome to bring them along too.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:32, archived)
# I'M lily
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:34, archived)
# From your profile info it would appear that you are a cat.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:40, archived)
# i'm lily and so's my wife!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:43, archived)
# Hi lily can I have your dad's autograph please?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:27, archived)
# Pfft This
and ask him why the fuck he did that robin hood shite
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:39, archived)
# Please don't start on daddy...
I suppose you think his best work was 'The Bullshitters'
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:02, archived)
# That film was funny...
although I prefered him when he used to do that 'Think of a Number' program on kids tv.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:06, archived)
# that kids a fucking idiot and the school system has let him down
the dad is a twat from a bad sit com
i'm on the verge of collapse from drinking surprisingly strong beer
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:15, archived)
# unHappyToast?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:16, archived)
# hahaha, you don't know the half of it
it's very nearly goodnight Seattle
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:17, archived)
# Baby I hear the blues a-callin.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:18, archived)
# what are tall sallys?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:35, archived)
# It's a special kind of handjob involving an oven mitten and a bowl of gravy.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:44, archived)
# suddenly the frasier song makes sense
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:49, archived)
# No I think you misheard it, it's 'tossed salad' which is a completely different kind of handjob.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:52, archived)
# My missus just said that (the salad not the handjob sadly)
I always heard it as tall sallys and scrambled eggs
I'll stick with me one :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:55, archived)
# also

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:56, archived)
# Don't you quit on me, trooper!
*gives heroic speech*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:18, archived)
# I'm expecting a letter in the post saying
the government has decided to take my legs and lungs for one of their posh chums to come tomorrow.
Seriously, what exhausted and beaten down health I have is all I have right now. That and the love of a weirdly kind woman, and your manly self to keep my spirits up.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:22, archived)
# If you wanna butt heads, quaff ale & rail at the world, I'm in.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:29, archived)
# too tired, and separated by too many miles right now
depending how the week pans out I may find myself crying on your shoulder soon though, in a manly way of course, perhaps with some heavy sex afterward.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:33, archived)
# I'm still in.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:36, archived)
# dammit I thought I was the man
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:38, archived)
# Not this month.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:42, archived)
# fairs fair I suppose
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:48, archived)
# It depends on your position in your "man up" picture the other week.
Have a beer on me, i'm having a glass of red and a nice dinner cooked by the ever lovely mrs thor. Looking forward to working on some work this evening.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:00, archived)
# chin chin
love to the missus, ask her if she remembers that night in rome. or was that geneva, or was that you? oh no, it was a mane of curly hair, definitely you. And those fabulous legs of course.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:02, archived)
# Hahaha
It must have been me, i've got the legs for the kind of outfits you like.

And it was rome.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:25, archived)
# To be fair
I'm from the US. So your school system is not at fault.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:22, archived)
# well the US system has let him down then
it's quite basic grammar, he should be understanding that by his age.
Or is this a comment on all americans being retards, if so I find it quite shocking
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:23, archived)
# I think it's a univeral thing
I moaned about it for a long time to my friends and they disowned me.

I just wouldn't let it lay.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:26, archived)
# I would've let it lay if you'd let me let it lay
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:28, archived)
# 4 pictures.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:17, archived)
# not quite as funny as 4 candles, but we'll run with it
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:24, archived)
# I love the non-clickers.
Especially the ones that are seemingly trapped within the confines of their own posts.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:32, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:34, archived)
# that's very good
love the style, don't let these fucktards get you down
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:40, archived)
# fucktards?
I though this was b3ta not creative review's forum.
Are we meant to be critiquing the strength of line and visual punch?
sounds a bit pretentious and judgemental to me, maybe try having a laugh instead.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:43, archived)
# In his defence, we're not Worth 1000.
And we do like badger porn.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:45, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:47, archived)
# *rubs thighs*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:50, archived)
# Yes. Yesss.
*eyes widen*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:50, archived)
# Badgers are dirty fuckers.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:01, archived)
# yes let's remember this post
next time you post one of your little bits of generic trite and we'll see how well you handle it shall we? just a larf
you'd pull a strop, you self absorbed cunt propped up by the fawning lackies
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:47, archived)
# Man, you're grumpy.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:52, archived)
# seriously, you think we've been rude?
and you're massively wide of the mark on your assumption of me, I'm well aware of how far down the world's pecking order I am.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:54, archived)
# what's up?
strangely enough not everyone here spends much time assuming about you as you'd like to think

I thought we were having a larrrrf? :D
look a colon followed by a cap d!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:55, archived)
# ok then
I think you may be missing the light heartedness of some of this though.

also, your edit doesn't make sense
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:00, archived)
# Ah.
Just looked at your one image post.
You're a bit of a cunt, eh?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:09, archived)
# ^ this
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 20:52, archived)
# Don't hold back; tell us how you really feel.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:44, archived)
# Listen, bingle, I've just had a look at your cat picture and it wasn't very nice. Now you just called us all fucktards. I don't like calling people cunts but if you keep this up I may have to make an exception.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:47, archived)
# Actually that last bit was a complete lie, I absolutely love calling people cunts.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:48, archived)
# b3ta has calmed down a lot on the cunt front
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:53, archived)
# An infinite loop of insults.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:17, archived)
# Flamin' flamer flamin' flamin' flamer . . . etc . . .
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:25, archived)
# for(;true;), shirley?
Nonetheless, nice :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:26, archived)
# for(;;)
and don't call him shirley
(, Thu 10 Feb 2011, 0:02, archived)
# while(true)
(, Thu 10 Feb 2011, 11:22, archived)
# I don't know what this means.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:26, archived)
# The code repeatedly insults Debbie Gibson.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:33, archived)
# 'Code' being the key word - I don't understand the language of programming.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:37, archived)
# But I've just told you what it does. So you know what it means.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:38, archived)
# I have no idea who Carol Decker, Debbie Gibson or Susannah Hoffs are though.
So you're on your own there.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:39, archived)
# I know who they are, and if I ever want to insult them (for all eternity) I'll know what to do, now.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:41, archived)
# 10 print Debbie is a cunt
20 goto 10
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:56, archived)
# Hi Lilly!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:57, archived)
# \/ Not Lily Allen
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:59, archived)
# Who is then, there are two now and I was sure you were one of them?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:02, archived)
# I only have 2 nipples
and I haven't had internets all day
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:06, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:07, archived)
# sorry was on site visit
have they been on today
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:08, archived)
# You are a terrible children's sit-on train made by Leapfrog
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:00, archived)
# WFT?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:01, archived)
# haha
A toy train, long since relegated to the garage, that was given to our bairn. One of the things it shouts - very, very loudly - is "HI LILLY!"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:05, archived)
# ^ This make no sence at all
Welcome to b3ta 7 years - Woo
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:09, archived)
# ^ What she said
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:37, archived)
# are you confusing T'Pau with the Bangles?
change the carol decker bit to susannah hoffs and it would make more sense (to me anyway)
Did you change it or am I too drunk and utterly fucked off with the whole fucking world to notice the middle bit?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:31, archived)
# It was always there.
Though you might be right that it would be clearer without Carol being on it.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:01, archived)
# just have a bitch fight between the Hoffs and Gibson
leave the lovely big faced Carol out of it ;)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:12, archived)
# also... "dinnerbag"? :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:35, archived)
# I see Carol Decker quite a bit in town
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:32, archived)
# But does she see you, from your bush-based vantage point?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:34, archived)
# is she working on that crockery stall still?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:37, archived)
# nope
she owns a pub with her husband
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:42, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:55, archived)
# I'm glad someone got it :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:13, archived)
# I've got a life-sized poster of carol decker. true story.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:09, archived)
# If you see Carol...
... deck her!
(, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 13:51, archived)
# is it Rihannas greatest hits
featuring Chis Brown
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:37, archived)
# "Close your eyes, open your arse, baby. let me slide it in you, can you feel it, like an internal flame"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:47, archived)
# you should go to the doctors
A good antibiotic cream will clear it right up
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:54, archived)
# I never took GCSE IT, I only learned Html.
So would this actually work?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:56, archived)
# I don't know if putting php in a chat window would work
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:58, archived)
# Only if 80s Popstar Chat
has very lapse security settings.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:03, archived)
# Well Aneka found my email.
Turned out badly.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:17, archived)
# arf!
Also, should we pronounce PHP as "pee aitch pee" or "fup"?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:01, archived)
# "Philip"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:02, archived)
# Elizabeth
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:08, archived)
# that's very clever
too bloody clever if you ask me (!)
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 10:10, archived)
# you see
now everyone thinks this is a joke about the 80s.
Not a joke about 'flaming'.

Although it is a bit of both I suppose.

(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 12:28, archived)
# On average...
..one time in seven this will break, with an undefined index error.


(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 13:35, archived)
# You are right.
*hands five pounds*
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 13:50, archived)
# excellent
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 20:02, archived)
# Funny that
I was singing "China in Your Hand" to myself this morning while ironing my shirt. And I realised I've absolutely no idea about what the song is trying to say. It seems like it's saying it's not worth having dreams because nothing good will ever come of them. Is that right?!
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 21:13, archived)
# Don't Hassle The Hoffs

Not since the restraining order anyway...
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 21:28, archived)
# Shouldn't it be...
count($insults)-1 ?

Just saying, that's all!
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 21:53, archived)
# PHP - so 90s
Surely should have been Amstrad BASIC or something equally old. Like COBOL.
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 22:08, archived)
# PHP ain't my strong point
But won't $i overflow at some point?
(, Wed 9 Feb 2011, 22:14, archived)
# Yes.
do { ... } while (true) may have been a better choice.
(, Thu 10 Feb 2011, 9:26, archived)
# Oof!
Debbie Gibson is a complete slutDebbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbagDebbie Gibson is a complete cowDebbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbagDebbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbagDebbie Gibson is a complete spannerDebbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete bitchDebbie Gibson is a complete slagDebbie Gibson is a complete cowDebbie Gibson is a complete bitchDebbie Gibson is a complete cowDebbie Gibson is a complete spannerDebbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
Debbie Gibson is a complete spannerDebbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbagDebbie Gibson is a complete slutDebbie Gibson is a complete bitchDebbie Gibson is a complete spannerDebbie Gibson is a complete bitchDebbie Gibson is a complete bitchDebbie Gibson is a complete spannerDebbie Gibson is a complete slagDebbie Gibson is a complete cowDebbie Gibson is a complete PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in /Users/matt/Desktop/eternalflame.php on line 13
(, Fri 11 Feb 2011, 22:23, archived)
# Kiss it better...

Debbie Gibson is a complete cow
Debbie Gibson is a complete cow
Debbie Gibson is a complete bitch
Debbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbag
Debbie Gibson is a complete slut
Debbie Gibson is a complete dinnerbag
Debbie Gibson is a complete bitch
Debbie Gibson is a complete spanner
Debbie Gibson is a complete slut
Debbie Gibson is a complete slag
Debbie Gibson is a complete dinnerba^C
(, Fri 11 Feb 2011, 22:40, archived)
# Well done
now go do some work
(, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 13:50, archived)
[challenge entry] One last Q & D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:48, archived)
# Don't get on no plane fool!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:50, archived)
# Hocus Pocus : Focus
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:53, archived)
# you realise I'm now going to have that running through my head ALL night now...
... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:55, archived)
# I'm yodeling right now !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:58, archived)
# I love that show.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:09, archived)
# no JD
I don't get it
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:31, archived)
Hanging out the passenger side, Of his best friends ride, Trying to hollar at m.. er I mean I don't get it.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:37, archived)
# Something's Not Right
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:28, archived)
# Well, you know what they say......
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:29, archived)
# That's Right !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:32, archived)
# Is that Leonardo da Nummanummanummanumma?
Best of all the helicopter inventors?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:38, archived)
# To The Choppa !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:38, archived)
# mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem mem
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:33, archived)
# Well Put !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:35, archived)
[challenge entry] proof that there is no god!!!
or proof that there is a god
or proof that god has owl eyes
or proof that science say god doesn't exist but if he did, he'd have owl eyes...

also have this cos it aint worth it's own post....
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:35, archived)
# Proof In The Pudding
Song title : Who Are You
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:38, archived)
# What fresh madness is this?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:35, archived)
# There's something wrong with the new stale fresh . . .
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:39, archived)
# Eeeeep!
He's really not happy, is he?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:40, archived)
# He appears to be rather grumphy . . .
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:43, archived)
# Holy Moly!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:44, archived)
# In a way . . . yes !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:46, archived)
# It's never right - it's Valin!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:10, archived)
# The secrete is out !
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:23, archived)
# Never look in a mirror on LSD.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:23, archived)
# The mirror cracked my face :":
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 20:49, archived)
[challenge entry] mail me for my paypal details, cheers
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:20, archived)
# Troll alert!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:21, archived)
# *readies bridge*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:21, archived)
# wouldn't really class it as trolling, b3ta has always had (to its benefit) a rather 'subversive' element to things like this challenge, akin to '4Chan-lite'
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:45, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:23, archived)
# One word Squire, 'Treme'
if you haven't seen it yet, add it to the list :)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:52, archived)
# Whole series, in 720p
Sitting on my machine at home, waiting!

Thanks for the tip, though :-)

Boardwalk Empire is worth your attention, too.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:05, archived)
# I've heard good things about BE, hope to start watching it soon :)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:07, archived)

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:24, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:29, archived)
# I'm not clicking until I know that cat is OK
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:38, archived)
# its on the side of a fucking motor way
take a wild guess
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:48, archived)
# it's hitching a lift to London to see the Queen?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:50, archived)
# Oh good
For a while I thought I was the only person thinking "this is the worst challenge ever."
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:54, archived)
# if I see another
generic sans serif, on generic pastel background with generic freestyle drawn fucking image ... its like graphic fucking design paint by numbers
"look at me! I found a book by Neville Brody!"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:59, archived)
# Man, you're grumpy.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:14, archived)
grumpy = not a fawning sychophant
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:43, archived)
# ^ that
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 23:18, archived)
# Eww
There's no need for Comic Sans.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:57, archived)
# ^^
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 19:10, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:38, archived)
# Woo

"The Avatar Survival Trust"
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:38, archived)
# You're just showing off now!

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:39, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:39, archived)
# damn air jellyfish
being all confusing and such

oh, and this is very good.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:40, archived)
# minor T.J, but i just had to share this
been telling mmy aunt about watching Being Human. she asked what it was about, so i explained that it was about a ghosst, a vampire and 2 werewolves.
she asked me if it was a documentary...
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:56, archived)
# Well....is it?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:13, archived)
# wow
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:46, archived)
# Very, very nice.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:23, archived)
[challenge entry] fluff and nonsense
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:09, archived)
# Just how many kittens died to make those letters you evil man!
:D nice!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:11, archived)
# ^What she said^
I was telling the other day how a rocker mate of mine - a slip of a girl of 18 at this point - had both her arms broken when she was jumped by militant ALFers for the heinious crime of wearing a leather biker jacket.
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:13, archived)

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:17, archived)
# Not enough of the evil buggers!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:16, archived)
# no kittens were harmed in the making of this image
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:21, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:46, archived)
# i know i've got pics of the back of her head somewhere
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:49, archived)
# Shaven pussy is shaven
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:49, archived)
# It's the only hygienic thing to do
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:53, archived)
# have you been shagging girls with crabs?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:57, archived)
# What, like down at the beach in the rock pools?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:08, archived)
# if you like
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:08, archived)
# *ponders logistics*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 17:58, archived)
# Is she saying...
"It looks like a crab stick, only smaller" ?
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:38, archived)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 18:48, archived)
# All of teh fluffeh!
That's about the fluffiest, snuggliest logo I ever did see!

(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:11, archived)
# not really a contender but fun
and god knows where that really pale border came from
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:13, archived)
# nice work, cruella ;)
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:13, archived)
# hahahaha!
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:18, archived)
# *strokes*
(, Tue 8 Feb 2011, 16:14, archived)

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