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[challenge entry]

repost for compo
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:25, archived)
# pfft
*buys 400 bottles.. locates nearest school*
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:28, archived)
# Is that where Michael Jackson
gets his Jesus Juice from?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 17:46, archived)
# i have a toothache
and the chemist gave me some really tough stuff to ease the pain

on the left is the gogo that performed at my b'day (minus the legs though)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)

edt: woo to the pic randomness
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# You want something random? Here ya go
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# spangle
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:25, archived)
# The horse is an alien
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:30, archived)
# hahahahhahaha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:29, archived)
# man ..have a nice weekend
i'm off i feel dizzy
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:30, archived)
# you too
and remember.. if the toothache gets too sore, you can always hammer it out of your mouth

(use a small hammer, because a big one is likely to hit your chin also)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:33, archived)
# no worries
appointment on monday before work...
i'll keep you posted
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:34, archived)
# damn you French.. nice wines, nice cheeses, and dentists

*moves to France*
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:40, archived)
# arf
you'd love my gorgeous dentist...when she bends over me, large breasts..mmm
no need for anaesthesia
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 17:01, archived)
# woo!
J'adore l'oiseau de saucisse
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:31, archived)
# so you have been pretending to not speak french all this time?
we'll have to arrange another meeting between our birds next week ok?
i've been so so overbusy w/those damned students this week!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:33, archived)
# Je n'ai jamais dit que je ne parle pas le francais.
Cependent, ca fait longtemps depuis j'ai eu de la practique

/edit Bien: ils vont faire le rendez-vous.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:35, archived)
# great!
if you want to train a bit this weekend learn this and say it as fast as you can:
"un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien"
"les chaussetes de l'archiduchesse sont elles seches, archiseches?"
have a nice weekend guys
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:39, archived)
# It just gets bigger
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# ^ this
Well, these.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# I, sir
am not a bum.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# But you have a bum
and I bet it's mighty fine
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:26, archived)
# saucy devil!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:27, archived)
# that, madam, is a matter of opinion ;)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:26, archived)
# arf
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:27, archived)
# Stealthy like a ninja
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# cool beans!
edit: poopy!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:18, archived)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)
# hahaha
it was worth it :D
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:22, archived)
# Ooh!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# Hi cockalorum
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:31, archived)
# haha nice payoff
was thinking hey he's not that stealthy he's walking like a crab
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:22, archived)
# Crab????
I'll have you know it's the classic Ninja technique of stealthily-sliding-along-with-your-back-to-the-wall type stealth.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:30, archived)
# LOL!
Oh dear me,
and the suspense!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# Judge Me by my size do you Mr Smith?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:12, archived)
# That explains a lot
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# what?
that most new films are all the same
just with different pretty effects to distract you?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:16, archived)
# Also that you shouldn't fuck with the defining original
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# the hidden fortress?
or seven samuria?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# seven samurai?
the Matrix?


I didn't mean original in the sense of an entirely original idea (which are extremely rare), simply in the sense that the first film/films in a frachise like these two are far superior to their followups, alienating all but those who are ardent (blinkered) fans.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:28, archived)
# the floor is covered in marbles
is that what made them slip?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# does Keanu Reeves have a prosthetic right leg?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:16, archived)
# No, just pleased to see you
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# i got punched the other day for the following conversation
alon: I met steven hawkings last year
me: wow, how come?
alon: oh it was some conference or other for prospective physics students
me: ahhh fair enough
alon: it was weird though, he was trying to persuade us to do this degree which he could probably do in hios spare time without even thinking about it
me: yeah, but i play frisbee in my spare time and there's fuck all chance of him doing that

at which point i started singing "i just can't, i just can't, i just can't control my feet" (damn you mystery bob)

i feel i was unfairly treated
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)
# LOL!
Oh good, lord, where do we find you people!?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:25, archived)
# hahaha brilliant
never mind your mate with the silly name.. we`re proud of you
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:30, archived)
[challenge entry] chicken drumstick factory

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:09, archived)
# Ace.
And coated in leper-crusts for that southern-fried taste.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:09, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:10, archived)
# he he!
all chicks should be hobbled!
just look how cute they are with mini crutches!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:11, archived)
# Ahahaha
Anything in miniature is great.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:12, archived)
# hahhahahaaha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
Oh, thats lovely!

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# can someone
photoshop a chicklet to remove its beak, wings and legs. it looks terriffic but I can't be bothered, and also, i am supposed to be working.
I shall pay 2p to see such a sight.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# 2p or not 2p
that is a silly question
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:16, archived)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# pffffffffffffft
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# i don't think so
it needs to be more shapely and fuzzy-like. That species also lacks eyes. I request eyes.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:18, archived)
# haha
did you see you are no3 in the suns viral chart
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:18, archived)
# Yeah! DTH told me. (It's his favourite piccy too)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# it's nice to see it's still doing the round too
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)
# ?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:29, archived)
# ahaha great
good to see those chicks getting on with their lives despite everything
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# heh
took a moment, but funneh
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# forking ace
I like that and your tiny fear icon!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:31, archived)
# I knew it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 17:04, archived)
# The Mighty Colonel!
Fantastic, sir :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 22:41, archived)
# Ahem.....Status Crow
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# pfft
i can't believe that hasn't been done before. much woo to you sir!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:05, archived)
# I'm still unavailable
any chance you could have a bit of a crush on me today?

Or are you still busy?

BTW: Did I say I like coffee?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# CAW! (see what i did there?)
Should do a Live 8 compo next week
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# they'll be mocking (bird) all over the world.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# well i lie
well i lie
well i lie
well i lie
lieee ike it
lieee ike it
here woo gooo ooh
mocking bird all over the world
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:12, archived)
# haha
i was searching for the names of more quo tracks for punnage, and thought i'd found some here:

status quo singles

took a few seconds to realise
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# fuck me...pity the 17 year old who's into teh Quo
sadly Mcsaderson
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:19, archived)
# woah
hadn't spotted that. Quite depressing really. Or it could be a really behind-the-times groomer posing as a 'cool' 17 year old.

edit: he's looking for.... 'just friends'. Arf!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)
# Woo yay!
That will sound just as croaky as the original.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# rooking all over the world?

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# i should have added the fellas...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# mmmm... nice
it's currently playing along in perfect time to Graham Coxon's Girl Done Gone
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# mm not a brilliant album
bought it a few months ago, and of course you have to fucking rip the CD to get it to play on a computer

bastard "copy" protection
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:41, archived)
# ..

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:59, archived)
# I like

but i don't understand it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:00, archived)
# woo! lovely artery
nice wee baps too
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:01, archived)
# That's me. *
From the age of about 25 onwards I could never remember combos.

Still, I'll kick anyone's ass at StreetFighter 2 CE. :)

*without the sexy chick though.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:01, archived)
# Just mash all the buttons in a circular motion
always works for me!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:03, archived)
# i'll take you on that challenge
so long as we're allowed a rematch on the original mortal kombat
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# And an old-school decider on IK+?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# Space to drop their trousers!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:13, archived)
# surely if your gonna play MK
(cough cough crap)

maybe we should bang out the pit fighter too!

look out behind you! dont get stabbed by the crowd!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:13, archived)
# I played Pit Fighter once.
.....and then I shat on the cart and set it on fire.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# This^^
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# this ^^
it was sarcasm you know

i set my copy of MK on fire

Super street fighter alpha is still the best
the one when you can double team Bison with
Ken and Ryu at same time just like
the wicked anime where chun li gets her
baps out in the shower! :) mmmmmm
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:18, archived)
# oh god no... i was appaling at that
in fact, those are the only two beat em ups i could ever play

could we have a race through the first zone in sonic 2?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:13, archived)
# Deal.
I used to be dep-Editor on a MegaDrive magazine and played that to death ;)

[edit]Next time there's a drunk-up I'll bring some portable gaming system-type thingies :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# Bring a PSP
I got one recently and they're great. Even if it is just to go into gaming shops and showing it off 'cos all the teenagers have to wait till September to get one *fnar*!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:19, archived)
# I was always crap at getting the rings on
the special stage. It was a bit like a toboggan run.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# YAY!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:01, archived)
# Haha
Woo! :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# it's only fair
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# LOL! That is SO true!
Been there, done that (hate them kinda games!)

These toons are lovely BTW!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# ok give me a few mins to work the controls out
WTF! you just perfect'd me! ta!

well thats how it always happens to me
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# yay!
more comics from you!

MORE!!! I demand it!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# ctrl+alt+del?
like that.

(please :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# ?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# cad

not quite as well drawn as J.J. of course...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:13, archived)
# Looks rather a lot like Penny Arcade
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# give me a Jolly Jack anyday!
no other bastad can be bothered to
come in here and ask us what we would like to see!

mmmmmmmm sexy nuns with guns!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# Aye, I was talking about that CAD thingy
JJ is very talented and it's the personal touch we all like!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:26, archived)
# Yay thats wuvly
I totally kicked ass on Super Smash bros last weekend at a gaming fest.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# hahahaaha yes!
me, sadly withou a sexy computer playing Kat

oh and big woos to the beautiful artistry!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# Excellent.
Woo! do you have to brush her every day? i bet her hair balls leave a terrible mess.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:05, archived)
# yeah but imagine how much she'd enjoy it
hmmm mind is confused by sexy cat
going for a lie down
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# She has opposable thumbs......
....she can do it herself.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:12, archived)
# Meh!
i bet it still sounds horrible when she's coughing up a hair ball.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:13, archived)
# but to have a hair ball she woulda been licking herself first...
oh god...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# I'm not drawing that.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# you probably have a copy in the secret files
show them to me, i utterly demand it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:25, archived)
# ..

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:26, archived)
# hahaha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# Woo to the Yay
That's übercool.
Must stop looking at her nawty face in the third pic.
's only a 'toon, 's only a 'toon...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# WOO WOO!!!
All aboard the fucking brilliant train.

I love the expressions, I love the whole thing.
Keep it* up JJ.

*the cartoons
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# got your work done yet?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:19, archived)
# Very nearly, that's why I'm having a snout around on here.
I've got next Friday booked off, REM here I come.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:20, archived)
# and Feeder, the Zutons and Idlewild, by way
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# Hey that's cool
Not too keen on Feeder, Pleased about Zutons and not sure about Idlewild, what have they done?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:27, archived)
# I don't know
but I saw them years ago as part of an NME new bands tour. Wasn't impressed I'm afraid but maybe they've improved, it was about 5 or 6 years back.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:30, archived)
i work for a games testing company, and there exists a term 'girl playing tekken' amongst our friends meaning mashing keypad till winning.

strangly this never fails.

(also love your style man, been admiring for a long time)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:25, archived)
# Damn you and all your kind!
How dare you have such a damned cute girlfriend!

... who likes computer games!

... and is half cat
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:33, archived)
[challenge entry] The Seamless 5000XL
Provides 1000% RDA Paedo Intake

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:58, archived)
# do they
even sell that stuf anymore, i used to drink it all the time
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# Excellent!
Yeah I love that!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 20:42, archived)
# Quite possibly the most obnoxious creature in existance.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
...now if only i could use my powers for good rather than evil...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:58, archived)
# this must never come to pass
I'm afraid all who have seen this must now die.

form a queue behind the yellow line, please.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:00, archived)
that`s a contraption of fiendish proportions
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# Oh bollox
DONT give them ideas!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# I can actually see and hear it in my mind`s eye (?)
it`s to the tune of the Laughing Policeman, but instead of laughter, it goes BA DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# I'm a fuckign frog and I'm not fucking funny
I'm fucking irritating and I'm bought by fucking cunts
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# a classic

*sucky sucky* how`s Agnes?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# yay!
that's exactly what i almost put in the subject line...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
[challenge entry] Brian always had to do the last coat by hand....

You just can't trust 'em...
(apologies if its been done)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:57, archived)
# haha
that is lovely
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:02, archived)
# We were running low
on crudely drawn cocks.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
[challenge entry] You were lucky, in our day .....
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:56, archived)
# You just had to;
that makes my post look even crapper.

Bravo on the spanglyness!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:59, archived)
# Return of the Jedi Redux
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:56, archived)
# ning all!
have a pea rost from the early hours of this morning

what should i call him?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:51, archived)
# Peter Powell?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:52, archived)
# Notim Agen!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:52, archived)
# sorry
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:00, archived)
# Apology accepted
'cos you're hot
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:05, archived)
# grrrr
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:11, archived)
# Scary?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:52, archived)
# Malcolm Glazer
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:57, archived)
# Arfage!
I think you should call him "Percival Ornage the Third (Second Earlsbury of Kent)" or somesuch.

Is that my wierdness rubbing off on you by any chance?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# Yes, he looks aristocratic.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# maybe
*looks innocent*
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# Haha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:10, archived)
# *snicker*
yous nawwty!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:15, archived)
# paul?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:05, archived)
[challenge entry] Anyone for chicken?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# heheh
you can tell from the taste
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:48, archived)
# And I thought McDonalds had the Chicken MuckNuggets? :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:50, archived)
# Mmm!
Finger licking good!
Who are u going to do next?
The beefeater from Wimpy?
Little chef?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:54, archived)
# some greek guy
from Subway
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:21, archived)
# I lack.™

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:41, archived)
# .
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:43, archived)
# that's shit
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:55, archived)
# made me laugh like a loon
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:38, archived)
# hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:40, archived)
# Glassius Cockius Maximus?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:40, archived)
# that's awesome. in a shit sort of way.
jack: can someone please explain to me how alexander graham bell, a scot, and albert einstein, a german, can be counted in the 100 greatest americans?
plus, washington was technically british...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:42, archived)
# These reasons
are many fold!

1. Americans are thick

2. Albert Einstein was actually naturalised to teh US.

3. Americans are cunts

4. Americans are thick!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:44, archived)
# 2. ah, thought so, but never got it confirmed
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# Also,
Did I mention Americans are thick?

I have to say, when I saw Eddie Izzard his joke along the lines of yes, im from Europe, Where the history comes from made me emit a little bit of yellow fluid. And it wasnt kia-Ora.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:48, archived)
# You find Eddie Izzard funny
and you think *americans* are thick

oh the irony
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:52, archived)
# ^ this
Hehe ;-)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:54, archived)
# but eddie izzard is funny!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# *slap*

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:08, archived)
# Must be an American..
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:17, archived)
# damn it!
he is!!
well he was, i havent seen anything by him in the last two years

but his star trek phaser joke and cats diggin
behind the couch cracked me up

no im not fookin american!!!!!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:22, archived)
# Americans just re-define anything they want to claim
It's quite amusing, in a sad kinda way.

edit; PS. ask them who won any wars
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:46, archived)
# they won both english civil wars
you know
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:48, archived)
# They've probably lost count
of the amount of times they've
saved the world by now, I mean,
happens practically everytime
they see a movie!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:54, archived)
# See what happened in Vietnam when we didn't help them?
10 years of pointless struggle and both sides lost.
Wouldn't have happened if the SAS had gone in...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:49, archived)
# Reminds me a bit if the old google trick actually.
Got o Google.

type in French Military Victories.

hit I'm feeling lucky.

It made me piss myself. Sorry for Glasscock.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:51, archived)
# talking of google
javac -cp ~/languages/googleapi/googleapi.jar No.java
java -cp ~/languages/googleapi/googleapi.jar:. No
noo = 179000
nooo = 136000
noooo = 120000
nooooo = 54100
noooooo = 32200
nooooooo = 26300
noooooooo = 17900
nooooooooo = 14200
noooooooooo = 16700
nooooooooooo = 8880
noooooooooooo = 7200
nooooooooooooo = 6630
noooooooooooooo = 5790
nooooooooooooooo = 4020
noooooooooooooooo = 3520
nooooooooooooooooo = 3020
noooooooooooooooooo = 2630
nooooooooooooooooooo = 2470
noooooooooooooooooooo = 1970
nooooooooooooooooooooo = 1900

edit: this is a list of "NooOOOoooOOO"s, and how many are found by google. I have the source if. um. nevermind
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:53, archived)
# excellent!
and yay for Java ha-favva

edit: hehe source would be cool ;)

edit 2: and set your bloody classpath properly, will ya!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:03, archived)
# no
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - 710
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 20:45, archived)
# when it comes to famous people
everyone re-invents them to be 'theirs'.

it's a bit like the olympic games, when losers are scotish, welsh, etc but winners are british! :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:52, archived)
# True,
history is always slanted towards whom ever writes it, but there are
such things as checkable facts too, and it's VERY annoying when they
just decide to ignore them and slot themselves in on top somehow.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:58, archived)
# U-571?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# not as annoying as listening to

the brits whinge on and on about it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# Actually no
What with the British... being right.

And the Americans... not so much with the whole 'accuracy' thing in cases like this.

Edit: Is it fluffy time yet?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:14, archived)
# Aye, good point

and let that be an end to it!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:19, archived)
# Ditto the oscars
"Yay Maureen O'Hara, you good old british stallion you!"
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:00, archived)
# I believe Bell ended up with both American and Canadian citizenships.

He was recently up for nomination in Canada's 'Greatest Canadians' too.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# can you be two things?
isn't that cheating?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:46, archived)
# Well Americans
are thick AND they're cunts!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:48, archived)
# As entertaining as yank-bashing is,
there really isn't much difference between that and any other form of racism/generalization.

I don't agree with a LOT of their policies, but to generalise them all as thick cunts is missing the point a bit.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:56, archived)
# But without some generalisation
it becomes impossible to discuss something casually,
otherwise we all gotta carry a library around with us!

And they DID vote for Bush last time! C'mon!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:00, archived)
# there was quite a bit of yank-bashing
back when Clinton was president.

So it has litle to do with policy
and a lot more to do with people's
feelings of inadequacy.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# Agreed.

I've no problem saying that they generally make very agressive, sort sighted, really fucked up political decisions and their people are generally xenophobic with no global perspective.

But to call them all idiots and cunts is just not doing them justice.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:06, archived)
# It's not racism
American is a nationality, not a race.

So it's not racism, it's just good, old fashioned nationalistic bombast and xenophobia. Not racism.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:01, archived)
# Yes
and as such, we're merely dishing out as good as we get
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:03, archived)
# Just say The English to an American
they say Teeth, at length, 'cos in the grand scale of things,
THAT"S obviously all that matters, innit? That's ALL we've ever accomplished.

Someone should give Bush a book on the British Empire, so he can see:

A: How things used to be, and
B: Why it's such a bad idea!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:09, archived)
# yes yes
but by your logic, we then wouldn't be able to point out that EVERY french man rides a bike whilst wearing a black and white stripey top with onions round his neck, and we wouldn't be able to say the germans nick the sun beds.

stereotypes are fun.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:04, archived)
# Of course steriotypes can be fun.

Being British in Canada leads to lots of people coming up with fun steriotypes about the British, of which I play into sometimes, other times I pretend to be offended by their 'racism'.

It's tough to be offended by steriotypes if you're secure in your identity as a person or a race, but they *can* lead to skewed thinking.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:10, archived)
# Yep, you can be two things if both countries have agreements to allow such things.

I'm British/Canadian. I believe I'd have to give up the British if I ever wanted to become American though (which I'll never do).
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:53, archived)
# Arnie's on that list too.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# yes
but he is an american citizen now, i believe
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:46, archived)
# ...and that makes him American?
Oh well.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:47, archived)
# Laura Bush...?
LAURA BUSH - greatest American??
What are these people on??
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:07, archived)
# This still has me laughing.

Leeroy is best.

Warning: 16 mb file.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:43, archived)
# At least I have chicken.
Saw this a while back. The fact I found it funny means I'm probably a geek :(
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# They should have just left him
but at least he has chicken.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# I don't get it. :-\
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:47, archived)
# On-line Role-player's humour
I think
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:56, archived)
# Nice!
Leeroy is the bomb!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 16:24, archived)
# The guy who does these
used to work for The Simpsons.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:44, archived)
# 'The Crusher'
appears to give him a rather Goatse moment!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:45, archived)
# follow the links to the other
ones. There's some amazing stuff on there. The hero's load animation is one of the best things I have ever seen on the web.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:58, archived)
# An internal error of code UAREGAY has occurred.

Damn message just won't go away!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:37, archived)
# ...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:39, archived)
# Woo.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:47, archived)
# Press Winkey+Break
Error Reporting
Disable Error Reporting
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:40, archived)
# Woo!
And I didn't even have to pay the removal fee.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:41, archived)
# I want a 'work damn you!' button
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:40, archived)
# Cyril had always known

that he was a very special penguin.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:32, archived)
# and vaguely phallic
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:33, archived)
# Bet he goes down well
when the planes pass by
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:35, archived)
# ha ha ha ha
(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:36, archived)
# he looks proud
of his stature

(, Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:46, archived)

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