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# uh, wheres that thread gone?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:03, archived)
# I love it
I don't knoiw what this fella is up to but have a click.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:05, archived)
# He's up to his nipples.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 16:03, archived)
# lol
"hey.. The industrial vacuum cleaner's vanished and so's the pneumatic drill. I wonder where they could of got to..."
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:05, archived)
# He's riding a horse.
What do I win?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:07, archived)
# wanking in a hole.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:15, archived)
# pogopogopogopogopogopogopogopogo
I like.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:16, archived)
[challenge entry] Pixar's been feeling the crunch.

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:49, archived)
I see the start of a new phenomenon.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:50, archived)
# surprisingly wall-e has not bindun for this compo
until now
*dramatic music*
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:52, archived)
# Smaller.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:55, archived)
# hahaha
seamhorses ftw!

thats a bit well done tbh...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:56, archived)
# ouchie yes.

right that's it. I'm that seams horse. I'm going to make a new one.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:58, archived)
# I'm also getting bored of this one.

I'm going to make a new one.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:00, archived)
# sod it...
I'll make my first.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:04, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:16, archived)
# Two compo's in one.
It's my son's birthday next week so I'll likely go and see this.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:55, archived)
# hahaha
funny in a seamingly unusual way
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:56, archived)
# might want to optimize that abit.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:02, archived)
# ^this^
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:13, archived)
[challenge entry] For some strange reason, he WON'T use the Blackwall Tunnell.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:41, archived)
# hahaha, that took me ages.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:52, archived)
[challenge entry] Because no-one can afford a car
Buses must become bigger.

Apologies for crapness, but if I don't practice I'll never get any better will I?

(at least that's what I tell the ladies)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:40, archived)
# haha
that would be the most interesting bus to get on, ever.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:42, archived)
# Look UP bud.....
'S better 'n MINE!!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:43, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:44, archived)
# ooh yeah
I like it when you're on top...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:45, archived)
# reminds me of coventry's bendy bus
accept that isn't double decker..

nice work though :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:46, archived)
# Woo Coventry
I'm in Earlsdon.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:04, archived)
# i'll remeber to tell that to ladies...
and your bus is quite reasonable.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:50, archived)
# Suitable only for Roman roads.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:51, archived)
# Trams
Can you say that? T-R-A-M-S.

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:56, archived)
# But twams
can only run on twacks...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 18:03, archived)
# do they
believe you?
(i might try that...)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 17:59, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:39, archived)
# your loving the domo stuff at the moment.
and so am i :D
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:40, archived)
# Yes I am.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:50, archived)
# Haha!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:43, archived)
# Posted as a thumbnail because the original is over 140k and 850px wide.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:33, archived)
# For ages then I thought his fin was his tongue and he was happy about being carried.
This looks ominous.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:36, archived)
# cerebral soiling.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:37, archived)
# i was looking at the wrong things for the face for ages wondering why he had no eye.
But i realised now, WOO!

nicely drawn :) hello /board
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:36, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:37, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:37, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:40, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:41, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:43, archived)
# Thats awesome!
4 hours well spent :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:38, archived)
# ^
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:43, archived)
# haha
the queen zebra reveals herself..
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:13, archived)
# [Recursive Internet Meme Site -- MSPaint]

Click for bigger (209KB)

[[Edit: http://www.b3ta.com/links/internet_meme_timeline]]
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:54, archived)
# I feel informed now!
make those tabs clickable and you will be king of all you survey.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:57, archived)
# "internet meme site" is not a meme

edit: hang on, give me some background to this or something. is this an actual site? did you make the site? WHAT IS IT?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:57, archived)
# What Shada said.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:58, archived)
# Maybe his legs had just grow?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:00, archived)
# sorry....
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:01, archived)
# [you absolute shit! :?P ]
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:02, archived)
# I'm sorry.
I'll get rid of if it really annoys you.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:03, archived)
# [no, it's a good 'un...
.. ":?P" == ":P" ]
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:04, archived)
# ah k sweet.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:05, archived)
# you know when you speak in brackets
i always imagine it to be you speaking in a voice that's trying not to be heard. like a whisper, or something.

so it gets real confusing when there's exclamation marks in there.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:06, archived)
# [b3ta has ruined us...]
B3TA HAS RUINED US!!!11!!eleventy!!1
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:09, archived)
# more or less below the original pron folder ;)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:03, archived)
# damn i didn't notice that.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:04, archived)
# [I belive the phrase is, "darn tootin'" ]
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:05, archived)
# I'd like to think your enrolement to the world of equestrian love
arrived while you were watching the Peanut Butter Jelly video and became inexplicably aroused while they said "let me ride that donkey, donkey."
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:05, archived)
# i found some horse porn by accident. It was bloody annoying, I went soft.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:06, archived)
i found some horse porn by accident. It was bloody annoying, I went soft came.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:24, archived)
# I wanted women having a wank*. so I searched for it
I got a woman wanking a horse.

*yes. I like solo women. If I have to wank I don't want watch anyone else getting anything I'm not.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:29, archived)
# POV handjob videos allround!
I bet you took the football because you diodn't want to play anymore as well didn't you y' selfish bugger :P
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:49, archived)
# i'm not that much of a bad sport.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:52, archived)
# Hahaha
I'm sure I saw something in a newsletter where someone's screen grab revealed too much.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:08, archived)

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 15:53, archived)
# Yer man (Dream)
From Lord Byron by Richard Westall.

Destruction Death Destiny
/lens flare blog
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:51, archived)
# nice :D
needs more 80's goth mullet though :P
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:54, archived)
# there's a glint in his eye
i'd watch out, he's going to eye-laser everyone
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:58, archived)
# ohhh artistic...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:06, archived)
# Thanky :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:10, archived)
# ohhh
very nicely. woo
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:40, archived)
# nom nom nom

no reason pimp my ride !!!

needs more woof
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:36, archived)
# Hvr Cr

He's trying, bless him. Just can't quite get off the ground can he? Woo to you!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:40, archived)
# woo
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:41, archived)
# is this from the new James Bond?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:44, archived)
# Yes.
I stole it. It is now mine, nort Jaymes BOOND.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:58, archived)
# This, I truely believe,
is how a Jag's ride is.
The Jag I've been in really felt like it was floating :D My friend asked me if it had wheels.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:36, archived)
# That's some pneumatic dogging action
woo :)

minor TJ poll: I'm filling out an application form for a job at the Co-op they have a question on how will i help the company blah blah mindless bollocks.. should this answer stay or go?

I like to challenge my self and I feel the Co-op would provide the fertile compost from which my future as a worthwhile contributing human being will sprout forth.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:44, archived)
# Say this job plays a vital role in your plot to overthrow the government
and you can make good tea.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:56, archived)
# oooh
nice edition. I like the idea of taking it on a very extended metaphore that by the end of it is then turned literal.

but I also need the money... gah. I always find these things so sodding torturous. :(
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:02, archived)
# stay
i'd give you one "job that is"

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:59, archived)
# I wrote similar stuff on one for Somerfields (coincidently now owned by Co-op)
I was quite upset to find out when I had my interview that no one had read any of it.

I got the job though. Woo me.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:01, archived)
# Depends if you want the job or not....
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:25, archived)
# Whee!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:46, archived)
# that's pretty cool
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:48, archived)
# that's good.
I drew car-icatures until everyone started calling me dave.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:48, archived)
# I hope that car belongs to an ape.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:58, archived)
# I've seen photos of him.
It does.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:04, archived)
# apecarapecarapecarapecar!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:07, archived)
# you arse!
I don't drive.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:07, archived)
# It's a bmw, therefore it belongs to a wanker
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:08, archived)
# Rocking
Is this the phuckmobile?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:47, archived)
# just a quickie...more of an excuse just to ask...who was in lincoln yesterday wearing the b3ta T-shirt up by the cathedral!?

i spoke pretty loudly about seeing my first b3ta t-shirt in the wild!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:07, archived)
that is what i would have yelled.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:08, archived)
# He's a real online man
Sitting in his online land
making all his online plans for the internet

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:11, archived)
# .
i was pretty lary and was quite loud even tho the said 'internet man' was with his family...
i still pretty much shouted 'my god a real life b3ta user...he either heard and ignored me or didn't hear me atall.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:14, archived)
# haha.
fair enough. i must prepare for later. byee.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:17, archived)
# I wore my trindiad and tobago shirt on thursday.
no one asked me who I was, nothing :'(
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:15, archived)
# It was me*

* it was not me
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 14:07, archived)
[challenge entry] just keep workin fellas
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:05, archived)
# hangon there's something wrong with this image!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:10, archived)
# you're not in it?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:11, archived)
# niether are you
but road workers NOT leaning on their shovels having a ciggie! FAKE FAKE FAKE!!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:15, archived)
# excuse me
who do you think they are burying in cement.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:43, archived)
# hahahah!!!!!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:44, archived)
# star wars vs raiders of the lost ark
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:46, archived)
# That's excellent :)
but it's a tad larger than the requested file size for an animation here.
If possible, could you optimise it a tad for us, and get it nearer to 250k?
If you're not sure how to do that, reply to me here in this thread and let us know what program you're using and one of the brighter sparks here can probably help you.

edit: here, try using this one, a few scanlines do the trick...
Linked scanline version
Feel free to use it if you want :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:49, archived)
# always the optimist
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:53, archived)
# ...never the bride.
no, hang on.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:55, archived)
# oh yee of little face
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:57, archived)
# with two in the bush
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:59, archived)
# Churchill: we will bite on the features :S
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:01, archived)
# [mind pissage! ;?) ]
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:54, archived)
# btw this looks SHIT and his looks really good quality
so why not look at good quality gifs and up the suggested file size? i am not attacking you personally, just voicing my opinion
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:11, archived)
# he could always link to his original version without the scanlines
there's several options
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:17, archived)
# that makes sense
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:19, archived)
# best of both worlds then :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:20, archived)
# dammit
i only wanted to use this www.b3ta.com/board/6644184 :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:28, archived)
# Bob is right, and I wasn't being a 'nazi' about the file size, they are only suggested guidelines
those days are long gone. (for me at least)
I thought a little friendly help would be better, as there's been far too much bloody board nazi stuff going on of late, particularly at times that Cockweasle mentions above. :(
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:32, archived)
# nah you were being quite helpful
but some people seem to carry on like a toddler with a turd in their pants:
Edit: I've optimised evilscary's fail pic down to half it's filesize, with absolutely no aliasing/artifacts/loss of quality. People's lack of logic bothers me sometimes.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:39, archived)
# ah yes, that was one of the cases I was thinking of :)
There's no need for it, no wonder some of the 'old timers' don't post much anymore,
and that some of the really talented newcomers don't stick for long. Tis a pity
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:40, archived)
# there was similarly no need for yan's tantrum
when someone else was fairly polite about a large image. although I did kindof agree with his sentiment he just didn't pick a good post to flounce on.

And yes tis a pity people get annoyed and leave. Means we're stuck with gits like me.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:47, archived)
# Wow,
that brings his image to a total of 560k.
Good work.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:12, archived)
# I was just suggesting an alternative that he could use
maybe linking to the original.
and I was being friendly about it.
If he did want to use it, I would delete the one above.
How far can you see up on that high horse?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:18, archived)
# it just
people are always complaining about filesize suggesting people go and and make the file smaller, which means a new image to download and therefore actually increasing the size.
you could have linked to your version, too.
though, I didn't mean to offend.

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:34, archived)
# no worries, I have linked now for anyone just coming on /board, point taken :)
as said above, just thought trying to help would be a better course of action.
/none taken :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:36, archived)
# I agree
I think b3ta is mostly a nice place, with the odd exception.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:47, archived)
# everything's odd about b3ta isn't it ;)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:48, archived)
# find the ark you shall mmmmmmmmm
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:49, archived)
# luffly :)
Größe macht nicht aus. Schauen Sie mich an. Beurteilen Sie mich durch meine Größe, nicht wahr? Hmmmmm?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:53, archived)
# [wooo -- whack some scanlines over the top of it though]
If I remember correctly that is (in tattyshop):

create new psd 1x2 pixels, black and transparent, save as scanlines.psd.
in anim psd, create new Layer on top, fill with pattern, select your scanlines.psd, et voila.

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:53, archived)
# found it
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:00, archived)
# awesome combo
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:57, archived)
# pretty sweet
if you'd have changed the colour of yoda's lightening bolt it would be seamless.

edit:I hope you don't mind - yellow yoda blast (360kb)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:15, archived)
# now THAT works well
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:04, archived)
# Thank you!

edit:is mine slower? the original whips through for me or is that a firefox thing?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:06, archived)
# yours goes through slower, and is better for it,
the original does go through quickly in FF3.
good colour matching as well :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:12, archived)
# Again thanks.
I've been trying to master adjustment layers.
previous attempt www.b3ta.com/board/8634109
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:17, archived)
# works well :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:28, archived)
# Epic woo
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:47, archived)
# No reason. I just can't stand her. And that Laugh????? FFS
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:56, archived)
# I would have.
edit: fuck it I still would.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:57, archived)
# I've always thought that!
She was just the only person who'd whack 'em out on Carry On Camping. Jackie Piper on the other hand... there was a beauty.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:40, archived)
# who is it.
would though
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:58, archived)
# Barbara Windsor
saucy star of many a Carry On film.

Oooooh missus. no.. Oooooh.

comedy of innuendo spawn from sexual repression. a yay.

see roy chubby brown for a slightly more extreme example of this breed.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:35, archived)
# yeah I googled carry on films and eventually found her.
I think the sack of spanners comment is a touch harsh.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:38, archived)
# she was also a gangsters moll in the 60's, married Ronnie Knight
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:48, archived)
# I agree entirely.
She wasn't even as good looking in the Carry On films as some of the other girls in them.

I just never saw the appeal.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:00, archived)
# this^
It used to confound me how all the men would be like CORR! LOOK AT 'ER whenever she was on screen when there were pleanty of girls who wernt pushing 40 with giant teeth behind her.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:50, archived)
# Undecided here......
..... I'll say THIS though, give me Helen Mirren ANY day.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:03, archived)
# very very true
I wish she would fuck off. And as the icing on the cake, she's also a tory.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:03, archived)
# Hahahahaha
...love it
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:04, archived)
# She had
a body like a sack of spanners in the carry on films. Revolting, but they insisted on pushing her as a sex bomb?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:04, archived)
# Kids, do not try shagging a sack of spanners.
it really hurts.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:25, archived)
# makes your nuts tighten as well...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:26, archived)
# haha this thread keeps getting better!
I think I bolt now that I made that pun.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:39, archived)
# She did look quite good
when they did her up as a medieval wrench.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:50, archived)
# That was just a bit part
She didn't torque much
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:00, archived)
# she did
put in a good turn though
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:09, archived)
# It's OK though if you want an open-ended relationship
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:43, archived)
# I heartily agree with this :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:23, archived)
# ^this
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:36, archived)
# happy b3taday :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:38, archived)
# probably would
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:40, archived)
# New to Gifs, just experimenting guys.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:06, archived)
# Nooooooooooooooo blowjob for you!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:18, archived)
# AWWWWWWW.......
Go ON Barb..........Puhleeeeeeeze!!!!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:22, archived)
# I'm used to a look of rejection like that.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:24, archived)
# Happy B3taday!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:27, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:31, archived)
# MC Queen is in da house!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:32, archived)
# SW1A represent !
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:33, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:36, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:38, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:44, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:30, archived)
# all seams to be in order
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:32, archived)
# I had to adblock it
it was hurting my sensibilities.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:36, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:40, archived)
k3b/-\b ≠ 250
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:49, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:47, archived)
# Steve McQueen
edit: is that Maddie just behind her maj there?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:54, archived)
# no maddy is here
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:59, archived)
# Looks just like her.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:01, archived)
# quick nerdjoke

GIFed for your amusement
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:27, archived)
# that is painful.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:32, archived)
# They did it in hackers
in a phone booth, no less.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:33, archived)
# did they?
out of choice never seen it.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:41, archived)
# It's not that cringe-worthy
There's some tech-embellishment, and programs obviously look better running than they really would. But there's nothing that made me not enjoy the film, and I'm a CompSci graduate.

Also, Angelina Jolie
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:37, archived)
# haha
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:55, archived)
# hahaha
friggin loon, i luvvit.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:47, archived)
# Guess what day it is today?

Cayke for everyone!

EDIT: Check out those sexy NHS specs!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:00, archived)
# Happy B3taday!
Hooray for cayke!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:03, archived)
Happy b3ta sign up anniversary x
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:03, archived)
# ^this
also: would ! ;)


(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 13:55, archived)
# is the top one you?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:04, archived)
# Yes
the last time I was 4.

EDIT: By the way, I'm very much enjoying your alphabet.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:06, archived)
# Oh goodie *saves*
and thanks.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:08, archived)
# You are rob
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:09, archived)
# I don't think I am
what are the signs?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:23, archived)
# do you have a penis?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:29, archived)
# i do ,o/
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:42, archived)
# not so much, no
but i do have access to one
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:54, archived)
# lucky you
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:56, archived)
# Is is the day that the US dropped and atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:09, archived)
# the day gerald ford became pres of the US
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:19, archived)
# that was thursday i think
edit: oh no it is today, 8:15 enola gay and all that
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:48, archived)
# enola gay was the hiroshima bomb
bockscar is the one your after
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:58, archived)
# i always thought they dropped them both on the same day
it sought of seems worse that you would have a moment of madness of that magnitude twice in one week
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:12, archived)
# they weren't moments of madness. they were wank fantasies of the high command.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:17, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:11, archived)
# The anniversary of the Tate/LaBianca murders by the Manson family?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:23, archived)
# happy b3taday!!!!
woot woot
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:26, archived)
# happy b3taday!!!
thanks for the cayke :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:31, archived)
# happy b3taday
you share this auspicious day with my actual in real life birthday, i'm 43 today.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:32, archived)
# happy real birthday sir :)
hope you also get cayke
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:34, archived)
# ifankyou.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:36, archived)
# well, you can have cake as well

I suppose you remember when it was all feilds, etc etc. Please don't hit me with your walking stick...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:46, archived)
# Gosh
it's my dad's actual real life birthday today as well. He is slightly older tan 43. 16 years older to be precise.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:50, archived)
# i wish i'd signed up on my birthday now. I first visited on my birthday
but i think that didn't sign up for a bit.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:51, archived)
# but
it means you get two birthdays, and two lots of cayke
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:53, archived)
# I doubt that I'll get cake for either.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:59, archived)
# L'Oreal denies 'whitening' Beyoncé in latest print ad
But we can all be the judge of that...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:02, archived)
# hahahaha
looks just like the pic in teh papers!!

woo/yay.. puts my shite to shame!! excellently done
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:03, archived)
# Reach. For. Mind. Bleach.....aaaaargh!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:03, archived)
# *genuie giggles*
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:04, archived)
# Phwoar!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:05, archived)
# hahaaha
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:06, archived)
# Bwahahaha!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:12, archived)
# isnt that bottom one
in desperate housewives ?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:18, archived)
# Only when it gets him access the kids.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:26, archived)
# nope
Sex and the City.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:37, archived)
# I like the way that yuo bothered with the accent in her name

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:40, archived)
# of course :D
it's just not as classy otherwise

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 11:16, archived)
# Wooo
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:04, archived)
# artfully done!
whitening? what whitening? ;-)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 12:42, archived)
# <insert black and white joke here>
(, Tue 12 Aug 2008, 19:00, archived)
# crazy guy, crazy times, crazy drugs...
It's... tiem

i give you...

god i hope i got this right. celebrating 2 newsletter hits in a row from links i posted!!!eleventy!111!6

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:02, archived)
# haha
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:05, archived)
# There are pocket dictionaries...this is a dickpocketonary!!!

Previously A
and the one that started it all
note that this list does not reflect the ones I am going to turn into pictures. There's a lot of variety...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:09, archived)
# Hahah
Entertaining the Kruschevs
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:09, archived)
# :S sorry but ris?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:12, archived)
# Fallen to the communists?
Got the painters in?
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:13, archived)
# aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:19, archived)
# Haha.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:15, archived)
# :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:20, archived)
# yes
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:15, archived)
# delicious blud!
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:20, archived)
# hahaha
needs more blood.

edit: also, QOTW entry? ;)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:19, archived)
# I think the qotw regulars would boil me in oil if i posted it over there.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:21, archived)
# hahaha
i am enjoying these! :D
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:27, archived)
# they depress me. :(
and there's 24 to go...
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:30, archived)
# 50.
You'll be asked to do cock before you're done.
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:36, archived)
# yeah I know. I'll have to find the alphabet
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:39, archived)
# i started an abc of horror once
i got to c and got bored!

A is for abnormal

B is for beauty

C is for cyclops

(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:04, archived)
# i'm guessing the middle one started out as a female so 'would'
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 9:07, archived)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 10:31, archived)
# Haha
I am glad you picked up on it :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:36, archived)
# Got no other ideas, this one will last a while :)
(, Sat 9 Aug 2008, 8:39, archived)

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