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» Dec 2005 «

The London Christmas party

Celebrate the baby Jebus. crying salty cock-tears.

Continuing the tradition started, very weakly, by Flappers, Willard and me, this time we will be going for the mother of all Leos on Tuesday 20th of December

We'll say the Porterhouse and I'll try and book some tables.

You know it makes sense

EDIT - I can't reserve tables for that day, so the earlier people get there, the earlier we can take over the whole place and scare the staff senseless :)

EDIT 2 - myself, Flapjack, Fenris and Lonewolf plan to be there from about 2.30pm

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:30, Reply)
Game on

I shall book time off this year and not stand yous up! Huzzah :D

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:34, Reply)
I am sorry I cannot be there, due to being on another continent, but I shall raise my glass to you all

... and wish you the merriest of Christmasesss and will booze with you all in the new year.


(, Fri 16 Dec 2005, 16:41, Reply)
*waits for offers of plane tickets to get there*

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:36, Reply)
I'll be there if I'm not in college.

Pimp it up a bit nearer the time and I'll confirm.

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:41, Reply)
Any chance

of a place to stay*

*get your booty on the dancefloor, make my day. Make my day. Make my, make my, make my day

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:42, Reply)
My mother's?

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:45, Reply)
I'll have your mum?


(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 15:59, Reply)

maybe I'll invite her. Think Lonewolf fancies a non-ginger step-child or two?

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 17:24, Reply)
I've booked my tickets!!

I get in at 3.45pm on the Tuesday so require entertainment, a place to stay and being given breakfast on the Wednesday before I go and get the train home at 1pm (want to be home before my kids go to bed)

(, Fri 21 Oct 2005, 16:48, Reply)
I'm absolutely in.

Hurrah for bashes located within my Oyster area :)

edit: what is meant by all day exactly? I can probably get away with a day off if I need...

(, Sat 22 Oct 2005, 0:18, Reply)
It is a Leo

so Flappers and I will probably commence about lunchtime, his demon-spawn permitting.

So anyone arriving after 6 is going to find us, frankly, cunted.

(, Mon 24 Oct 2005, 10:12, Reply)
I wish I'd booked an earlier train now...

I'll be there about 4.30

(, Tue 25 Oct 2005, 0:15, Reply)
I have college in the morning.

So I shan't be there until 3ish.

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 22:23, Reply)
I shall take that day off

...and possibly also the day after :)

(, Thu 10 Nov 2005, 20:58, Reply)
I have now confirmed

that I will be off work both the 20th and 21th.
Hurrah for having to use use holiday by the end of the year :)

(, Fri 18 Nov 2005, 0:10, Reply)
a Tuesday?! how queer!

(, Sat 22 Oct 2005, 0:42, Reply)
hello you


it's cos of that Christmas thing being at the weekend, and people not yet having arrived from forn parts the previous weekend

anyway, the date can't be moved cos I've got my tickets already

(, Sat 22 Oct 2005, 10:21, Reply)

ah balls

I`ll see if I can pop along after work - best time of year to work, cos all the kids are everywhere but on the buses/tubes

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 14:46, Reply)
I shall do much the same thing myself


(, Wed 23 Nov 2005, 12:50, Reply)

I'll try and get the time off work but I'll probably not be able to make it...

(, Tue 25 Oct 2005, 14:47, Reply)
I think you should make every effort

and you shall be greatly rewarded

(, Wed 26 Oct 2005, 16:16, Reply)
Good heavens!

Edit: After checking my work schedule I definitely can't make this now...

(, Sat 29 Oct 2005, 12:47, Reply)
you are forgiven, you have a valid excuse

roll on February...

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 19:46, Reply)

I wonder if i can wangle a day off for this it looks like it could be rather splendid day...


(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 14:31, Reply)
Probably wont be able to make it

along till the evening

(, Tue 25 Oct 2005, 15:05, Reply)

Probably won't be able to come until after work but still, w00t! Get the stout ready!

(, Thu 27 Oct 2005, 10:26, Reply)
I will come

if I can be assured of somewhere to kip.

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 18:38, Reply)
how about a secret santa?

anyone who wants to take part bring a wrapped present (max value a fiver) and we'll chuck them in a bag and everyone chooses one.

(, Sat 29 Oct 2005, 9:53, Reply)
Aw, that sounds lovely.

Though it shall probably all be rohypnol and KY Jelly.

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 17:45, Reply)
I think it'll be interesting to see what this bunch of reprobates can do with a fiver

and I might make cakes to bring down

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 19:47, Reply)

f l
(, Fri 4 Nov 2005, 9:23, Reply)
this. thoroughly

(, Fri 18 Nov 2005, 0:10, Reply)
i think that's a great idea

(, Tue 6 Dec 2005, 14:46, Reply)
By gosh!

I think I'll go.

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 14:35, Reply)

I'm in!

(, Mon 31 Oct 2005, 8:31, Reply)
I'll go if I can. I should be back in London by then.

I'll bring the Mrs.

(, Mon 31 Oct 2005, 13:37, Reply)
Horah for this post!

Oh, and I guess it'll be quite nice to see you too.

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 15:57, Reply)

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 16:04, Reply)
i'll be there

after five prolly

if you're still alive that is

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 14:40, Reply)

I shall do my upmost, work commitments allowing.

(, Tue 1 Nov 2005, 16:42, Reply)
Ooh. This verges on being possible.

(, Thu 3 Nov 2005, 10:32, Reply)
I think you should

Then all us cunts who never go to bashes will be in the same place at the same time.

(, Thu 3 Nov 2005, 14:23, Reply)
Make it so

number 2!

(, Fri 4 Nov 2005, 8:13, Reply)

this hotel looks ideal. £50 for a room at the moment, 3* and about 200 yards from where we're meeting. Just thought I'd let you know :)
(, Fri 4 Nov 2005, 8:13, Reply)
That'll do me.

Cheers m'dear.

(, Sat 5 Nov 2005, 10:11, Reply)

Ta matey.

(, Mon 7 Nov 2005, 20:33, Reply)
Right. Booked.

Thank you, you tiny-handed freak.

(, Fri 11 Nov 2005, 13:16, Reply)

and fucked. Or you will be.

(, Fri 11 Nov 2005, 15:46, Reply)
shite.. it`s too late now

but I could have used "friends and family" to get you guys rooms for 25/30 quid :\

.. then again, you`d have probably trashed the places!

(, Fri 2 Dec 2005, 10:33, Reply)


(, Fri 2 Dec 2005, 21:39, Reply)
There's nothing palacial about the

Strand Palace

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 17:28, Reply)
I may come and lurk in a corner of the pub...

If Lurkers are not shunned cruelly...

(, Mon 7 Nov 2005, 19:35, Reply)
More than welcome

(, Tue 8 Nov 2005, 12:41, Reply)
fuck me ragged sir

That's some lurking skills. See you there :)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2005, 15:51, Reply)
I love to lurk....

As well as lurking I can also do furtive and imperious...but lurking is my best thing...See you there.

(, Thu 10 Nov 2005, 11:54, Reply)

that really is lurking! Get your arse onto the /talk board :D

(, Fri 11 Nov 2005, 7:56, Reply)

I can be there from 14.30 easy peasy (providing I don't get lost in London)

(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 14:43, Reply)
noted sir

noted ;)

(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 12:53, Reply)

I'm sorted.

*gets giddy*

(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 15:24, Reply)
fuck it

i'll come

(, Sun 13 Nov 2005, 22:43, Reply)

You can't beat a bit of mongy.

Actually, can I rephrase that?

(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 19:05, Reply)

Glad to hear it, see ya there sometime

(, Mon 12 Dec 2005, 16:45, Reply)
It'll be after work

but count me in.

(, Mon 14 Nov 2005, 17:50, Reply)
having just looked at the flikr pool..

I have to come!

(, Tue 22 Nov 2005, 5:14, Reply)
I will do my best to stagger along

It will probably be after 6pm so I may have to scrape a body off a table to find room. You will easily recognise me, I'll be the good looking one with a glass of orange and a croissant.

(, Tue 22 Nov 2005, 7:50, Reply)
you smug bastard


(, Wed 23 Nov 2005, 12:06, Reply)
I'll try and come down after work

(, Sun 27 Nov 2005, 22:34, Reply)

i might be able to make this, if i don't get lost on the way

(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 3:21, Reply)
I'm going.

I've booked time off and the hotel and everything.

(, Sat 3 Dec 2005, 11:20, Reply)

*ticks off yet another name on the 'looking forward to meeting' list*

(, Sat 3 Dec 2005, 20:23, Reply)
You in the Strand Palace too?

I wonder what the staff will think of us :)

(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 19:15, Reply)
Yes I am, and

I dread to think :)

(, Thu 8 Dec 2005, 6:14, Reply)
I dont supose anyone would be getting anywhere near paddington?

So i could tag along and not get lost?

EDIT: preferably earlyish, so no after work rush..

EDIT2: Bollocks, I've been hospitalised for this evening so i can't attend.. i was looking forward to this :(

(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 23:18, Reply)

this might help
(, Tue 6 Dec 2005, 13:27, Reply)
Thanking you most kindly good sir

I shall definatly be there now.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2005, 14:10, Reply)
You cunts turn out ugly I'm outa there faster than a yid out an open oven door.

(, Sat 17 Dec 2005, 2:56, Reply)
I'm going to make myself look pretty just for you

(, Sat 17 Dec 2005, 17:09, Reply)
who`s excited, eh? eh? who`s wee excited?

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 12:46, Reply)
I'm excited!

:: wees ::

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 14:37, Reply)
our bloody christmas drinks has been scheduled (at short notice as usual) to tomorrow night

so I`ll pop in there, have a couple, and then head to see you lot

.. god knows what state I`ll be in :\

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 14:59, Reply)
I am bursting with excitement

see you all tomorrow!

Last one to oblivion is a homo.

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 22:06, Reply)
woo! Woo!


*sprays sex-wee in anticipation*
(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 0:10, Reply)
mmm scent of a robtoo


(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 9:44, Reply)
Oven gloves at the ready.....

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 15:00, Reply)
I might turn up to this

and lighten up your dreary lives with my angelic countenance*.

Get drunk, talk shit and collapse in my own piss in the ladies.

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 17:23, Reply)
it`ll be like that Brighton bash all over again ;)

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 23:03, Reply)
ok if i can borrow the train fare

who'll pint me up?

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 12:48, Reply)
fuck sake!

go on then

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 14:00, Reply)
gonna need more than one

any more volunteers?

fucking cunts are probably there already

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 14:16, Reply)
they probably have some sense

I`ve got to put in an appearance at our (apparently rubbish substitute for a) departmental party, so that`ll be 2 pints, and then off to the real party

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 15:23, Reply)
The monkey will come....

But how will he know who to look for? Big place the Porterhouse...

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 16:35, Reply)

One day too late

(, Wed 21 Dec 2005, 13:07, Reply)

» Dec 2005 «