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[challenge entry] Ooeeerrr...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:51, archived)
# Hahahha! Perfect!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:52, archived)
# Carry On Shoulder? Wasn't it??
Haha, nice Ninj
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:13, archived)
# Hahahaha...
Mornin sir! :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:17, archived)
# Or was it "Carry on Christ"? Either way, t'was a bloody good laugh if I remember correctly?
Full time B3ta these days? Boss on holiday?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:22, archived)
# No, he's about 3ft away...
...but behind my screen ;)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:24, archived)
# Hull.

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:38, archived)
# Hahahahahaha!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:39, archived)
# hahahahahhahahahahahahha!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:40, archived)
# Does it cost an arm and a leg...or something...

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:42, archived)
# Hahaha! Nicely done!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:43, archived)
# Haha
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:45, archived)
# yey

and 'ning all
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:45, archived)
# hahahahahahahh!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:58, archived)
# heheh
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:50, archived)
# gold
thats so dark

I love it!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:57, archived)
# Straight to Hull
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:42, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:47, archived)
# Hahaha crikey!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:53, archived)
# That's dangerous, that is.
I nearly choked on my sandwich.

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:03, archived)
# hahahahahaha!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:16, archived)
# Hahahaha...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:23, archived)
# Hahahahahahahaha...:)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:53, archived)
# What's 20 feet long and smells of piss...?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:54, archived)
# I don't know. What's 20 feet long and smells of piss...?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:55, archived)
# The checkout queue at *insert cheap supermarket here*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:56, archived)
# A Post Office queue...
I went to the docs last week, he said "I need a stool sample, a semen sample and a urine sample."

"I'm in rather a hurry doctor, can't I just leave my boxers with you?"
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:00, archived)
# Did he need blood, sweat, gravy and egg samples too?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:07, archived)
# Yuk!!!
:)...oh he didn't BTW
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:22, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:12, archived)
# unfortunately for this joke
the store's name is pronounced "leeeedul" according to TV.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:42, archived)
# You are a big fleeeed.
Still works.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:52, archived)
[challenge entry] Football and religion...

a perfect match.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:30, archived)
# ..as they both induce mass hysteria?

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:43, archived)
# I think they like to call it "passionate support"
as they bash opposing fans head in with broken beer bottles
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:45, archived)
# Those cheeky religious types!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:50, archived)

So there are no Marlboro Lights in heaven?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:54, archived)
# I hope not

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:05, archived)
# I'd buy a Pires on the cross.
Our father, that art in Castellón.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 14:11, archived)
[challenge entry] Pfft...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:01, archived)
Good ning Mr Ninj! x
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:02, archived)
# Mornin' lully!
You well? :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:03, archived)
# I'm busy!
Crowbarring a bit of B3ta into my day before I get stuck in.

And your good self?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:04, archived)
# Fine and dandy...
...thank you :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:06, archived)
# Ooh! As good as "dandy"!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:09, archived)
# He already ate 5 cow pies this morning
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:14, archived)
# I look like I ate 5 cow pies this morning
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:31, archived)
# hahahaha! "Need to feed 5000 on a budget? Shop at Shekel-Stretcher!"
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:07, archived)
# I'm sorry.

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:11, archived)
# Hahahaha...

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:13, archived)
# Pffft! Excellent!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:16, archived)
# Arf!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:23, archived)
Am I too late for a new challenge suggestion?

Design a new character for an established children's series - characters must be drawn or designed in the style of the original illustrations

story here
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:31, archived)
# I thought the 'old-style' Pooh was no more
I thought Herr Disney had decided only their version existed now
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:44, archived)
# Disney only own film and merchandise rights.
Not the rights to the original books or any new books.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:48, archived)
# 15 minutes left guys...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:51, archived)
# Hahahaha
Shopped images only please
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:52, archived)
# Haha
I fell asleep watching masterchef last night.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:53, archived)
# 15 minutes for what?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:53, archived)
# Duck!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:54, archived)
# Goose!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:55, archived)
# Damn.
Goose beats duck, doesn't it?
Or is that just fowl play?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:56, archived)
# don't get in a flap about it...
I don;t need hen-pecking at this time of the morning...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:58, archived)
# You're just chickening out.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:01, archived)
# stop egging me on.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:04, archived)
# 5 minutes left Barbie!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:03, archived)
# FOR WHAT?????
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:13, archived)
# Oh dear. I think it's burnt.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:12, archived)
# Ohhhhh, I'm slow this morning
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:13, archived)
# I'll just repeat what Michel Roux says, then I might not look like an idiot....
Morning Ninj!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:53, archived)
# Mornin' Moley!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:02, archived)
# hahhahahaha! I bet he makes a MEAN weedrat stew!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:56, archived)
# HAHA Pea Soup!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:10, archived)
# *bokes*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:52, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:40, archived)
# Yay! Judgmental cats
Cats have no sense of humour.

Dogs, on the other hand, will play a joke on you and then grin like mongs.

I love dogs.

EDIT: in other news, six kittins on BBC one - they are very cute.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:41, archived)
# Cats do have a sense of humour. But not very nice.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:43, archived)
# Dogs are brilliant
My spaniel used to lie across the stairs when i wanted to walk up them to try and stop me from ascending. She'd lie there pretending she didnt notice me, of course the wagging tail and looking at me out of the corner of her eye gave it away :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:46, archived)
# too hung over to join in with that one.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:46, archived)
# tough crowd
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:48, archived)
# Hahahaha...
Stunning as always! *Clicketh* :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:50, archived)
# Hahahaha
This is how I imagine X Factor to be.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:50, archived)
# hahahahhahahahaha!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:51, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:53, archived)
# morning b3ta
have a crap pun from Vera Lynn

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:31, archived)
# Aw no
Not wheel meat again

I'm so tyred of that
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:32, archived)
# you want to tread carefully around here with jokes like that
not putting pressure on you or anything
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:47, archived)
# Needs more meatwheels

morning frogs and beavers!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:39, archived)
# Mmmmmm.... wheelmeat.......
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:44, archived)
# Pffft.
More of this sort of thing! :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:45, archived)
# oh god how did this get here
I am not good with computer

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:14, archived)
# I think my brain just melted!
'ningles all. Another week and another compo no starter.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:15, archived)
# Fraiser has been kidnapped by a tribe of unsavory natives whilst on holiday...
nings RG!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:06, archived)
# I thought it was Ninja Weapons...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:15, archived)
# What am I looking at again?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:16, archived)
# A random post from 2007 seems to have popped up in my Friends Activity page...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:18, archived)
# Let's make our own challenge again!
I vote for Sausages!

In other news, have you sorted out what's going to happen to you when the rug is finally pulled from under your feet?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:36, archived)
# Buy carpet
you can nail the fucker down
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:38, archived)
# I have only once tried to lay a carpet
It was a fucking disaster.

Well, we got the bastard in place, but it took us about six times longer than it should have done because we had to stop every five minutes to fall about in hysterics about how shit we were at carpet laying.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:39, archived)
# That was extraneous information
that nobody needed to know
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:40, archived)
# This is precisely why I want a pro to tile my kitchen
Me let loose with grout is not a good idea
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:43, archived)
# Warning
Ladies of the night are not necessarily good at tiling.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:49, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:55, archived)
# Sausages!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:52, archived)
# fuck!!!
too much my morning eyes!!!!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:16, archived)
# Pardon sir, it's late night
for we Yankees in Seattle.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:20, archived)
# o hai yankees!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:33, archived)
# Can I come live with you please?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:03, archived)
# You'd hate it there's
a tremendous amount of rain and Californians who won't take the hint to go home.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:17, archived)
# I like rain.
I'll be extra quiet and I only need minimal care and attention. Pletty prease?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:22, archived)
# Also I'm a cat.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:22, archived)
# *quarantines*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:45, archived)
# *neuters*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:05, archived)
# My condo's bylaws
specify no pets so that's right out, sorry
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:46, archived)
# at least you know

no new challenge yet.. :(
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:16, archived)
# That's pretty cool!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:38, archived)
# That's very lovely and more than a bit spacky :)
I like it.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:51, archived)
# I had to
look up the word spacky because I'm an American but it fits perfectly. God bless you, Urban Dictionary, you always come through.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:16, archived)
# Well in terms of this board I would say it is defined as something that might set off an epileptic fit
Or give prodigy69 a headache rather than something that is actually related to "special" :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:30, archived)
# Today
I have learned something new.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:01, archived)
# B3ta. Infotainment \o/
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:08, archived)
# good monaing
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:56, archived)
# my eyes are going a bit odd, watching this...
good ningles to you all!
I wish it were friday today. Instead it's a crappy thursday - teasing me about the weekend being so close, but still out of reach.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:04, archived)
# Stevie!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:19, archived)
# freebs!
hahahahhaha, bloody hell, that's spot on...

"And don't tell me how many columns, tell me in millimetres or inches!"

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:28, archived)
# sounds familiar
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:50, archived)
# like a pizza

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 7:12, archived)
# Mmmmm
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 7:20, archived)
# touched for the very first time
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 7:23, archived)
# Ham pizza?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:37, archived)
edit: IF YOU CAN.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 7:32, archived)
# Hahaha!
Poor cuntboxes :(
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:32, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 7:47, archived)
# I hope the green bit's
artichoke heart because I've recently learned it's delicious on pizza.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:48, archived)
# I am now hungry and horny
Thank you for this gift.

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:49, archived)
# Seems some people hate ideas for thier companies... Rejected.

Click for bigger (101 kb)

I don't care I am still getting my mate to make it. She does the sewing real well.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:32, archived)
# I see seams!
Most woo.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:40, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:03, archived)
# Pra to kill the homesicknesses

You lower the success of the Black Panty Not Valley Nothing
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:50, archived)
# It wants to know somebody special thing? Here the zero does not have zero!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:53, archived)
# wtf are you two talking about?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:32, archived)
# The black Panty was recently edited out, and it's probably impossible to find it now.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:58, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:59, archived)
# Argh! That means only one thing. Time for fluffy. There there, everything's going to be ok.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 6:10, archived)
# Awwwwwwwwwwww!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 6:19, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 6:26, archived)
# Awwwhw fuck.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 6:36, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:32, archived)
# Fucking hell!
Get that thing a giant boob, quick!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:35, archived)
# Get me two!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:09, archived)

heads for the bandwagon bunker
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:39, archived)
# He's at least 65 ft.,....c'mon!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:10, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:39, archived)
# FFUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!...ready, aim, FIRE!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:43, archived)
# That sauce picture is from a recent amazing feat of engineering
In just 3 days engineers were able to replace a major section of a bridge going between Oakland and San Francisco (eventually it will all be torn down so a new bridge can be put in almost the same place...)


except for the exploding giant baby part
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:48, archived)
# all because those damn humans breed like rabbits
ooooh, maybe the baby is symbolic
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:52, archived)
# it is because they won't

probably more than 50% of the people who drive to and from San Francisco every day could do the same job from their home computer, but the corporations want their slaves in full view, I guess.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:58, archived)
# ...but to be fair
anyone who lives in Oakland is probably desperate for a reason to get out for at least a few hours every day.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:19, archived)
# there are a few good things to do in Oaktown - they are tying hard to improve stuff
if you try hard enough (or go to Emeryville or Berkeley) but spending a few hours stuck in traffic is not so much fun - I have done that many too many times...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:24, archived)
# Berkeley is nice
much less likely to be shot in the face than Oakland itself.

Whenever I am in San Francisco, it is always nice to drive the long way back over the Golden Gate bridge and round the North Bay before stopping off in Berkeley for something to eat. And then speeding like fuck through Oakland before I am shot, raped and carjacked. In that order.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:29, archived)
# Hey, I have walked the streets of West Oakland
and lived to tell about it - and I know a lot of (non-gangster) people who live and play there. My band has a regular gig in Oakland - I am not ah-skeered to go there, most of the time...

and there is a whole lot more to the East Bay than just Oakland - a whole bunch of people live over there and have to commute on that damn bridge.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:36, archived)
# I just want the giant baby to destroy it!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:38, archived)
# the pee, IT BURNS!!!
*resists animating pee three nights in a row.*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:51, archived)
# Needs some green spew... done.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:02, archived)
# Don't wizz on the electric fence......................COCK OF FIRE!...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:07, archived)
# He's really mad now!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:24, archived)
# oh shit
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:28, archived)
# yeah, you guys better run!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:36, archived)
# BIG BABY . . . it's a Saab Story !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:08, archived)
# Drivin' and cryin'.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:25, archived)
# No More Gears !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:30, archived)
# I'm a highway star!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:35, archived)
# sniff'n'the tears
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 11:58, archived)
# I reogise that baby...
From my "welcome new person" image...

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:30, archived)

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:51, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:03, archived)
# YEAH!...FTW!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 5:07, archived)
# How is giant exploding babby formed?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:31, archived)
# something i didnt post today
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:27, archived)
# ....and
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:28, archived)
# Watch out for bees...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:34, archived)
# Aww!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:36, archived)
# Sad flower is sad.
Or perhaps it's just indigestion.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:36, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:39, archived)
# Muffet Flower Powder !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:09, archived)
# Please
put that on a rowing machine user for added comedy effect
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:39, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:44, archived)
[challenge entry] Not sure this is what the Bible had in mind.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:53, archived)
# He looks like he's enjoying himself!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:54, archived)
# Pain is a pesky, subjective thing I guess.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:02, archived)
# Arf!
I should think not.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:57, archived)
# damn, that is hawt!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:01, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:07, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:13, archived)
# hahahaha

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:16, archived)
# that was a trip...
...(conway twitty...heh heh)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:39, archived)
# Goodbody: Richard Simmons off his Ritalin.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:26, archived)
# no wonder there are so many christians.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:25, archived)
# Cross too bare !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:04, archived)
# I've been lepton by a strange quark
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:56, archived)
# god's control panel
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:00, archived)
# :D
He's gone off for a game of dice. Just to piss off Einstein.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:02, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:12, archived)
# That's giving me a hadron just thinking about.

Also I have no idea how you managed to spell dimensions wrong.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:01, archived)
# no, he's spelled it perfectly correctly
it's just some quantum fluctuation that makes you think there's an error
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:03, archived)
# You're exactly right.
*innocent look*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:06, archived)
# I'm also completely wrong though
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:23, archived)
# thankfully we have you here to correct others
good times
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:40, archived)
# A damn useful device that is.
Orders one for each wall in every room in my tesseract.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:02, archived)
# How many would that be?
*tries to work it out*
*brain asplodes*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:11, archived)
# Six rooms in a Tesseract
unless you partition the cubes.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:27, archived)
# And each room has 6 sides,
so, 36? Sounds wrong...

Dammit, Tahkcalb! You planned this, didn't you?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:29, archived)
# Well he did say wall. So providing you consider
one surface of each room as a ceiling and one as a floor then you're looking at 24.

You'd only need 36 if you've laid it out all Escherish where any surface can be used for whatever you damn well please.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:34, archived)
# Hmmm, I always thought it was eight, but I'm no expert on them.
edit: Re-read it. I think it works like; Outside, inside and six off the sides to make eight
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:42, archived)
# I will think about thhis later when more awake.
Although possibly "when on more drugs" would be more appropriate.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:49, archived)
# Of course you're right.
I was picturing a cubic cross and had forgotten it has "arms" in the Z dimension as well.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:29, archived)
# Eight, and there is the issue of what is a wall and what is the floor/ceiling in each projection.
All fold back into each other at the terminus points, but are rotated in 3 space. Or so my cats claim. [/;-D
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:36, archived)
# I was thinking of that Schlegel diagram which has seven cells (cube + prisms)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:50, archived)
# this is your brain on drugs
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:23, archived)

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:19, archived)
# good god, man, what manner of drugs are you taking?
hunter s thompson would be proud
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:22, archived)
# mad skunk my man
crazy mad fucking skunk
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:32, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:48, archived)
# Outs of control . . . turn it all the way !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:03, archived)
# Just don't touch the END OF THE WORLD switch!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:11, archived)
# Needs more tree-falling-in-the-forest microphones
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:04, archived)
They're on the other side.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:18, archived)
# Ohhh!
I wanna play with it
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:04, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:18, archived)
# *presses all the buttons at once*
*disappears into a singularity*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:18, archived)
# Oh noes!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:19, archived)
# singularity is the word that came to mind but after reading a definition I still don't really understand the concept
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:36, archived)
# it's a hole in the maths
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:41, archived)
# You'd think they'd put a cover on a thing like that.
People could fall down it.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:48, archived)
# DJ God
on the wheels of steel....
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:27, archived)
# Big fish, little fish,
cardboard hypercube!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:35, archived)
# reroute the gluons to the tachyons and switch to full time dilation
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:41, archived)
# I don't know if the universe can handle the strain!
Tie some F-string round it.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:52, archived)
# What?
No bozons?

Ye canna have a proper God Control Panel without ye bozons!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:43, archived)
# They're in the 11th dimension.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:53, archived)
# I had one once...
.............don't ask!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:09, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 4:30, archived)
# This is awesome and demands a lot of thinking :D
*clicks hard*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:35, archived)
# Christ, can you imagine
how awesome this church would be?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:49, archived)
# Too awesome for words.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:53, archived)
# would
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:06, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:32, archived)
# my, what a shiny instrument you have
it must have been blown lots!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:50, archived)
# needs more hookers
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:49, archived)
# Is that Humph?
I never really believed he had a corporeal existence. In my head he's just a disembodied voice.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:55, archived)
# He Blows !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:01, archived)
[challenge entry] JESUS MAN

His hair is still gay though.
EDIT: Fuck, did anyone else know about this?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:38, archived)
# It's flammable . . . let's have a bonfire !
Gay Hair . . .

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:44, archived)
# *instahorn*
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 8:40, archived)
# balshpehmeee
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:50, archived)
# I heard you on the wireless back in '52....
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:26, archived)
# and you remember, the jingles used to go...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:27, archived)
# would
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:40, archived)
# He's easy...
You're well in there.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:43, archived)
# That's goooooorgeous!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:28, archived)
# :-)
Thank you.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:30, archived)
# Oh-wu oh-wu.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:29, archived)
# Did we meet in an abandoned studio?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:31, archived)
# Yes, but
we hear the playback and it seems so long ago
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:34, archived)
# Did pictures come and break your heart?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:36, archived)
# Yeah and
I put the blame on VCR

I met your children.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:38, archived)
# oooo-wahhhhhhhhh!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:39, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:30, archived)
# Ta!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:31, archived)
# This, or something else on this page makes me have a bottom scroll bar.
I love it
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:32, archived)
# Ooops, sorry...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:38, archived)
# 'loves'
very good indeed! clicky and a woo
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:35, archived)
# Thank you kindly!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:39, archived)
# I'm glad that it was a party line . . . plus . . . I'm still using this as my desktop !
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:35, archived)
# You are too kind!
Thank you :D
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:40, archived)
# oooooooo
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:41, archived)
# yeah yeah yeah!

Yay for completely computer generated images :)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 1:51, archived)
# You are providing us with WAY too many choices for desktops
Very amazing, dramatic, depth-defying images!

this is my favorite, but it is hard to choose:
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 2:07, archived)
# homophobia woo
just jokes
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:25, archived)
# I had a sausage sandwich with plum chutney two days ago
It was lovely
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:27, archived)
# I bet it was!
Did you lick the chutney off the sausage, slowly and sensuously with your little pink tongue?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:33, archived)
# Well, it was a really big
So to start with I had to use both hands.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:39, archived)
# Better than harvesting Piccalilli. Maybe not.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:35, archived)
# I want that book!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:55, archived)
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 3:37, archived)
# Even a canary would not last long down there . . .
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:37, archived)
# Hahaha
this is quite gay
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 0:43, archived)

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