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Blaine drops a floater....or two
Animal ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:45,
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I really have no interest in this man, but what are the rules on going to the bathroom in there?
Is he wearing a nappy?
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:46,
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he's smearing himself in it as if it were a rich jam
so it keeps him warm through continued anaerobic respiration.
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:47,
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he said his system is empty before he goes in
so he wont need to go, but i'm not sure what's going on
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:48,
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You can't go thirty days without a poo, surely?
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:48,
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only in for a week isn't he?
andysith vs. the becardiganed mousethra. EEK ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:49,
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that'd be horrid enough /enjoys regularity
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:54,
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seven days without a poo
I can barely make.... scuse me need a shit... ok back... ... 5 minutes
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:49,
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he cleaned himself out
before he went in, so that he didn't need to #2 for a week. bit like when you go to glastonbury, if you want to hold on you can :) he's got a catheter or something for #1s i like that he's not doing anything in the uk anymore after the well deserved abuse he got last time. stupid blaine - man is not fish
andysith vs. the becardiganed mousethra. EEK ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:48,
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Where did the fraggles go?
Squiggy Alloria makes theme parks. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:39,
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That's brilliant!
I wonder what fraggles taste like?
Cakie Rose from the dead on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:43,
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Speet1 knows at least 69 love songs ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:47,
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like chicken
slight KFC aftertaste...
TBL I posted this on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:47,
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then ?
The Mighty Gusset Doesn't Care - And Doesn't Care Who Knows It ! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:58,
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That Fraggle Rocks!
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:46,
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Come to fraggle rock
grab a fraggle by its cock Swing it round your head Now the fraggles dead
Watney Heckbulb uhnnnnnnnn has a new blog: www.skepticcanary.com ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 20:07,
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Evenin' all. This week's challenge was suggested by We are the lemon and voted for by you.Where Lost Things Go . Socks. Spoons. Car keys. You have them, and then you don't. What is that about? Show us why stuff goes missing, and what it gets up to when it's gone. And once again, we're off.
Fraser has joined the Moomins. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:37,
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ohhh, this is a good one!
Lizzy_Bee is a mac user now ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:38,
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sounds familiar...
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:39,
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Everything needs more ambulance.
Ghostwriter can't pick up his pencil ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:50,
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Lord Aerixis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:58,
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Haven't we had this one before?
I'm probably wrong. But this feels like deja vu.
Jam Master Geordie Hero of B3ta. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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that's what i thought
ho hum
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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I thought so too
then I realised I was thinking of the intro for this one
asdfasdfasdf ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:59,
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I hope not
I did a word search on the relevant terms. But I am fallible.
Fraser has joined the Moomins. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:42,
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fallible phallic
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:43,
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That too
Fraser has joined the Moomins. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:44,
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M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:47,
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TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:51,
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M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:58,
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I thought this one had been done a while ago? Oh well
mugatu ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:45,
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Sounds like a good idea.
Or does it? I'll see what I can think of.
Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:51,
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Oh please do.
Ghostwriter can't pick up his pencil ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:53,
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Bin dun
This was done last year on the 27th of April. Edit: well very nearly.www.b3ta.com/challenge/mysteries/
Cakie Rose from the dead on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:55,
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Bets on the lazy entry for this one being the cast of lost holding lots of pens and socks and stuff
*gets shopping*
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 20:04,
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We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 20:16,
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I saw a picture on flickr
But it wasn't this one
davew27 hevosen kuva! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:34,
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such a handsome pair
Reckless_Rik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:36,
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I'm furiously masturbating
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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not masturbating furiously?
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:41,
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I'm a very angry man
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:42,
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oooh sexy! (:
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:44,
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nope, not here
no such luck
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:45,
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i was gonna say that
*huffs* you tart.
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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they`re ma speshul boyz
Reckless_Rik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:51,
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james is mine
motherfucker! KEEP OFF!
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:53,
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not a chance
I cherish his cherries with all my ch..erub stuff
Reckless_Rik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:55,
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Hold still I say!
Animal ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:33,
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this is fantastic!
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:40,
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hahahahaha ace!~
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:48,
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pfft .. bunny fingers man is the best
Reckless_Rik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:56,
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- D - SharkTrousers ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 20:14,
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Professor Yaffle now with added sodium ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:24,
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inevitable. have a woo
Tikoloshe ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:30,
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woo for the pic
and a yay for the Mr Jolly reference in your name.
tomwaitsfornoman reports reports reports ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:31,
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greatest of all comic strips
andysith vs. the becardiganed mousethra. EEK ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:37,
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mugatu ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:34,
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The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:16,
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Heheheheheheheheh :)
Great stuff, chap!
FoldsFive ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:17,
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This pisses me off!
I wish people would post shopped images!!Edit: Woo!
betpet is the fun in dysfunctional ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:22,
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and please dont post unshopped pics
Absynth&Cheese Have you tasted my Jesus ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:26,
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but at least
Nuts now have something to print next week... :-(
betpet is the fun in dysfunctional ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:26,
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ha ha ha ha ha ha
they've nabbed a couple more from b3ta for this week's issue
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:28,
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they art
c-nuts lol rolfmayo
betpet is the fun in dysfunctional ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:29,
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at least they aren't internutter
and the pages ARE glossy!
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:30,
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true, very true
and I suppose they keep teenagers buying kleenex thus supporting the economy.
betpet is the fun in dysfunctional ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:31,
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Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:03,
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Much woo and beyond. I wuv it!
undergroundmonkey Kernt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:04,
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Don't run out of steam little suicide man......
Phew! Close call.
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:04,
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*Roffles a little bit*
tippidy tops
We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:05,
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Mousing ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:07,
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Bobby Bob Bob also available on http://jbobw.deviantart.com/ ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:09,
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I likes
this series. Woo!
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:13,
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But that's the last in the trilogy.
Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:14,
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I been away and missed 'em...=(
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:15,
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The others are both on the popular page
if you wish to look.
Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:22,
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The barbed wire one is top ace wooness
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:27,
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I love these
FoldsFive ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:18,
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aceness in gif format
Arathkone formerly naD. Been away awhile. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:25,
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M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:26,
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All the woos, yays and houplas I currently have available!*
*clicks** May be 3** ** May not be true
asdfasdfasdf ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:31,
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Nice work..
Your site is good. Your work is good. Especially bisskitz :) You have all teh applauds.
Pua'a ega-ega How much chuck norris could a woodchuck chuck? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:37,
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Hahahaha, great!
I love heavy objects falling on cartoon characters. Woo for that bloody mess!
RedWine President of the S.C.U.M. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:56,
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I found a groo.
this is my first groo testing testing one two three...
catapilla is sorry he wasted ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:55,
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hello bristol..
just left there for the sunny shores of ...ummm.....Stroud *cough*
nocturne72 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:59,
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you're Stroud 'n' Proud?
catapilla is sorry he wasted ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:59,
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how strange
and hurrah for being a Tom in Bristol
Mousing ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:00,
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scritch, creak, scatch
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:50,
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I can see his
IndieSinger watch my Mentos thing - http://tinyurl.com/6au8jl ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:55,
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He knows you're looking
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:03,
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That's so strange
the Internet is probably hurting somewhere from it. Woo!
natal needs a vacation from vacationing ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:56,
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Is he a neutered?
I find his lack of testes disturbing...
Boss Mew Covfefe does not bargain...it only covfefes. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:57,
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he only has one pube
ibex (not ipod) ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:59,
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I think that's his bellybutton
If you press it he explodes
Boss Mew Covfefe does not bargain...it only covfefes. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:00,
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Isn't that his navel
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:00,
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/stands corrected
ibex (not ipod) ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:01,
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/stands across the room watching
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:05,
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We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:06,
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Spacking Day
undergroundmonkey Kernt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:44,
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They made me do it, guv'nor!
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:49,
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for spackage
undergroundmonkey Kernt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:49,
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And they're *slightly* out of time
So it makes you go mad if you try to look at them both! Yay!
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:50,
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Take this...
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:53,
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*is disturbed*
Magnetics division?!
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:54,
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Be very afraid...
...if you have a metal skull.
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:15,
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have both
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:55,
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That's worryingly sexual...
*rubs thighs*
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:57,
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Hi cockalorum!
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:00,
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i see your spack, and raise you this
lo, the Greebo Warrior - Est. 2002 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:59,
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I just made a deposit...
Fudge Monkey never did ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:01,
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all over the floor
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:06,
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I met him
He was in a right crappy mood giving autographs
Blobcat Less Jaffacakes this year ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:06,
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which one?
ice cube, howard or spacking ben?
undergroundmonkey Kernt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:09,
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who you say ?
must be Ben , he's always a grumpy fucklet
Samwise ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:33,
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possibly because he's a
lo, the Greebo Warrior - Est. 2002 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:11,
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Right-Sequitur follows along rightly ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:10,
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it am spack teime?
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:48,
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Don't worry, I'm not a Goth or anything.....
bandgeekmafia78 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:41,
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i forgot this compo was still on, well done bigots!
Gigantic! A big big love! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:42,
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Mr. Gimp goes to the Escher museum!
With sexy results, I know it's bindun a million times but who cares
7ilby is somewhat nifty... ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:32,
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chobb ,ø¤ºGREATº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRAPISTº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRECOMMENDEDº¤ø ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:03,
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We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:21,
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*Is afraid*
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:22,
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that's rather nice
Gigantic! A big big love! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:36,
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We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:41,
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Haha ace!
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:46,
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that is my favorite woo/yay ever
homonk ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:37,
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Cheers : )
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:46,
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Very nice!
I like your drawring style. 'Ning!
Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:28,
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Ta! Nice FP
We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:30,
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Twas a pleasant surprise
Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:31,
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Too bad all the best people have 2 FP's
We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:33,
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or 5
like me and Dave the Hat
Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:35,
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Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:37,
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3 of mine
were in the early days when it was much easier to get them
Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:39,
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Actually I did have 3 from last year
Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:40,
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4 of mine
were in 2003
Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:41,
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most scary
Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:34,
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Idea By MrKane/Realisation by A.Andrade. [Biro on Paper]
For those what like it, a bit of gentle surrealism. For those what are philistines, a perfect CDC opportunity. [leveled & colourised in tattyshop]
MrKane 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:20,
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I am what like it.
some fucker eat lead | shit bullets | wipe with brie ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:22,
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Nicely biro'd
We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:22,
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top work!
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:24,
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woo yay!
Something i can actually look at whilst eating my dinner on this page. :o
Tyraen ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:30,
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that's good
And warrants a cleek, which is what I gave it, oh yes.
discomeats This canoe ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:27,
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I do like teh CDC but,
This is quite pleasant to look at. Good job!
Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:29,
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Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:33,
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You know it's almost summer...
...when the girls start showing their belly buttons.
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:01,
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It looks warm in Hull there
bogus official shove it up your cunt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:05,
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Someone call a Paramedic!
Hauptman Von Butter Kasse You are all a bunch of mincing pansies ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:11,
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tipassoi ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:16,
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undergroundmonkey Kernt ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:23,
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We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:25,
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Jeebus is my pigwhore Sweet jeebus, sweet jeebus licks shemale cock ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:30,
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ha :)
we've got that picture on our fridge to remind us of the dangers of overindulgence doesn't get paid much attention mind :)
Dazz - In Your Base, Killing Your Dudes since ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:34,
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There's overindulgence
and there's ^^that
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:45,
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good god
I feel queasy again
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:40,
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ye gods
what part of her is that??
ibex (not ipod) ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:43,
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It is
her cute lil tummy
Puromycin is still licking windows ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:46,
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That's a penis
ChuckAnger Keepin' it real since 1985 ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 19:14,
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Waffle waffle
Marillion's Marble Loo loo loo, I got some apples ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:38,
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click to activate what now?
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:39,
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USER No: 21515...FUCK YOU TO FUCK YOU FU see profile for limited time offer. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:43,
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best of all the activations.
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:44,
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sorry to tj,
but i have a feeling (most of) the /talk crowd won't want to be v. will be even less helpful if i ask them. i'm wanting to rip maybe between 30-60 seconds of a dvd to an avi. what's the best program to use/
qdamik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:40,
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Firkinfedup last shat on your wife's tits at ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:42,
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Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:42,
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useful in theory
but waiting for an entire movie to rip, then having to scrub through it to find the 28 seconds I need is not fantastically efficient
qdamik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:47,
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nope, but gives the desired results
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:49,
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Stick around, I am sure some kind person will help you
(unlike the two jokers above).
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:45,
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My link is useful - just have to click it..
/edit: your anus is borked Nice hat!
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:46,
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it's my fingers that were borked. Edit: In fact everything is bloody borked for me today.
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:47,
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*unborks something for you*
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:48,
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thanks :)
qdamik ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:48,
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you can rip individual chapters with this
www.dvdtox.com/dvd_ripper.htm i'm sure there may be a torrent somewhere :)
- D - SharkTrousers ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:22,
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A doodle that goes out of control
is not always a bad thing :) "DRINK SODA!" Clicky for bigger Gonna try vectorising it later :)
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:35,
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That's good.
Dooley ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:39,
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Yay for line paper art!
Best of all linepapery stuff! *clicks*
Psychosomatic Tumor Laugh your life cause there ain't much to cry for ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:03,
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Yay! Love you!
Curis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:08,
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Oh, you men, you're all the same.
CaroWallis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:14,
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Not true.
I don't have curly hair.
Curis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:15,
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.... Yet!
We could have it arranged.
CaroWallis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:17,
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I see.
So it was curlers that you've got me?
Curis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:26,
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Gosh No!
Much more exciting!
CaroWallis ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:37,
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Couldn't stop myself from doing it
though I resisted putting a magenta cock in it somewhere.Click for biggie Edit: Oh yeah: woo to the original drawing. And about that horizontal line on the right side of her hair... no idea where it came from.
natal needs a vacation from vacationing ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:50,
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Aggie want you for something..
Marillion's Marble Loo loo loo, I got some apples ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:26,
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*throwing hand grenades behind him*
TBL I posted this on ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:27,
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That is Paul O'Grady
Scouse Bastard used to be indecisive, but now he's not so sure ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:29,
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gets bad aids. dies.
broccoli holocaust ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:30,
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the only known picture of Andy Warhol smiling
Purple Onion ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:39,
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The Neville What what what ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:24,
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All your effort was worth it.
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:25,
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M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:25,
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If only.... *clicks*
chunderbunny lacking humus since ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:26,
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I love a happy ending!
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:26,
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I have spat Somerfield own-brand energy drink at my monitor.
The Secret 7000 ...join us. www.secret7000.co.uk ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:27,
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probably the best place for it!
Firkinfedup last shat on your wife's tits at ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:33,
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It's indistinguishable
from Red Rooster.
The Secret 7000 ...join us. www.secret7000.co.uk ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:45,
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my opinion remains the same. I hate all "red bull'esq" drinks, I think they are the piss from satan after a month long drink and drug binge.
Firkinfedup last shat on your wife's tits at ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:50,
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so that is where he has gone. he doesn't seem to have been annoying me recently.
broccoli holocaust ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:27,
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Davidson is a Bunt Cadger
I once had the pleasure of making sure he was nicely pissed up before he went on TV, he lives and works out of Spain now, I think, good bleedin riddance !
42 Loves Teh Funphenschnaffles ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:48,
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TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:27,
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Another reason the UK should invest in space travel. Wooo
Skcone ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:28,
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truly great
Milkman Dan ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:29,
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Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:29,
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Silly Jim Davidson. When will he learn?
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:31,
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fuckin excellent
theWooinator ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:35,
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I only hope I live to see the day
Hamster Trippin' aka Mr. Titts ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:35,
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This is the bestest
Make it run vetically, 280px wide so it can be FP'd! edit - *clicks* anyway
man/child/goblin should be old enough to know better by now ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:36,
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theWooinator ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:38,
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homonk ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:38,
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Good old Jim
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:46,
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man/child/goblin should be old enough to know better by now ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:51,
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that's good
brianftang www.brianftang.co.uk ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 17:47,
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this is fab
Arathkone formerly naD. Been away awhile. ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:16,
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oh, it's only a cartoon. Damn.
tipassoi ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:17,
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HowlingWelshman omg hi ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:22,
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corington ,
Wed 3 May 2006, 18:42,
archived )
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