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# Claude's newest adventure

I have little knowledge of the day to day life of a Nomad which is extremely apparent
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Haaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:03, archived)
# haha how silly
i'm off, b3ta, i've got alpha centauri to conquer. wish me luck
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# As a dyslexic I find I piss myself too
Thank god for tinnier ladles!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Haha
You know that Radio 4 show Crossing Continents? I always get this image of angry babies.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# hahaha
I was going to say "Silly Claude" but I expect I'll get a bollocking off the dyslexics... So... awww. Poor donkey :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:06, archived)
# lol silly claude
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:06, archived)
# I think
urine for a surprise, Claude...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:07, archived)
# hahaha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:30, archived)
# Here's your starter for ten...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:50, archived)
# heheheh
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:51, archived)
# yay
also free nelson mandella inside
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# Free AIDS needles and death.

*misses Spider & Scorpion*

*drops ten-tonne hints like it ain't no thing*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:54, archived)
# arf!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:54, archived)
# Stop upstaging me!
I used yours as a handy guideline for how to make it look good ;)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:54, archived)
# Is there anyone's ideas you won't nick? ;)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# Hahahaha go away! :p
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# wondered why it was so good
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:01, archived)
# Heh!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:03, archived)
# My first FP was a cereal box offering free badgers inside. Also
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
# I love this picture in a sexy - and possibly illegal - way.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# And it in turn is presenting itself to you.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:57, archived)
# hahahaha mental
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:02, archived)
# I know. I'm putting the pickle onions on before the cheese!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:06, archived)
# haha!
but they've been stripped of their title. *gasp!*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# ha ha ha
I bet she's a ride!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# just me then...?
fine - I'll take my business elsewhere!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Tesco Value Trellis
that's all she is.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# our trellis or mrs trellis of north wales?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Our Trellis.
This Trimble, coming over here with her dark hair and glasses and intellect and trying to steal the hearts of b3tan men. I won't be having it, I tell you.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# Yes yes yes all of this.
Though Mrs Vagabond has my heart - particularly after this exchange at the weekend:

Mrs V: "Babe - you got any cash on you?"

A V: "Not at the mo - sorry, babe."

Mrs V: "Cunt."
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
And maybe a bit of captain too.

Mrs V sounds brilliant.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:58, archived)
# I like to keep things simple
By simply voting for whoever presents me with the most amount of cold, hard, cash.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:59, archived)
# I've not even got a penny.

Oh well. I'm sure someone will eventually love me for free.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:00, archived)
# *tickles*
silly sausage...

anyway - you lobsters have fun - I'm off to a meeting! for at least two hours! ...

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:02, archived)
# :D see you
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# I was listening to Love For Sale by Ella the other day.
I was on my own, a little bit - quite a lot, ashley - drunk, and it made me cry.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:02, archived)
# I'm finding it really hard to cry at the moment.
I kind of want to have one as well. Cleansing.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# I bet I could make you cry
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:09, archived)
# *waggles eyebrows and packet of digestives*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:03, archived)
# ha ha ha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:59, archived)
# A "drop some rain effect on that bitch" Vagabond

i just found this in my autocomplete.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:59, archived)
# I have been TRYING to avoid rain:
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:05, archived)
# thats a bit sexy
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:07, archived)
# hahahah
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# *buys*
hey I got David Trimble!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# You have to buy more to get the full set
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:57, archived)
Top of the class! Very funny lol
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# how annoying is she!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# ha!
meanwhile, over on Aisle 3

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# They look so pleased that Mr Porky is doing that?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:58, archived)
# Hehehe
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:00, archived)
# Hahaha ther's no stugma against that!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:54, archived)
# :)
*Adds riverghost to favourite b3tans list*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:00, archived)
# *fwaps*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:08, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Yeah but you're shite!:P
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:13, archived)
# ...and your point is...?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:19, archived)
# not so much of a point
more of a tortoise head.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:31, archived)
# Hehee
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# pffft!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:07, archived)
# *titter*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:49, archived)
# late afternoon fluff (several hours better than lunchteim fluff)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# I spy feets.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Makes me think of
up and DOWN and around and UP and down and around.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# wordy?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# Sex games.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# *snort*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# Oh yeah!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# *eyes go red*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# *elbows go blue*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:50, archived)
# *eyebrows go white*
Seriously, that'd be a good sex game if it turned your hair white.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:51, archived)
# My step-mother
(for whom I'm still waiting to die, as I rilly, RILLY need a piss) reckons that when she gave birth to her first her hair went white over night.

I would not call birth a good sex game.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say birth is game over, man, game over.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# Only for a while.
I'm going white. Well, silver. Twenty-shitting-four. I'm not even 30 yet.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:54, archived)
# Worry not.
My mate's wife was entirely white by the time she was 25.

Use dye.

Or just scare children.

Or dye children.

Whichever's more pleasurable.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
# I do use dye.
Hence the flowing titian locks rather than white blonde.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# noon fella
how goes it?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# No bad matey
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Was that what it was called?
Sort of a floating literate bin.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# Yep Wordy
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:51, archived)
# Ahhhhhh!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# hahahahahah, YAY!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# :D!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# great rendering sir
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# what boom
microphones do on their days off...lovely!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# That's excellent
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:59, archived)
# hehe :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:01, archived)
# this is my panda face
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# \o/ woo-hoo!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:44, archived)
# This is very pleasing.
My face is parting about two thirds of the way down. Excellent.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:44, archived)
# Erm ... I hate to be rude, but ...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:45, archived)
# Maybe a bit over two thirds.
Three and a half fifths.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# No. No - sorry, old chap
Not understanding your banter ... ?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# Maybe she's a squat upside-down letterbox?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Pfft, 'maybe'.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# ...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Oh you fucking...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# You.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# *Runs away*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# You evil cock nugget.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# Enough, before I give you a tummy raspberry
how goes it?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# flirt
i just booked meself watchmen tickets so i'm pleased as punch. i've also got a great big pan full of lentil and ham soup i made on the stove and my flu seems to be going away.

which is nice.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:53, archived)
# The lad's booked ours.
I'm always a flirt, anyway, you know this.

Soooup. Man, I'm starved.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
# good man
i can't waitt.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:58, archived)
# I can, I've still got to read half.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:59, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Awww!
That's properly brill.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# Panda bean.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:45, archived)
# *makes a noise like Jack Black*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:45, archived)
# I have been listening to Panda Bear all afternoon. Yays
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:45, archived)
# I like your panda face.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:46, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Ooooh
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Bored?

Don't get me wrong, i absolutely love cats, but they look great flying through the air after treading on a mine!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# Battlecat unit disapproves!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Especially fucking giant cats.
That made me laugh :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# I'd not fuck giant cats, no matter how bored I was.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Bet you would
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# Have you seen cat cocks?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:44, archived)
# I've seen Courtney Cox.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:45, archived)
# I've seen cat deeley
('s cock)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# On a mother fucking plane!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# They are full of teh gases

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# hahah
that's awful
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# Awww hahahaha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# top special effects
did you get help with this?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:41, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
# yay
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# This is danergously close to creepy furry art.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# Fear Not
I will save the thread with memes.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# Noooo.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# Can it be Muzzy Izzet tiems please?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
# nooo
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# No. I don't know who he is.
I know that's him, but nooooooo. Do Jews or something, you're good at Jews.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# Borderline, I'd say. ;)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:41, archived)
# This isn't going to end well for her, is it?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# Welease Webbecca
nicely drawed!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Thanks. :P
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:43, archived)
# "I'm just here for the MONEY!"
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# ha ha ha ha
this wins prizes
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# Yes
perhaps we could have a photoshop Max Clifford image challenge.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# i don't think anything will beat the 'max clifford frantically milking the jade cashcow"
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Hahaha
Linky please
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:50, archived)
# FP :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# I endorse this
especially as the litigious cunt would probably get skitso
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:44, archived)
# A little gnopsing of Max Clifford
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# Jay Leno
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:21, archived)
# Haha yes!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:51, archived)
# such a thick head of hair
one for each of the kitten corpses he has stacked in the attic.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:56, archived)
# Setting a new record for difference in skill level between consecutive posts...
it's not for tarsirs...

nothing to seam here...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:33, archived)
# bit of drop shadow, be fine
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
# *picks up shadow*
*passes back*

EDIT: Are you going to be nice enough to tell the nice personage where the fabled beastie of shadow dropping hides Mr. monstrinho do biscoito?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# deflects kicks back
*special, special*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# Gotta go, have a fine evening b3ta /boarders!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# me-EH!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:33, archived)
# Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
# Pip pip!
i say! :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# Elementary!
My dear otter :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# Wassup Holmes?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# word!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:39, archived)
# he's happy
because he smokes a pipe
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# me-EH!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:36, archived)
# lolwut?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:36, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:36, archived)
# I don't trust him
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:36, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# Ceci n'est pas une pipe
c'est une otter
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# How absolutely corking!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# hahahaha this gets my best thing on b3ta today award*

*may not be actual award
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:40, archived)
# *Hugs*
He's lully!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:47, archived)
# Magic.
The smoke especially.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# Booted Red Head

A page from an Apsara sequence, but I thought it looked quite nice as a stand-alone :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:27, archived)
# mmmm
red heads
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:27, archived)
# this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:29, archived)
# Nekkid and shaved appropriately.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:32, archived)
# Very nice!
She's got my hair.

That is lovely JJ, and I like the ginger you've chosen.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:27, archived)
# up or down?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:28, archived)
# Hmm?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:29, archived)
# nevermind
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:31, archived)
# OH.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:31, archived)
# :-(
*wipes nose*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:32, archived)
# O_O
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:33, archived)
# Well I hope you get arrested for doing that!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:28, archived)
# wooooya!
she gives me the claps

*clap, clap,clap*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:28, archived)
# Yay, Jack's back! We had to resort to drastic things with you gone...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:29, archived)
# Squirrels with mono-boobs?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:31, archived)
# I suppose 1 is better than none...
And definately better than a mono-brow :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
# she looks frightened
and so she should be
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:32, archived)
# You know what would make this real sexy? If she was a panda.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:33, archived)
# Pandatits are amazing.
Massive, pendulous Freesian bags of jungly delight.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
# Would
and FMB's !
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
# Full.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:35, archived)
# Nice!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:36, archived)
# nice
but half of her skull is missing - needs more head/ hair volume

good to see you posting again
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# Hmm
She makes me feel all warm and horny inside. I hope she keeps them on (if you catch my drift...)

gets shot...

Any Chloe on the horizon?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:49, archived)
# Bless you Jack
and your fringe defying eyebrows
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:20, archived)
# this is ace!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 18:25, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:21, archived)
# Too soon
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:21, archived)
# did you change the word 'dance' to 'cancer'?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:22, archived)
# seeeeeeeeeeeeemlessly.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# ....one sec...umm
..nope...sorry...can't see how that would work
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# He's as serious as dancer when he says rhythm is a cancer
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# God Damn YOU I was going to say that!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:27, archived)
# :(
font matching algorithms etc
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# I love the way you have matched the type - WOO!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:25, archived)
# O_O
Well, I hope you didn't spend too long on this.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:25, archived)
# fucking cutting-edge as ever
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:26, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:26, archived)
# how fitting, i made this

i do wish she'd stop being everywhere.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:26, archived)
and for your second wish?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:29, archived)
# I fucking love you monkeyman
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:30, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:31, archived)
# Hoorah!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:37, archived)
And I said you shouldn't make facts out of opinions
You said that I was right
You're right I knew that I was
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:38, archived)
# :(
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:51, archived)
# oh hai
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# :D
everyone has AIDS!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
Everybody GOt AIDS!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# The blacks, the whites and the spades!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:13, archived)
# *cough*
Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

And so this is the end of our story
And everyone is dead from AIDS
It took from me my best friend
My only true pal
My only bright star (he died of AIDS)

Well I'm gonna march on Washington
Lead the fight and charge the brigades
There's a hero inside of all of us
I'll make them see everyone has AIDS

My father (AIDS!)
My sister (AIDS!)
My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!)
The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades

Everyone has AIDS!
My grandma and my dog 'ol blue (AIDS AIDS AIDS)
The pope has got it and so do you (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
C'mon everybody we got quilting to do (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
We gotta break down these baricades, everyone has
AIDS! x 20

Got it from this page
giggled a bit when I read this :

Send "Everyone Has Aids" Ringtone to your Cell

Some audio

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# i'm minded of this from family guy
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# haha
that one is priceless
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:25, archived)
# No no no
The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:18, archived)
# So I'm not word perfick.
Chill, baby.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:20, archived)
# e'GODS I hate that film
I very much doubt it would have a long run on the westend
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# what about the North End?
how would it do there?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:12, archived)
# Pack it off to Bridgend
and see how it likes it for all I care
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:15, archived)
# it only exists in the Weekend!
like a langolier but ... rotated slightly
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# Preston?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# no
it's stitched there
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# A film I *can* recommend, though

Saw it on Sunday. Very good. Not what you'd expect, given the trailers, either.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# wait just one second
Watchmen is out this week... and the cinema now costs like £8 a pop!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# Who watches the Watchmen?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:18, archived)
# udunuh,
the coastguard?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# ?? Quis custard ipsticky custardy
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:21, archived)
# That'll be the next film we see
Oh yeah baby.
Just glad I'd already been to the little boys' room before seeing the cinema trailer for Watchmen.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# The wife's just put our tickets on the credit card
we're broke as fuck, but this is important.

Which means I now have to finish the book by Friday, and I can't get past that fucking woman.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# I'm going to get our tickets tonnight... actually I might sneak a wee peek just now
I hope it's good.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:24, archived)
# hahahahahahahaha
no it doesn't, silly man. Cinema is £5/6. even less if you go during the day
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:20, archived)
# Where the fuck do you live, 1995?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:20, archived)
# nope
last time i went to the cinema it cost about 8 for me and my sis, cos her ticket was about £2 as she's registered disabled.

move back up north and you'll wonder why you ever left

actually, next time i go the cinema it may cost me a lot of money as it'll hopefully be with a girl, and i'll therefore have to pay for both our tickets, and both our pints
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:21, archived)
# You have no idea how true that is.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
# *whispers*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:26, archived)
# You'd all be raped.
It's those accents, I can't help myself.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:28, archived)
# *whispers*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:32, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:34, archived)
# arf
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:22, archived)
# if you're not a flippin pensioner
and you have a job and you want to watch it on a screen of adequate size with more than 2 speakers the Cinema now costs like £7.45 per real person plus girlfriend tax (ice cream)...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:23, archived)
in Liverpool is the best cinema ever invented, and tickets are about £6 for us normal folk (I miss being a student) and even cheaper if you join them (which i keep meaning to)

plus they have a bar and fairly cheap concessions ;D

right, tea and toast before work i think
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:24, archived)
# Have fun at work, CS
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:25, archived)
# this sounds good
enjoy work...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:28, archived)
# i intend to finish
hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse and make endroads into this month's Q whilst i'm there

sat behind the world's emptiest bar :(

still, getting paid to sit on my arse and serve the occasional pint ain't so bad
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:48, archived)
# Aaah. I had heard about this
I will make plans to watch it with the face eyes in my head front
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:18, archived)
# I own that on video somewhere
never got round to watching it.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Oh God I actually went to the pics to see that...
Nearly opened a vein afterwards...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:13, archived)
# gah!
talking of hospitals - FREE BOOZE!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# Really we should just drop the fucking bomb - we really should.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:18, archived)
# I agree with this statement
misanthropy gets easier all the time
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:20, archived)
# I agree with this statement.
Every day is a step closer to potential homicide.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:33, archived)
Two homeless people died in London last year after drinking the gel
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# But I thought we all where called upon to use MORE gel
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# *rushes off to drink entire bottle of body shop coca hand wash*
...feels sickly
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# saw that in the most popular
was a bit surprised that it was a new story, because when they first started putting the gels out every hospital was having them nicked, so they added the bitter flavourings to them to put people off.

clearly dorset types have no sense of taste
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# GEL!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:24, archived)

Needs more caps lock.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:25, archived)
# Off the top of my head I think that was the original text from the sign.
Oh my wife loved me stopping to take pictures of that sign when we were supposed to be going to see my new-born niece...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:27, archived)
# Racism is never funny...
unless it's a picture of a black man dancing.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# What's racist about a bloke dancing?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# Are you saying you intended this image to be racist?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# I mean this one is borderline

You'll have to try harder than a dancing bloke.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# Dwane Leverock !
I think he ate Brian Lara
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:42, archived)
# This
made me guffaw
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 17:16, archived)
# Hahaha
Racism FAIL
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# this
I am genuinely perplexed?

If you're going to troll by posting a racist image on a messageboard at least have the fucking balls to write

'Nigra' on it in massive letter or something.

Christ, what a pube.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:14, archived)
# Fine
I'll put a watermelon in it next time. Such critics!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# some fried chicken too!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# Um
fuck off
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# have you done anything to this?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# is that that guy from that thing?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:14, archived)
# I lolled
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# so what's your point here?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# My new face stitched onto my old face

inspired by this awesome collection I happened upon a few years ago:

edit: hm. never thought of that. perhaps I should avoid (er, um) politics.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# Your new face is bigger. It appears you've grown.
Fun fact: Faces grow.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:06, archived)
# I have deeper armpits, too
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# Think of the storage solutions!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# That site is brilliant
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# That's quite odd
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# you have a slight John F Kennedy about you
watch out for grassy knolls, man
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# Great minds and all that.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# quite so
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# You look a bit like a Kennedy.
Plus awwwww cutie pie child. Good haircut.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# ^this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:22, archived)
# How rare!
Lose the mullet though. Not cool then, not cool now ;)

And by the way I am still roflmaoing at your pissed off Stormtrooper post from earlier. That just hit the Headwound humour button square on :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# glad you liked it
I had a ponytail until I was forced to admit that it was only a poorly-converted mullet. My neck has been clean of hair since then. Good old No.2 down the back and sides.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:13, archived)
# No 2 ftw!
although I have lost my No. 2 guard, so have to make do with 1 1/2 all over...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:18, archived)
# Never drive in open cars @ parades ;)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# that's very strange
but good
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# you're good
on The One Show, I never miss it
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:12, archived)
# you look like John F Kennedy
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:13, archived)
# That is beyond awesome!
I might have to try mine. Matching the hair will be tough, though.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# yew shure do got a purty mouth there, boy
*plays banjo*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# lookalike
looks like Janice Battersby !!!!!!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:55, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# looks like that girl
off the cadbury's advert
woo yay
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# Aww, it does
bless, that girl always looks so worried when she does the balloon bit. It makes me want to give her a cuddle.

Not in a paedo way.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# its all for show
These child actors are all the same, I heard she's a proper little diva off camera demanding limosines and room temperature water. She'll be pictured falling out of a West End club with Lily Allen coked off her cadburys soon enough, you mark my words.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Nooo hammy McFluffpants how could you!!
...oh ok then
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# I've added a face to my picture of some food
is it funny yet?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# the original of this picture is just awesome

edit: I hope the dude in it is still alive, he won't be for long eating shit like that :D
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# It has long been my favourite image in the history of photography
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# I was feeling hungry one day, and google image searched for cheeseburger
he came up a lot

also, something that came up was this

which I simply MUST purchase at some point
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# Fuck. I want a burger like that.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# it'd have to be home made
4lb's of mince maybe?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:06, archived)
# Seriously, I need it.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# if you liked this, you might also like
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Noooo, I'm too hungry for all of that.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:13, archived)
# hehe
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# aww look! he's a little furry person!
eating a little biscuit person and holding it in his little person hands!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# Ban this Fick Silth!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# Poor hammy
he's got that surprised mid-chew "i'm being bummed by a soft toy" look
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# he tastes the cookie aids contained in mr cookie
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# Afternoon all,

In other news, there's a film clip I want to dub over a section; What should I use?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrre cowbell
Edit: The word flügelhorn always makes me gurgle like a drain
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:55, archived)
# It sounds like some sort of diving manouver to me.
Or perhaps an obscure dance in the deepest darkest hills of Germany.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
# ...That would be a Bugle-fuge
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# I for one welcome our new bugle overlords.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:15, archived)
# Pointless Trivia Fact : Xander in "Buffy" used to play the flugelhorn
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# Not enough cowbell
Well done
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:55, archived)
# hahaha
needs more cowbell!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# Needs more Walken
but just the right amount of cowbell!

Edit c-c-c-c-combo breaker!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# Christopher Walken?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:57, archived)
# No, Harold Walken, his brother.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:59, archived)
# There was a thing in the newsletter ages ago...
let me see...



Edit edit either it's b0rked or it's taking an unfeasibly long time to process my request for 45% Walken...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
# Pffft :D haha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# Given up with it.
In any case, the concept is just as good as the execution...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:14, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
# Reminds me of Tubular Bells
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
# Thats NOT a xylophone
Its a Marimba
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# I read this all for far too long
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:08, archived)
# 20 minute vector....

didn't want to waste any more time on her! done for a PSFO compo.
click to DA!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:49, archived)
# that's fab!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:50, archived)
# :)
Thanks all!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:10, archived)
# no . . . it's quite large
and there's only one

EDIT: and it's fab

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:50, archived)
# that's hot
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# Paris Hilton?
Vacuous ninny

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# Swansea Marriott
Vacant Inn (e)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:53, archived)
# That's ace, now print it out and poo on it.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# :D
and I have one brewing too!

I will gaz you with it later.

'lo missy!!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:53, archived)
# \o/ my dreams are finally coming true!
Hiya lovely.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# eeeewwwww....
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# You don't want a gaz?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:09, archived)
# But shit doesn't stick to her...
..it would only make her more famous :(
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# Mine would. I'd eat araldite.
Cover her with the other tube. Drink lots of coca cola. Tubgirl the bitch.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:55, archived)
# And i'm the filthy bitch!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# *sticks out hand*
Hi, I'm Fae. My mind is not a place to go traipsing about in on your own.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:57, archived)
# Hi!
I wont shake if you don't mind ;)
*Searches OS website for maps
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:01, archived)
# I've got very clean hands.
They get washed a lot.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# Oh well in that case
I'm Pete, delighted!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# That's my wet dream sorted out for later.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:57, archived)
# If it helps, I'd be humming Baroness all the way through.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:58, archived)
# Depending on what stuff of theirs, it could help, or make me cry.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:59, archived)
# Something off the red album.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:00, archived)
# I'll pretend you said Second and continue merrily with my sleep climaxing.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# I'll have to change the band, then.
You pick: we've got a choice of red chord or torche in my head today.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:03, archived)
# Can I persuade you to change Torche to Floor?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:06, archived)
# You've got to hear our new material, chap.
Alright then, as you wish.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:07, archived)
# Can you furnish me with some mp3s, sweetheart?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Aye, soon
we did prelim recordings last night.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:17, archived)
# :D Can't wait.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:19, archived)
# ooooh, that is most excellent!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# Bravo sir!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# Needs more...
WOO, I love the vectors!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:52, archived)
# technique>subject matter
on balance though, woo
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:52, archived)
# Would
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:53, archived)
# I knocked this out in about 30 seconds

didn't really
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:53, archived)
# knocked one out eh?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:55, archived)
# best username ever
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:58, archived)
# I still love this!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# I've just knocked something out in 30 seconds too
/predicatable answer
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# oooh
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# The vector is now lost to the ages
After both the original and backup drives failed :(
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:00, archived)
# 5 minutes
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:00, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:05, archived)
# Popular chap
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:12, archived)
# liking this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:20, archived)
# please dont post something youve only spent twenty minutes on
othe people who have spent 22 maybe even 23 minutes creating something may be pushed off the board
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# Hehe
So sowwy!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:11, archived)
# !
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:49, archived)
# Seams fine, move along

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:50, archived)
# I fucking love this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# thnx wormu!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# I've been loving your Cock Tuesday images too
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:58, archived)
# I know you love cock ;)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:02, archived)
# Ah.
I wasn't sure how to make a photo of a coyote blend with a cartoon of wile e. So I settled with cartoon-ifying the photo head. None too well obviously :o( I have had better days!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:55, archived)
# *hugs without any gay feelings envolved*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:56, archived)
# *accepts in manly, not gay way*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:58, archived)
# Llandudno Calrissian
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:45, archived)
# :D
Revenge of the Aberwytst-sith?

Edit: happy candleday Ninj

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:46, archived)
# whahahahahaha
this if fucking awesome :D hahaha
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:50, archived)
# Ta Fishcat!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:53, archived)
# pffh :)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:46, archived)
# Ha!
does he run the mining at Bespincloudcitygogogoch?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:47, archived)
# 2 days late
TJ:I love the last reply here:
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:47, archived)
# hahaha!
'ow queer!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:48, archived)
# Haha
Best first post eVar
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:51, archived)
# Ah, I beg to differ.
Do you remember Bumfish?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:54, archived)
# I think I wish I did
but I don't think I've been here long enough.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:59, archived)
# I can't find the original thread but it was this guy
Username: bumfish
First Post: "bumfish"
Simple, yet effective. Immortalised by some of the greats then disappeared.
What a guy.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:03, archived)
# Excellent
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:15, archived)
# I just got C&C 3 the other day
How they managed to get Lando to be in it, I'll never know.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:48, archived)
# money
I'm guessing
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:49, archived)
# What the fuck is that?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:52, archived)
# dunno man
it's some crazy shit that those dudes in the city keep losing

and then keep get given more

like, woah, my hands are so big
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 16:04, archived)
# Hahaha

Happy B3taday!!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:48, archived)
# Cheers...
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:49, archived)
# Arf!
I actually have 2 reposts suitable for this but can't find them. I've made too many pics over the years and picasa can't find it by name. Bah.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:49, archived)

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