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This is a link post Harry Potter Vs Star Wars

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:46, Reply)
This is a normal post very very well
done :)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Hahaha!
Although they should have included Dr.Spock he is my favourite.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:55, Reply)
This is a normal post The name's Spock, Doctor Spock. 007, licensed to kill.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:18, Reply)
This is a normal post Elementary my dear Ghoti

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:20, Reply)
This is a normal post That's Numberwang!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:27, Reply)
This is a normal post You are number 1

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:31, Reply)
This is a normal post I thought the Gandalf! at the end was highly amusing

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:38, Reply)
This is a normal post Very very good.

(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 0:31, Reply)
This is a normal post Completely outstanding.
*saber a tad too short, nitpicker that i am!
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 3:49, Reply)
This is a normal post That's just epic.
And the right result should it ever make the big screen.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 10:23, Reply)
This is a link post Little sketch I wrote for series 2 of Cardinal Burns, starting tomorrow night on Channel 4 I made this!
Lovers of Crystal Maze should appreciate it...
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:00, Reply)
This is a normal post hah!
Poor posties.

I hope you reused that set!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:03, Reply)
This is a normal post I just came here to post this!
These guys are well underrated, if you ever get a chance to see them live then do that.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:08, Reply)
This is a normal post Love this!
Love Cardinal Burns
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Ha! Brilliant stuff!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:11, Reply)
This is a normal post Go you!!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:18, Reply)
This is a normal post :D

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:19, Reply)
This is a normal post Saw this the other day, very good!
And so true.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:22, Reply)
This is a normal post Nice to see the lazy privatised postal workers doing something for a change.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:24, Reply)
This is a normal post Haha. I'm guessing the haronica is a reference to some show I've never seen.
Also, I just got back from the p;ost office, and they have Jimi Hendrix stamps!!!!!!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:42, Reply)
This is a normal post have you seen the crystal maze?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:02, Reply)
This is a normal post James Mays sister?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:16, Reply)
This is a normal post Here's every episode.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:27, Reply)
This is a normal post Yay!
I'll look at them when I get a chance. As an American, I'm woefully deprived. In Living Color was amazing, otherwise I don't watch that tv thing any longer.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Next time Im waiting for a parcel I shall be envisioning this

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:54, Reply)
This is a normal post Haha! This^^

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:56, Reply)
This is a normal post This wins everything.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:01, Reply)
This is a normal post \o/

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:06, Reply)
This is a normal post Excellent stuff!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:18, Reply)
This is a normal post Fab!! Clicks

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:31, Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha! that is great!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:52, Reply)
This is a normal post LOVE the details.
Do you remember Maid Marian?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:29, Reply)
This is a normal post fucking hell
i worked with that bloke many years go
really funny bloke too
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:48, Reply)
This is a normal post This explains a great deal!
Lovely stuff.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 9:51, Reply)
This is a normal post hey
do you know anyone called dave newlan or simon madgwick?
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 12:06, Reply)
This is a normal post I love Cardinal Burns

(, Thu 1 May 2014, 15:28, Reply)
This is a link post To go along with that football one below
No 2 makes me giggle
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:31, Reply)
This is a normal post It'd be good if they really made those sounds.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:54, Reply)
This is a normal post Holy shit!
There really is a player called Francis Meli? (1:54)

I thought that was a joke name.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Fucking hell. They are hard men!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:34, Reply)
This is a normal post Jeebus
That isn't tackling, that's just violence. You can see why they banned the shoulder hit.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:25, Reply)
This is a link post No no no no no no

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:39, Reply)
This is a normal post There's no limit

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:40, Reply)
This is a normal post stupid creature

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:42, Reply)
This is a normal post I hope it leaves a massive shit in their shoes

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:54, Reply)
This is a normal post HaC
That's just abusing it
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Tormenting animals for entertainiment
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:03, Reply)
This is a normal post ^this
My ex fractured my cat's back leg. Shame I didn't video it for cunts on the internet, eh?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:08, Reply)
This is a normal post :D
*Fondly remembers making Office Cat (RIP) moonwalk by putting sellotape on his front paws.*
Also, towing him round the office in an A4 box on a length of string.
Making him WORK for his treats by dangling a mini babybel on a length of string.
Swinging him back and forth in a mailsack. He used to love this one, half the time he'd fall asleep.
Pencil-case Buckaroo.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:56, Reply)
This is a normal post PENGUIN
You mean penguin right?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:25, Reply)
This is a normal post THE LOVELIEST HATD! :D *PANDERS*
No, I'd NEVER* torment Office Penguin
*apart from sexily
Still miss Office Cat (RIP) though.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:29, Reply)
This is a normal post *leaps*
*rides like a pony*
Hallo LOVELY, sorry to hear your office cat carked it. :(
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:41, Reply)
This is a normal post *Gallops*.
Ah it was a long time ago now. He had a good innings, he was almost 17 when he died. The spoilt little furbag.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:56, Reply)
This is a normal post 17!
Oh god my 2 are only 14....*sigh*
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:05, Reply)
This is a normal post They're trying to make him go to Rehab.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 16:06, Reply)
This is a link post Link of links

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:34, Reply)
This is a link post Sweet flip, dude...

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:18, Reply)
This is a normal post hahahahaha
NEVER show off
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:29, Reply)
This is a normal post ^this

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:43, Reply)
This is a normal post And the cock only got a 'Richard'

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:33, Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 23:54, Reply)
This is a link post Bit of a "Caia" vibe to this one, chuffed with the chords :) I made this!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:17, Reply)
This is a normal post minor and major sevens are your friend!
reminds me of some other midi files to fling your way (next week)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:22, Reply)
This is a normal post good stuff :)
I love the chords in this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSWJ2Okq8kU
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:24, Reply)
This is a normal post I feel cheated
I thought it was a vid about kittens and hot water-bottles :(
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:26, Reply)
This is a normal post
aha! my ploy worked!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:27, Reply)
This is a normal post nice one

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:30, Reply)
This is a link post Cyclist deliberately struck by car
What a lovely way to mark my 500th link
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:55, Reply)
This is a normal post that's the fucking way
go on son
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:01, Reply)
This is a normal post GMP
So, Greater Manchester Police use windows live movie maker than.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:37, Reply)
This is a normal post I read that as "Gimp police"

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:56, Reply)
This is a link post starwars cast is here

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:54, Reply)
This is a normal post I assume the page not loading is the rest of the world checking that out
Edit: Max von Sydow?? Isn't he dead yet, he looked fucking old in the Exorcist and that was 1973 or something
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:59, Reply)
This is a normal post He's only 35 years old
Doctors hate him
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:05, Reply)
This is a normal post It's Emperor Fucking Ming!
I've changed my mind. I want to see this now...
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:27, Reply)
This is a normal post Who would win?
Emperor Fucking Ming or Emperor Palpatine?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:58, Reply)
This is a normal post Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Ming couldn't win a fight against Emperor Butterfly.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Ah, but you say that, but Emperor Ming would torment Coruscant with showers of meteors and earthquakes
and the Jedi would tremble before Voltan and his hawk men and their bulbous codpieces
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:30, Reply)
This is a normal post For me he will always be Liet Kynes.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:58, Reply)
This is a normal post I wonder if Andy Serkis will be playing some kind of CG character by any chance

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:11, Reply)
This is a normal post CG? In a Star Wars film?
Are you mental?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:20, Reply)
This is a normal post That guy thinks he's better than he is
And mocap can fuck right off
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:32, Reply)
This is a normal post I have nothing but optimism for this.
Lucas is gone, the cast is great... And I've liked a lot of what Abrams has done.
The Star Trek films aren't popular with the hardcore... But both films (especially the first one) are a masterclass on how to reinvigorate a stale sci-fi franchise.
There's nobody I'd trust more to do justice to Star Wars.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:12, Reply)
This is a normal post
Nothing he's done has been better than mediocre. And his last movie was catastrophic.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:17, Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, well... that's just, like.... your opinion, man.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:56, Reply)
This is a normal post Hammill and Ford are in it?! Will Chewbacca be grey?
They better get a move on if it's going to open in December.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Chewbacca
is now bald and has a weird looking ballbag.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:33, Reply)
This is a normal post baldmonkey?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:29, Reply)
This is a normal post Forgive my not jumping up and down with excitement
but I can still remember the hype surrounding The Phantom Menace.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:26, Reply)
This is a normal post It's certainly brought the Standard Nerds out in force
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:29, Reply)
This is a normal post What!?!?!?!
Where is Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:38, Reply)
This is a normal post
Adam Driver, son of Jar Jar probably.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:51, Reply)
This is a normal post Awwww
I was hoping they'd bring Patrick Stewart as the captain :(
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Kenny has probably suffocated by now
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:09, Reply)
This is a link post Kitten whack a mole
They don't hit em very hard though.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:30, Reply)
This is a normal post improved version with flameing hammers coming soon

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:00, Reply)
This is a link post Is this a "thing" now?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:17, Reply)
This is a normal post I guess so

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:28, Reply)
This is a normal post I think it's bad
only a matter of time before this gets done with real guns.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:29, Reply)
This is a normal post The funny thing about these sort of clips is
that the people who are ducking for cover for their life, still find keeping their phone to their ear more important.

Won't be so amusing for the people doing it when someone pulls out a guns and starts shooting back.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:42, Reply)
This is a normal post if only everyone had pretend guns then this sort of pretend carnage wouldnt happen

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:01, Reply)
This is a normal post 4 stroke
that scoot doesn't have a clutch, so no need for a pillion to tote the gun, so I suspected a fake, I'm both an anorak and a biker.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:40, Reply)
This is a normal post Hello Noob
Most welcome
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:55, Reply)
This is a link post yay! kung fu football!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:50, Reply)
This is a normal post I had to stop watching that through fear that David Busst's snappy leg would feature at any moment.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:53, Reply)
This is a normal post it's ok, it's not in this lot.
plus, towards the end there's mascot fighting! hurray!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:55, Reply)
This is a normal post I was at Old Trafford when Terry Fenwick broke his leg kicking Mark Hughes
It was fucking horrible
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:11, Reply)
This is a normal post Agreed, I have the same reaction whenever Mark Hughes doesn't come off worst in a given situation

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:18, Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, but come on. Terry Fenwick. Anyone would want to see that cunt in agony.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:39, Reply)
This is a normal post Ugh! Kevin Muscat. He was an absolute cunt.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:55, Reply)
This is a normal post also, the preview screen is surely an entry for
up the arse corner in viz?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:56, Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Is this one in there...?
The evil Scumbag Morgan almost killing Iain Hume. Watch for him glancing to see where his victim is before delivering the Elbow of Bellendness (That's a technical term)


Nice of the FA to say nothing that they could do. aye right (Ben Thatcher anyone?)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:00, Reply)
This is a link post BNP european election 2014 video
its beyond parody. LOADS of footage of a spitfire. Um. Parody?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:48, Reply)
This is a normal post Do Lee Rigby's parents want his image to be used in a political advert?
I hope they got permission for that.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:51, Reply)
This is a normal post Vote Lee N P

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:16, Reply)
This is a normal post Christian values like
Renunciation of worldly goods, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, If a man strikes you on one cheek turn the other cheek, yeah, sure, I believe you.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:51, Reply)
This is a normal post DEUS VULT HERETIC!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:31, Reply)
This is a normal post Ah, they have got you on the turn the other cheek one
because it was god who said an eye for an eye, but Babie Jebus who said turn the other cheek. So both are right and you can do what you like.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:44, Reply)
This is a normal post Love the mention of Ireland in their 4 nations.
And the playing of 'Jerusalem'.

This is bollocks, but could easily be real.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:55, Reply)
This is a normal post
I called the one posted this morning as obviously fake, I thought this is could be real, but the use of Lee Rigby and overuse of the spitfire make me sceptical.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:04, Reply)
This is a normal post
The picture of the English breakfast made me lol, I love a fry up, but a source of pride?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:00, Reply)
This is a normal post looks real or a fan video
"The British National Party is the ONLY Political Party that speaks for the Indigenous people of Great Britain"

well that's me fucked cos my ancestors are from France and Japan
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:05, Reply)
This is a normal post Slitty eyed frog weirdo
*Votes BNP*
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:14, Reply)
This is a normal post
You sushi eating surrender monkey garlic stinking weegie nip scum.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:21, Reply)
This is a normal post *image of a snail with pixalated privates*

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:21, Reply)
This is a normal post Is that official?
There were a few faces smiling away in that I don't think would have given their consent to smiling happily in a BNP election video, those nurses for example
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Tineye gives the following for the Nurses Picture at 1:15


But the image is no longer there - last crawled in 2012 so it was probably ripped off the interwebs a while ago most likely by a friend of this guy or his mum ("Mrs Patterson" or is it "Mrs Smith") at number 14

If this was 4Chan we would have streetview co-ords by now.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Emm, which means it's not official then
even the BNP aren't that ignorant of the law these days, and I don't think your average NHS nurse is mental enough to alienate herself from about 40% of her colleagues who aren't white, and that again who are and fucked off with her politics, she'll have to work with
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:53, Reply)
This is a normal post ooooooooooooh
Aunty Mary hud a canary
up the leg of her drawers
Woudnay come doon fur half a crooon
and won the victoria cross
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:15, Reply)
This is a normal post Is it the same Polish Spitfire Squadron
that was on their poster campaign at the last election?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:18, Reply)
This is a normal post I hope so.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:03, Reply)
This is a normal post

It's British, but we sold it to the Boers after the war so they could use it to shoot at their own nignogs.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 19:42, Reply)
This is a normal post Winston Churchill was a BNP member?
Who knew.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:21, Reply)
This is a normal post I bet that brought a tear to many a skinhead's eye
as they sit nursing their bruises from the kicking they volunteered for in Brighton at the weekend.

(Sorry, I'm not a violent person in any way at all, but these people are scum, and I hate seeing my city overrun with yobs)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Did you daintily waft your frilly hankie at them?
Isn't that all they do in Brighton.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:43, Reply)
This is a normal post I ran for the hills.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:02, Reply)
This is a normal post They're coming from the hills m'lord...

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:31, Reply)
This is a link post Sophie's Fortune - Trailer
Lancashire-produced short film, shot entirely on location in Chorley.

For those of you who know the area it's shot in the Terraced Gardens up on Rivington (an area I'm heavily involved in), and the Liverpool Castle folly in Lever Park.

For a minimal budget short it's a belting piece of work, and having a chunk of the West Pennine Moors turned into an Aztec jungle is pretty ace.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:29, Reply)
This is a normal post Looks like an entertaining tongue in cheek romp
....when you say 'an area I'm heavily involved in'...what do you mean?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:34, Reply)
This is a normal post He's heavily involved in drinking illegal strength cider in those gardens.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:47, Reply)
This is a normal post good job you were not filming on good friday!
that looks ace, very familiar with this area and they did a great job with the effects!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:47, Reply)
This is a link post Captain Moonlight - Dirty Cunts NSFW
Soundcloud link. Quite a toe-tapper
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:21, Reply)
This is a normal post Should use punch cards instead.
Impervious to EMP attack
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:15, Reply)
This is a normal post It's probably just a copy of DEFCON 5 for the C64

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:25, Reply)
This is a normal post "Oh my God, they have launched Chuckie Egg!"

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:28, Reply)
This is a normal post "There's a sale at Penney's!!!"

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:33, Reply)
This is a normal post "how about a nice game of chess?"

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:33, Reply)
This is a normal post joshua

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:11, Reply)
This is a normal post I preferred
Marble M.A.Dness.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:03, Reply)
This is a normal post I can imagine the Russian ones are steam powered.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:33, Reply)
This is a link post Disappointed!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:54, Reply)
This is a normal post chocadooby
It's manchester, you really surprised? XD
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:59, Reply)
This is a normal post It's about time they put better toys in those things.
Bring back Tiny Terrapins!
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:08, Reply)
This is a normal post fkn Disney Princesses at the moment...

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:31, Reply)
This is a normal post What the fuck is this country coming to?

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:35, Reply)
This is a normal post What? Get to fuck.
The absolute worst toys were little figurines. I want to BUILD something, preferably from some cryptic instructions on a small bit of paper.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:40, Reply)
This is a link post dude threatens to kill himself with large knife, locks himself in bathroom
police throw in stun grenade, tazer him, blinding him permanently in one eye

what the fuck is this country coming to
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:50, Reply)
This is a normal post careful with that knife
you'll have your eye out, oh
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:01, Reply)
This is a normal post Don't endanger yourself.
We're trained to do it better.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:07, Reply)
This is a normal post So after 17 hours the cops wanted to bring to end an armed stand off with a bloke armed with a knife
without getting fucked in the process. Seems fair enough
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:06, Reply)
This is a normal post I'm very much of this opinion too
Although I may just be biased against mentalist knife wielding glaswegian grave robbers with a grudge against the authorities, holding themselves to ransom to blackmail the police into summoning the chief police officer
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:12, Reply)
This is a normal post what the fuck is this country coming to

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:16, Reply)
This is a normal post It's not 'this' country (in my mind, anyway)

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:17, Reply)
This is a normal post Hahahaha
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:22, Reply)
This is a normal post I was expecting 'I love horses', Sadly I got worst.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:27, Reply)
This is a normal post So he's alive - no thanks to him - and yet he's whining about it
Sympathy factor: 0
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:12, Reply)
This is a normal post "One shot went smashing through my glasses and I’m now totally blind in my left eye."
You know when you're buying specs and they ask if you want the protective coating on the lens.....
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:22, Reply)
This is a normal post arf!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Hello Mum - I'm on the internet look. Woo.
"Mr Ross claimed he had been suffering from stress since exposing historic illegal working practices at council graveyards and subsequently losing his job" (He lost the plot!)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:39, Reply)
This is a link post It's all kicking off in Stanwick

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:43, Reply)
This is a normal post Oh, the huge manatee!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Jesus, what a white-line-Muntjac-nightmare...

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:50, Reply)
This is a normal post Fenton!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Someone had to say it :)

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:59, Reply)
This is a normal post I followed a link on the page to this white van man
I was quite surprised at what the passerby managed to do to the driver's window
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:08, Reply)
This is a link post Kid who tried to hack steam account gets hacked himself.
Its from a few years back but still worth reading.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 15:33, Reply)
This is a normal post There was no hacking involved in any of this. Social engineering at best
Entertaining though, if it's real.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:04, Reply)
This is a normal post I'm sure I remember seeing it on bash.org years ago.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:06, Reply)

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