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[challenge entry] It's part of a set, you know.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:27, archived)
# Football = bollox
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:28, archived)
# you can't be a real dutch, you must be a fake dutch
real dutch all love their hoofsphere and are like the English in their mistaken belief that they can win something.

Perhaps you have invented yourself?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:32, archived)
invented pleasured
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:39, archived)
# Trust me, if I announce in the street that I don't like football, I would be shrugged to death

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:09, archived)
# *rijkaards*
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:16, archived)
# pfft
if that thing wasnt made out of solid gold it would be a pretty mundane piece of sculpture
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:32, archived)
# it's also not solid
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:38, archived)
# haha
now THAT'S a scientist
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:42, archived)
# Everybody keeps referring to him as "The Professor"
interesting channel, though
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:45, archived)
# How are you Gentlemen..?

yeah yeah wishful thinking...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:15, archived)
[challenge entry] very wishful thinking :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:18, archived)
[challenge entry] I may not be keen on football now but...

In other news I've been playing around with watercolours, what do you think?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:11, archived)
# :)
The 10 year old dreams that's in the top corner. The thirty*ahemahemahem* year old knows it's on its way into the second tier of the stands.

Behind the touchline...

Watercolours - quite nice. You'll forgive me for saying that I don't think Monet is panicking in his grave, but nice character style.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:16, archived)
# Yeah, it's no work of art but I thought I'd try and creep into using watercolours a bit thanks for the nice things
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:26, archived)
# Are you Barry Sheene?

* I understand motorbikes, not football!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:23, archived)
# I used to look a bit like a more tubby Barry Sheene before I cut my hair yes
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:28, archived)
# ^this
although i don't technically understand them
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:40, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:54, archived)
# I think these are computer-simulated watercolours
because of the absence of anything going hideously wrong.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:27, archived)
# They are indeed, sorry I didn't mean to imply otherwise :) if it were real life watercolour done by me it'd look like an explosion in a watercolour paint factory
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:29, archived)
# Same here, that just seems to be how watercolours work
I think a controlled explosion is the best you can hope for.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:32, archived)
# The easiest way to make watercolours work
is to pretend that everything was deliberate.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:36, archived)
# Also works well as a philosophy of life.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:38, archived)
# No
Sometimes it is easier to pretend things were accidental in real life.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:39, archived)
# ^ That's what your mum said
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:43, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:32, archived)
[challenge entry] An old .gif I made 4 years ago, before I even joined b3ta.

Finally found it again :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:59, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:59, archived)
# Haha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:59, archived)
# Hahahaha

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:00, archived)
# :)
As I was looking for mine (it was quite hard to find actually, imageshack had deleted the original but I finally tracked it down embedded in a youtube compilation) this one was all over the place and I thought I recognised your tag...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:01, archived)
# Yeah, I think I posted it something like an hour after it happened
and it FPd. I had a shitty hosting deal then, and I had to pay bandwidth overages for 3 months :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:15, archived)
# Ace!

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:15, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:00, archived)
# Hahaha I would watch football if that happened regularly
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:02, archived)
# Footballer smash
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:06, archived)
# You weren't here 4 year ago?
Bloody hell

I remember the morning after that incident...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:10, archived)
# I was on another forum....
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:15, archived)
# There's another forum?

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:25, archived)
# Shhhhhh
We don't talk about other forums... (or is it fora?)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:26, archived)
# forchan
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:27, archived)
# More Z
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:54, archived)
# This...
...is WOO!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 22:19, archived)
# yay for Zidane

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:12, archived)
# That first one is fantastic
I've never seen either of these before.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:16, archived)
# hooray!

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:14, archived)
# Counting down till you or Herman :D do the Obi-Wan version of this
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:34, archived)
# I found an example of one done at the time...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:42, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:58, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:38, archived)
[challenge entry] To the tune of Blame Canada from the South Park film
I'd record it myself but I haven't the facilities/voice for it

The time has come
the battle lines are drawn
We must forget the embarrassment
And the 44 years of scorn
Should we tear up the driveway?
Should we tattoo our heads?
Or should we paint the whole country white and red?

Fuck England
Fuck England
With their nasty little flags
And their tedious fucking wags
Fuck England
Fuck England
You can keep all the pies and the booze
You're still gonna lose

My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer rich and true,
Instead he got paralytic and burned his arse on the barbecue
Should we fuck his girlfriend?
Should we fuck his mum?
Or the so-called friends who allowed him to singe his bum?

Heck no!
Fuck England
Fuck England
With their hooligans out on the hunt
And that smug little crisp-eating cunt
Fuck England
Fuck England

The tides we must turn
The flags we must burn
The puke and the slop
Has all got to stop
And before you kick off and start to complain
We know you'd all rather be watching it in SPAIN
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:53, archived)
# !!!!!!!!!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:54, archived)
# You cunt
I spent minutes on that
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)
# Haha
you know I don't feel properly awake until someone's called me a cunt :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:56, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:58, archived)
# That reminds me, I must buy a pair of £2.99 plastic flags to stick on the side of my XR3i as my stupid superstitious nature tells me that doing so will somehow help Engerland to win the world cup.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)
# £2.99?
50p for 2 at Wilkinson's.

Someone snapped mine off and took them away. Can you believe it?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:59, archived)
# Keen on recycling, these chavs
bloody do-gooders!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:07, archived)
# hahah
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:11, archived)
# Don't knock 3i
Chavs don't buy 3is, they're bought by real people and live in garages.

Unless you live in some crazy backward place still. :-p
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:57, archived)
# Colour chart according to me
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:52, archived)
# I love this
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:54, archived)

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)
# a hahahaha a hahaha
Golden trike!!

this deserves a woo and a half and a click :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:56, archived)
# Haha
Box o' foxes 8D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:58, archived)
# ooh missed that one
i like Plated Meats as well.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:07, archived)
# Lovely colour, isn't it?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:09, archived)
# I love this
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:00, archived)
# brilliant
have a click
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:09, archived)
How you can win at 'I spy': use colours men don't know!

"I spy, with my little eye, something mauve...
...or something sienna.
...or thistle.
...or chartreuse."

Disclaimer: I used a colour chart to get these colour-names. As a man, I don't know other names than red and blue.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:12, archived)
# Mmm, 70s flannel
Browsing lots of old adverts has given me an inexplicable affection for hideous shades of orange from the 70s.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:20, archived)
# Sicko
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:22, archived)
# Caustic Mittens
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:47, archived)
# I liked "Popular Wall Colour"...
but was hoping to find something a little less obscure...?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 17:42, archived)
# First post...be gentle

well, first image post in a month or more
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:50, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:50, archived)
# hahahaha
is that Guy Goma in the background?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# It's Anthony Godett
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:54, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)
# Hahaha
One of my first ever gifs.

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:55, archived)
# Haha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:06, archived)
# Uncanny

That dog was my first candidate for this
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:07, archived)
# the bit where he gets stuck is genius/sickening
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:58, archived)
# hahaha
brilliant :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:02, archived)
# Nice invention.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:08, archived)
# hahahaa:D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:47, archived)
# Hahahaha!

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 16:49, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm new here... hello!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:42, archived)
# haha nicely done
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:43, archived)
# haha
you have a very good point
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:44, archived)
Nobody will hear anything much anyway with those fucking vuvuzela's
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:45, archived)
# is that what south african women..
call their furry bits ??? O.O
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:48, archived)
no thats diseased, well certain women
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:49, archived)
# you can buy 'em in Lidl!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:49, archived)
Hmmmm, I may have to get one just so I can "PARP" it in the pub and annoy all the chavs.

No doubt I will be choking on it pretty soon afterwards, but it will be worth it.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# get a bar of their strawberry chocolate - it's lush
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:52, archived)
# Hmm, didn't know about these
Re-framing the whole event as the World's Most Irritating Trumpet Competition, set to an incidental background of football, makes it much more appealing.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:07, archived)
# Very very well said
Beautiful, wilkommen auf B3ta.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:46, archived)
# oddly
I was going to welcome in German too. Then I couldn't be arsed.

So instead, I present Belorussian...

Сардэчна запрашаем у b3ta
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:49, archived)
# Oooohhh!!!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:50, archived)
# Google Translate
making people seem clever for up to 2 whole minutes
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# Hallo

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# Hahaha
good start
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:01, archived)
[challenge entry] in a nutshell..........

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:40, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:40, archived)
# hahaha excellent *clicky*
also, this needs more attention, I feel

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:41, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:43, archived)
# tee hee
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:43, archived)
# Hehe
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:44, archived)
# Ahh, so true
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:46, archived)
# Hey!
cakey! - you know we only wear welshgirl outfits at weekends!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:50, archived)
# you maybe
but i'm a real girlie, i wear mine constantly...just in case :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:53, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 15:36, archived)
[challenge entry] Bindun?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:36, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:38, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:39, archived)
# Ha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:40, archived)
# Honestly - I've met people who's entire WEEK could be ruined by their team having a bad match.
"It's not a matter of life & death, it's far more important than that!" really? Clearly you've never had someone close to you die, you twerp.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:40, archived)
# The first match is Fiday evening I think (not an Englad one tho) I may do my weekly shop then, Tesco should be desserted
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:43, archived)
# That is an excellent think.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:44, archived)
# Haha good call
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:49, archived)
# the shelves will also be empty of alcohol, cheese and Adam Sandler films
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# desserted?
as in covered in arctic roll and trifle?

I shall see you there :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
# I've met people who are so fond of an invisible man in the sky
that they kill people.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:47, archived)
# Mug Muggers

Click for bigger (311 kb)

Get on the ground, bitches, this is a muggerfuggin' stickup...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:14, archived)
# Larry is stoned off his tits.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:22, archived)
that's our larry!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:24, archived)

` O
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:26, archived)
# You're enjoying your emoticons, Wobbles!
How's tricks?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:29, archived)
[challenge entry] I always enjoy my emoticons...
I'm good - You?

EDIT: Although I twating hate Football!

*If I wanted to see a bunch of over-paid actors, I would go to the Pantomime!/blog
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:40, archived)
# With my feet in the oven and my head in the fridge
On average I'm quite comfortable.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:41, archived)
# I still want a clay model of..
Jerremy Clarkson Round-house kicking a tramp dressed as ziggy stardust. Or gary glitter choice is yours.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:37, archived)
[challenge entry] Capello and Heskey during shooting practice.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:01, archived)
# There ain't nothing wrong with match fixing
especially if done mid match.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:04, archived)
# Haha, excellent
It's the least the Heskey deserves. Let's hope he manages to stay on his feet for more than five minutes this tournament.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:13, archived)
# He won't even make it through the anthems

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:14, archived)
# Hahahaha
P.S. I'd like to point out that my referring to him as 'the Heskey' was a typo, and not some attempt to set him up as a definitive, universal Heskey.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:27, archived)
# Too late
In my head he is now a definitive, universal Heskey. The one true Heskey.
All other Heskeys are false idols who should not be tolerated.

*falls over as a mark of respect*
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:30, archived)
You can take the "Are You Emile Heskey" quiz

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:32, archived)
[challenge entry] Cheer UP Fabio!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:57, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:59, archived)
# Nicely!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:59, archived)
# hahahahhahah! spot on :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:59, archived)
# Hahaha brill :D
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:00, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:01, archived)
# hahahaha
top class
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:02, archived)
# Wonderful.
I watched Up for the first time the other day. I thought it was ace. My favourite Pixar yet. Are Pixar films becoming to emotive?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:02, archived)
# Seen it twice now, great work
Brought a few tears to the eye.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:05, archived)
# Squirrel
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:07, archived)
# this
and the dog cracked me up
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:08, archived)
# My wife and I
watched Up one night after this choice...wife: "Girl, Interrupted, or UP", ME: "Lets watch Up, Girl, Interrupted is a bit heavy"..cue 10 minutes into Up with hysterical crying wife, "Why are you showing me this film".
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:28, archived)
# I felt the same
I hated the film. So many flaws and felt really bad after watching it.
Never again Pixar! you bloody bugger
(, Sun 13 Jun 2010, 2:05, archived)
# Is there such a thing as too emotive?
usually it just depends on how much you want to let go and invest in them
Toy Story 2 with Jessie's song still kicks hardest I think.
Or Sully's expression at the end of Monsters Inc, amazingly emotional moment captured perfectly in his subtle face change.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:09, archived)
# Oh God yes...
Al for a good emotional rollercoaster, but the cynical manipulation of emotion that you get in a lot of these really irritates me.

Right. Let's see if it posts this time.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:15, archived)
# The end of Wall.E sticks out for me before Up.
The first ten minutes of Up really got me.
I suppose something being "too emotive" is when scenes become pointless and detract from the story line, which I don't think any Pixar film has done yet. I think it's getting close though. The audience would have got the message with half of the montage scene cut out - as brilliantly made as it was.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:16, archived)
# hahahahaha
still havent seen that
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:05, archived)
# Perfect!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:06, archived)
# hahaha
very good indeed!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:15, archived)
# tops
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:16, archived)
# Sweet bloody Jesus!!!
We have the winner! Stunning sir! *Click* :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:16, archived)
# haha
cheers good fella :)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:20, archived)
# hahaha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:46, archived)
# ha great stuff!
(, Fri 11 Jun 2010, 1:28, archived)
# hehehe
Cheers Chadders!
(, Fri 11 Jun 2010, 23:32, archived)
# I showed the room where we're watching
and every time they cut to Don Fabio everybody pisses themselves.
(, Sat 12 Jun 2010, 20:08, archived)
# Haha, magic.
(, Sat 12 Jun 2010, 20:32, archived)
# ha ha
good one there : D great
(, Sun 13 Jun 2010, 2:03, archived)
# ... did no one ever notice that Ian Krankie looked suspiciously like
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:52, archived)
# except with two alright arms and legs
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:52, archived)
# nice shop but who is it?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:55, archived)
Ian Dury
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:55, archived)
# It's maxshanly you fool
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:59, archived)
[challenge entry] Getting the pun in before the Sun does it.

CFFull Widescreen Goodness

EDIT WTF? Who broke the internets? b3tards is like it's back on dialup.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:41, archived)

* Click And Wait For An Hour For Widescreen Goodness
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:47, archived)
# Yeah I had to rehost both of them. Something's gone the way of the pear in the Matrix.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:48, archived)
# I blame google with that stupid background image thing

my internets have been slow all day..not just b3ta
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:48, archived)
# Yeah that's far out.
Do we know why?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:51, archived)
Bings taken it over
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:52, archived)
# my internet was fucked as of about 10pm last night
reaaaally slow. I tried lots of things, assuming it was my computer/connection, but no improvement.

It is probably google's fault.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:53, archived)
# Here too
and it's becoming a pain
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:53, archived)
# Shalroth has a theory it happens everytime Apple bring out a new product
from all the Apple nuts hoggin the interwebs watching Steve Jobs blabbing on about it for the 2 weeks after...
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:58, archived)
# It's all the Apple fanboi spunk - gums up teh intarwebs.
They upload it when they jack off over their new corner-less toy and Steve Jobs downloads it, partly to feed himself and partly to inpregnate a herd of blind cows in an underground dungeon in order to spit out more Apple programmers and designers.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:01, archived)
# Aha,
So, if you don't like their choice of huge pictures, you have to have a picasa account to upload your own background. Cunts.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:58, archived)
# Apparently it's just an experiment,
but if you want to turn it off, there's a Plain White theme you can choose.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:51, archived)
[challenge entry] Don't make 'em angry!

for those of you that don't watch Sky Sports News 24 hours a day: Rooney got told off for swearing at a ref in a kick about,
and Capello shouted at photographers for...um... taking photos
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:30, archived)
# haha bloody hell
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:32, archived)
# arf :)

that works to well
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:32, archived)
# *click*
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:35, archived)
# hahahahahah!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:35, archived)
# nice one : )
Am I the only one that has never found The Crankies the slightest bit funny?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:36, archived)
# It was funny
in a "look at the freak" kind of way
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:37, archived)
# Ah,
We've got Jordan's babby for that now
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:38, archived)
# pffft
*pokes with stick*
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:46, archived)
# Britain has a fine tradition
of laughing at the mentally ill.

But better they are on telly than wandering the streets
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:39, archived)
# I don't wander the streets much anymore.
(check sig)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:44, archived)
# No
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:45, archived)
# hahahahaha
wee jimmy rooney can smell the funny man's stinky breath
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:38, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:42, archived)
# Hahaha excellent!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:45, archived)
# Fits perfectly
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:46, archived)
# ha ha ha ha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:52, archived)
# Excellent!

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:28, archived)
# Thats just Wrong
(, Fri 11 Jun 2010, 0:09, archived)
[challenge entry] *sigh* 56-0
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:21, archived)
# needs more tits!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:23, archived)
# ^ This
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:29, archived)
[challenge entry] haha awesomely done
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:26, archived)
# fookin' prawns!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:28, archived)
# fookin' walrus
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:32, archived)
# he comes!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:34, archived)
# I got nothin'.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:34, archived)
# arf : )
love the gloves
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:26, archived)
# hahaha... awww
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:30, archived)
# awwwww, poor little guy
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:35, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:11, archived)
# Oh jolly clever - good work.
I like how the press are going to town about the police. It's almost like they think it's unfair the country should prepare for an influx of violent redneck chavs bent on drinking and fighting by fielding huge teams of armed police.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:12, archived)
# it is going to be a bloodbath
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:14, archived)
# ^ This

* With rain on!


(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:16, archived)
# Thing is...
The papers WANT it to kick off.

If they print stories about how heavy handed the cops are going to be, the knuckle draggers will fly over thinking, "Right,, we'll fucking show 'em".

Plus, every country in the world treats our fans like shit.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:17, archived)
# that's because they're scum
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:20, archived)
# A little unfair IMO.
Mostly scum, herd animals, certainly.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:23, archived)
# ok, mostly scum
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:29, archived)
# they are not though...
most chav cunts have been priced out of it now.

Japan/S Korea in 2002 was way too expensive for thr trolls, and it was trouble free from our point of view.

I'm pretty sure S Africa will be the same. But if the cops are primed for a ruck, they'll find one.
And the papers will lap it up
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:33, archived)
# some of the stuff I saw in germany was nothing to do with the papers
but yes, the price of the trip may be a decisive factor.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:45, archived)
# I won't deny there are wankers
but sadly they get all the press
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:49, archived)
# Of course they do, they then sell more showing the fighting, then bleating about it.
Controlling consumers for fun and profit, making the news.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:28, archived)
# It's all a bit Tomorrow Never Dies.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:43, archived)
# 'looks up'
This is the best name I've seen in ages, "directed by Roger Spottiswoode"
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 14:00, archived)
# I am a football fan and resent your pathetic shallow stereotyping so much
me and all my friends are going to punch your face in.
And everyone elses face in too.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:21, archived)
# woot
took me a while before noticing it said 1962.

Now they all have deeplomeetic immoonitay
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:16, archived)
# It's just been revoked
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:17, archived)
# ooh... lolitics
nicely done
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:19, archived)
# Cleverly political.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:21, archived)
# Tiger uppercut!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:02, archived)
# hahahahahahaha!
worth waiting for

What is up with the uploader?
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:04, archived)
# it's fucked
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:05, archived)
# that'll do it
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:05, archived)
# ah so it's not just my internets box being shitty
boo, have had to load my images through b3tards too for the past few days
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:06, archived)
# ^this
personally, I think we, as b3tans, get taken for granted. I demand higher standards.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:07, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:06, archived)
# Cheers!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:07, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:10, archived)
# hahahahaha
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:22, archived)
# C'mon Cordo!!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:22, archived)
# Hahaha!
I'd play Patrick! ;)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:24, archived)
# Commander Worf's head looks like a fanny!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:26, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:30, archived)
# You know some rough women then
with hairy arses.
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:32, archived)
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:35, archived)
# Ah now I see
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:38, archived)
# ha ha ha!
(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 13:53, archived)

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