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# Noodle goes for a new record...

Go on Noodle...You can do it!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:44, archived)
# you can do eeet!!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:46, archived)
# i hope you like weetabix
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:47, archived)
# yay!!!
go for it!!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:47, archived)
# I
am so glad he went natural to the olympics,to think of the gere they actually wanted him to wear.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:48, archived)
# oooch
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:03, archived)
# They like it!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:49, archived)
# hahaha
but Noodle is a cat name!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:00, archived)
# hmmm, well, they all taste the same...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:02, archived)
# yaya!

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:13, archived)
# yay!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:18, archived)
# Go Noodle!
you little wonder!
(, Mon 9 Jan 2006, 23:32, archived)
# Tres bien, Rodders.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:34, archived)
Now thats a horrid idea
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:36, archived)
# The 1st draft of his resignation statement didn't go too well...
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:28, archived)
# Pffft
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:40, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:26, archived)
# you. cunt.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:27, archived)
# Straight
and to the point.

I like your style.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:31, archived)
# honk
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:27, archived)
# hahahah
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:27, archived)
# nice pants!
what's the source pic?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:28, archived)
# I wish I was that skinny!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# heh
So that isn't you then?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:30, archived)
# only the small cock!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:32, archived)
# i changed my face for rik's
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# Growl
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# no
shoppery there then.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:30, archived)
# on a scarry note`
my son had hat tigger top
*scared his mum may have warped his mind*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:32, archived)
# arf!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:35, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:36, archived)
# no
definitely no!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:37, archived)
# but yes!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:38, archived)
# nooooo oo o ooOOOoo
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:39, archived)
# Just wait until you've got a couppla pints in you
then it's all "yeah yeah yeah" and you think it's in a mocking way but really you didn't do it on purpose
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:40, archived)
# I mean...
maybe that was just me
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:45, archived)
# the real question is
why does the person have tigger top and spiderman pants?? is this some cross breeding experiment? also then how is RIK involved????
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:47, archived)
# pfffft!

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:52, archived)
# grrr!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:53, archived)
# *suppressed titter*

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:55, archived)
# hehehe
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:58, archived)
# pfffft!

there is something very Tiggerish about Rik.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:16, archived)
# I just needed to get something off my chest.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:20, archived)
# I love America
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:23, archived)
# So do I.
but they have such STUPID warnings on everything.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:24, archived)
# I went shopping today
and noticed that the eggs I bought had a warning on the carton. it said "Allergy warning: contains egg."
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:30, archived)
# McDonalds burgers have a similar warning
'may contain traces of meat'
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:32, archived)
# like those packets of nuts you see with
"warning, may contain nut traces" and suchlike

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:36, archived)
# Even the blatantly obvious
is not exempt from FDA warnings
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:38, archived)
# FSA over here
I was in the new Burnage Tesco.

Back many years ago, when people were worrying about BSE (more than they do now) there was a notice in the canteen listing products that did contain beef and products that may contain beef. Corned beef was on the latter list.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:41, archived)
# pffft
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:43, archived)
# hahaha
this is NOT a TV!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:24, archived)
# reminds me of an image I once made :)

(, Sun 8 Jan 2006, 3:25, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# hahaha
you had better not let SSG or dutchbird see you have used my pic. They might get angry.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:19, archived)
# haha nice one, Fanj
.. oh SSG is just a wind up merchant - he`s actually a fluffy bastard
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:24, archived)
# he may be a nice guy in 'real life' but on here he certainly doesn't come over like that.
I haven't got time for people who are so fucking negative about everything.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:26, archived)
# there`s a long list of people he`s pissed off
but none of them stay that way after meeting him, for he`s small and fluffy and would live in your pocket

.. and likes being bum raped with a rusty screwdriver
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:28, archived)
# yeah, but who would WANT to meet someone that has nothing good to say to anyone? I certainly don't.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# fuck off cunt
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:30, archived)
# haha enough opf that lip boyyyeeee or you will have to go and stand in teh corner again
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:31, archived)
# I love winding that muppet up
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:53, archived)
# fuck off n00b
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:10, archived)
# hahaha, nice one cheif
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:19, archived)
# haha
the original cheif thread. ace! :D nice one freind
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:25, archived)
# thieving rat!... :P
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:39, archived)
# Chocolate Dragon
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:05, archived)
# *munches*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:07, archived)
# Its lully
but wont it melt itself with its fiery breath?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:07, archived)
# Average life expectancy
23 mins

And thats only if they survive being chocolate eggs...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:09, archived)
# white chocolate toes?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:08, archived)
# lovely!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:08, archived)
# mmm
with gooey chocolate innards
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:10, archived)
# dark, milk and white chocolate
with caramel highlights... mmmmmm.... (:
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:11, archived)
# it very lully
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:12, archived)
# Delicious!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:15, archived)
# do they poop chocolate logs? :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:16, archived)
# Marvellous.
TJ: acro2 time. Probably.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# Does it bleed cream?
Orange filling, perhaps?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# Are you sure it's not an afghan hound with horns?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:23, archived)
# melts in your immagination
and not in your hand - woo piccy!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:36, archived)
# make a One-legged rabbit shitting from its ear!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:19, archived)
# Boxers
are as hard as nails....

would not of been possible had it not been for mugatus mighty fine picture
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:53, archived)
# twiglet war!

also, HAVE some fluff

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:53, archived)
# Mmm...
Yummy yummy cat! I *shall* enjoy my meal, thank you.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:55, archived)
# That
reminds me, I could do with a chinese.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:55, archived)
# would you like some Noodle?
she`s veggie-friendly
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:56, archived)
# I
am not veggie friendly,I need poorly slaughtered creature with my fried rice.,all covered in curry sauce.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:57, archived)
# Spud is in the other room if that`s any use
although he`s so fat, I`d have to charge extra on the delivery (and forklift rental)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:58, archived)
# k
shove a kebab stick up its arse and I shall warm up the bbq.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:59, archived)
# OK, plank inserted
you`d better have a huge barbeque rack thing!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:00, archived)
# I
do, its german ex-army surplus,only thing is they are having trouble crating up Auschwitz to send to me.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:02, archived)
# pffft
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:05, archived)
# Watching the telly, then?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:04, archived)
# I don`t often tell you to fuck off, mat
but fuck off! :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:04, archived)
# *dances*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:07, archived)
# 6-1 to Teh Pool is my prediction!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:09, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:15, archived)
# ;)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:17, archived)
# fucking stupid FA Cup
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# 6-2,
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:16, archived)
# 6-3?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:51, archived)
# 6-3 definitely!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:52, archived)
# ha ha
you said a norty word
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:19, archived)
# and you can give over too!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:21, archived)
# kin hell
5-2 is mine. I remember last time they were losing at half time in a cup game.....
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:25, archived)
# I shall counteract your kittin with my double kittin!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:07, archived)
# they`re ready to eat you
hungry cats are dangerous cats
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:09, archived)
# Is it the 'feed me' pigeon's cousin?
just wondering
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:16, archived)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:38, archived)
# hahaha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:58, archived)
# :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:59, archived)
# I made no effort whatsoever
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:00, archived)
# That
sheman is weak :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:00, archived)
# He's the campest I could find
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:02, archived)
# Can
you believe someone actually dressed up like that and then actually thought it was a good idea!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:03, archived)
# From his face
He doesn't seem to think it's a good idea. I blame the girl/boyfriend.
There is worse here where I took it from. I especially like the touch of class at the end. It really is NSFW or for kitten lovers for that matter.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:09, archived)
# jesus christ
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:10, archived)
# This ^
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:13, archived)
# That
cat at the end !!!! fucksake on a bike.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:15, archived)
# holy crap
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:15, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 19:01, archived)
# threadjack
look at teh images
can you guess what song it is from

yeah i bet it is easy
edit i fucked that up did i not
*dont think they noticed
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:12, archived)
# wienerhop hiway?
...or dog-frog-travelogue
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# King of Rock and Roll
by Prefab Sprout

:D Wheres me Jaffa Cake?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:21, archived)
# you win
if ye lived in dunstable i would say meet me by asda for jaffacakes
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# happy
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:34, archived)
# Made me smile :D
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:37, archived)
# the cure make a comeback
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:37, archived)
# reminds me of Terry Hall
from the Fun Boy Three..
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:39, archived)
# ha ha, it is!!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:43, archived)
# yay!
we can continue our friendly discussion.
where did we leave off? last I remember,
we were discussing Chamberlain . . .
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:58, archived)
# ha ha!!!
no argument really, some of us smaller nations tried our damnedest, while a certain 2 very large and powerful nations, did fuck all for a few years. They know who they are!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:07, archived)
# Yes, indeed, those smaller nations entered the war after
giving up the Czechs and their defenses, and
were quite happy to receive support from their
cousins in the powerful nations.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# good call!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:43, archived)
# haha lovely :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:42, archived)
# very nice!
can anyone suggest a decent non compact digi cam for me to buy? 5mp or over, 10x optical or over, one where i can put lenses on and stuff
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:54, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:57, archived)
# quote "one where i can put lenses on and stuff" unquote
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:13, archived)
# hmmm...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:29, archived)
# hahaha
aussie mr sheen is bald?!
suppose the shiny head makes sense.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:32, archived)
# How odd.
Mr. Sheen has a big moustache and pilot's helmet here in Blighty.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:34, archived)
# Yes, and our theme tune goes...
Mr Sheen, Cleans up zeensboopsheen.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:36, archived)
# no, it goes
mr sheen! wants to eat all your spleens!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:38, archived)
# Oh Mr Sheen, Oh Mr Sheen,
clean wax and polish as you dust with Mr Sheen etc ad infinitum
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:41, archived)
# Polish all over the world
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:43, archived)
# They
are, aren't they?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:54, archived)
# who in their right mind
would stay in Poland?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:22, archived)
# Probably been done, but hey!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:25, archived)
# haha she is looking better than normal!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:25, archived)
# Go you!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# That thought
crossed my mind whilst doing this..
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:29, archived)
# i've had her
to be fair, i was drunk
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# Would!
That sexy bitch.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:27, archived)
# ha!
nicely done
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:30, archived)
# ta ;)
Interestingly enough, I think the font used on her book is actually Ariel..
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:31, archived)
# you don't seem to know what 'interesting' means
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:35, archived)
# hahaha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:37, archived)
# i was thinking, "it's too nice for ariel"
/kills self
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:38, archived)
# fonts are fun
fonts are funky
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:46, archived)
# Looks like
a light Gill Sans to me

/rocks backwards and forwards, dribbling
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:49, archived)
# ah ha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:21, archived)
# Heh
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:47, archived)
# hahahaha
looks like he'd fit into Albert Square perfectly
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:01, archived)
# sweet jesus
that`s a shop and a half
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:02, archived)
# Thats Pat Butcher innit?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:04, archived)
# sometimes i really wonder what's wrong with me
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:18, archived)
# Is that why
it's called Baaa-tersea then?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# i havent herd
that before
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# i find your profile amusing
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# Why? Is there
a humourously-shaped nose or chin going on then?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:23, archived)
# ha ha!!!
yeah, concise, yet effective
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:45, archived)
# Wool you please listen then?
EDIT: And woo(l) to teh power station sheep :-)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# You are teh bl33t

*gets coat*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:31, archived)
# Flocking hell
These puns are getting terrible
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:34, archived)
# I, um, right, erm, 'sheep' what you mean! aha!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:36, archived)
# yay!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# haha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:32, archived)
# I likes that
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:34, archived)
# What it was that I thought was..

..Paul McCartney was on a killing spree but then I looked again and he is not.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:17, archived)
# eat my apple
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# eat my crying crackers
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# Eat of my jammy dodger

that you may have eternal life.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:25, archived)
# *wets self*
that's a fucking classic
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:27, archived)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And incase you didn't see it earlier: Please Click
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:16, archived)
# Te he he ...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:17, archived)
# haha
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:18, archived)
# Lovely recursion!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:18, archived)
# ehehehe
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# "So nat'ralists observe, a flea
Hath smaller fleas that on him prey,
And these have smaller fleas that bite 'em,
And so proceed ad infinitum."
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# piss off with the classical allusions.

my kingdom for some hummus!
out, out! damn alien horse!
frailty, thy name is b3ta ;)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:44, archived)
# I love your username
Long may it remain so!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:29, archived)
# So that's how it goes.
I've misquoted that horribly in the suggest-a-challenge.

Also, woo to Butters.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:18, archived)
# Excellent

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# Huzzah!
woo and CHOMP
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:24, archived)
# Raaar!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:24, archived)
# Your animations never fail to rock my world.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:37, archived)
# Found this photo I did a few months ago. I wish I hadn't sold my camera :(

It was loosley supposed to be a 2 against one stand off/shootout.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:16, archived)
# Teh Nails!
Nice one.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:17, archived)
# Ooh
that's arty that is! Good afternoon!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:17, archived)
# heloooo :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# That's fantastic
The colors and textures are gorgeous

/likes her apatures wide open
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:18, archived)
# here's another one I did. I had only just got the camera/macro lens, and was just experimenting.

Then I got really really skint and sold it to my dad :(

EDIT: The .jpg compression has screwed that one up a lot unfortunately.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# Yaay!
that's basically all I've been doing for the past 2 weeks, haha
You sold it? How could you?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# I got into a situation where if I didnt get some money fast I would have been in serious trouble with my bank
If I could afford another one i'd get it straight away. (350D btw)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:24, archived)
# Well if it was your dad
he'd probably sell it back?
(once you get teh monies)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# haha nah he loves it too much. I do the product photography with one at work, and I don't think I could use any other camera now.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:29, archived)
# more things really fucking close up!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:36, archived)
# last time I checked that is kind of the point of macro photography.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:01, archived)
# I know!
Isn't it fucking awesome!
You can really see the detail of stuff.
(, Mon 9 Jan 2006, 7:29, archived)
# its blurry so i bet your glad u sold it ;)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# what can I say! I like a small depth of field.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# ooooh laaaaaaaaaaaaarvoly!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:18, archived)
# oooh, nice!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:31, archived)
# WOW.
a really close up picture of some rust.
you've done the photography industry proud.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:34, archived)
# hahah
you fucking twat
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:36, archived)
# Excuse me?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:04, archived)
# Bullets / Penises
Sadly, no hummus involved. They're supposed to be bullets, however, I have been informed they could be mistaken for small penises, what do you think?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

(Whilst looking up the correct spelling for the plural of penis, I discovered that the word "Peni" is the Hawaiian version of the name Ben. Every day's a school day!)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:58, archived)
# i like the cork-screw bullet
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:59, archived)
# pigs
have corkscrew bullets. 100% science FACT
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:09, archived)
# look like bullets to me...
pose he ably .45 acp or the like... too thick for 9mm...


i'll stop there.

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# You are Zoot Cadillac
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:07, archived)
# That's what I was thinkin'
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:08, archived)
# thats why I stopped.....
there's only room for one gun fanatic around here, and as i only have 2 handguns, I dont really count....
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# I've got a G-Con 45
Does that count?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:16, archived)
# yeh .45ACP
tho they are a pit pointy at the top for the 'ol tommy gun.....
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:11, archived)
# would be ok in the 1911A1
pistol though...

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# Sorry toTJ you here sir
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:16, archived)
# .
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# Definately Penises
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# This is the wrong group of puerile, cock-minded people to ask
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:02, archived)
# Hmm
Four penises (or is it penii?), a hot mug of coffee, and another penis.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:03, archived)
# is that to eat in, or take away?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:08, archived)
# I think the hilights should have straight vertical edges
in the middle, where they go across the junction between top and bottom halves of the bullet. They shouldn't curve inwards like that.
Alternatively, the hilights on the top half could be extended and stretched continuations of the curves started by the tops of the hilights on the bottom half. So they'd only narrow as they go towards the top of the bullet, and not widen and narrow again as they do at the moment.
Logic: the hilights are presumably reflections of the same light in both the top and bottom halves, and the top half is a smooth curve, tending towards vertical at the bottom, so just above the middle of the bullet, it should be showing almost exactly the same thing as the hilight just below the middle.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:05, archived)
# And that's
why you cheat at acro?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:11, archived)
# How does one cheat at acro?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:12, archived)
# You'd know.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# What do you mean
I'd know?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# I'll what do I mean you'd know your face in a minute.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# I hope you do!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# Felix has a team
of highly trained ninja stoats.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# And monkeys
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# And possibly
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# Go team!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# :o
no fair!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# It's only cheating
if he's winning :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# hahaha
I get ya
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# Thus?
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

(Woo to you as some kind of genius!)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:20, archived)
# Verily.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# Yes!
Much less cockly.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:24, archived)
# thermos flasks
with oddly shaped handles
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:07, archived)
# If your penis looks like that
you should consider dating a gun.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:10, archived)
# apologies
definately a line of cocks and a mug of coffee
yup, its a magenta CDC. sorry.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:10, archived)
# Lovely magenta colour you've chosen
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:11, archived)
# I noticed that.
It's the little details that matter.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# uh, thanks
is it the correct magenta for a CDC?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# #FF00FF
can't argue with that.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:15, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# Magenta cock?
what type of sick freak would adorn lovely pictures with hot pink phalluses?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:21, archived)
# hey i heard that ;)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 18:02, archived)
# Oh how odd!
It seems by coincidence that everyone randomly decides to use the colour magenta for drawing CDCs ... how wierd is that ...

no, i'm not an idiot ...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# not strange at all
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# I think they look like penguins in penguin space suits marching from right to left
and the fifth one has had his head vapourized by an alien lazer beam

just me?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:39, archived)
# Repost from the boards of time.

Found this while checking old things that are about to be deleted.


(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:56, archived)
# Is it made out of carrot bladder or something?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# a vegetarian haggis you say!?
how pointless!

(rummages through hard drive for amusing/pwiddy real pictures)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# what the fucking hell is the fucking point to a fucking vegetarian fucking haggis?
sorry, just had to get that off me chest
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:58, archived)
# Like a real haggis
it uses up the bits of left over vegetables that no one in their right mind would eat.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# ah!
shower time, back soon
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:04, archived)
# what a lovely carpet
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:58, archived)
# !
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:59, archived)
# hahaha
yeah :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# It's older than I am =D
I found an old compo entry of mine! The first one I did I think.


And a pic of my sis when she was about two.

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# That's verging on child porn ...
*sneakily refers back to old unanswered post*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:05, archived)
# I was actually thinking
what kind of ideot post a picture of their little sister on the net
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# ermm.... putfile?
if that'd work.... :/
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:15, archived)
# Thank you
I will try it.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:26, archived)
# ok..ty now go and paint some happy trees
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:58, archived)
# :O
that would be god.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:01, archived)
# Bob!
You look great for your age!
Nice painting, too.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:05, archived)
# Here's my real haggis

it will destroy this so called vegetarian haggis.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:19, archived)
# BRAW!!!!!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:39, archived)
# Just a random piccie ... i thought you might appreciate
It's a photo of the sunrise over Belle Plagne, in the french alps, 2 days after christmas 2004. I thought it was lully.

43.5k, not too big is it?

Edit: There's an e in Belle ... d'oh.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:43, archived)
# Not at all
and it's lovely :)

More of this real picture lark

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:44, archived)
# I have a couple more if you want them.
Mainly of that holiday ...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:45, archived)
# Very arty ...
but i can't make out what it is ... not that that's important.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:47, archived)
# Bottom of a slide
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:48, archived)
# Wowzorz ...
Excuse me ...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:49, archived)
# don't
mean to be nosey but whats that a picture of? its been annoying me! :)

*edit* i should really pay attention shouldnt i.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:51, archived)

Edit: Yes you should. :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:52, archived)
# your flickr account is awesome
what camera do you have ?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:53, archived)
# Most of those are taken with
a Canon 300D, kit lens. Newer ones (the zoomier ones with large looking apature) are with 70-300 zoom lens. The bash pictures and a sprinkling of others are with a sony cyber shot

don't get me started...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:56, archived)
# hehehehe
i'll try not to :P
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# haha, I fear it may have been too late...
I suppose I should have made that the subj instead of at the end
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:58, archived)
# happy b3taday for tomorrow
in case i miss it - enjoy!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# Oh I shall,
I shall...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:02, archived)
# lovely
reminds me of Austria :)
has real photo sunday come a day early ?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:45, archived)
# Ha! I didn't know that existed. Damn my newbishness.
I shall post my favourite real photo tomorrow then.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:46, archived)
# I been here a year
(as of tomorrow)
and hadn't heard of it
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:46, archived)
# it's unofficial
and it's since a few weeks ago cause everyone was posting lovely photos and the sunday would have been shit without them.
on a sunday it should be allowed :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:50, archived)
# It should always be allowed
*crosses arms*
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:51, archived)
# but sunday's are really slow
and it's a case of either putting a nice photo up when the board's fast (when it might get ignored for not being a joke)
or having sundays being the shittiest shift on b3ta EVAH! :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:54, archived)
# EVAH!!!!!!1
makes sense
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:03, archived)
# we shall not, we shall not be moved......
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:55, archived)
# happy almost b3ta day
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:50, archived)
# ^ This ^
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:51, archived)
# haha, thank you both
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:54, archived)
# nor me
shall I take my camera to work tonight? Oh no, not a good idea after last time
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:52, archived)
# That sounds like it may have been a mistake
a sexy mistake
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# !!!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# I say
That looks familiar.

I was there at the same time as you. How woo.

edit: in fact, that's my hotel on the right.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:46, archived)
# Small world!
What are the odds of two of us who went to the same resort being on the same forum at the same time ...

The village was great. We went and drank Gluhwein in the evenings. *Stares at ceiling* aah the nostalgia ....
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:49, archived)
# A very small world indeed
We bought cheap wine from Spar and I fractured my wrist. Ah memories.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:53, archived)
# Ahem

Harro sir
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:00, archived)
# Oh how fun.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:12, archived)
# Eejit continued to ski with a broken wrist for the rest of the week too
top marks!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# I know no fear
and am well hard.

Also, I paid for the bloody ski lessons so I'd be buggered if I wasn't going to use them.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:35, archived)
# Lubberly
I was there a week before Christmas last year, with an unfortunate lack of snow. Just about enough to keep us entertained for a week, but wasn't great.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:47, archived)
# We were worried it wouldn't snow ... but when we got there there was about 4 feet of it ...
So we were happy. That was my first and only time skiing. We were lucky i guess.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:51, archived)
# How nice. Can I post another large size picture of the center of brum now?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:49, archived)
# yes!
do that!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:50, archived)
# I'm going to jack my own thread, if i may, for a moment.
And ask, where can i upload files (a powerpoint presentation in this case), of quite high filesize, where they can be downloaded by anyone?

I've been doing an animation in powerpoint .... mainly because that's the only software i have ... i thought people might like to see it.

Here's another piccie ... this one of Mont Blanc

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:55, archived)
# lovely shadows
so clear and lovely :)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# Beautiful
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:06, archived)
# I think the first is much better ...
But anyway ... uploading?
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:08, archived)
# I dunno...
and animating in powerpoint? what's wrong with you?


download Gimp, it's a proper arty program and everything! (and free)
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:13, archived)
# What's wrong with me?
Lots of things ... but i don't have an software, or artistic skill. It involves stick men and rockets made from various ovular shapes. I am mainly relying on hummus to make this even vaguely decent.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:16, archived)
# lovely photo!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:14, archived)
# Woo, i just found two photos on my flickr
both of which i shall post tomorrow, they are both rather nice.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 17:22, archived)
# Pirates of the Carribean Part 2 (deleted scene)

where Jack Sparrow is forced to walk the plank.
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:42, archived)
# <groans>
nicely done tho!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:43, archived)
# arf!
mmm... Johnny Depp...
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:43, archived)
# ^ all of this
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:48, archived)
# Argh!
Teh Punnage!

Nice anim
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:44, archived)
# time for another roast then
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:48, archived)
# that not only looks hilarious,
but also has a terrible pun.

and pirates: ARRR!
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 16:48, archived)

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