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# Arabian sand cat...

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:53, archived)
# Hahahaha
That looks like pr0n of the bizarres order! Those pervs!

EDIT: Yam it animash dai?!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:00, archived)
# No, it's monday.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:08, archived)
# Mun Mun Mun Mun Mun
slow Monday

also - ningle Sir Mix A Lot... nice ass!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:10, archived)
# Wish it were a Sundaaaay.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:12, archived)
# you never really have to wait all that long
... 6 days or so.. give or take.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:13, archived)
# Actually I work weekend so Wednesday is my fave day as I have it off:P
I just came over all bananarana there for a moment.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:17, archived)
# the dirty minxes
... times can't be that hard for them can they?

Perhaps they could perform some sort of sordid wrestling show with the Bangles...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:19, archived)
# Chuck in Clare Grogan and you've got yourself
a deal!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:27, archived)
# *high fives*
... I'll look at setting up a fake celebrity reality television show and we'll see who we can get...

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:35, archived)
# urgh - bad mental image removed
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:39, archived)
# Strictly Celebrity Showjumping On Acid
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:40, archived)
# It aint what you do it's the way that you do it
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:27, archived)
# pah
you wouldn't think that working here...

'... it ain't what you do it what you can get other people to do... it'
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:38, archived)
# "Cor, look at the hooves on that one!"
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:01, archived)
# *shaves it*
*makes wondrous beard from the clippings*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:09, archived)
[challenge entry] RPFC :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:13, archived)
# Haha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:15, archived)
# I can confirm every single word of the above many times over.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 11:10, archived)
# I want one!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:28, archived)
# :D
God woos in mysterious ways
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:28, archived)
# Oishii desu ka
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:33, archived)
# eh? cats heads on other animals bodies, i don't understand..

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Yeah you do...

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:36, archived)
# I've never done an animash in my life Guv'

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:40, archived)
# *glares*

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:41, archived)
# All lovely!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 11:19, archived)
# bootiful :)
there is something quite special about a good animash.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:34, archived)
# They build them at a shipyard in Merseyside
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:52, archived)
# Kittypiller! :P
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:29, archived)
# Crikey!
Me likey...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:31, archived)
# that's beautiful :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:32, archived)
# awww, it's so cute!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:34, archived)
# That's it for me it's 1:30 in the am here night all!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:39, archived)
# pffft
Also - news.bbc.co.uk the headline 'Siege at Pakistan police academy' is making me chortle. If I wasn't at work, I know what I'd be shopping to go along with it
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:51, archived)
# hahaha!
the one about "computer games improve vision" caght my attention. If that's true, why the fuck have I not developed xray vision yet?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:01, archived)
# pffft!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:52, archived)
# ^_^
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:53, archived)
# LOVELY!!!!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:05, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:08, archived)
# and the award for World's Most Allergenic Creature goes to...
sweet pic :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:55, archived)
# Ha ha ha ha ha... Kittypiller... ha ha ha ha...

Office lol!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:58, archived)
# Awww! I want one!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:04, archived)
# But what does it evolve into?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:29, archived)
# But does he love her back?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:24, archived)
# :( poor miss misery.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:25, archived)
# Re: wacom intuos
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:41, archived)
# ooh
i'll check it out
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:04, archived)
# I find tablets hard work for the bizarrest reason.
I use a pen/pencil left handed but always user a mouse right. After a number of years I started using paint/PSP/PS etc but as I used a mouse left handed learnt to 'draw' with my right hand.
Now ten years or so later I have the precision needed for tatty shop with my right hand and the pen handling ability with my left.
My poor noggin doesn't quite know what's going on.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:16, archived)
# well, with the P&P, it's almost the same price as over here, and I'm guessing the warranty is only valid in the US
not a good idea...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:55, archived)
# dammit, i'm commited to buying the damn thing
teach me to be so hasty
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:11, archived)
# maybe she should shave her moustache
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:26, archived)
# hahahahaha...
i've missed your stuff
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:34, archived)
# arf!
Welcome back Mr Blood
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:39, archived)
# Woo
That makes me think I haven't listened to Soul Asylum for far too long.

'ningles all.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:42, archived)
# nings ghostie
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:45, archived)
# 'ningles
and how is the battle agains all those nasty unoriginal steves going?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:59, archived)
# with each one I defeat, I become more and more powerful!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:03, archived)
# Old tricks...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:21, archived)
# Arf!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:22, archived)
# *lights a match and flicks it in*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:24, archived)
# hurrah for legless ladies!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:48, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:54, archived)
# Gotta love those
French brands.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 10:48, archived)
# A fim about forbidden love....

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:13, archived)
# fim?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:16, archived)
# hahahahhaha! I'd put money on teh pangolin being the better actor of the two :D
nings moley!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:17, archived)
# Morning Steve!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:30, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:22, archived)
# Pfffffft!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 11:13, archived)
# hurrah!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:47, archived)
[challenge entry] This is a work of fiction
Any similarities with living or deceased people are coincidental

Clicky for full version
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:48, archived)
# hehe

edit: TJ: i want to buy a drawing tablet, any recommendations?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:53, archived)
# depends on your budget, and how serious you are about getting in to using one
the biggest Wacom you can afford would be a good option. Don't buy a "Trust" one.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:19, archived)
# I agree. Trust are a bag of wank compared to Wacom.
I got myself a Intuos 3. A5 area but I prefer it to the bigger ones. If you're on a tight budget the Wacom bamboo ones are still quite good.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:21, archived)
# budget is upto around £150
dependent on how much i can afford to take out of my grant :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:26, archived)
# you mean
you intend to spend your grant on tangible goods instead of alcohol and weed? My word, what is the world of academia coming to?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:28, archived)
# alas, i loved freshers week, and getting utterly wasted at various parties
but now, i'm getting bored of wasting that much money
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:31, archived)
# how come I never got trashed at oweek? WHY
and I would also express an opinion for a wacom, maaaaaybe contemplate ebay for an intuos.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:18, archived)
# well, that looks more like the Bamboo range then.
Unless you are just getting it for fun, it would really be worth bunging in teh extra £50 on top of the £150 for an Intuos
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:31, archived)
# it will be just for fun
but i do tend to spend quite a lot of money on stuff that i don't really need, like £200 on a pocketsurfer that i barely use.
Of course it goes without saying the first thing i draw with it will be a CDC :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:38, archived)
# All of this ^

Good morning teh b3ta!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:37, archived)
# hehehe, I love that anim!
'nings medi
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:39, archived)
# Morning

I think I need to animate the creature more.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:40, archived)
# heheheh!
ningles everyone! yay for mondays, and springtime flu bugs!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:16, archived)
# ning
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:24, archived)
# Hehe
Saw the first dude with an high-powered grasscutter this morning on my bike ride to work.
I felt a healthy urge to make him eat his industrial type earmuffs.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:39, archived)
# pfffft....
and nings everyone

I met the prospective labour candidate for my borough yesterday, and goddammit she's a fox!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:32, archived)
# pics or it never happened. :D
nings JS
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:35, archived)
# well,
if you do ever get in her pants, do let us know if she has a stellar crease... ;)


and on that note, im off to sleep.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:49, archived)
# hell yeah!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:53, archived)
# I've seen better.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:19, archived)
# pics or it didn't happen
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:29, archived)
# ^I second this motion
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:36, archived)
# hahah
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:19, archived)
[challenge entry] there was a whole wagon of these,
... back in the day. because once upon a time, you thought Home Secretaries couldn't get worse than Blunkett.


(, Tue 31 Mar 2009, 15:35, archived)
[challenge entry] ascent of foxtonsman
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:34, archived)
# Steve. What a cunt.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:37, archived)
# ahhhahhhahhahh
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:40, archived)
# True to life.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:45, archived)
# hahaha... that's ace
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:31, archived)
# Yes.
Black out the misery and disappointment of existence with the blissful oblivion of alcohol.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:27, archived)
# I will remember the life of foxtonsman
whenever I feel down!


FP this immediately!
Add this to the school curriculum imediately!
give spimf a knighthood immediately!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 9:40, archived)
# sir spimf?
quite like the sound of that - enough clicks and i change it

twiddles non existent moustache
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 11:25, archived)
# Arise, Sir Spimf
Foxtonsman - whattacunt...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 16:16, archived)
# It's like you got all my letters
and you're reading them out loud.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 22:17, archived)
# Not so busy now, the cunts
Although at least round here the shirt needs to be purple or salmon and the tie much bigger and more cuntish.


Have a nice original click, not overlooked, just 5 minutes from local LOLs.
(, Tue 31 Mar 2009, 0:06, archived)
# ha ha ha ha
(, Tue 31 Mar 2009, 11:10, archived)

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:13, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:15, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:28, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:29, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:37, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:41, archived)
# Night Hare!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:47, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:52, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:55, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:01, archived)
# I love that cat - source?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:15, archived)
# Fark, caturday thread.
14 march... flickr ref is 3038822119_50a5367f5f.jpg but I can
never get flickr to work. So I'll pop it into b3tards for you here. Night all.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:28, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:01, archived)
# *burn embassy*
Gotta go in a few moments, so I'll leave it to you lot to arse it up some more.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:06, archived)
# You have cut his hand off!

* Or has he inserted it somewhere discrete?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:57, archived)
# Ooops.
Was in the way of the tits. Yeah, your idea-- that's the ticket. Hahaha.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 8:01, archived)
# I think my eyes are going to explode
That is a lot to take in!!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:22, archived)
# mushroom season coming up
once the frosts and the rains come

oh yes
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:26, archived)
# ^this^
"waits patiantly"
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:35, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:40, archived)
# Groovy
Bosch meets Pollock meets Liechtenstein.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:26, archived)
# I think there's some Bacon in the back.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:33, archived)
# ~
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:08, archived)
# hardy har har
not sarcastic
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:28, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:29, archived)
# Coconuts are easily amused no less!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:41, archived)
# A gif image has frames that work
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:31, archived)
# This clipart thing is it from photoshop?
i don't get it cause i don't use that program!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:35, archived)
# I don't think Photoshop comes with clipart
at least I've never seen any.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:36, archived)
# some of the more obnoxious characters
come from stock photo sites like Acclaim:

but you'll also see them in clipartguide.com

not that I can ever think of a serious use for clip art, besides savage mockery
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:46, archived)
# Indeed! Savage mockery rules!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:54, archived)
# or good to pass time!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:04, archived)
# Exactly. Sprite-Sheets can work the same in that regard.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:08, archived)
# HA! ...is that parpcorn? :P
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:10, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:12, archived)
# [/;-D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:14, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:29, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:33, archived)
# ^ How Quaint
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:38, archived)
# ooh
I took that pic.

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 11:01, archived)
# Is that a coconut or a bollock?

* Woo anyway and happy ning!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:11, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:42, archived)
# Is it dance teim?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:45, archived)
# Always!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:48, archived)
# Haha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:50, archived)
# hell yah
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:02, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:20, archived)
# Yay!
More cats!

Bart on my truck-
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:00, archived)
# Majestic!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:03, archived)
# It's still Sunday here, but I hope I'm not defiling the board with PHOTOS.
I suppose cats are exempt.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:06, archived)
# For the most part, yes.
Even the most nazish dayshitters like the fluff.
Although not during their posting time, HAHAHA!!!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:18, archived)
# He's king of the farm! :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:06, archived)
# hell yes
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:06, archived)
# COR!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:19, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:20, archived)
# palm strong
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:31, archived)

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:36, archived)
# yeah
clammy puritans. america needs em' now.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:39, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:07, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:53, archived)
# !!!!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:32, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:43, archived)
# Made this for a friend for his 21st

Drunk people fucked it up.

It's a bunch of in jokes. My friend is in love with his high wheel bicycle Brenda. His name is not Mike Giampapa.

The first word in the speech bubble is "I'll".
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:14, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:15, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:22, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:21, archived)
# Wassup
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:23, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:33, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:55, archived)
# lovely
i like this alot. I like that gradiant you use on the background bits as well.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:56, archived)
# Thanks :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:58, archived)
# have you ever tried printing?
you'd be good at it.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:50, archived)
# so many of Mofaha's works would be great posters
and they would be easy in silk screen - already separated!

Very nice texture and color choices, BTW - good new direction!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:38, archived)
# Sassy
Is that a hockey mom?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:58, archived)
# I think you want it to be
and I don't want to disappoint you. So yes.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:02, archived)
# \o/
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:08, archived)
# !
He is ALL of the fluffy!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:14, archived)
# This is lovely.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:58, archived)
# Cheers :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:01, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:03, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:18, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:37, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:43, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:06, archived)
# Hurrah! Noise is back in style!
And is nicer, if I may say so, with some of the
results of the interim glowing works. AAU
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:20, archived)
# Arizona
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:04, archived)
# Moments after free will is disproved...(COMIC)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:51, archived)
# i admire your drawing skills
well done, sir and/or madam
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:53, archived)
# haha
I'm trying that tonight.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:58, archived)
# this is not a picture it is a link, hence it goes links board
unfortunatly women are not logical enough to disprove free will
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:59, archived)
# haha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:13, archived)
# you didnt make this so links
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:13, archived)
# ARF!
But yeah, post it here, don't link it!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:17, archived)
# The generalized 'Ham Theory' refutes this.
So does the 'Chalk-Brush Rammed In The Pooper' corollary.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:28, archived)
# hahahah brill
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 6:41, archived)
# kittens DO have plans!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:01, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:08, archived)
# Can we stop here?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:13, archived)
# See I know can do for even there, to being go use how done is.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:18, archived)
# My guess is no.
But that's mainly because he still hasn't mastered the
controls on his x-wing yet. Stopping is accomplished
by hitting a swamp and letting Yoda lift him out again. [/:-D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:19, archived)
# The Furs is strong with this one
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:42, archived)
# aaaargh!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:59, archived)
# yeah
i think you can
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:49, archived)
# Bat country?! GET IN THE CAR
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:17, archived)
# *admires the shape of the kitties head*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:28, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:03, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:24, archived)
# awwww
I would gladly accept this kitten as my new overlord.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:41, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:43, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:12, archived)
# the best of all the world-dominating kitties.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:04, archived)
# wonderful
and i, for one, welcome our new fluffy overlords
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:53, archived)
# Oh no! Death by cutiecat.
He reminds me of my Bart cat.

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:38, archived)
# haha
so cute
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:53, archived)
# Awww
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 4:59, archived)
# Awwwwwwww
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:01, archived)
# awwww
fatkatzen :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:05, archived)
# Fluff!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:30, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:37, archived)
# PLANS!!!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:01, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 5:32, archived)
# Cosmic Owl is watching you masturbate
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:19, archived)
# I've been thinking of it, but I'm not.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:20, archived)
# o rly?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:20, archived)
# ya rly!

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 7:41, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:22, archived)
# cosmic owl is helping me masturbate
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:25, archived)
# Your cock just fits under it's beak.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:26, archived)
# well
i find the whole concept to be more than a little disturbing.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:28, archived)
# cosmic owl just stole an hour
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:28, archived)
# i think it was an hour well spent
and if i can force a meme out of this, then woo!

everyone! post cosmic owl like bloody lunatics!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:31, archived)
# Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:44, archived)
# ouch
my brane
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:53, archived)
# I didn't come up with that combination of words.
But it can break any brain.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:07, archived)
# kden
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:46, archived)
# nyuuurrrrrrG
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:02, archived)
# this is my favourite of all the lolcats
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:03, archived)
# and so he should

edit: and ttssattsr Have this

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:41, archived)
# I am so having this.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:48, archived)
# \o/
played with mouse and looping di-diii-didi-der

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:49, archived)
# I can still hear it. It's in my head. OH SHIT. SHIIIIT.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:51, archived)
# brrrrring briiing
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:53, archived)
# hey
i remember the owl thing. it was popular on the internet way back
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:00, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:03, archived)
# oh my god
it's full of stars!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:01, archived)
# All this needs now is some friking lasers
then i will subscrible to this meme
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:44, archived)
# This is a repost.


I need to get my pen working in Sai again, bah.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:37, archived)
# remarkable effect
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:41, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:42, archived)
# Shit on him.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:43, archived)
# I'm guessing he's hanging from it,
but to me it looks as though he's standing on the ground putting his hand in a wall-mounted box, and has just discovered that it has poo in it.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:47, archived)
# his mother has just done a spring cleaning
and now his porno mags are missing.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:54, archived)
# then he needs bol-locks to help keep it secure
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:57, archived)
# Ahaa!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:57, archived)
# Or he has really strong arm muscles.
Which he clearly doesn't.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:05, archived)
# D:
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:57, archived)
# Hahaha!
Yeh, getting a packet of sticky googly eyes is just fatal innit!? ;)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:58, archived)
# Excuse me, all your shit seems to be sentient.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:59, archived)
# "no no officer, it's really dead, inert"
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:00, archived)
# Drugs are bad, I hear.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:13, archived)
# no no!
they are good for you! the most natural and healthy things for your body?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:15, archived)
# I did Appletiser once.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:15, archived)
# you crazy animal!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:18, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:18, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:22, archived)
# ahhh
this would be a lovely trick to play on someone who does a lot of drugs

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:00, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:02, archived)
# NO!
I wouldn't like it at all

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:05, archived)
# the reaction would be youtube material
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:05, archived)
# Hahaha!
Those packets of spong eyes are mint.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:02, archived)
# Hahahaha, I love the way they're all staring at the camera like you've just walked into the room whilst they were talking about you.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:03, archived)
# I think you need to put them on a different bit of the corn screw.
So it has HAPPEH FACE :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:05, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:18, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:19, archived)
# aaaahahahahaa!
love it.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:22, archived)
# that is beautiful :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:11, archived)
# it's true
you never actually grow up - just get older

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:12, archived)
# i'm buying a pack of googly eye tomorrow :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:14, archived)
# ^ THIS
very much so :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:15, archived)
# I have one but I can't find it! *sadface*
I wanted to stick a pair on my PS3 controller.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:16, archived)
# "put stickers on random things to enhance their awesomeness"
would be a very entertaining compo
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:25, archived)
# Googly eyes FTW
Going to have to continue working on this later as other things need to be done today, here's a preview though.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:27, archived)
# holy shit
that looks incredible :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:28, archived)
# Thx, I've been practicing see? LOL.
Colour and textures will get done at the end and I've got to
learn some more ways of making bendy things(tendrils). Not
happy with my results before this, and still not now. Part of
the reason I'm doing it. More tuesday night most likely.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:43, archived)
# Holy fucks.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:41, archived)
# Awesome :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:09, archived)
# about time a click for bigger was bigger
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:16, archived)
# crikey
that's very good :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:20, archived)
Looking good :3

What does the writing say?

All I think I can tell is "heart/kokoro" and "light/hikari"? Though I think the second one I'm saying is incorrect.

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:21, archived)

send me a pm or something thanks
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:19, archived)
# freakin' low poly
is it for a game?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:19, archived)
# I know html. I got your back, dude.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:20, archived)
# i don't know anything about coding
but i'll bet you could make a very good game :D
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:21, archived)
# could be to do with this:

which I haven't a good read of yet, I still need new glasses
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:23, archived)
# Wow! I hadn't seen that post. GJM doesn't do it justice.

Rap, how about some beer glasses - Will that help?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:29, archived)
# Might help better than this set of arse-drums I'm trying to shift.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:37, archived)
# Coding is mostly like writing a really dull novel
"Then the configuration factory manager created a new copy of itself and configured several different factories. In the next chapter, the protocol adapter bridge will adapt some protocols..."
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:30, archived)
# If you are writing it in java, that is. The same novel in perl is like 2 pages.
edit: I guess I should say - I don't have the time, sorry :(
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:32, archived)
# Hahahaha
*has no clue about programming*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:38, archived)
# that couldn't be me
I have far more arms than that.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:28, archived)
# the guy that gives you the gun
he's not the guy

he's killed the guy

he's gonna call the other guys man

the real other guys

then it gets messy

because they think he's the real guy

but the real guys dead

a dead fed

and the feds know man

but then some of the feds don't

and they are after the guys

and the guys are after one of the feds

but he doesn't know about the other guys

then it gets confusing

but the car chase ends up in fucking great explosions

and shit
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:34, archived)
# I hope someone does help you.
It will/would be ace. I'd offer, but I'm packed
with projects at the moment. Come on you freaks!
Do it, do it now! Feel free to gaz me with issues
and debugging problems as you go, that I usually
can toss off answers to without it impacting things.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:42, archived)
# you should totally like make a game or something or stuff
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:26, archived)
# A silly picture I did for a friend.
She has these two characters - a bird thing and a wolf thing who look after their forest home and make the plants grow.


'Ning /board.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:09, archived)
# Oh deary me. Poo Bum Poo Bum. Where are the COCKS?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:15, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:18, archived)
# aaargh, geddit off!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:23, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:30, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:18, archived)
# wow that's very good. :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:16, archived)
# You're making me want to colour in the second balcony pic I did.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:18, archived)
# Do it!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:19, archived)
# Bird dragons and compost wolves are cunts.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:21, archived)
# All dragons are cunts
They're the horses of the fantasy bestiary.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:26, archived)
# Silly Ttssattsr, there is no such thing as bird dragons.
Only wyverns.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:40, archived)
# :D
that's excellent
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:22, archived)
# BUM!
how sweet.

I wish the Not the Nine O'Clock News "Two Ninnies" song was on youtube
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:22, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:35, archived)
# this makes me glee
as a reward: Name where have I ripped off this tune that I just made an arse of playing and there will be prizes! *

(and yes, I know I kacked it, my fingers are made of butter, runny runny butter)

*no, there won't be any prizes
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:39, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:42, archived)
# shwoooooo tinkle tinkle shwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:52, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:57, archived)
# I do not ahve the science for this feat, human
I can do....

something far far worse
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:19, archived)
# Is it from one of the MegaTens?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:45, archived)
# nope
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:47, archived)
# Damn, I know I've heard it before.
Is it from a game at all?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:48, archived)
# there might have been a game of it
but it wasn't a game originally :)

I suspect it's named as a reference to something in gullivers travels :)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:50, archived)
# I give up, what is it?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:56, archived)
# ^__^
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:58, archived)
# Oh, I don't know that.
It just sounds so like the MegaTen music I assumed it was from there.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:02, archived)
# it's a lovely story about a little girl who turns out to be royalty
and lots of things explode

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:03, archived)
# Just like star wars!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 2:20, archived)
# It's got to be from one of the final fantasies man, it's always from one of the final fantasies
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:50, archived)
# nope
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:51, archived)
# slow board...
i just spent an hour inking this

also: jigsaw sandwich
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:02, archived)
# Cock and fanny sammidge!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:06, archived)
# looks more like sliced ham to me.
*checks fridge*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:07, archived)
# Also I like your crazy pictures. (:
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:10, archived)
# lol sarnie
also awesome drawing
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:08, archived)
# Real nice.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:09, archived)
# Your table doesn't look very clean
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:13, archived)
# i know, i can't scrub it off
i might just colour the whole table in with a marker pen
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:23, archived)
# FOOOD! Also: Nice.
Been playing with "astronaukjubnbefhjb" and have the
background objects done. Starting on the spaceman now.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:13, archived)
# awesome :D
looking forward to it
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:15, archived)
# That makes me hungry now
and woo to drawing!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:20, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:24, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 3:43, archived)
# that is good
I also like the jigsnom

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:41, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:22, archived)
# this is how i look at the moment
fucking omni-sexual
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:24, archived)
# Well stobbit then!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:33, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:59, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:25, archived)
# YES?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:30, archived)
# Adblock'd for being too fucking creepy.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:25, archived)
# Pfft, lightweight.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:26, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:27, archived)
# Hyperthyroidism is a bugger
Poor moggie
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:26, archived)
I just want to hold it and tell 'em everything will be ok and and and
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:27, archived)
# aww, you made kitty scared.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:28, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:29, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:30, archived)
(in other news, I just paid extra to strip the DRM from some of the music I bought on iTunes, and it added "CLEAN" to some of the tracks...except... at least one still starts with "Jesus Fucking Christ, Oh God No!" hmmm.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:31, archived)
# Wait... people BUY MP3s?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:32, archived)
# I buy whole albums on archaic 'Com-pact disk' format
rip the tasty musical meat from them, and throw the useless husk on a dusty pile
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:33, archived)
# That's what I do,
only I file the disc away in a ring binder, remove the inlay art and lyrics booklet, file those away in another folder, and record the track listing in another ring binder (so I can easily look up what tracks are on a disc). Then I dispose of the plastic case. Special/fancy cases (e.g. the Battersea Shield circular tin, the Isness/Otherness crazy butterfly case) are retained.

Oh dear, that sounds bad when recounted. ): It sounds mad but a few ring binders actually take up far less space than 350-odd CD cases.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:39, archived)
# that does sound a little bit super-sane to me...
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:43, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:44, archived)
# But then you can't make a fort =(
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:18, archived)
# I still buy those discs. I still buy larger black disks, too.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:10, archived)
# Ahh fuckk aaah aaah fuccck aahh aaah fuccck aah fuck aaah fuck aaafuck fuck aaah.
a fk
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:31, archived)
# O_o
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:33, archived)
poor lol'namcat isn't very lolsome
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:39, archived)
# haha.
He's fantastic. But he's interrupting my important research.

(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:45, archived)
# heh!
this is excellent
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:48, archived)
# I'm sure Kelis is happy with this representation
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:52, archived)
# It's the soulwax remix.
much better.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:53, archived)
# It looks to me like all of the boys aren't worth more than around six peaches.
As peache milkshakes go to six, boys appear to go to sixteen.

I like this. But it makes me sad that after getting a degree in engineering, I never did anything like this. Perhaps too many bong hits.

Wait a minute. I'm confused. Peaches or liters. ARGH.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:53, archived)
Sucking on my titties like you wanted me
Calling me, all the time like Blondie
Check out my chrissy behind
It's fine all of the time
Like sex on the beaches
What else is in the teaches of peaches? Huh? What?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:55, archived)
# Did Peaches do a version of 'Boys to the Yard' or am I getting some wires crossed?
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:59, archived)
# I have FAILED the exam.
Now I find out peaches wasn't a fruit.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:04, archived)
# soulwax
did a mash of 'fuck the pain away' and 'milkshake'.

Sadly for me being an old fucker I'd never heard of kelis and just assumed it was ny Peaches when I drew that graph. I've not used it near enough to think about correcting it for the youth.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:09, archived)
# lol ur well old innit
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:15, archived)
# I am only semi-youth
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:27, archived)
# fuck the pain away
fuck the pain away
fuck the pain away...

...I'm working for the man
twenty six dollars in my hand..

aaah I need me to listen to that album soon. 2manydjs and soulwax are very very good.
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:23, archived)
I can't look away from that stare.
Have a huge WOOOO and a YAY!
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:51, archived)
# Marty Feldcat
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 0:56, archived)
# D:
that is strange and wrong
*weilds axe*
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:03, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:24, archived)
(, Mon 30 Mar 2009, 1:53, archived)

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