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[challenge entry] You are all weirdos!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:19, archived)
# This seems to work
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:27, archived)
# b3ta beaker
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:34, archived)
# haha
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:49, archived)
# Pffft.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:59, archived)

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 20:40, archived)
# Beaker?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 22:23, archived)
# I know we are, but what are you? :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:54, archived)
# Differently normal :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:58, archived)
# perfect sir !
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 20:58, archived)
# Inspired
by the BBC.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:02, archived)
# *scans*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:22, archived)
# Purple link... *clicks anyway*
Ahh bliss. :3
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:24, archived)
# :D
The spunk globules are there if you use your imagination.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 20:21, archived)
# hehehe
took fucking ages to scan it though.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:26, archived)
# Scarlett Johansson nude photos hacking investigation by FBI
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:57, archived)
# Giddy up!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:59, archived)
# men in wank
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:01, archived)
# Hahahahaha!
I've think I've seen that.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:38, archived)
riverdance app
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:02, archived)
# nicely!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:10, archived)
# "Don't look at my bum" says woman who shows bum in film
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:12, archived)
# woo!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:14, archived)
# Hello thar, pull up a thingy and shop a whatsit.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:18, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:20, archived)
# Arf!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:41, archived)
# Nicely :D
And welcome to b3ta! Pull up a kitten, shop a stool, etc.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:20, archived)
# why are these pictures not all over the interwebs
and if they are why havn't i seen them?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:26, archived)
# click this

then click on images

hardly hidden
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 21:28, archived)
# Americans love our Royals
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:06, archived)
# Fuck it !!

I know it's not fluffy so not compo'd but can't resist peaing this :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:35, archived)
# I loved this then
and love it now.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:45, archived)
# Haha!
Excellent spoing action there
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:47, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:54, archived)
# MMm
Mind-bending cake, my favourite kind! Thanks
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:07, archived)
# hoppy b3taday!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:54, archived)
# Thanks :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:08, archived)
# Doi-oi-oi-oi-oing
Penguins really ought to be Welsh. The name sounds Welsh
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:47, archived)
[challenge entry] ...ashley dis iz mush beddah...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:02, archived)
# :D He'd better watch out,
there are a load of killer whale Rockers circling Brighton pier.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:15, archived)
# Candles!!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:18, archived)
# Huzzah!
Thankee kindly :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:22, archived)
# heh-heh!

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:32, archived)
# Brrr...mighty cold in here tonight......... Mighty cold!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:53, archived)
# And a big thank you to Frank Carson for the use of that joke.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 19:20, archived)
[challenge entry] I had one of these

It was bloody useless, and it broke.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:50, archived)
# Lovely :D and happy candlemas!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:57, archived)
# Oooooooo and Wooooooo
Happy candlez to you!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:57, archived)
# Great stuff.
And 9 years without going on /talk. Congrats
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:03, archived)
# Ta!
It's a strange foreign land. I'll just keep to this side of the border.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:11, archived)
# BrassMonkey...b3taday funky
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:05, archived)
[challenge entry] He's just the right shape.....
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:57, archived)
# And he's soft as your face!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:21, archived)
# For the mild green hairy-lipped squid.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:23, archived)
# fine wordplay, sir
you should work for the daily star
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:40, archived)
face arse
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:24, archived)
# *feels*
*washes hands*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:40, archived)
# "For hands that do Fishies...
that feel as soft as your arse, mild green fluffy liquid"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:46, archived)
# ive got an image of a penguin flipper fisting a fish now
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:47, archived)
# InfiniTyler - gif format

Blatant plug for the video I've just posted on the links board. Apologies for size yadda yadda yadda but come on, you've all got broadband now!!

Black Moon CGI on YouTube
Black Moon Studios on YouTube
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:46, archived)
# :D
And these are my kids.
and Vauxhall
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:48, archived)
# Pfffft
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:40, archived)
# Marvellous!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:49, archived)
# *signs them all up for Arsenal*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:49, archived)
# Great japes sir, also the limit for gifs now is 400k.
What an age we live in!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:51, archived)
# I haven't posted a gif.....
...since the days of the 200k limit. Oh I'm so old school.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:03, archived)
# Keepin it real up in this fuckjazz.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:17, archived)
# The art of 200k, 280px width gifs is sadly lost
it was a skill in of itself Optimise it Hard! Blowin' up like gifs in the 80s
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:42, archived)
# Fantastic!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:51, archived)
# just watched "tyler's power kick"
awesome! :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:52, archived)
# Awesomenesses.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:59, archived)
# But does it Tyle(r)?
fantastic stuff BM
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:05, archived)
# they're not from Brazil are they ????
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:13, archived)
# Attack of the (small) clones!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:35, archived)
# I love the one who does a little jump to block the ball as he gets to the end of the grass...
... only to miss it.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 20:47, archived)
# Garfield minus Garfield...minus John.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:53, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:34, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:56, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:21, archived)
# are Garfield's feet always that big?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:30, archived)
# haha now you point it out wtf!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:38, archived)
# Pink giant spoils view...

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:55, archived)
# Hahahaha
that's great
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:04, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:05, archived)
# Certainly funnier without either of those two...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:55, archived)
# Definitely
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:59, archived)
# Nom!
A bowl of stuff
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:05, archived)
# Mmmmmmm! Unlabelled brown goo!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:13, archived)
# best kind of goo, frankly.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:20, archived)
# Though it can get a bit CSI
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:14, archived)
# He comes
then he goes again
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:26, archived)
# I'm still impressed that my phone already had 'Zalgo' in the predictive text dictionary
even though I've had to teach it all the swear words.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:29, archived)
# I'm looking for a new phone at the moment
and winding up salesmen by asking "Does it know swearing?"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:31, archived)
# For some reason
When I type in uber it gives me 'Ubersexual' I do NOT remember adding that one!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:32, archived)
# I'm fairly sure I'd never typed 'zalgo' before the one time I used it.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:00, archived)
# Phones have a mind of their own - they are developing their own language
Soon we as humans will have inputted all the words and be redundant to their evil schemes!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:02, archived)
# ha ha
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:07, archived)
# .
(how the fook do you guys do that?)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:56, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:57, archived)
# mind the piss!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:58, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:59, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:58, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:01, archived)
# Waggon!

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:42, archived)
# Hello Hat!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:01, archived)
# press space
press space
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:02, archived)
# i tried that
and it said i have to enter a subject / content.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:05, archived)
# enter " " in the body box
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:07, archived)
# you're probably not using the JS "enhancements"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:07, archived)
# me too.....
still, it wasn't a link to 'i love horses'
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:07, archived)

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:02, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:09, archived)
# Huh.
Seems to be just the Quick Reply that tells you off for not having a message.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:10, archived)
# i only use the quick reply
perhaps thats why its fooked.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:16, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:18, archived)
# nah, i use quick reply too
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:19, archived)
# Same here.
It used to demand something in the title and message but now it doesn't.

But even when it did, putting a space in worked.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:20, archived)
# yeah, you have to put something in one or the other now
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:24, archived)
edit - just testing something ;)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:26, archived)
# Mine won't do it in quick reply so
click "reply" at bottom of message then click "full screen". When on full screen put space in subject box and post.
Edit: Put two spaces to be sure.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:47, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:47, archived)
(, Wed 21 Sep 2011, 13:00, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:18, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:58, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:59, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:00, archived)
# ha ha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:02, archived)
# These are all awesomely done
You always have such simple and well executed stuff :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:02, archived)
# By simple...
.. I mean not too much fuss!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:05, archived)
# Look, your chain's come off!
you were back-pedalling too fast ;-)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:09, archived)
# :P
*hugs* hello lovely beshirted one! x
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:33, archived)
# Hiya Gorgeous!
*mwah* *mwah* You look wonderful today!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:45, archived)
# Is it wrong to click I like this :D
Thanks m'dear!

I've just realised you can't see me....
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:04, archived)
# You look wonderful every time I see you.
Why should today be any different?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:06, archived)
# Haha
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:11, archived)
# There's nothing wrong with simple.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:16, archived)
# Good old Bozzer.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:31, archived)
# pffft
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:06, archived)
# All brilliant!

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:10, archived)
# :D
no Odie either
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:03, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:29, archived)
# So pink panels: The Spam edition then?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:42, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:59, archived)
# excellent
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:07, archived)
# this ones broke.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:33, archived)
# and the little fucker is going to fall of the side if you're not careful!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:36, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:38, archived)
# Now edited...
Thank you for pointing these out to I
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:42, archived)
# wherever there are spelling mistakes
wherever there are grammatical errors
wherever the good name of the English language is threatened..

you will find me... Pedantman!

*swishes cape and jumps off side of building*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:45, archived)
# Pedantman apparently needs a
'Capital Letter At The Start Of Sentences Boy' sidekick...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:22, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:41, archived)
just noticed your sig thingymabub! haha I may do that on my return this year too...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:38, archived)
# from prison?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:42, archived)
# Pffftttt...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:45, archived)
# I wonder what Prof Chike would have to say...or perhaps it's outside his realm of expertise
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:47, archived)
# He's gonna loose his head when he gets onto the B roads.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:45, archived)
# You of internet me understanding friend.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:46, archived)
# Book early folks!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:13, archived)
# Heaven is a halfpipe.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:14, archived)
# judo air
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:16, archived)
# McTwist
still the best vert trick there is!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:25, archived)
# Nah.
360 boneless switch-flip. I invented it. Showed my nephew it the other day - I won, he failed, I laughed. Stupid 8 year olds.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:27, archived)
# i invented a no comply varial 180 back foot shovit flip
but that was because i could land kick flips at the time
honestly, true story
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:38, archived)
# I invented the surprise arse land.
Not a country or a theme park but a very painful dismount.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:49, archived)
# i didn't invent it
but i mastered the shin cracker fairly early on
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:53, archived)
# *applauds loudly from wings*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:16, archived)
# Cheers JP!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# Oh yes, lovely stuff.
lovely stuff.:D

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:17, archived)
# Ta Moleypoos
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# Who's Duncan Vater?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:17, archived)
# Douglas Bader's natural father.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:19, archived)
# Darth Bader

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# Needs less legs.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:23, archived)
# Massive bulge
Just saying
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:43, archived)
# *plots course for the Hoth System*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:25, archived)
# Sweet!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:40, archived)
# Ta missus!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
# The snowspeeders were the best ships.
After the speeder bikes.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:40, archived)
# Don't forget teh Imperial Wolf Scout

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
# Aww
Nice wolf :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:58, archived)
# Radical flip waves there! Burnin' on the ice tubes!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:10, archived)
# In my mind, this worked. In reality, less so.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# I do wish they'd hurry up and get Mad Men back on tv
actually, Mad Men in the future would be equally awesome
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:05, archived)
# the only thing i know about mad men
is the lovely christina hendricks
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:07, archived)
# get the box sets, you'll fucking love it
seriously, you'll be sucking up the style like a dirty girl within 2 episodes
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:09, archived)
*Adds to unfathomably long list of TV programs / films i should watch*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# I downloaded season 1
but they were mp4s rather than avi files

I lost interest after that
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:12, archived)
# It's superb
Up there with The Sopranos, The Wire, 6 Feet Under, etc...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# the last TV program i watched was prison break
watched 2 series, then i missed a few episodes and lost track. It was cancelled anyway. My experience with TV dramas in a nutshell.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:12, archived)
# I thought prison break was a gay porn show
it certainly looked it from the adverts
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:12, archived)
# You're thinking of True Blood
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:15, archived)
# that's porn for everyone surely :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:16, archived)
# Depends which series
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:29, archived)
# ^
my brother watches it, and i am ashamed. Vampires have always been gay as fook since Twilight. We need another Blade film, but Snipes is in jail or something, isnt he?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:17, archived)
# hahah it's awesome
nothing says sexy time like a man breaking a womans neck, turning her head 180 and carrying on humping
Obviously NSFW
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:22, archived)
# You old charmer, you
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:26, archived)
# Yep, for the depressingly bland crime of tax evasion
Such a shame, he was one of my favourite action stars when I was a kid. I wish he'd got sent down for something more manly and exciting. Like raping a bear.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:24, archived)
# Pffft!
"Always bet on black!"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:27, archived)
# Only the bits with T-bag in.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:18, archived)
# Ooo, I am not sure who she is....

* Wonders off to google her (again)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:13, archived)
# :-)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:19, archived)
# ^this.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:40, archived)
# They should make one of Mad Men a British spy, who goes around defusing internationally-threatening situations.
He could sleep with loads of women, and have special gadgets that do stuff that fitted in a briefcase.

It would be awesome.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:07, archived)
# Nah, nobody would go to see that.
Don't be an idiot, Vagabond. *tuts*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:09, archived)
# Mad Men in the future.
That's a format waiting to happen. :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:08, archived)
# I thought it was from Casino Royale titles.
They are very similar
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:13, archived)
# Always with the Bond....

Dan Kleinman & Imaginary Forces are in league with each other...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:19, archived)
# Danny Klienman is GOD
Why they dropped him for QoS I do not know
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:43, archived)
# Imho, the Casino Royale titles are the best ever.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:47, archived)
# Looks okay to me.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:05, archived)
# Works for me.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:06, archived)
# You of internet me understanding friend.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:07, archived)
# Bwahahahaha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:08, archived)
# Awesome JP!!
Soz for posting on top :(


(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:14, archived)
# Don't be a nana!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:17, archived)
# Where were you earlier
we needed your certificate for Wasp Box again
like most days
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:16, archived)
# Apologies, I was busy injuring myself earlier.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# I hope he's remembered to take the Toilet Duck with him
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# hehehe...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
# o/
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:11, archived)
# Welcome aboard
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:02, archived)
# haha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:04, archived)
# Well, I laughed!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:16, archived)
# hahahah
now this i like!!!

rings true for wiltshire somehow...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:28, archived)
# Hallo. I'm Klarnk. You of internet me understanding friend. My with tits.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:59, archived)

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:00, archived)
# welcome to Weird Tuesday
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:01, archived)
# Has B3ta just turned inside out and then swallowed it's own brain or something?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:01, archived)
# I HATE it when that happens!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# Yes
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:02, archived)
# O_o Hmm?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:02, archived)
# ^LOL
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# ^This.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# hahahaha
this must be quite confusing
is it a genuine post or a gentle knocking of yours, JJs or Klarnk?

It's beyond me, you're on your own :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# Hunter becomes the hunted
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:04, archived)
# so who does hunted become?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:05, archived)
# Rastamouse.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:08, archived)
# Perkin Warbeck
with or without his Magic Newt. Or the obligatory bowl of enchanted ant's eggs.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# Klarnk is the new JJ you should be a big fan
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:05, archived)
# hahahahaha
still love that, Shat's eyes are perfect
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:06, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:06, archived)
# Hahahaha!
I love this.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:06, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
Oh, this is gold.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:21, archived)
# im glad my arrangement of H's and A's was particularly amusing :-D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:29, archived)
# No one "ha's" quite like you, its true.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:32, archived)
# Brilliant, taters, just brilliant.
taters just brilliant.I love your ha style.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:32, archived)
# *bows*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:37, archived)
# he's totally ha-tstand
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:48, archived)
# coffee/monitor moment :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:36, archived)
# amazing
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:22, archived)
# Hahahahahaha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:42, archived)
# Gadzooks...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:03, archived)
# Whu?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:04, archived)
# here we begin
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:04, archived)
# I have not been on here much....
But even I know you should FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:09, archived)
# ^ Seconded
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# Klarnk with tits!
Using my beeping, mouse-less CSI computer
I have concluded that those tentacles and eyes are from JJ, and the rest is by persons unknown.

I need to enhance it more.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:09, archived)
# Keep going
I'm almost there
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:10, archived)
# what's the problem here?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:19, archived)
# some things have happened which led to consequences
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:20, archived)
# all the shouting's putting me off my stroke
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:22, archived)
# Nice tits!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:27, archived)
# Hah! My with also tits!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:31, archived)
# Phwoar!

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:34, archived)
# HAH!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:59, archived)
# Pisstaking of the
finest tentacular variety.
Approved. :@ )
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:36, archived)
# hi JJ
nice tits.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
# i heard tits
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:12, archived)
# I barely had to shop this

OK, to be fair I had to tone the throne down a little... original www.sarajevo-x.com/svijet/clanak/110117145
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:54, archived)
# Best of the septuagenarian sex fiends
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:01, archived)
# it never ceases to amaze me
that someone so utterly corrupt, sleazy and racist was elected to a position of power in Italy.

*insert innuendo about Italians here*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:11, archived)
# I can heartily recommend Tobias Jones's 'The Dark Heart of Italy'
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:20, archived)
# indeed
I was going to point out what an institutionally corrupt, racist country Italy is, until I realised the irony of accusing an entire race of people of being racists..

*delivers stern rebuke to self*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:22, archived)
# It's not racist to call Italy
an institutionally corrupt and racist country. Calling Italians racist would be racist; calling Italy a corrupt and racist country is simple observation, even if individual Italians you meet tend to be neither corrupt nor racist.

Maybe it's nationist.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:24, archived)
# ooh
that's just semantics though, surely, as a country in itself cannot be racist

my gf lived in Italy for along time, and the only nice thing she says about it is 'they make nice bread'
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:28, archived)
# it is a beautiful country
but nearly every Italian bloke I met was a complete cnut. All that alpha-male crap..
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:29, archived)
# hahaha
it's to make up for the fact they're all ruled by their mothers

/generalizzazione blog
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:32, archived)
# hahaha
yes, it's a massive generalisation i'm making. the italians i've met for the most part have been decent, intelligent people whose only fault is adding a vowel onto the end of every word. but the country keeps electing corrupt governments who sell them up the pisser, the south in particular is governed by a mixture of fear and corruption and force of habit, laws are changed on the whim of an overpowerful egomanaic to try and keep himself and his chronies out of prison (although sometimes that seems to be slowly changing, which is reassuring), and the italians i've met are typically extremely frustrated by the whole thing.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:37, archived)
# Italy is a country, not a race.
It's xenophobic, perhaps, but not racist.

Racist is generalising against women.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:40, archived)
# and if anyone knows if something's racist or not
it's Mr Vagabond :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:42, archived)
# I see.
Now I understand everything.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:50, archived)
# ... and as if by magic, it's on my Amazon order list
Ta for the heads up Mighty Nibus
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:33, archived)
# \o/
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:35, archived)
# Did you watch Gommorah, btw?
Very good film
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:37, archived)
# aha, not yet
looks good though
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:57, archived)
# * They all look the same to me...
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:22, archived)
# Is that Lovejoy?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:37, archived)
# Nicely done.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:08, archived)
[challenge entry] Cheers B3ta!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:36, archived)
# i luuuuurve that lady - she's rart pretty
Ive not seen the film - i just keep seeing these pics from it
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# Well worth a watch
Bit of a classic
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
watched it for the first time a few months back.
Glad I got round to it.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:56, archived)
# have an erection-killer
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:51, archived)

Im sure Marylin Monroe or Betty Grable are no stunners right now either.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
# well Marylin certainly isn't
she's pushing up the daisies :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)
# so is grable - she died long before marylin
mmm - beef jerky!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:08, archived)
# poor thing! ...up to her arse in worms and cannot even go fishing
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 18:39, archived)
# still would
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:04, archived)
# go on sir, give it a go
furry ice lollies that taste of fish are all the rage
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# Best euphemism ever.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)
# *boke*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)
# Bokeh?
I didnt know you were a photographer

Nice sig, btw. *pat sharpens*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# That's what I told the police when caught in Colin Firth's back garden*
*not an euphemism*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:44, archived)
# *totally a euphemism*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:47, archived)
# i bet colin firths back garden is quite muddy
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# He's got a well trodden path
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:53, archived)
# too much rutting?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:00, archived)
# in need of seeding?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:09, archived)
# That's the trouble with Tribbles
'noon B3ta!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# Good work n00b
Welcome to b3ta, kitten up a leaf, chair a shop, you'll never pull
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:59, archived)
# WHAT KIND OF GRAYSCALE matching algorithm are you using?

Sorry for that capslock and all
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# Ha ha
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:08, archived)
# Found some files on my old laptop from a visit to a Bird Sanctuary

"Woot you talkin' bout, Willis!"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:34, archived)
# twit tWoo!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# I know a cracking owl sanctuary
I’m sorry, Mr. Hawk your pardon has been turned down. You have been found guilty of the premeditated homicide of a... mouse, and you’ll be
hanged by the neck until dead. And don’t try to hover up so that the rope goes slack.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:39, archived)
# That would be
souricide, shirley?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)
# *le lol*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# je voudrais un grande mac
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:44, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:46, archived)
# I, for one, welcome our Owl Overlords
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:43, archived)
# Wow !
top stuff and woo
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# This is lovely :D
technical question: (a bit similar to the one in Shaun of the Dead about dogs looking up) Do Owls swivel their eyes like in your animation or do they just swivel their heads? I genuinely don't know lol
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:52, archived)
# Well you don't think I shopped it do you?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:57, archived)
# Of course, silly me.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:59, archived)
# no, owls' eyes don't swivel
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:20, archived)
# FANTASTIC! - Have a click and a...

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:45, archived)
# I love this.
Especially when she tucks it away at the end.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:51, archived)
# I bet you say that to all the girls?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
# WOO...
...and Indeed TWIT!!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)
# Beware!

I like owls. Owls are great.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:03, archived)
# If only it were the truth !
someone please make it happen

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:33, archived)
# hahaha
if ever there was an example of 'jokes are funnier than technique,' this is it
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# quits living would be nicer
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
# Aw, he's harmless enough
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)
# what does that sign say in the background?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:45, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:47, archived)
# and I can't speak properly.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:43, archived)
# JollyJack(modification by me)& Denizen

Poor physical condition. Painted. Then was a little better.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:18, archived)
# lovely
though the denizen looks a bit like a poo-person, as it is brown

Hang on - is the schoolgirl actually JJ? o.O
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:23, archived)
It's Mr. Hankey!
that would have bugged me all day.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:25, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:26, archived)
# Hmm now you mention it this opens up the possibilities of all sorts of freaky weirdness
JJ sat in a Japanese schoolgirl uniform posting fan-art on b3ta while giggling and clapping his hand very overexcitedly. Now that is just too weird and I have to buy some mind-bleach now.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)
# If I were JJ I'd be getting quite creeped out by now
because either he's losing his mind, which would be pretty creepy in his few lucid moments, or actually this *is* all genuine, which is perhaps even creepier.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:30, archived)
# o__O
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:31, archived)
# why are you doing this?
Is JJ like a pop idol to you?
Would you like it if a stranger from here started drawing pictures of you?
(genuinely polite questions, I appreciate they can be read badly, my english is not great)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:35, archived)
# ^ This

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)
# He is not online :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:13, archived)
# errr, how do you know?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:23, archived)
# the trapdoor is still locked
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:24, archived)
# She's logged on from his computer

Edit: Both this statement and Mighty Nibus' are most likely true.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:25, archived)
# I just see his dA toppage. :(
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:46, archived)
# I kind of agree
I have my influences and idols when it comes to illustration, but i use my skills to do my own thang, not to appease my favourite artists.

Youre a nice artist, moguragunsou - perhaps try painting non JJ related things.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# it would probably be ok if it was just his characters
but drawing JJ is creepy, that's like me drawing you in saucy positions because I love your 3d ladies
*does a bit of a sick*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:45, archived)
# Hahaha
Oh dear lord no!

I do believe all this is genuine though. Ive spent enough time on anime artists japanese websites / blogs to recognise the art style and use of english.
The level of fandom shown is quite japanese too. Must be quite flattering for JJ, but i can understand how it can be creepy at times...

It all reminds me a bit of Michael Palin's superfan at 3:47 here
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:46, archived)
# Maybe it's a
fantastic new cyber-bullying paradigm.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:50, archived)
# *closes photoshop*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:03, archived)
# I would like it if people started drawing pictures of me.
Especially if they drew me as a superhero.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:43, archived)
# I don't care!! ;)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:50, archived)
# I'm not sure what to make of all of this so I've opted out giving/having an opinion.
- but saying that I'd rather see some original concepts from you I'd have more interest in your work then.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:39, archived)
# I think this is probably the case for most people
one JJ is enough (that's not a slight on JJ)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
# I disagree. One JollyJack is simply not sufficient to keep up with B3ta's demand for squirrels with tits.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:44, archived)
# I suppose I don't mind fan-art as such (if that's the correct term)
but this isn't a fan-art website so it just leaves me a bit cold and puzzling over this person's motivation.

Obviously he/she can draw, paint and do digital art maybe they just lack imagination to find their own style.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:46, archived)
# I'm sure Mr Wasp Box has some excellent suggestions for our new friend to draw
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# oh please :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:46, archived)
# *votes for this*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# Personally
I'm enjoying the slightly creepy undertones.

Perhaps in seven days, Moguragunsou will come crawling out of JJ's computer screen.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:45, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# haha "Don't watch the video tape!!"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# I remember watching the Japanese original years ago, on VHS no less.
It was one of the scariest things I'd ever seen.

And I did a tape-to-tape on it instead of lending my housemate the bought one :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:54, archived)
# She does have her own original creations
but they all fall under the JJ brand(TM)

I look forward to her posts though. Nice pics, intresting follow-up responses / comments, and its good to see folks from my favourite country on here.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:53, archived)
# Some of it has been (as far as I know) completely original
And much more interesting than the derivative stuff
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# Aw, that's lully
If your own stuff is as good as your adaptation of JJ's stuff then we're in for a treat
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# Maybe you could draw a whole line of b3tards with short skirts

*rubs thighs*
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
# Hello Japanese person!
Please can you explain why on this site it gives you the girls blood types?
Do Japanese people get turned on by that sort of thing?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
# Type A
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:01, archived)
# hahahaha
er, what?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# Thanks but that's not really doing it for me.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# Maybe Japanese Vampires are fussy common "O" type blood is no good to them or something like that
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# because blood donation is such a popular thing over there
some people even have taps fitted so you can just borrow a cup full as they pass
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:04, archived)
# this better be true
I just ordered a new hose
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:06, archived)
# Blood tap! Baby, blood tap!
Blood tap! Baby, bood tap!
blood on the mattress,
blood on the highway,
blood on the front porch,
blood on the highway....
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# It is as arbitrary as stating your height or favourite colour, in a sense
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:06, archived)
# Well to some degree height and favourite colour make sense
but blood type? Are they looking for a future partner or a potential organ donor?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:13, archived)
# i dunno - its as irrelevant as astrology / star signs
some people probably think blood type has something to do with personality.

My blood type is 'thick'
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:18, archived)
# So is my semen type
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:19, archived)
# A partner that could be an organ donor is a good partner
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:51, archived)
# Indeed but do you love her beautiful eyes because of the love in them, or the way they sparkle in the sunlight,
the lovely colours or the fact that they'd be worth a bob or two on the black market ;)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Well, both I guess
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:52, archived)
# The latter.
Defintely the latter.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 16:04, archived)
# I've just realised I have no idea what my blood type is
can I pick one, I think I will be blood type X7 (black)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:20, archived)
# I dont know mine either
i reckon its R:255 G:000 B:000
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:22, archived)
# Too Red
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:43, archived)
# *likes*

I don't know mine either. Reckon it's Y negative.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:50, archived)
# Y-Front negative more like
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:55, archived)
# pfft
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:58, archived)
# Assuming you're serious...
...in a number of Asian countries, it is a popular belief that a person's blood type is an indicator of their personality traits, similar to the way that astrological signs are in the West, and is often used to determine compatibility with a potential partner or for horoscopes.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:20, archived)
# Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# This is brilliant
Can I talk to you about Nazis?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# Sssh the Japanese are trying to forget that particular episode in history ;)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:19, archived)
# Can we have a 'Japanese Stuff' compo?
I quite fancy a week of godzilla pics.

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:21, archived)
# i would heartily endorse that

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:24, archived)
# I love it. :)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:30, archived)
# Yeah!

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:51, archived)
# Careful now
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 17:34, archived)
# NO! :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:30, archived)
# :(
How about a picture of Rob Manuel as a transvestite prostitute?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:31, archived)
# bindun
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:32, archived)
# I dunno Rob Manuel ^^;
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:33, archived)
# Rob Manuel is the creator of b3ta
just to let you know, as emvee seems obsessed with him :-)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:36, archived)
# oh THAT rob manuel
that's mentioned in the FAQ, I thought she meant the other one
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:39, archived)
# he's a terrible man that runs an appalling and offensive website that only attracts n'er do wells
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:38, archived)
# Let's talk about Schindler and Sugihara chiune XD
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:31, archived)
# If you like
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:50, archived)
# What do you think about the Schindler 3100?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:57, archived)
# Not that it~. ; x ;
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 15:08, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:04, archived)
# Hmmmmmmmm....
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:08, archived)
# ^What she said^
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:11, archived)
# I especially like the "whines Luke" line.
"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some wah wah bitch bitch blub."
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:13, archived)
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:34, archived)
# why is it always text in your images?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:10, archived)
# Because of your face*
Or perhaps it's just your timing.

*Actually nothing to do with your face
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:19, archived)
# Very good.....
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:12, archived)
# ^ Needs more fleas

* Even the cat gets pissed off and leaves!
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:41, archived)

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