they should have fought the person who did her makeup
that lippy looked ridiculous
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:53,
they might have been shunting her makeup artist's hand when the lippy was being applied.
then they done a LOL
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:55,
I like it and thought you deserve at least one response.
edit - beat to it, I'll never forgive Michael Ellis!!
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:51,
edit - beat to it, I'll never forgive Michael Ellis!!
Shortly after this pic she took off the rubber skin to get some air to her lizard face
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:37,
Someone sent me a link to a picture of that poor bloke who had his face eaten off
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:39,
depends if you like seeing a man who has a puddle of blood with 2 eyes floating in it instead of a face
Wish I hadn't clicked it
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:46,
Wish I hadn't clicked it
Have you seen the 40 most moving photos everyone is posting everywhere
I'm pretty indifferent to that yet everyone else is in tears
I just seen source pics
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:01,
I just seen source pics
Yeh, I thought there were some lovely pics there
and I found some really moving, but they didn't make me blub. I would guess 90% of those self-professed "cryers" had dry eyes throughout.
I just got fed up of reading posts like "omg, I'm crying so much" followed by "me too, I started crying at number 27" then "oh, I started crying at number 22" then "man, number 5 got me"
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:09,
I just got fed up of reading posts like "omg, I'm crying so much" followed by "me too, I started crying at number 27" then "oh, I started crying at number 22" then "man, number 5 got me"
You're a cynical old git
Completely unrelated, look what I just saw in my local second hand bookshop window:
I had no idea it was actually a real word
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:11,
I had no idea it was actually a real word
it's 2 words around the rougher areas of liverpool
for example: "if you don't fuck off, i'll kick you right in the hoop, la"
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:31,
Not a lot to do with the 'art of unexpected embroidery' then
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:33,
not unless someone's unexpectedly embroidering your ringpiece, no
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:42,
some sort of tap would be needed
i'd love to discuss this further, but i've now got to take a couple of 3-year-old wannabe locusts to the shop for sweets before they empty the fridge
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 15:01,
Think back to Heidi
It's what Peter the goat herder used to shout when he was rounding up the goats. Fuck, why do I remember all the useless shit from my childhood?
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 15:24,
In a world of overblown manipulative bullshit
one cannot be too cynical.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 15:25,
Was it the one with a lot of 'then some more military personnel died in a war'?
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 15:00,
Don't worry, I've informed the authorities and he'll be off to the Tower before sundown
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:54,
I seem to be feeling very obstreperous today...
To the pub methinks, to celebrate 5 years since my quack told me I could never drink again.
I would invite him, but he died of a heart attack 2 years ago at the age of 42.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:00,
I would invite him, but he died of a heart attack 2 years ago at the age of 42.
Probably died of stress, trying to convince people to change their lifestyles
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:10,
Madge? MADGE??
Beheading is too good for you. Hanging, drawing and quartering will be the order of the day ;p
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:03,
I also drew a moustache on the face of Liz on a fiver when I was a kid
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:10,
hahaha fucking hell
The first one of these that made me do a lol *clicks*
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:25,
Fuck exploding bums, ME LIKE KITTIES!
And by "fuck" I mean "to heck with".
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:40,
( , Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:06, archived)
( , Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:06, archived)
If you read the accompanying story, it would be pretty obvious that I'd put in the asterisks and the words 'Excludes NI'... Obviously that wasn't on the original image, from the website, but they may as well have put it there themselves.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:15,
Why does it exclude N.I.?
Oh just saw the link at the top, carry on
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:23,
Sorry, you've just got me on a "FUCK THIS FUCKING JUBILEE SHIT!" morning.
Would probably be better on the links board?
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:23,
because it's more about the story
than sticking 'excludes NI' on a pic?
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:25,
Oh I didn't realise there was a story to image manipulation scale with defined threshholds
I'll ask Rob to update the FAQ with a clear chart so this misunderstanding never happens again :P
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:31,
Why would you exclude it?
It's part of the United Kingdom.
Those that aren't interested (and I include myself) don't have to whinge about it. Those that are will enjoy it.
edit : *looks down*
Ah, you're complaining that you're being ignored. Welcome to my world.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:54,
Those that aren't interested (and I include myself) don't have to whinge about it. Those that are will enjoy it.
edit : *looks down*
Ah, you're complaining that you're being ignored. Welcome to my world.
Pretty much sums it up
as usual pockets of royalty can be found around here, but they are few and far between. I think much like the Olympics, a fuck is hardly given.
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:48,
Agreed, but the amount of fuck given about a fuck not being given is sometimes astounding
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:04,
I wasn't talking about b3ta
I was talking about *whispers* real life :O
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:18,
Oh, come on now
There should be something in the FAQ about doing that, you'll scare the denizens
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:25,
Oh I'm not a royalist, and I couldn't give a fuck about the olympics either. I just read the story this morning and thought I'd make a statement (on here of all places...) about how our British identity here in N.I is constantly being eroded; not just by our 'own' government at Westminster giving concession after concession to the suit-wearing, politicians-salary-receiving arm of the I.R.A, but also it seems by big business, such as Tesco.
Only a month or two ago I believe there was also a similar story relating to Sainsburys or Asda, and how 'offense' was caused to our largest minority by the displaying of the union flag on some products. Disgusting. How dare we be British in our own country.
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:30,
Only a month or two ago I believe there was also a similar story relating to Sainsburys or Asda, and how 'offense' was caused to our largest minority by the displaying of the union flag on some products. Disgusting. How dare we be British in our own country.
Go to England/America/Europe and you'll be Irish
Oh I forgot, it's that time of the year to cause riots again?
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:41,
I would give the English more credit than that actually, they should know better. Of course given the average American total lack of geographical knowledge of anything outside of "the land of the 'free'", they'd be forgiven for making the mistake, and swiftly corrected.
And if you think the Orange Order causes riots, you've either failed, or chosen not to, understand the situation at all.
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:48,
And if you think the Orange Order causes riots, you've either failed, or chosen not to, understand the situation at all.
I was born in NI in the 70's, live there until 99 and thank fuck I now live in lovely England
Having grown up in NI and seeing the same shit on my doorstep every year I understand the shitty situation very well. Let me put it to you as simply as it actually is:
1- Orange order choose to march through a Catholic area (singing anti catholic songs)
2- Catholics are offended and beat back by police.
3- Orange men retire to their halls for tea and cakes and choose their next area to offend
4- Police are left to deal with a disrupted/angry neighbourhood - hence a riot ensues
*repeat every year until sense evolves
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:59,
1- Orange order choose to march through a Catholic area (singing anti catholic songs)
2- Catholics are offended and beat back by police.
3- Orange men retire to their halls for tea and cakes and choose their next area to offend
4- Police are left to deal with a disrupted/angry neighbourhood - hence a riot ensues
*repeat every year until sense evolves
Strange. You seem to be siding with the 'Irish' insurgents, implying your support for them and their suit-wearing wing, that I assume you voted for whilst here; but yet you say you moved to the UK mainland to be among 'the brits'..?
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:07,
You're assumptions are immature, to say the least
I was born a Catholic, but couldn't give a shit for religion, I married an English Protestant and my best friend is protestant from the Shankill road in Belfast. Remove those blinkers and see how beautiful this world is. Oh, and get some new records.
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:16,
Like I imagine most people would, I fail to see how my pointing out your clearly Irish insurgent sympathies is immature, since every single 'point' you made alludes to just such a viewpoint...
What is actually immature is to think that any of it has anything to do with religion. I doubt many IRA scumbags have even seen the inside of a place of worship, or ever read the Bible.
Also, concerning your first 'point'; just citing Drumcree as an example; the Orange Order had been marching their traditional route there since about 1807. It's only since scores of bitter 'Irish' people chose to move in there and protest against old men walking the streets of their own country that trouble has arisen. It wasn't a 'catholic area'.
It of course draws a parallel with countless Muslims coming to the UK and then protesting armed forces homecoming parades in their own country. Again, disgusting.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:34,
What is actually immature is to think that any of it has anything to do with religion. I doubt many IRA scumbags have even seen the inside of a place of worship, or ever read the Bible.
Also, concerning your first 'point'; just citing Drumcree as an example; the Orange Order had been marching their traditional route there since about 1807. It's only since scores of bitter 'Irish' people chose to move in there and protest against old men walking the streets of their own country that trouble has arisen. It wasn't a 'catholic area'.
It of course draws a parallel with countless Muslims coming to the UK and then protesting armed forces homecoming parades in their own country. Again, disgusting.
oh man you're right!
he's clearly a filthy republican. quick, firebomb his house and shoot his children! that'll teach him proper respect for the old union jack.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:42,
Ah, if all else fails resort to personal insults. A true sign of maturity and the ability to engage in conversation or debate like an adult.
Oh, no, wait...
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:24,
Oh, no, wait...
It wasn't an insult
Just repeating a phrase from a popular 3D movie. Taken from a scene where one character was bored with engaging with the other. Open your mind and have a nice life.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:30,
Hypocrisy... Not if he's right
But that said, both sides are as bad as each other.
Having spent much of my childhood in NI, the overbearing feeling I have is 'Why can't everyone get the fuck over themselves and move on with life?'.
I have very little time for people who are so preoccupied with historical events and rivalries instead of realising that they have one life and should try to make the most of their own, instead of worrying about others.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:26,
Having spent much of my childhood in NI, the overbearing feeling I have is 'Why can't everyone get the fuck over themselves and move on with life?'.
I have very little time for people who are so preoccupied with historical events and rivalries instead of realising that they have one life and should try to make the most of their own, instead of worrying about others.
That's what we the British try to do in our own country day after day, just get on with it.
However it seems every single day of our lives in our part of the UK at least, there are attacks being made, either literally, or simply on our right to be who we are, in this case by Tesco. It's not us that's causing the problems here. So every day through our local media (be it the Belfast Telegraph or BBC Newsline), we're drawn into it, the propaganda war of the Irish insurgency here in the UK rages on, and you'd have to be blind to be lucky enough to avoid it.
The whole 'both sides are as bad as each other' argument just doesn't wash. The British didn't start the war.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:43,
However it seems every single day of our lives in our part of the UK at least, there are attacks being made, either literally, or simply on our right to be who we are, in this case by Tesco. It's not us that's causing the problems here. So every day through our local media (be it the Belfast Telegraph or BBC Newsline), we're drawn into it, the propaganda war of the Irish insurgency here in the UK rages on, and you'd have to be blind to be lucky enough to avoid it.
The whole 'both sides are as bad as each other' argument just doesn't wash. The British didn't start the war.
Well now
The IRA is gone, and Ireland isn't Britain. Get over it
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 16:15,
Keep your eyes on da house this weekend.
Burmese cat loves de flags.
Click for bigger (131 kb)
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 13:16,
Click for bigger (131 kb)
Stands and applauds!
Haven't seen this one before, but I like it! A lot!!!
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Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:12,
He's like Hannibal, Murdock and Face all merged into one?
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 11:04,
Had to do it!
It's very late so i doubt many people will see this!!
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 3:41,
It's very late so i doubt many people will see this!!
Someone stop those corgis! Lizard flesh is bad for their tum-tums!!!
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 1:14,
As I said about 1.618...'s Victor Meldrew post - absolute genius.
Though infinitely more disturbing.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 4:19,
Though infinitely more disturbing.
And so, I checked all the registered historical facts
And I was shocked into shame to discover
How I'm the 18th pale descendant
Of some old queen or other
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 3:44,
How I'm the 18th pale descendant
Of some old queen or other
so I broke into the palace with a sponge and a rusty spanner
she said, "oh, I know you and you cannot sing"
I said, "that's nothing, you should hear me play piano"
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 5:19,
I said, "that's nothing, you should hear me play piano"
Yeah, according to the BBC everyone's dancing outside????
We're all poor and you're rich . . . YAY! Feck off Jubilee!
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 10:47,
Needs to be massively bigger though
insert this after the img src width="2800"
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:31,
Aw shit
Got all excited being Friday and all that, and realised it's too big. Sorry betards. Won't do it again. And FUCK the French!
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:43,
Damn my edit mentioning the accursed French
my life is in tatters now. However, as big as you uploaded it, this won't matter:
Whoops! Sorry about your phones chaps! Didn't cross my mind. If you are bored, simply insert width="1200" at the end of the original url and it grows!
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:46,
Whoops! Sorry about your phones chaps! Didn't cross my mind. If you are bored, simply insert width="1200" at the end of the original url and it grows!
Oh dear....
what have I done?
Certificate F (Flan): Does not contain boobs in trunk.
Still see it (the original..not the remake, purleeeeeeeease.)
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:02,
Certificate F (Flan): Does not contain boobs in trunk.
Still see it (the original..not the remake, purleeeeeeeease.)
another movie I own on VHS and have never seen!
Where has the last 15 years gone?
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:14,
Considerably longer.....
1984 that came out.
*Hobbles off on Zimmerframe...*
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:16,
*Hobbles off on Zimmerframe...*
I have a bag full of VHS tapes in my loft for some reason
and I have no idea why
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:19,
I expect
you're going to kindly digitise all of those rare 80s shows and upload them to the web for posterity at some point when you're not tickling big cats, Jahled? :)
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:23,
nothing more dramatic than things like Star Wars with loads of shit ITV adverts i'm afraid :(
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:29,
Unless you have something very obscure on VHS,
then it's usually easier to find a torrent or other digital copy to download (you may need to join a private site to obtain it, though).
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:42,
a best mate lives in Beijing and to be quite frank, what I can't find online, he generally can, for next to nothing out there. My VHS tapes will be headed for the bin I guess, no reason to keep them
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:55,
Having said that,
I'm a member of a couple of private torrent sites that specialize in UK TV, and they dig up some amazing rarities sourced from people's personal video collections...some of it the BBC didn't even have a copy of before unearthing these copies (they wiped a lot of archive material up until the '80s).
So it's worth checking what's on them before you junk your video collection.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 0:08,
So it's worth checking what's on them before you junk your video collection.
man old man recorded the enrire live aid concert
i'm pretty sure he still has that on vhs
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 2:49,
A cursory search indicates that this is already out there,
but as someone who appreciates Star Wars Holiday Special, which only exists in its current form because some people had video recorders in 1978, I'd say it's still worth checking out which is the better-quality version.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 2:58,
What a find!
I must find out what that knocking sound is in my boot.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 0:01,
Loopy loopiness.
Good work, Herman:D
Any cheesey-puffs in those rolls?
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 23:10,
Any cheesey-puffs in those rolls?
This is thoroughly woosome
and happy celebration of signing up for a website
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 20:56,
proper awesome :)
If this was a C64 game cover I'd totally buy it :D
happy b3taday!!
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Fri 1 Jun 2012, 21:03,
happy b3taday!!
I'm going to play that tomorrow.
Lovely. Happy candleday.
*stumbles around in loft*
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 21:21,
*stumbles around in loft*
Well that's rather good
You may have gone but happy fiery b3taday nonetheless
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 22:40,
Paying homage to this image!
Click for bigger (241 kb)
Will I get into trouble for doing this? But seriously Drimble, this image rocks! Nice 1. Happy Candles!
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 0:35,
Click for bigger (241 kb)
Will I get into trouble for doing this? But seriously Drimble, this image rocks! Nice 1. Happy Candles!
"you put your hand in your pocket and it grows bigger"
Fuckin' ace picture!
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 2:46,
Fuckin' ace picture!
Bloody Excellent work!
Reminds me of the artwork from old cassette games in the early 90's. *I like this*
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 10:50,
I've been playing this again because of you
gods is way better though :D
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 14:23,
He knows something
the smug bastard must be holding the remote switch to the land mines he's sellotaped to their respective heads
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 21:08,
I kind of liked that you never got to see what was in the case and had to use your imagination.
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 9:39,
Damn, I was gonna do this scene with a sparkly gold dildo in the case.
Maybe I still will...
( ,
Sat 2 Jun 2012, 12:24,
I found this I thought it should win the compo
(probably bindun already)
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:28,
(probably bindun already)
Happy Jubilee Weekend. Lets celebrate the reign of the reptoid queen!
Click for bigger (193 kb)
So, what's everyone's plans?
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Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:00,
Click for bigger (193 kb)
So, what's everyone's plans?
Queen Liz(ard).
I'm staying in with a few cans tonight, watching random stuff on telly, probably the punk docus on BBC4 later.
Tomorrow I may go check out the first day of HISCORE 2012, a retro gaming event in Manchester.
Sunday and Monday I'm doing stage assistance work at Eurocultured, a mulit-media street festival.
Tuesday I'll probably lie in bed most of the day.
So, nothing to do with the jubilee whatsoever!
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Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:06,
Tomorrow I may go check out the first day of HISCORE 2012, a retro gaming event in Manchester.
Sunday and Monday I'm doing stage assistance work at Eurocultured, a mulit-media street festival.
Tuesday I'll probably lie in bed most of the day.
So, nothing to do with the jubilee whatsoever!
the closest I'll get to a Jubilee is when I stick a quenchy cup in the freezer
fuck er
( ,
Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:07,
fuck er
I may make a curry
Infact fuck it I will! With lots and lots of garlic to deter the summer kleggs.
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Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:16,
I am going to paint and draw and cry and bleed and shit and piss and eat and drink and puke and choke and die and come back to life and die again and fly with angels and kill devils and play chess with God and lose and swear revenge and destroy Heaven.
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Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:21,
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