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(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:00, archived)
# Bloke in a dress.
Edit: ^ needs more Bohdan Stashynsky.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:01, archived)
# Cloud Computing in a Hallucinogenic transcient Hypermarket!
Amersfoort, Den Hague, Heineken!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:03, archived)
# Oi, you!
Did you get my text?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:04, archived)
# I did yes
I apologise for not replying - I worried about how many mortgages it would cost to reply :|

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:08, archived)
# Standard cost, as it happens!
It was costing me about 50p per to send to the UK - which was a bit steep, but wtf :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:13, archived)
# oh, pi55...
...hang on a sec...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:14, archived)
# hehe - just got that!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:18, archived)
# Nice first post.
Tad big filesize though.

draw up kitten etc.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:01, archived)
# I like bananas
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:01, archived)
# Ah so thats what she keeps in her dress.
Does that explain the plums as well?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:02, archived)
# Pull up a shop, Kitten a chair, Put a Comb in a Well, Yule Never Leaf.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:04, archived)
# errrrrrrrrrrrrr excuse me??? what does that mean?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:09, archived)
# ;)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:12, archived)
# 'Tis a traditional b3ta greeting
Have you not read the (Rob) Manuel?

Nice image - well done sir!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:14, archived)
# It's a welcome.
The original would have gone something like:
Welcome, new person.
Pull up a chair, 'shop a kitten, you'll never leave.

May be an idea to watch the board for a bit at first so you don't have to say 'What?' a lot.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:15, archived)
# What?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 12:41, archived)
# Great
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 13:46, archived)
jog on
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 17:15, archived)
# oh, bravo...
(, Wed 25 May 2011, 10:37, archived)
# Haha - I love this
(, Wed 25 May 2011, 10:48, archived)
# Well fuck you very much
you disagreeable little shitcunt
(, Wed 25 May 2011, 10:47, archived)
# Well, what happens in the end is
Still on the river, Kurtz dies saying, “The horror, the horror.” Marlow returns to England.
He visits Kurtz’s intended who is still in mourning a year after Kurtz’s death.
She still remembers Kurtz as the great man he was before he left, and Marlow doesn’t tell her what he had become before he dies.
Marlow gives Kurtz her old letters and leaves. The end.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:16, archived)
# "I swallowed a bug!"
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:32, archived)
# :)
That, or they lifted it from the Firefly movie...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:35, archived)
# Welcome!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:05, archived)
# welcome aboard new person, nice image :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:10, archived)
# a-peel-ing
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:12, archived)
# rocking horse(face)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:13, archived)
# Welcome, new person.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:44, archived)
# Ahahaha!
Tremendous giffery there Cpt.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:50, archived)
# It's the first positive learner gif I've ever made.
The rest are quite brutal, and I'm aiming for a fluffy summer.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:58, archived)
# marvelous
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 12:15, archived)
# gets a click from me
we need more of these positive ones
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 12:55, archived)
# This should be a permanent b3ta logo.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 15:02, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 16:11, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 18:55, archived)
[challenge entry] One more, for the hell of it...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:52, archived)
# but what'll we do for lunch?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:55, archived)
# i'll take one of those
minus the fried green tamaotoes and hashbrowns.
got coffee?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:55, archived)
# I'll swap your hash browns for my egg
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:28, archived)
# done!
but i imagine it's cold now though
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 12:54, archived)
# I'll skip on the beans if I may,
but the rest sounds fine. 2 sugars in the tea, please?

Edit: I hope the bacon and sausages are from here.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:58, archived)
# NOM!
Half pig ftw!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:02, archived)
# Nom is right...
Their Saddleback cross is completely lovely. Just ordered one of their medium hamper things... *drools*
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:06, archived)
# I am actually salivating here.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:09, archived)
# I like Emma's
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:31, archived)
# It's very true.
I went down there to spend a day to see what their setup was like, and they have a marvellous approach to their animal's welfare. Also, it's nice to see that they are taking a really active role in promoting other rare breeds, rather than just the usual Gloucester Old Spot. It's incredible, but all 6 of their pedigree breeds are on the endangered species list!

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:39, archived)
# Arf!
But, black pud and sausage should never be that far down the list ;)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:00, archived)
# Hahaha. Nice one.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:02, archived)
# i still wouldn't go and see it
but it's making me feel hungry.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:13, archived)
# Crucifixion?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:35, archived)
# Haaaaaaaaahahahaha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:38, archived)
# ^ this
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:43, archived)
# Are you the Judean People's Front?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:38, archived)
# Fuck off!
We're the people's front of Judea.

Judean people's front...tsk
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:42, archived)
# Splitters
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:44, archived)
# "Ryanus go home?!"
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:43, archived)
# he is being a Biggus Dickus
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:45, archived)
# He's not a footballer
he's a very naughty boy.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:46, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahahaha...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:47, archived)
# nicely

and this ^
for no reason, other than PS was open i wasn't inspired to do anything else
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:53, archived)
# angry bun!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:59, archived)
# "Now, type that out 70,000 times on Twitter. And if it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off".
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:55, archived)
# hahaha
i think giggsy's wife will be there knife in hand.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:15, archived)
# Hahahahaha
the gift that keeps on giving.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 16:12, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 18:56, archived)
[challenge entry] :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:35, archived)
# We're not on Alderon any more, Yoda.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:37, archived)
# I find your lack of [brain/heart/bravery] disturbing
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:38, archived)
# Why isn't there an 'I knew it was you' button?
Nice one, sir.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:44, archived)
# JP!!!!!!
Cheers sir :) How was the hols? \O/
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:47, archived)
# 'twas awesome, thank you... a very good time was had :)
and very, very hot indeed. About 20 degrees hotter than here, and 85% humidity, too...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:57, archived)
# Wowzer!!
I trust you wore a white linen suit and donned
a Panama at a jaunty angle during your stay?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:02, archived)
# I feel affronted that you need to ask ;-)
It all felt rather post-colonial at times, sitting with a G&T on the veranda, waiting for the maid to bring nibbles 'n stuff...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:08, archived)
# On I never doubted you for a second
I should imagine in the dreadful heat you were darn nearly perspiring?
One would hope that the gin was Bombay Sapphire?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:13, archived)
# Tanqueray, my dear fellow, it's the only way to fly...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:17, archived)
[challenge entry] ..
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:06, archived)
# In space, no one can hear you clean?
I see you lost a sock? Nice work
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:09, archived)
# Aces, dude.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:12, archived)
# this is ace!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:13, archived)
# this is an art attack
this is an art attack... this is SPARTA, ATTACK!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:18, archived)
# I watched Game of Thrones last night
and I watched King Arthur on Saturday night. what did YOU have for tea?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:31, archived)
# last night I had toad in the hole with a glass of IPA and followed it by a bit of jam steamed pudding
and then I watched the episode of Dr Who I missed over the weekend and then I did a bit more revisions and nodded off ...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:35, archived)
# Nice briefs!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:16, archived)
# Thanks. I've just had them stuffed
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:24, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:26, archived)
# I wonder how they will dry clothes in the future...
the mind literally boggles...

wonderful stuff as ever
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:16, archived)
# In the future we won't NEED clothes!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:19, archived)
# from this I have deduced that:
Germany will finally win one of those wars it keeps having and the relaxed German attitude to public nudity, combined with the progression of global warming brought about by the ineffectiveness of our leaders to manage to do anything productive ever, results in nuddyness of global proportions.

I for one welcome the coming of this glorious nudetopia
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:25, archived)
# Yes, yes that's right
and for some reason everyone will be really fit too.
And a certain amount of opportunistic touching will be socially acceptable.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:29, archived)
# we should make efforts to expedite the coming of this brave new
and slightly pervy world... for fucks sake, if the Scientologists can amass an army of followers with the shite they spout getting folks interested in this should be a doddle
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:37, archived)
# haha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:19, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:35, archived)
# *applauds heartily*
Nice one, Archie.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:02, archived)
# meh
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:37, archived)
# Fig Newton?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:44, archived)
# *awards prize*
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:45, archived)
# Is my prize to not be able to stop looking at that gif?
Because that's what's happening.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:47, archived)
# :)
oh, beHAVE yourself!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:50, archived)
# It's like my eyes are stuck to it
jumps left jumps right jumps left jumps right jumps left jumps right
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:52, archived)
# don't expect much else of it :D
you are getting sleeeeepy--- you will now type your credit card number and date of expiration
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:54, archived)
# I know the biscuit, but the face escapes me.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:03, archived)
# Wayne Newton
sort of an oily lounge lizard type entertainer in Las Vegas

here: check the local forecast
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:04, archived)
# Ah, thank you.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:12, archived)
# nom
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:47, archived)
# I rilly like this.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:23, archived)
# Haha!
That's great. Wish I'd thought of it.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:45, archived)
# 8)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:03, archived)
# bwiwiunt
nom nom nom
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:15, archived)
# zoomed-out version

looks like an eel!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:01, archived)
# That looks like the highest level of Flight Control one can get to!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:09, archived)
# tongue twister
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:40, archived)
# *strains*
is this in 3D or something?

morning all
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:45, archived)
# it is an eye killer
Pixilate Fragment
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:49, archived)
# Is the answer Ryan Giggs?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:08, archived)
# uhhh
wut wuz the question?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:58, archived)
# "Name the famous footballer who got tired of his big-toothed wife and fucked fading reality telly "star" Imogen Thomas for a while"
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:30, archived)
# I'll take big-toothed wives for $2000, Alex
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:54, archived)
# Leather gloves und focke-wolves ?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:11, archived)
# those are
BF109's *may be aircraft pedant*
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:31, archived)
# k'rect
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:34, archived)
# how am i supposed to read it?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:30, archived)
# cheat and read the file name?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:33, archived)
# David Mazel Tov

I make no apologies - it seemed right at the time.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:38, archived)
# doesn't look like him
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:52, archived)
# Looks like Benedict Cumberbatch is researching a new role.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:34, archived)
# Morning All...
It's Number 17...

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:13, archived)
# that's pretty hard to swallow
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:16, archived)
# Il n'egret rien.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:05, archived)
# go stand in the corner and think on what you have dunnock
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:27, archived)
# these are the worst falcon puns I've heard all week
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:41, archived)
# Well....I was chough'd with them
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:49, archived)
# Il n'egret wren
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:17, archived)
[challenge entry] Ning everyone!

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:57, archived)
# That is a jolly nice cape.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:50, archived)
# then maybe it's the nicest cape--not greatest?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:17, archived)
# morning!

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:23, archived)
# Oh dear lord....
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:22, archived)
# Bloody hell........
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:25, archived)
# NING B3ta and happy birthday to todays VAG CREAM's
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:51, archived)
# 'ning! I like the colour versions..
I used to have a crush on the Rocky Horror bint. Think it was her squeals.
I also did some portrait art. Not worth it's own thread so I'll shove it under your ladies if you don't mind.
I've been listening to ALOT of Collings and Herrin while I've been working. When I had some 'down time' I drew a quickie Andrew Collins, who no one knows! (he looks like Mark Steel)


(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:34, archived)
# :)
* I know what you mean aboit the squeals...

It is also Priscilla Presley's birthday today..
--- does that seam ok?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:36, archived)
# it's a seamless wet beaver..
how can that be wrong?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:45, archived)
# seam beavers!!

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:01, archived)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:03, archived)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 11:37, archived)
# Somecats, Bumcats.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:19, archived)
# Aaaahhh
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:21, archived)
# Haha
I've been calling them bumcats.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:29, archived)
# Yay
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:22, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:29, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:26, archived)
# :3
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:32, archived)
# But how do they smell
: )
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:09, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 18:57, archived)
[challenge entry] an oldie repost for the compo

(, Tue 24 May 2011, 5:37, archived)
# Nicely done.
If you forget to enter a pic into the challenge, you can edit your post afterwards.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 5:39, archived)
# ha! nicely
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:01, archived)
# Ha ha ha.. Nicely done!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:12, archived)
# Hahahaha!
I hope she never reaches the bottom!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:48, archived)
# Haha!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:52, archived)
# Retreat! Retreat!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 5:19, archived)
# brilliant!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 6:01, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:31, archived)
# Ha!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:37, archived)
# YES!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:42, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 7:56, archived)
# Hahahahahahahaha!
What an awesome early morning thing!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:03, archived)
# A most excellent start to the day..
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:28, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 8:32, archived)
# : )
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:11, archived)
# durka, durka, mohammed al fayed.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 9:24, archived)
# hahahahahahaha
superbly done
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:12, archived)
^ This now.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 10:44, archived)
# Hahahahaha!!!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 23:35, archived)
# hahahahaha!
(, Wed 25 May 2011, 20:03, archived)
# The Rye was there, it looked so nice

0 votes for a pun.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:02, archived)
# pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
*reinflates* pfffffffffffffffffff
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:03, archived)
# OK, possibly one vote
but nobody else will get it
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:05, archived)
# *uneducated guess*, is it a variation of this?

ah, after some googling it turns out the carriage is a gig
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:18, archived)
# Not your fault I know
I saw the image on "Google"that you half- inched for the 'Rye'. The cereal in the photo is actually barley.
(, Wed 25 May 2011, 8:09, archived)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:43, archived)
# needs moar fresh - i think i may be the only other person on b3ta that likes freebase

ah feck, i got the dice the wrong way round
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:00, archived)
# Mmmm Brassicae!
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 3:03, archived)
# ...one more leprechaun burger madam president? ....hmmmmm?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:15, archived)
# She looks really annoyed at that burger.
And it looks such a cheery little fella.
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:19, archived)
# wrong lettuce!
that's why
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:22, archived)
# ...one more leprechaun burger madam president?
...she's very constipated...but want's it...
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:22, archived)
# "Fack orf, I'm full."
(Yes, it's a link to Mr Creosote. Why not, eh?)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:29, archived)
# bastard!

edit - gave her a plate
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:32, archived)
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:33, archived)
# The last Oprah?
(, Tue 24 May 2011, 2:34, archived)

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