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[challenge entry] Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:00, archived)
# aaaaaaaargh!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:01, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:01, archived)
# cue 4dam
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# 4dam.....always thinking of the children.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# while fwapping?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:18, archived)
# hahahaha
my that's disturbing
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# My word.
I have to say I wasn't expecting that.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# haha
*thinks of other celebrity frogs*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
There's Alberto frog and erm... that's it.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# Jeremiah?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:06, archived)
# everybody say wey-oh
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# If we were having sex
I'd spit on your back!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# Hahahahaha,,,,,,
You are a very twisted individual... :)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# pfffft
pots and kettles
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
My MSN b0rked . . .

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:12, archived)
# hahahahaha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:04, archived)
# hahaha

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:12, archived)
# pffft!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:47, archived)
# *Garbles*

Gnnugh.. B.. Braainn.. F.. Feels good.
Vlaahhdd.. Li.. Like Imps.. Ve'ey good..

What're you lot up to today?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:57, archived)
# Haha! He's loving it.
How ideas are born.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:57, archived)
# I am
repairing the server on which my porn website usually lives. Hurrah!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:58, archived)
# URL?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:58, archived)
# O RLY?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:59, archived)
# haha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:59, archived)
# dermot
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:01, archived)
# Japanese import version?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:04, archived)
# hand for only the sea wasp
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:09, archived)
# What's the point in me giving you the URL
if I am currently fixing the server? It makes no sense to me.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# Save it for later!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# by the time he's gone out to buy tissues
it'll be back up
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# ...
you will eventually fix it, right?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# Yes.
Yes, I will.

It's been down for over half a month now, which is just silly.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:33, archived)
# cancer!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:01, archived)
# slobbing!
then playing in Buxton tonight again
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# i'm currently being bored at work. At 5.45 I shall arrive home
and probably do some stuff until I get tired, then go to bed.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# I'm at work
Not even pretending to work any more
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:02, archived)
# I am working at home as I have a cold.
I am proofreading an article about thrombosis with my eyes, b3ta-ing with my right hand, playing football manager 2007 with my left hand and wanking with my feet.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# Taking a break from unloading my car
that is crammed full of christmas choccie goodies.
and desperately trying to remember they are NOT for my consumption
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# I'm up to very, very little
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:15, archived)
[challenge entry] I made a cage thing but I couldn't think what to put in it.
Then I thought "I know, people aren't sick of the Macca compo yet"!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:56, archived)
# Mmm, nice cage.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:57, archived)
# Nick Cage?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:58, archived)
# And the Birthday Party.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:05, archived)
# Who's a Nazi?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:20, archived)
# Hehe!
And with that, I am sick of this compo.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:59, archived)
# ^ this
four days ago
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:00, archived)
# reminds me of this:
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:00, archived)
# He's a cheerful sort....
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:55, archived)
# consider my squildo graped
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:56, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:08, archived)
# All I wanted to do was type boobies upside down...

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# hahaha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# You are David Baddiel

[edit] actually now I think about it he had Hawking turn the screen upside down to say "Wanker".

So you're probably not him.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# I hope not.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# At least you're not mofaha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# pffft!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# But who is?
The mind boggles.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# Ahhh! hahahaha!
Good work!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# I'm definately not
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
# I thought I was for a second
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# he turned me into a newt
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
# I'm mofaha
and so is my wife
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:51, archived)
# We're all mofaha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:52, archived)
# I'm more mugatu
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:54, archived)
# Thats what i said, "mofaha"
Oh wait.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:56, archived)
# I weigh the same as a duck
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:52, archived)
# An unlaiden swallow?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:53, archived)
# mugatu is more akin to Hawkings
Have you seen his dobber?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# You're not talking about the stick on his head
...are you?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
# haha I don't recall showing you my dobber....
/shouldn't get drunk
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:57, archived)
# David Baddiel is FIT
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:06, archived)
David Baddiel Keyboard Weasel

worth a shot
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:09, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# silly hawkin!
brain is not toy!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# *hawking
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# *spits*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
# He's a silly
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# Hahaha...

Absolutely superb!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# ha ha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# hehe
top stuff
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# 'sqrt'
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# Transmute
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# smudgy of the planets
woo, but needs more Princess knickers
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# Gusset!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# ruddy pervert
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# Woo!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# ^^This
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# Crivens!
That's Brill!

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# Hahaha!!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# There is vaseline on my glasses.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# that's not vaseline...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# :o
You're right


Mmmmm, the capt made a lamby stew yesterday with lamby and onlion and carrots and barley and yorkshires for dipping.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# Pfft, whose is it then?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# a bit of each.
this is b3ta, you know?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# How utterly delicious
Oh jolly, a bacchanal!

/hedonism bot
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
# a bukkanal
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# Very clever.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:55, archived)
# no,no.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
# mine - I spurted it over the interwebs
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# be careful, he's ginger!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# aieee!
it burns
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# *cries*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# there there...
would it make you feel better if i told you mrs. johnson is gingerer than you?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
# Ginger girls are hot.
/Sweeping generalisation
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
# this is true.
that is all.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:52, archived)
# What about BRIGHT red?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:03, archived)
# I'll look at it case by case.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:07, archived)
# Pfft
I'll never win now.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:08, archived)
# bright red is not ginger.
i'm sure many men find it attractive, but i don't, i don't like it when women colour their hair. but please, do as you like.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:08, archived)
# You are a foreign, so I don't care about you and your WAYS.
Go and get back in your yurt.

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:09, archived)
# it's a tipi, dammit!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:18, archived)
man src=every b3tan ever on t'interwebs
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# online carrots?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# yup
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
# iCarrots...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:54, archived)
# They're
Good for your is
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:41, archived)
# Finally, someone's picked up on it!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:52, archived)
# I like that!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# There's something about that style
that really grapes my squildo :)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# Brilliant!
I used to love that show!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# I'm loving that.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:55, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:59, archived)
# More fruit fun.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# Those hanky things are dead good
I wore one this summer and I felt all Dylan Thomas.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# Lucky Dylan.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:32, archived)
# He's dead now
Ha, sucks to be him.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# did someone say fruit?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# australians actually wear those things.
100% fact.

EDIT: how rude, i forgot my woo!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:32, archived)
# I verify this statement
for I am a scienceist.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# the only people who wear those in Australia
are ex-pat poms or the barmy army!
110% FACT!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:53, archived)
# Hahahaha!
I can hardly berrylieve it! I could orange a few more fruit puns if you like . . .

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# that was said with applomb
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# apple the other one . . .

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# Ha!
A peach of a pun!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# I've got a pear more

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# Mine are a bit dated
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:53, archived)
# What do you keep them in?
A punnet?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:53, archived)
# Teeheehee - ace!
I'd hoist out a TF, but I can't be arsed.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# Woo but
Aussies don't drink Fosters, they drink Crown lager

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# does anyone drink Fosters these days?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# I do sometimes
I prefer a weaker lager - Carlsberg or Becks Vier for preference - so I'm not wrecked by a hangover the next day, as can easily happen with Kronenburg or Stella.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)
# I hate Stella
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# But she loves you :-(
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# haha I doubt it
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# It makes my brother angry
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# Not really
Every time I drink it I think it's too sweet. I'm more of an ale girl if I do drink alcohol, which is quite rare but at the moment the past couple of beers I've had have been Carlsberg export, as that's what my guitarist always has in the house. I really like Asahi, which is a very nice Japanese lager that's quite light but also quite bitter. Oh, and never have Staroprammen or however it's spelt from a bottle, it's horrible. Draight's very nice though.

Sorry, you didn't want an essay, did you?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
The only lagers / Beers I really like are


(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# duvel.
pride of my country.
along with all those other beers.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:47, archived)
# Where are you from?
I'm going for a ciggie.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:51, archived)
# take a guess.
it's small and not far away.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:04, archived)
# The Isle of Man.
The Isle of Wight.
The Isle of Belgium.

Oh. Small and not far away....er...ASTON CLINTON.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:07, archived)
# that's it.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:14, archived)
# If you're from Aston Clinton

Whoops, capslock. Oh well, I'm leaving it there for added vehemence.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:19, archived)
# When I went to Wacken
We left some leffe out in the sun.


hoegaarden is horrid, and you should never add sugar to it to make it nicer as it just fizzes forever.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# It's gorgeous, and I would never think of adding sugar to it at all! What a way to spoil a good beer
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:59, archived)
# I was booooored
And it's horrid. HORRID. At least it's cheap.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:04, archived)
# it aint cheap!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:07, archived)
# I like Staropramen!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# Do you like big butts?
You cannot lie...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:08, archived)
# it's true
nobody in Australia had heard of it. they all drink Victoria Bitter where I was. It tasted of piss - a bit like Carling but worse
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# haha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# Fruit
cheeky pea?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:51, archived)
# Cor!
Thass on my list!

*crosses off*

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:55, archived)
# In time for Christmas!

It's a bit like the X-Files, but with Welsh.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# I hate the guy with the funny mouth
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# personally
I think the entire series is cheap and nasty, not impressed me once in the slightest.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# Cyberwoman was just ridiculous
I couldn't believe how lame it was
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# yeah!
and the way they kept rubbing her skin! wtf?!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# That's because it's "more mature" than Doctor Who
so they can have a bit of sexiness and a bit of swearing and go "oooh, aren't we nawwty lol rolf"
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# they've cocked it all up
and no mistake
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# I tried to watch it for about five minutes
Came to conclusion that nobody can act and it's really quite shit.

And yes, cheap like you said.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# hahah
Im glad someone else said that cos I can't really see what all the fuss is about.

I guess its typical doctor who shite.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# I haven't seen this latest incarnation of the Doctor, so I'm loathe to have an opinion.
Anyway, don't trust me, I have a slightly masochistic fixation with two pints of lager and a packet of crisps.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# Oh he's very good.
I fancy him a bit myself. Much better than the surly northerner.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:47, archived)
# I cant say
that I've watched enough of that to know. But that guy who stars in it winds me up, if I wanted to sit and watch ugly people act like twats I'd go down the pub....
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:49, archived)
# Haha Nice one
I don't like that Captain jack fellow
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# he's quite a funny guy tho
did ya see him interviewed by Wossy a couple of weeks ago?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)
# Nah
Was he good?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# Yeah,
but he rambled on a bit too long and didn't leave enough time for the Boosh.
I think Emma Thompson was on that one as well, her new film with Will Farrell looks pretty good.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:48, archived)
twenty times an episode.

Didn't bother with this week's, have given up on it.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# Yes!
I'd forgotten that one. I had no idea what was going on in the one with the fairies. I doubt the writer did, or perhaps it was a subtle mock of the Captain Jack actor bloke. Who knows?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# I don't even know what this programme is.
And by the looks of it I shall keep it that way.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# It's all here.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:50, archived)
# Yeah, that was particularly rubbish
I've not given up on it yet though...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# I often wonder
why he's so desperate to keep that Doctor Who hand in such good condition...and why its in a huge pot of lube...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# Pfft.
With the boasted 'adult theme' of this series, there'll probably be an episode dedicated to clearing that mystery up. And I mean 'up'.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# He has a Who hand?
I only saw the fairies episode and won't be going back for more.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:51, archived)
# aye
the one that got chopped off in the christmas invasion,
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:04, archived)
# When I find myself in times of trouble..

Edit/ couldn't be bothered to compo it.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# bit of real art
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# Cor!
you are much inprovering! Woo!

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# But IS it art?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# yes it is.......

but is it really art?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# Blimey TripleB,
that's really rather ace.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# *Man-hugs*

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# 'Lo matey.
I'm about to go offline for a bit, but I hope life's greeting you with friendly arms. See ya!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# That's just lovely.
Brilliant work!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# now that is really nice!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# Very nice
Real luminescence to it. I'm liking it a lot.

Is that your linework as well? It's very good- just simple enough.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# yes
drawn and painted last night
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# I'm very impressed then.
*square of applause*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:27, archived)
# it's not real
no shark
no bridge
no helicopter
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# *waits*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:27, archived)
# 'tis very woo though
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# this is really good!

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:27, archived)
# that's ace freebs
woo yay
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# That's really nice
Needs a bit more villagers armed with flaming torches though?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# good plan
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:30, archived)
# please don't post real art.
this is b3ta.
magenta cocks only please
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# *looks for the Quo*
'tis good!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# blimey freebies that's ace!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# Stone the crows
that's ace.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# WOO!
i feel like i'm in italy and DTH is stealing all my chanti.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# Saw this somewhere else on't tinternet.....
and was just wondering if it is one of Butters' works?

(linked it due to file size)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
# Glaaaa
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# no
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:21, archived)
# Ah.
OK. Thanks.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# Please don't do that.
People get annoyed.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# yes
and it got to fp, back in the day
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# You should change your username to
Marty McFly
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# Great Scott!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# Calvin Klein.
showed that movie to the missus not so long ago. she loved it.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# I'll allow her to live then....
*owns the box set*

*may have licked it when she bought it....*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# They are teh best moveeees.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:32, archived)
# 1.21 GIGAWATTS!!!one!!1!!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# 88 Miles per hour!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# snogging yer mum!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# i have it too, i kiss it every night, before i go to bed.
well, when the missus isn't around.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# the glassiest of cocks.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# Space Hopper

*hates Animation Shop useless piece of crap*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:18, archived)
# 8dam?
*considers changing her name to 16dam, or 2dam*

Dennis Hoppers is the lovely.

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
# 3dam
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# Mmm
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:21, archived)
*runs away*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# Si, con queso.
Y un pirata.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# Je no ....speako espanol.

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# ...

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:30, archived)
# One pint please.
And then (possibly, although this may not be properly translated) Satan is in my backpack.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# It's close enough
Though no one ever says "can I have a beer please?"...It's not an episode of Eastenders. You're better off asking for the brand.

The Satan thing is correct.

/GCSE spansisshh
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:45, archived)
# Beautiful.
Ta for that!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 14:00, archived)
# .
Somebody already had 3dam, the red-faced yellow-bellied bastards!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:21, archived)
# You've no need to change it!
Pay no attention to me, I'm just a horrible old seabitch.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# I have yet to settle on a username I like
so I change it every five minutes or so anyway ;)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# 0dam
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# 4523948572349854985623487562847562945762348659234756924785623945
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# piDam?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# 100^1000dam
0x00h dam^n

(where n = 10000000squigglything00000)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# Do that.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# I have
and I likes it :D
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# Hahaha
Brilliantly odd.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# Hurrah...
Hopper unit 1 has finally managed to escape Earths Gravity..
Fly Hopper Fly!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# That is most WOO!
Here's one i did earlier.. www.b3ta.com/board/6557400
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# .
^ That's the one that inspired me, most WOO! He just looked like he was about to take off, or explode or something.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:28, archived)
# Now
you've given me terrible memories of a Dennis Hopper film set in space.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# Hahaha.. Space Truckers?
With one of the Dorn Boys...
Looks like it cost a tenner to make...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# that's the one
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# very good

I was going to make him into a space hopper yesterday (bounce)

but couldn't be BOTHERED
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)

hmm.. looks too slow now it's uploaded
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
# Stretchy Kitty
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:11, archived)
# say what you see!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:18, archived)
# It's Good but it's not right...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:21, archived)
# :D
It's an accordicat!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:14, archived)
# ^
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:18, archived)
# bwhahaha!!!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:30, archived)
# Liu Xuan hated it when they ran out of bouquets.....
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:07, archived)
# RACIST*!!!

*not really
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:11, archived)
# sorry
I meant rapist.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:18, archived)
# am I seeing things
or did they each win a goldfish in a bag?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:17, archived)
# Time for a spot of lunch . . .
Have a pun to munch by

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:00, archived)
# Oh. My. God.
This made me laugh too hard. (Mornin' Dave!)
(You forgot Brayford Wharf, in Lincoln, hive of activity I can tell ya).
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:00, archived)
# Hahaha
Y'off down the Brayford...
Hail Fellow Lincolnite...
I am an X of that Area...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:04, archived)
# I am still here... but only for another year and a half.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# Doing design at Lincoln Uni...?
Do you know the Sparky?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# Noooo, I'm up at the newly Christened 'Bishop G Uni College'.
Doing stuff to do with museums, heritage and stuff like that. Funteim!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:09, archived)
# Ahhh.. The Fancy One... Nice Uni...
(Always ask anyone in Lincoln if they know Sparky though...)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:11, archived)
# Who is the Sparky?!!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:15, archived)
# A Giant of a Man...
(Literally.. He's about 7 Foot) And he does design-y Stuff...

Nice Chap.. But Huge....
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
# Oh. Sounds like a guy at our Uni, called Hugh.
He was on Look North and everything about being so tall.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# Hugh.. Or Huge?!!!!!
*Laughs self, quite literally, to death*
Bet he gets that a bit...

(Look North.. Arf!)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# 'ning!
forgot, or have never ashally heard of?

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:06, archived)
# *Gasps*.
You must come seeeee! :P
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
# hahaha! oh dear!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:01, archived)
# Pfffft ;)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:01, archived)
# hahahahaha
the last frame makes it
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:01, archived)
# Pffft!
You loon
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:01, archived)
# hahahaha
oh the pain!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:02, archived)
# Fantesticle
*clicky, clicky, clicky*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:03, archived)
# WOOOOOOOOOOOO *like a wee ghostie*
Your sense of humour is so lovely it makes me want to give you cuddles and cups of tea.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:04, archived)
# and biscuits?
don't forget the biscuits!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:06, archived)
# Tea, biscuits and cuddles
are always welcome

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
That means window.

I know this because in victorian times an Italian man bonked himself on the head then started talking bollocks. It's only when he pointed to the window and said 'Artsenif' they realised.

True story.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:12, archived)
# Quello=That
Nella finestra=in the window

quant'e=How much . . .

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# i could use a cuddle

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:13, archived)
# *launches self*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:14, archived)
# awww... thankees.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:16, archived)
# I am cuddle monster
I'm quite squidgy, you see, so if people need cuddles they come to me.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:17, archived)
# Can I have one please?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# *big cuddles*
Everyone can have one.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# *gives mugatu one*

Well, I would but you appear to have 46 pairs of pance on . . .

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:24, archived)
# they are all velcro'd on - for quick removal
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# *remembers*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# *nods*
I'm also good for falling asleep on, same reason.

Oh, and food. It's the Jew blood in me, I love to feed people.

And I can fix any clothing.

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:26, archived)
# now that is what i call a handy woman.
can i take you as my second wife?
i shall pay you in biscuits.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# What kind of biscuits?
None of this Nice bollocks.

I want a variety. Garibaldi, chocolate, hob nob AND others.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# yes offcourse.
and on saturdays, chocolate!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# Aaargh!
Here, you might as well have this, seeing as I made it for you:

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:04, archived)
# haha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
# Hahaha!
Just what I needed to see :)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:09, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Sweet jesus, why must you continue to punish us with your endless onslaught of brilliant puns? WHY?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:14, archived)
# an original pun?
very good :)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
# thass ace sir
I bestow upon thee a woo
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# Damn, bindun already...
but i'm posting it anyway, as i've spent at least 4 mins doing it...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

see /links for details...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:46, archived)
# Nice shop
I've watched the tirade... and Seinfeld is still my favourite comedy. Does that make me a fascist pigdog?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:48, archived)
# no.
it makes you a sweinhund.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:49, archived)
# yawohl
By the way.... VERE ARE YOUR PAPERS?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:50, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:50, archived)
# For you Tommy, ze var ist over!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:51, archived)
# Yo, G-Sav, how's it hangin' blud?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:52, archived)
# today is far more spiffing than yesterday
I spent 8 hours fixing our company email server yesterday under the glare of everyone who couldn't do any work.

Today is much much betterer. How's you KM?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:54, archived)
# I'm grand, ta! Busy, but with some stuff I don't mind...
...which is a nice change from last week: busy with loads of boring stuff.

Your yesterday sounds rather unpleasant. I love how when you work in IT, anyone non-IT thinks you can EVERTHING and it's all your fault when things stop working.

My favourite is when people give me a hard time because I can't show them how to log onto the computer because they haven't got a password, meh...

EDIT: Crikey, that was a bit of a rant - sorry about that.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:56, archived)
# do continue
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:00, archived)
# "My printers not working"
"Is there any paper in it?"
"So why does the display monitor say PAPER OUT?"
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
# No, it's okay - I'm better now.
*takes deep breaths*

*thinks of happy things*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# hehehe
sorry for the delay - work got in the way
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:40, archived)
# by not being able to do work
I presume you mean they couldn't chat to each other via email.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
# pfffft.
it took you 8 hours to replace / repair a scsi controller?

double pfffft.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
# geek smackdown!

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:59, archived)
# Acronym Fight!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:00, archived)
# pffft
try a REAL job! I'm currently playing with 415V 3ph, 90V coil drive circuits, and trying very hard not to completely destroy a Biesse Rover 321.
They are worth ££££££££££££.

All I need is a fucking delay timer......
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:03, archived)
# I got called 'old' by one of our temps today.
I'm 22 in 9 days.

Worst thing that's happened today at work.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:16, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# hmm, dunno...
have you annexed the Rhinelands recently? or invaded Poland?

they're usually good symptoms to look out for.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:50, archived)
# No
but I do declare anschluss on the tv remote most nights. Ethnically, it's closer to myself than my wife and is being falsely prosecuted whilst it remains in her evil clutches. However, this is the end of my ambitions... honest... I will NOT be annexing the laptop in the conservatory... no no no... not unless it asks me for assistance.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:55, archived)
# Seinfeld would be far funnier without Jerry Seinfeld himself.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:02, archived)
# Oh yes
he's a tit of the highest order
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:04, archived)
# Curb your Enthusiasm...
All the Way!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# Personally
I can't stand it. Larry David on his own is about as funny as colonic irrigation. Oooooh aren't we clever improvising? Why not just write something funny you pretentious shit.

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:10, archived)
# Yes
He's the straight guy I guess, which doesn't make sense as he's the comedian. Constanza and Kramer are amazingly brilliant characters though.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# i am your father, kramer

nice shop btw
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:51, archived)
# ha,
is that my nick griffin one too? good googly eye action there!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:54, archived)
# yep
snatched the pic from b3ta the other day (apologies!)
found the eye so fascinating....MUST...ANIMATE!!!

edit: fun thing is... until this moment, i thought it was an original photo. so woo to your seamless skillz again (nick who??? had to wiki that)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
# i just love the way
his eye follows you all round the room...

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:01, archived)
# ...and even outside onto the street...
/pratchett fanblog
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:02, archived)
# hahaha
googlyeyed twat!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:55, archived)
# could someone give me a summary
as I don't have sound here at work
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:52, archived)
that's about it really.
(a black person interrupted his show and he started calling him a nigger)
the fragment has subtitles, so even without sound you'd be able to follow ;)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:53, archived)
# ta! ;)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:55, archived)
# black guy inerupts/heckles
Kramer blokey shouts 'He's a n**ga' at him quite a few times, black guy gets upset and leaves.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:54, archived)
# He really looks like
Franky Howard to me there ...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:18, archived)
# ..
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:43, archived)
# *invests £2000*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:46, archived)
# Minty!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:47, archived)
# hahahhaha
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:48, archived)
# medals supplied by Elizabeth Duke at Argos
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:50, archived)
# Hehehehe
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:54, archived)
# hahahaha
if i could likey this then i would!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:59, archived)
# Haha, that's about right
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:12, archived)
[challenge entry] Worst Pun I've Made... All Day...

...but there's still plenty of scope to get worse.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:40, archived)
# I'm, RISing here,
help me out.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:44, archived)
# me too.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:46, archived)
# OK, 11 minutes have passed
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:52, archived)
# *dies on arse*
"Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus".
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:55, archived)
# And how is your picture a pun?
Or is that your intention to cause a stir? I see....
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
# Who the fuck are the frog chorus?!
Who the fuck is Paul McCartney?!
Who the fuck are you?!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:59, archived)
# Curis was singing the Frog Chorus to me the other day.
So it exists in at least two people's minds. (I'm also a tad baffled).
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:03, archived)
# It was in the newsletter set to explosions
it was shit
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:06, archived)
# you are dirty
go away
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:00, archived)
# Frog fisting newbie time?
Its magical magical Tuesday!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:56, archived)
# ...


(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)
# I really ought to do some work now.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:38, archived)
# is this a device to roll up super strings?

(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:39, archived)
# GEEK ALERT!!!!!!!!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:47, archived)
# Oh no!
*gets the pitchfork*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:57, archived)
# *runds*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:02, archived)
# *rundlls*

*pitchforks self*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:07, archived)
# success!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# You are confusing
Geek with Nerd

I think you'll find
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:05, archived)
# Oi!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
*brandishes pitchfork*
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# ooh
i like!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:39, archived)
# is it for giant space hamsters?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:39, archived)
# what a nonsence
it is a yoyo. of god like proportions
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:42, archived)
# Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:44, archived)
# ?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:45, archived)
# Aceness!
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:50, archived)
# I hope so,
anything to keep the bastards away from my petunias.
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:42, archived)
# how do you get to work?
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:42, archived)
# Space YO YO
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:42, archived)
# work can wait
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 12:44, archived)

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