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I want to have sex with my face
What do you want to do?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
It never dawned on me before,
but now I find myself wanting to have sex with your face.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
Yer mam
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
but I caaaaant.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
Yes you can
It's not that difficult
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
works wonders.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:49, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
I wanna to be free
to do what I wanna do
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
Install stalins brain into the body of a jpop performer

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
Drink untill I forget.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
be Richard Burton

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
I want some to write a really nice, comprehensive GODDAMN B3TA WIKI ENTRY ABOUT ME
There isn't one and it made a little tear escape my eye, because the only people I respect and like in the world have forgotten I exist.

Even P_B has a page
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:48, archived)
I don't have one either, lets do each other.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:49, archived)
/childish blog
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
The entry on Rob has a little bit of the Baldmonkey about it

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:53, archived)
"This page was modified in October by Pissed Off Baldmonkey"

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:54, archived)
I can try
I think I know that you are scottish and work in tescos, right?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:52, archived)
I live in scotland but I'm not scottish. otherwise yes.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:54, archived)
Hehe yeah
I *try* to play the guitar. I am the acest at the cello
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:56, archived)

heh, and duly edited
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:57, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 1:02, archived)
That edit wasn't even mine.
I did the hug bit
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 1:03, archived)
I shall then
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
I've put you in.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 1:00, archived)
cheers, mate
My superpower is the power to ANNOY!!!!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 1:04, archived)
toss my mane
like a horse
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
This is a fat dog. a prize to whoever can find me a picture of a fatter animal, we're talking 100% junk in that trunk, yo.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:41, archived)
I've been told I eat like an animal
and I'm quite porky.

See profile.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)

Nah, just kidding mate. Hey, you're my friend on myspace now.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)
way bigger.
And, both are inhu-fucking-mane.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)
you realize
what you're going to GET with this post, yes?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)
oh why?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
Damn, that's some junk in that there trunk

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
There's a tit wank
but that takes the soggy biscuit.

She could give me a lumpy-thigh wank any day.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
How does she poo!?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
with her colon, of course.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
but, it'd get stuck in.. the folds.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
*laughs loudly*
*really doesn't want to know*
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
ants living in the crevices winkle out the clagnuts
very clean animals, ants
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
Argh no argh no!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
Beavers rule

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
That is strangely hilarious.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
*makes whalesong noises*

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:45, archived)
Awwww poor thing

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
sea cow
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)

Sunshine Elephant would.™
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:48, archived)
This might not be right,
the guy could be a dwarf
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:44, archived)
It looks like it's being raped.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
*kills self*

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:47, archived)
I don't want him to be.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:48, archived)
I have teh fear now

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:49, archived)
it looks fucking SCARY.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
Male Seals are fucking massive.

They're like the Bloated Elvises of the animal kingdom.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:53, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
What about
This rabbit?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:50, archived)
It looks like a cloud!

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:51, archived)
What's your favourite excercise?
Mine's air drumming. Put on some heavy metal / grindcore or something heavy, and drum for half an album.
You can imagine double bass pedals too. It's great fun.

I'm asking lots of questions, but that's just me I suppose.

edit: I have just finished 'drumming' to Cyberwaste by Fear Factory and I'm dripping moistness.
Thought you might like to know.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
vigorous, noisy sex.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:24, archived)
*raises eyebrow*
I would have to say I don't get enough of that to count as the daily excercise reccomendation per week.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
I wonder how many calories a wank burns off?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
A 130-pound man will burn about seven calories for every five minutes of vigorous sex. Keeping in mind that vigorous sex uses a lot more muscles than going solo does, don't expect to see people passing up on the gym in favor of porn and some good lube anytime soon.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:29, archived)
Speak for yourself

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:32, archived)
That's an amazing amount of maths and stuff
devoted to wanking. I applaud that there Malchick for his dedication to knowledge.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:35, archived)
*points down the board*
BM's birthday. Don't know. But I am off to the pub on the 3rd of Feb for the rugby. I'm London based, innit.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:38, archived)
I'm in South London.
Rugby isn't really my thing, to be honest. I am looking forward to the sunny shores of Pompey though.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
I couldn't give two tugs on a dead dog's cock about the rugby.
I'm going to the pub.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
i might see if we can make it - i will be popping along with Damion, if at all.

edi: urg - is that the time? night night, lovely b3tans.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
That, or Wii Sports.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
My Wii age is 50 :(

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
My wii age is 37 :)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:29, archived)
Pfft. mine was 64!
/unfit fuck
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
This makes me wonder what it means

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:31, archived)
one arm is stronger than the other than?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
I balance it out by playing Wii Tennis.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:32, archived)
playing Wii Tennis using my other arm too.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:36, archived)
Variety is always good.
I can even paint my nails and pretend it's someone else.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:37, archived)
Listening to Calexico
and pretending I'm a Mexican bandido, hopping about the room on an invisible horse.

Wait, did I say that?

I meant: Drinking.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:24, archived)
downhill biking
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:24, archived)
womb clenching

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
It's fisting, taken to the next level.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
My pelvic floor is so strong I could drag a wounded comrade for miles crawling through barbed wire and flooded shell craters by their fist

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
Remember Comrade Eel!
*soviet salute*
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
Swivel chair

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
I quite like a game of basketball.
The other day though, these two guys who were up to no good started acting like ruffians. I took it upon myself to sort them out. This really shook my mother. She said "YOU'RE MOVING WITH YOUR AUNTIE AND UNCLE IN BEL-AIR!!!"
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
Do you know, I had a party at my house on New Year's Eve. Well, I say my house, I was house sitting my rich uncle. Anyway, it was a real hoot. I woke up the next morning, managed to tidy up, but OH NO! Someone had scratched my uncle's french table! Luckily I had to hand a copy of the Yellow Pages and was able to get someone to fix it before my uncle got home.

Imagine my horror when I looked up at the priceless portrait adorning the wall to see a comedy moustache and glasses daubed on in permanent marker!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
He was the best troll ever.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
when you looked at it did it suddenly turn really attractive
and you gained a set of permanent marker comedy moustache and glasses?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:33, archived)
get out.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)
Walking. I seem to do hell of a lot of it.
Oh, it would be so easy to strikethrough the 'l' of 'walking' and put an 'n' in its place. It would be so funny too - probably the funniest thing ever.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)

l n

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:31, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)

lking ndering through time and space on a mission to save the earth
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:33, archived)
I like this one. It's also not too far from the truth.
Although fuck knows why I should save you all
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:37, archived)
Long walks

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
on the beach? Are you also looking for a long-term-life-partner with somebody who shares your interests?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
for starters, the nearest beach is almost 70 miles away.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)
That's one fuck of a long walk

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)
I have to go down two motorways and up the A180.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
Dance Dance Revolution
And Ice Dancing
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
I love DDR.
For a while my ambition was to learn End of The Century off by heart.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
Err, don't know that one
I can do 5 foot dances of Bumble Bee and Butterfly and stuff. I only like some of the songs.

I got my own hard dance pad too and it's ace. I was thinking of having a DDR party with lots of DDR and boozes.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:29, archived)
I think the one I played was actually Dance Stage Euromix or something like that.
I'd love an original DDR machine - the big double ones in arcades. A DDR Party would be awesome.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:33, archived)
My friend keeps saying he is going to buy one of those
He suggested hiring one for the party, i'm going to look into it.

I use Stepmania for the PC so I download the songs. I've got Dance Stage Euromix so i'll have a look for that song.

If I have a DDR party i'll put it on the calendar.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:36, archived)
Ooh yes please do.
I would love to come to that.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:37, archived)
Right I have to do it now
I'm going to google for somewhere I can get a machine, and actually find out when the house is next empty.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:39, archived)
I would go to that!

That would be ace. I'd like to see Gizmo, totally pissed, trying to compete at the "hard" level.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:35, archived)
I've seen him dance.
I can imagine exactly what it would look like.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
so have I.
It's rather like he's forever at a barmitzvah.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:58, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
I love my kickboxing
But then, I'm a very violent person
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
do you draw sad or angry faces on the boxes first?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
A stick bolted to my head dangling a steak just out of reach

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
through homeless infested streets with pocketfuls of chips and £1 coins.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
the pound is legal tender in California?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:29, archived)
they use them to build tiny shelters for their pet mice

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
If they knew what was good for them.

The sodding scousers.

Let me tell you how much I LOVE English money.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:31, archived)
The euro's better
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:33, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:39, archived)
I don't like £2 coins.
We managed fine without £2 notes, so why we have to have a coin for it all of a sudden I've no idea. It just fucks up my bus fare.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)
Because notes degrade quicker?
Fivers always look shabby.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:36, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:42, archived)
THey're very RB...
ANd about the size of an American quarter, so if you have both in your pocket, and you pull out the quarter instead, you look like you're being cheeky.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:38, archived)
I walk. A lot.
I have a young, energetic Border Collie. Never lies down for more than a minute before he insists he's heard something moving.

12 Mile walks on my days off are not uncommon. At least 4 miles per day with him though.

On the long walks, I take a book and my mp3 with me. Walking down by the river is quite peaceful, so I take some food and stuff for us both and about halfway, I sit down for a short while and get my energy back and then I follow his shape all the way back.

He runs forever. Toys or sticks dont interest him. He'll chase the wildlife instead. I've fished him out of the river on more than one occasion. Striding through the town centre, soaked through, on a winters day, effing and blinding at the oblivious little bleeder.

I loves him really. Wouldnt hurt a soul. Too stupid to do anything but make friends.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
It lets you fuck it, doesn't it?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:38, archived)
Border Collies are the best. My mum and dad have always had them.
I would love a collie - we're both out all day so it would be unfair though.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:35, archived)
I come back on my lunch break to get dragged around a field with a sandwich in my hand.
Not nearly as much fun as it sounds.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:37, archived)
Aaargh! Jesus motherfucking fuck! I so fucking want this!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
*pimp hand*
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
Oh my god,
that is fucking awesome!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
gayest transformer ever

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
jesus christ.
my eyes are watering laughing from that.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
No, thats felch-a-tron
Sadly through television censoring never allowed to be shown in the cartoons.

Although the figure sold quite well, I believe.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:17, archived)
I loved the Spitting Image book with
'Brokenbyboxingdayatron', who transformed into an answering machine.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)
Jeez, I think I had that book at one stage.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
you arse! I burst out laughing at work!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:32, archived)
that is one dope-ass ride

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
That's quite nice

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
first photo in this one is pretty impressive
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:28, archived)
10 gallons per mile

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
you'd get that from a hummer
and this is clearly more awesome
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:24, archived)
They never list that im the mileage on the sticker; but "awesome" receives approximately 120k more per tank thank "non-awesome"
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:34, archived)
I rather want this
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
I don't

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
Stop Press! b3tards in different opinions shocker!

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
I'm a b3tan

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
until it says "iBook"
I don't.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
It is an iBook
grafted to a Wacom.

It's a graphic designer's wet dream.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
sweet jesus
i want that with all my body, including my pee-pee

i would have bought a mac three years ago if they'd been able to do tablet stuff. as it is, i've just lost the pen to my tablet pc
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
The Japanese rule the world of madness, where
we rule the world of music.

Yay for island nations!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
I really want to see all of them crash together at high speed in slowmotion

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
Oy. Always wanting to destroy something beautiful.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:21, archived)
Again with the destroying already!

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
What have I told you...you will kill your poor mother with all this fashlugging about.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
How many Jewish mothers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, you go out already, have a good time, I'll be fine. I'll just sit here in the dark.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:39, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:21, archived)
*makes transformer noise*
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
This is one of the odder stories floating about at the moment

YOUR OPINION. Should a BNP member be allowed to dance in the English National Ballet?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:12, archived)
As long as there are no darkies.
(that was irony btw)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)
As much as I don't agree with their political ideals
I don't see why it ought to prevent them partaking in everything else, ever, in the entire world, no matter how completely unrelated to politics it is.

EDIT: pfft! "The ENB ... has a duty to promote diversity and equality." But not for "fascists", apparently. I wonder if they actually know what "diversity" and "equality" mean.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)
Yes, you can't sack someone for their believes no matter how wrong you consider those beliefs

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
Where on earth have you been?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
when i say can't i mean shouldn't

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
I think anyone who's up to the job should be allowed to do it, regardless of their politics
all this BNP witch-hunting is far from constructive, as it's just going to make more disaffected people turn to them.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
It should be limited to blind people with serious epilepsy.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
of course she should
unless she stops to deliver a sermon on why immigration is wrong during the middle of her solo, I see no problem with it.

What next? Not letting someone run for office because they've got some particularly right-wing views? Shocking.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
personally, I wouldn't let her back into the ballet
if Nick Griffin was a top golfer or something, I certainly wouldn't let the cunt compete in a competition.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
but they have to dress as a nignog.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
he he
Othello, was that ever a ballet?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
Technically, Othello was Arabian, not black.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
yeah, but black guys normally play him

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)

fo shizzle
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
the term moor can mean anything from north african, muslim or even inhabitants of the New World
From the language of the play though it's clear that shakespeare meant for him to be black
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)
Like the Romans used the term German
to describe any heavily-bearded, axe-swinging barbarian invader.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:21, archived)
if you check Act II Scene 2, lines 23-27, it says
"Word up, gentle homes,
Our rhymez are tight,
Our beats are phat
Who's up for fried chicken?"
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
Desdemona, you is looking well tight, innit.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
And Alladin was Chinese, not Arabian
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
I don't approve
but your political affiliation, in the end, shouldn't really affect what your job is.

Unless you're a Lib Dem MP, in which case it might, a little.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
I'm afraid we can't let you in the Liberal Democrat Party, sir,
as your ideas and beliefs are far too sensible and practical.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
They're far too cowardly to not let someone run.
They'd let a mong in an SS uniform run if he/she could belm loud enough.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:17, archived)
I can't see it getting in the way of them being scottish ginger alcoholics
/dosn't care about politics enough to realise how wrong this post is.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
Gay MP admits "Yes, I am Lib Dem"
/Private Eye
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
the Lib Dems heavily canvassed in my area recently
and door stepped me, stopped me in the street on several occasions.

"Fuck off, you're the party for The Gays"

Except I didn't say that as they were nice middle aged women, and I'm not in the business of being horrid to strangers. But the words crossed my mind every time.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
I wish I could be doorstepped by a politician
it would certainly make my spoiling my ballot paper a bit more significant, and I'd feel that I genuinely did have some part to play in this great country's governing.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
What is it of anyone's business at all?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
Why not?
It's not as if membership of the BNP is illegal and unless she was standing in an election for them I can't see the problem. It's hardly as if either the BNP or the ENB are populist movements.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
Sadly, whether I agree with their politics or not, they are a legitimate political party
so in a democracy they should be allowed to have their say. The fact that she's a BNP member shouldn't make any more difference than if she were a member of any other political party.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
She is obviously very good at ballet.
The BNP's stance is completely wrong, but she must be good at what she does. I think this is all that matters in relation to her dancing career. I can understand why some people wouldn't want to watch her perform though.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
"I really liked the way she pirrouted (sp?), the way she seemed to glide through the air
but throughout her performance, her hips reminded me of the need for tighter controls on immigration, and her flamboyance said 'bring back capital punishment'"
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
Some people might think that not going is a stand against the BNP altogether. Personally, I think it won't make a shit of difference.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)
and anyway
ballet's crap.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
I've never seen a ballet which is a be-all and end-all
Every ballet I've seen has been an adaptation of something else, a la Romeo And Juliet.

But I have yet to enjoy it
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
I think we argued about this earlier
and it turned out to be /talk vs Wicca'd

I go with 'yes' - one's political view should never be an obstruction to one's finding or retaining employment
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:16, archived)
yeah - I basically agree with everyone
You should be allowed to have whatever odd opinions you like.

However, I still find the story rather strange.

Ballet is lovely and girly and soft. And BNP stuff is hard, nasty and basically wrong. It doesn't tally in my simple head.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
They're revamping their image, innit.
I think I read something about this; Griffin claiming that the BNP are "one crisis away" from getting into power, but need to distance themselves from the hooligan-esque look they've come to hold, he told a conference of white supremesists in America
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)
Demand an interview.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:20, archived)
No. I don't want to give them a platform. If the interview converts one person to the BNP then I'd have done wrong in this world.

(Taking your request too seriously I know)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
But if you went down the usual route of asking b3tans for questions
any BNP member would
a) not have a cat in hell's chance of getting any sort of policy across
b) look a complete fool
c) all of the above
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
you have a point but
sending someone 50 questions basically saying, "why are such a cunt?" would result in them not replying to the email.

I know, coz we did it with David Icke. Radio silence.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:32, archived)
Icke is b3ta personified. Nearly.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:36, archived)
Demand an interview with the BBC.
Ask why they post such shit on their website.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:27, archived)
To be honest with you
I don't think I could say what any of their policies actually are.

A bit like the conservatives.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:26, archived)
The two major parties don't have policies any more
they just do whatever will keep them in power.

/why I hate political theory, by Cap'n Tallbeard age 19 and 10 months
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:30, archived)
Well Labour have this ghastly ID card scheme thing
that I'm really not at all happy about. Other than that, I'm at a bit of a loss.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:31, archived)
It's about bloody time we had a
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:36, archived)
I'm startled, and slightly disappointed, that I have no strong opinion on this
but I don't
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:58, archived)
I took a few moments to look into it. Here's a few gems:
Voluntary re-patriation of all 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. Those choosing to go back to the land of their fathers will be handsomely rewarded with money that the current Treasury has earmarked for humanitarian aid for third world countries.
Free healthcare for OAPs.
Chemical castration for pederasts.
A ban on GM foods/crops.
National Service.
Capital Punishment.
All those completing service will be issued with a loaded gun which they may keep at home.
Withdrawal from the EU, and essentially existing as an isolationist, protectionist state.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:33, archived)
Free healthcare for OAPs sounds reasonable
Yay - I'm voting BNP. Hang on...
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
Don't they have that already anyway?
Sounds like the BNP's policies from the 1950s to me.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:43, archived)
I'm looking at the BNP website right now... can't find all those... but they do want to abolish income tax, which is rather odd.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:40, archived)
but there's some really weird bias in that article that i can't quite figure out. perhaps new conservativism is the new soft liberal. i think i've drunk too much to worry about such things
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:23, archived)
In a relative body heat test, my feet are coldest,
apart from my bum. How come my bum's so cold?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
are you sitting on some ice?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
I was going to post this
But I couldn't be bothered.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
You have a sofa made of ice
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
extremities are normally the coldest
maybe your arse is VERY large?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
His monobrow would be the coldest part of his body in that case.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
we can play a game of "guess the coldest part of Druid's body"
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
Take your pick :)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:08, archived)
shit on a stick
he does have rapist eyes!

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:09, archived)
So you've not encountered his disturbing fascination with the late Ken Bigley?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:11, archived)
Blatantly his minge

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:12, archived)
Your first round for that,
old-timer ;)
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
Meh, I'll be dead first and you still won't get my telly.
We'll see who is laughing then.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:09, archived)
I'm going to dance on your grave,
old man. It'll be some kind of piratical dance I reckon, with rhcpaul playing the squeezebox.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)
Thats it. However I go, I'm taking you bastards with me.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
I know what wouldn't be the coldest part then.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:06, archived)
I've got a big arse
It's quite warm actually
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:12, archived)
The B3ta Community needs to see your arse and assess its size.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:14, archived)
I've been back in Yorkshire for a day
and it's bloody nithering. I've become too aclimatised to the insulating power of London's smog.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
nithering? that's a lovely word for cold.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:06, archived)
Yorkshire speak is the best, lass.
see also: it's been siling it down this week.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:06, archived)
raining, I'm guessing?
do you miss out the ends of words, like "Down t'pit"? I like that bit of accent most, I think.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:08, archived)
I reckon the Georgian capital of T'bilisi
was named by Yorkshiremen.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:10, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:11, archived)
That's more of a West Riding thing.
I'd say "I'm off down pit", or "down the pit", but I might "go t'shop".
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:10, archived)
from your profile photo you look very Chap-like.
A Yorkshire Chap is something I have never seen before. A rare marvel.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:12, archived)
All the more impressive because of it
I wish I were a Chap
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)
Did we not speak at the bash?
Us Yorkshire folk know how to behave, what with us being raised in what is effectively still the post-war era, when folk knew manners and what not.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:15, archived)
Unfortunately I don't think we did.
I got there quite late - either I missed you, or you had left before I got there.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:18, archived)
Another time, perhaps.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:21, archived)
Are you going to BM's birthday?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:22, archived)
I might.
Might be working. Don't know.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:37, archived)
not enough bumlove
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
Your body needs heat to fuel the rapist's eyes

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
Your circulation is scared of catching the gay

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:07, archived)
you're being raped by a big gay ghost

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:07, archived)
Casper the Friendly Rapist

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:07, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:08, archived)
think of all the ectoplasm!
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:08, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:07, archived)
A poltergayest.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:08, archived)
The ghost that 'shuts that door'

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:10, archived)
a fabulous phantasm?
a sphincter spectre?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:25, archived)
if you do a cold poo
is it a minus two?
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:09, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:10, archived)
You made me snigger :)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:11, archived)
Hahahahaha :)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:12, archived)
I've just watched 10 minutes of the Friday Night Project
and found it moderately amusing.

I assume hari kari is the best option?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:51, archived)
Only if you're standing directly in front of Alan Carr

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:52, archived)
in which case disembowel him first
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
Alan Carr wins my
"Most Resembling Frankie Howerd's mother's afterbirth" Award.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:59, archived)
I never thought it was too good.
The queer guy reminds of some cocksucker in highschool who would do and say anything for attention.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:52, archived)
there's ironic homophobia
and there's just homophobia. Which is yours?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
It's not about the buggery.
He just reminds of that douche and I can't watch the show without it annoying me.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:54, archived)
He reminds you of a shower?
How queer.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
I don't particularly like super camp gay guys
the over the top queening makes me want to punch them.

I mean, I'm gay, but I'm a chain-smoking pint-drinking one.
None of that mincing here thankyou very much.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
See, you're the kind of gay I like.
In a platonic way.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
*drags on cigarette*
I like real ale. And men.
And don't you FUCKIN' forgerrit!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
but your cigarette's in drag
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
haha. I'm pretty tolerant for everybody unless I have a decent reason not to be.
But being super-flamboyant is unnecessary in a lot of ways I think.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
It's all just a show anyway

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
Hence my first point of being, people who'll do or say anything for attention.
I like you. In THAT way.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
i wonder if he's also super-flammable

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
I'm not going to say I want to set fire to gay people.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
as opposed to
a gay I like in the biblical sense?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:59, archived)
something to do with Sodom?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
That's really rather more to do with rape
and general hedonism.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:01, archived)
Oh right. Gomorrah (sp?) always sounded like a place one could pick up diseases as well.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
although it's the fire and brimstone I'd worry about.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
he was hanged the other week, wasn't he?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
There is a guy that sits near me at work
He is the biggest Queen ever, it's like working with Julian Clary. Only this guy is makes more innuendo.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
Cock him up the gayhole with your girlbits
see if he likes that.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
I like him he is really funny
My boss and him are like a comedy duo
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02, archived)
"Cock him up the gayhole with your girlbits"
I just feel it's worth repeating
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02, archived)
Do you have any say in what is the quote on the stats page?
If you do, I demand that this be Easty's
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
it's random

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
I expected as much
Darn, nonetheless
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:06, archived)
I'm quite proud of it.

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:04, archived)
Say it lots
Make sure it is on the stats page
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:09, archived)
Cock him up the gayhole with your girlbits

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:11, archived)
Sorry, what was that?
Didn't quite catch it....
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:13, archived)
I just imagined Prince Phillip saying that
about his wife.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
Is it homophobic to call someone queer?
I thought they'd reclaimed that word.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:54, archived)
it's not homophobic to use any word
but there is this thing called context. And that post made me stick my headmaster hat on and go, "hang on sonny."
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
The context, to me,
is that he reminds him of someone from school... unless you take "cocksucker" literally.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
yeah, I didn't realise how it sounded with "cocksucker" until I re-read it.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:59, archived)
You tell 'em nigger

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
//new word
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
when a bluetit takes a bath
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
= black women

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
You forgot 'I want to plug every one of Alan Carr's orifices with plastic explosive' homophobia.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
is that homophobia?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
That's not homophobia
that's common sense.

He's not funny, he's not 'edgy', and he's not doing anything to help gay people's reputation.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
It's like we've gone 40 years back in time

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
in this case he was talking about a specific annoying person so I would contest the accusation of homophobia.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
I don't watch TV except for
24 and CSI on DVD.

/doesn't watch TV very much ever blog
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:52, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
missed it
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
I began thinking the same once I found myself laughing at Russell Brand
on that big fat quiz. I never thought it possible.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
I kinda liked Russell Brand for a bit
but have got bored of him.

He's all a bit one note.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:54, archived)
he's mental
i like his style ... i like his hair ...

he'll be all over after CBB
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
The thing that annoys me the most
apart from his hyperactivity, is how he doesn't seem to be able to settle on one style. He has trendy stubble yet indie/goth hair. I can't work out why this annoys me so much
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
the hair
it has to be the hair
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:59, archived)
I wouldn't mind the hair
if it fit with the rest of the persona.

The impression I get is that he's tried to fit something that appeals to each demographic in his image
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:03, archived)
How can I have been drinking for over 4 hours, yet still be using words like 'demographic'?

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:09, archived)
I don't mind listening to him
I just object to having to see him. His radio show is thus far more preferable to his TV output.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
All around you

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
cant see it ... what is this thing you call radio?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
Used to be on 6music on Sunday mornings
I think he's on radio 2 on Saturday evenings now
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
but my Saturdays are filled with joy
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
Lots of them are.
Him, Alan Carr, Jimmy Carr, that other guy who's on Channel 4 a lot...
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)
jonathon ross

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
I like the Ross.
Anyone who is unashamedly a comic geek like myself deserves my respect.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:58, archived)
i like JR too
...the cheeky monkey
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:01, archived)
I like Russel Brand.
There. I said it. Even his back-combed, shagged-in-a-hedge hair.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
his hair seems to emerge from mine after a couple of days
so i feel a certain empathy with him
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:00, archived)
i demand photographic proof
for his is sometimes quite magnificent in it's gravity-defyingness.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02, archived)
it's been washed recently, so it's quite tame
i reckon i'll have a good mane by monday though
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:05, archived)
I would be inclined to be more worried
If I had watched the entire thing and found it amusing.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:54, archived)
Your mum's so fat her vast quantities of matter distort the fabric of space-time

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:54, archived)
But surely at some point her sheer mass will reach a critical point
whereat she will implode, creating a Neutron-Mum of enormous mass but relatively small actual volume.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
I must admit, I heard Alan Carr on t'radio the other day
and he was actually amusing.

But that was from about 4 years ago.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
I watched Monster House last night.
It's for kids? it was fuckung terrifying

Damn good character animation too.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
Hara-kiri might be a better option
The only time I was amused after watching the Friday Night Project was after the very first show they did, with Vinnie Jones as the presenter.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
Seppuku would be better.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)
I don't understand who thought it would be good
to get NON-TRAINED PRESENTERS to present a show. Witness Jordan's terrible attempt at the helm, no, scratch that, nearly every 'guest host'. It just makes a car-crash of a show into a big pile-up.
(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02, archived)
I've never heard of this programme
EDIT : Yes I have, it sounded wank
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)

Why do ducks have webbed feet?
To stamp out fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
To stamp out burning ducks.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:56, archived)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:01, archived)
Last night I had a dream I was on "Britain's Next Top Model"
But I didn't win because I kept making belmy faces in front of the camera.

What did you dream about last night?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
Pigs. Lovely snuffly ones. I can't remember why.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
thats not why you didnt win

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
I couldn't possibly say on an internet messageboard

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
Only because it involves the regulars.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:47, archived)
I think you'll find that's WRONG
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:48, archived)
Your FACE is wrong
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:49, archived)
And you've not even seen it!
I'd almost call that clairvoyant.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:50, archived)

ant eur
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:51, archived)
I can't remember
But it was good
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:46, archived)
I don't remember my dreams any more.
but the oddest dream I ever remember having (and this is the honest truth) is in which I came into possession of an ice-cream powered car. Different types of ice-cream gave the car different properties; I.e. extra speed, flight, etc. It still bothers me to this day that in the dreams I never thought of using Neopolitan.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:46, archived)
Why didn't you think of that? :(
I had a weird dream the other day, where I took the pilots of a light plane prisoner, and kept them on a island in the middle of a canal in Birmingham
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:48, archived)
I once had a dream
that one of the bi-products of the Star Ship Enterprise's warp drive was braised rump steaks, so all the crew would go down to the engine room on a lunch time with butterfly nets trying to catch all these steaks that were flying past. But Mr Spock only caught a bunch of bananas, so that was the funny joke at the end of the episode.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:48, archived)
This is ace
and has made my evening
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55, archived)
It was a nightmare
and I don't remember about what, exactly.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:46, archived)
awww cute
am i creeping into your sub-concious?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:49, archived)
apparently, jungle is massive.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:52, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
a to the l to the i to the g
ali g
tha'ss me, tha'ss me
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:59, archived)
I was having really strange dreams.
I walked from town to my house along the railway at the top of my street, and then I realised I couldn't get up (there's a verge) because it was slippery. I managed to get up eventually, then I woke up.

There isn't a railway at the top of my street.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:46, archived)
a past life perhaps?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:49, archived)
I dreamt I was in Green Wing.
I shook hands with an anatomical skeleton, who then informed me that it's actually quite rude to shake hands with a skeleton and that the correct greeting is to tap them on the shoulder instead. So I had to apologise, of course, and promise to keep that in mind in future should I ever meet another anatomical skeleton.

Then I put my elbow into a bowl of chilli con carne, which was very amusing.

And some kid was feeding sharks at the beach.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
If you put it in her mouth while she is asleep..
Is it still a blow job or are you just fucking her face?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:40, archived)
See also:
If you refuse to pay a prostitute, is it still immoral?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
I dunno,
isn't it...sort-of like shoplifting?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
rape in retrospect

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
It's sexual assault
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
she will wake up with assaulty taste in her mouth

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
You're on my "you're not a complete twat" list.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
I like you.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:50, archived)
I'd check the manual that came with the Real Doll.
I think it describes the exact definition in the appendix.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
I had its appendix taken out

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
How are you
good sir , havnt seen you in a while
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:46, archived)
I'm not too bad at all.
Tired but still going.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:47, archived)
change hands

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:48, archived)
Good tip.
If I do say so myself.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:51, archived)
I fell asleep/passed out drunk
Giving my then fiance a blow job. No wonders he cancelled the wedding.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)
very nice
but was it still a BJ
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
I hope he moved you - you would have had very odd dreams.

I know I did ;)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
I might have to check up on this
but I don't think you have to give a blowjob at weddings.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
here comes the groom
just doesn't have that ring
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
The vicar gets all embarrassed

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
unless you're a choirboy
in which case it's pretty much routine
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:45, archived)
I'd say it's just fucking her face.
Doesn't a blow job require active input from the person with a willy in his/her mouth?

If you put it in her batty hole when she's asleep, however, I think that does count as buggery. Because whilst there is a difference between 'blow job' and 'face-fucking', there is no appreciable difference between 'bumming' and 'bum-fucking'.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
Blowjob is when she's sucking, face fuck is what she stays still and you thrust.
We worked it out in the pub today.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:50, archived)
if she's not blowing
it's just a job
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
The latter
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:49, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)

Ask Boondocks. He's in Glasgow.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)

asgow essgah
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:39, archived)
'eh, yous some kind of woise guy?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:39, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
hey buddy,
fuck yous.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)
I love Scottyland.
All of it except Glasgow. Bloody neds.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
Glasgow's the best part
Edinburgh is full of snobs, and the rest of the country is full of sheep and RAF planes flying over low.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)
I must say,
Glasgow has to be much better than a lot of British cities. Like Hull for instance.

Edinburgh has its share of snobs, but is a nicer and friendlier place than London I think.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:50, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
i've got new machines
doo doo doodoo dooo
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:39, archived)
A man walks into the King's Arms and says
"I'd like a pint of beer, please"
and the King says
"You need to be in a pub".
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)
Silly Northern.
Jokes are funny!
That is not joke!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
A man with no legs walks into a bar
and the barman says
"How the fuck did you do that?"
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
Why doesn't someone have a pub called 'The Pope's Arms'?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)
because the Pope doesn't have any.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)
Because he is a whale?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
because it would put people off their chips.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:39, archived)
Because the main religion in this country has historically been Protestantism

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)
Religion has something to do with pub names?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
I meant
the Pope (and Catholicism in general) has not been held in high regard by the authorities, so naming your pub after the head of the Catholic church is tantamount to outright sedition.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:40, archived)
Even now?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)
Not in Glasgow!
In Glasgow, it's a show of ethnic identity/an attempt to stir up sectarian hatred (cross off your choice, then shove a glass in someone's face)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)
I meant in England

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:44, archived)
A man walks into a bar.
He has several pints.
He walks home and gets there safely having had a most enjoyable evening.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)
A man walks into a pub.
He has an alcohol habit that is destroying his family.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)
In two posts we've crossed an entire spectrum of emotions.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
My wife's so fat
it's emotionally crippling.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
Your mothers so fat
She is at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:40, archived)
A genuine conversation I heard:
"You're mum's so fat, when she goes to the cinema, she has to ask for two seats"
(the retort):
"Yeah, your mum's so fat, when she goes to the cinema, she has to ask for seventeen seats".
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:42, archived)
Why does an undertaker wear a top hat?
Because his is a sombre profession, and his attire requires an air of gravitas.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
I love you
I don't tell you this enough
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:41, archived)
Embrace the infinite.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:43, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:53, archived)
What is the "Bwwwaawrrrrrr eee eee eee"
bit of David Bowie - Little Wonder also used on?

I think it's the theme tune of something.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
Theme From Bowie's Little Wonder: The Documentary

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
the queen's speech

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
He uses it in the 'interactive' portion of his CDs,
which turns out to be a fancy advert for his website.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
tits and explosions
the musical

edit: i know what you mean though, even though i don't watch telleh that often. is it an adam and joe production or something?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
have you got a sample we can listen to?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
Wibble titty twats.
.not drunk, nope
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
Last level of
Mario 64
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:30, archived)
Damn, that reminds me I need to get Wii points to download that.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:33, archived)
Benefit Vs Drawbacks.
my current pet peeve is antidepressants, as discussed the other night.
Advantage: I feel fan-fucking-tastic. And not suicidal, which is the good thing.
Drawback: I haven't had a wank for over five weeks due to their libido-destroying ingredients.

Your favourites ?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
Favourite what?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
benefit vs bad thing.
Like...fried chicken. tastes brilliant, bad thing is it's $meat and fried and shit.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)
You and your fried chicken.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
fluffy animal

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)
pink armadillo
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:30, archived)
there's little bloody footprints (well, they look like it, anyway)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:32, archived)
there's no reason why that is funny.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:37, archived)
sugar glider for me
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:31, archived)
pros: I get paid
cons: I dont enjoy it enough but don't hate it so much that I'll leave
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
My socks.
Advantage: They're comfy and they have Tigger on them.
Drawback: They seem to have no friction whatsoever, so I keep sliding about on the kitchen floor.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
Calling up the manager of our local Starbucks.
Advantage: I know what my possible future boss will be like, and he seems nice.
Drawback: I got all nervous and mumbly and stuttery.

I'm a pussy.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
Jesus fucking christ.
Don't be nervous about getting a job at Starbucks.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
STOP BULLYING ME :( :( :( :( :(
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
*tells the teacher*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:32, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
monkey is rude now that he works at Starbucks it should be
gingiatto grande
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
It's not just spunk
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
I once wore socks like that.
I slipped over on the terracotta tiles in the hall and broke my finger.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
Night all.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)
We never
went McDonnelling.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
I JUST realised that.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
Advantage: Great time-waster, made some genuine friends on here
Drawback: Waste way too much time on here, find myself getting occasionally over-annoyed at what basically boils down to words on a page
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
Despite your gingerness, you've never annoyed me.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
*bangs saucepan with wooden spoon repeatedly*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:30, archived)
*makes sure earplugs are firmly inserted*
*pats the little ginger chap on the head, smiling*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:31, archived)
i agree with you here
i've been trying to spend a bit less of my evening on here of late. it's not worked though- i have no willpower
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
I managed three months without posting.
That was quite good.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)
Scratching wildly at eczema on the back of your knee for five minutes.
Benefit: Unrelenting pleasure for five minutes.
Drawback: Unrelenting owie for five hours.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)
You've spelt it wrong.
It's "exmah".
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)
I quite like pigs with little wings drawn on their backs with felt tip

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:26, archived)
find some porn?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
Try Imipramine
I have had no such problems.

I feel really emo today though actually
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
*writes this on a post it on my monitor*
I have balls like watermelons currently.

*dangles them for you*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:30, archived)
Advantage: lots of otherwise rare and interesting music to hand.
Disadvantage: distracts me from any work I have to do.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:27, archived)
My A-Ds just make me sleep.
Which is what I do as avoidance when I'm not taking them too.

I have the healthy libido of ANY emotionally stunted geek.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
If your libido is too low to make you want to wank,
then why is that a problem? If your libido was normal but for some reason you couldn't wank, I can see why that would be frustrating. Or have I misunderstood what libido means?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
as in, you can...erm
oh fuck similes. you can get hard, go at it for as long as you can, but you cannot climax at all.

I read they give it to guys who do it early to delay them, in normal guys
it makes it almost impossible.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:31, archived)
tell the doctor next time you go back - maybe they can suggest another brand.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)
Tell them it's making you depressed.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)
Anti-spuff pills.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:34, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
I should be able to remember what it was I was going to reply to this with
I clicked reply and forgot
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:35, archived)
I want tomorrow mornings fry up now.
/save me
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:17, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)
cure the bacon between your buttocks overnight

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)
Cure it? It'll kill it!

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
Then have it now
and quit whining
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)
Stick it up your cunt.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
It would impair the flavor
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
Good point.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
Nice candle
Happy Bidet!!!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:22, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
Hang on, I'll come take it off your hands for you
no need to thank me.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)
are you drunk?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
then don't
neither the hospital or the fire brigade would thank you
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
I don't like your new name.
It's nearly there, but not quite.

Wait, I've got it. Serge Rhollerfunck. I think that's better. And do one of those o's with two dots over it.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
It's temp.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
No commitment.
That's your problem.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
I want a hug

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
Everyone needs a hug, god dammit!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
*huggles long time*

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
i want a tug
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
I want a dug moat

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
i want a thug goat

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
I want a rug stoat

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
i want a bug float

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
*offers a hug*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)

here you go
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
*covers arms with marshmallows*
*warms hands on radiator*
*stretches wide*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
*hugs again*
*tertiary hugs for good measure*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
Make this:
Posh Beans on Toast: Toast, baked beans, chopped coriander, crushed chillis, honey.

Put the last three into the beans, heat. Put on toast. Eat.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
or just put some tobasco in the beans
and if you put in too much, soften with brown sugar.
What kind of cunt keeps coriander in their fridge anyway?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:22, archived)
what's wrong with the simplicity
of cheddar cheese and beans
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
there isnt a shop within 1000 miles of me
that sells cheddar
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
make your own

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:30, archived)
try this

this is better
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:31, archived)
Coriander is great. Don't hate me because I'm ace.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:29, archived)
Good lord!
You went for the name change then.

I thought you were just talking shite for a laff.*

* i.e. in normal mode for everyone here almost all the time
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
It's a b3taday thing.
I'll proably change it back tomorrow
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
fair enough
anyway, bedtime for me. gnight.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:22, archived)
Should I go to sleep today or tomorrow?
If I go to sleep after midnight, I always wake up at 11am
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
The way I see it,
it's not tomorrow untill you wake up.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
But if I go to sleep before midnight, I wake up at 9am

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
That's why I've invented the ChronoPan.
Fry it up in the future, then set the ChronoPan to 12th Jan 2007, 23:17.

BAM! Instant fry-up.
Warning: do not confuse with the ChronoBedPan.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
Following on from the last thread:
I did clever stuff over Christmas and moved the leather chair into the office as the tree took up too much room.


messy perfection.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:08, archived)
is that tequila?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:09, archived)
Not anymore it's not.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:10, archived)
good lord
there's no point even moving!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:10, archived)
I know! It's fucking fantastic!

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
i am going through the process of throwing out all my old crap
so far, freecycle is coming up trumps

also, i have made the finest homebrew known to man *wobbles*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:10, archived)
Homebrew? Alcohol homebrew?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
it's the bastard son of waggledance, pils and caffreys, and it is feckin lovely
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
not to mention
potent in that way that homebrew always is
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
man, my uncle's an alcohol because of that shit.
Not to put you off or anything, but he got hooked on his own brew
and it's pretty much fucked up his life. I wouldn't go near anybody's
if I was offered.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
we don't drink any more becuase of it.
we just spend a hell of a lot less.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
Ooo, I love waggledance.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
Waggledance is utter shite.
It's for southerners who think they're drinking bitter.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:16, archived)
It's for people who like it.
It's very simple.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:17, archived)
Don't you start.
I like you, but if you keep this up, I may have to give you a stern look.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
you're right
i know you're absolutely right, but i like it

i feel awful :(
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
I'm not a fan of honey beer.
If I want a sweeter pint, I'll go for a fruit one.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
such as babycham

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
Real men drink bitter.
The clue is in the title.

Sweet beer indeed....*mutters*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:23, archived)
Stout FTW

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
Basically, anything other than "sweet beer".

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
all the sugar turns to alcohol, like Jeff Goldblum used to say. If that sugar happens to come from honey then so be it. It comes from something sweet whatever... no... it IS something sweet. IT'S FUCKING SUGAR.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:28, archived)
But, and here's the important bit
it doesn't TASTE sweet.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:31, archived)
It depends
On how heavily a beer is hopped and what types of hops are used as to how bitter it tastes, also what malts go into the mash. A lightly hopped beer made from pale malt will taste a hell of a lot sweeter than a ruby ale hopped heavily with something like Target hops.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:33, archived)
Shut up.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:36, archived)
Like fuck will I
Similarly German and Belgian wheat beers have a sweet taste which is rather pleasant.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:38, archived)
Bitter men could be drinking real ale.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:25, archived)
I once drank a bottle of mouthwash for a dare.
I felt drunk for about five minutes as it absorbed, then spewed warm minty blue puke all over my bedroom floor.
With a cream carpet.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
You made me do a real life chortle

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:16, archived)
i have witnessed an attempt
to drink vodka and washing up liquid.

apparently, it doesn't say it's toxic on the bottle...
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
The best homebrew always contains
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
we don't tend to let bread go mouldy on purpose.
edit: no, hang on, that's pennicillin. duh.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
I don't get it.
Oh, wait.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
i feel no pain

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
did you make it from jelly?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
I want to make homebrew, but I haven't got anywhere suitable to put the tub thing.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
This is nowhere near as good as the last thread...

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
Your thread was fantastic,sir.
I just didn't know how to reply.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
Too kind.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
You're right. I should be more offensive.
*makes BaldMonkey his idol*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:16, archived)
That's not messy...
When ever I see a picture of any room at all, I think 'That's far tidier than my room'
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
You've not seen the rest of the room ;)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
Nowhere can be messier than my room!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:16, archived)
I can't take any pictures today :(
Cos I don't have a camera cable for my computerer
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
That monitor is smaller than my watch
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
Yeah it's pretty small. We have a 19" flatscreen monitor, but I don't use it because it doesn't match the tower.
that's right, I'm THAT cool.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:17, archived)
Oh my,
that is genius.

That is what my house is going to be like when I move out. I want a one room thing, with just a bed and a laptop. And a bucket.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
full of chicken pieces and microchip boxes?
/looks worryingly at bin next to computer
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
I sense a new photo thread coming on.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
Old, but relatively similar to the current situation.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:22, archived)
That's nice,
I wish I had space for a big leather chair. I'm just sitting on an armless crappy thing I stole from work.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
Once upon a time, BBC1's Comedy Connections use to have a narrative
slowly unravelling some of the great comedies and how the teams behind them rose through the ranks and came together. It certainly wasn't a pointless show dedicated to the decade's most mediocre comedy "Vicar of Dibley", dissecting the one series and doing nothing else. BAH.

I'm off for a bath, but I'm going to let it run slowly, so I can listen to The Lee Mack Show, a damn fine return to the variety show format of the old school, what.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:08, archived)
I love Round The Horne.
I wish it was still on the radio.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
*does that sound that Kenneth Williams does that sounds like a yawn mixed with a laugh*

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
he's very bold
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:16, archived)
*goes into Polari*
*angers the gay community*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:17, archived)
It's on BBC 7

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
I never liked Lee Mack.
He annoys me for some reason.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
He's a mate of a teacher at my school.
Who goes on about it regularly. And is a bit of a prat.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
Lee Mack is a prat, or the other one?
I have nothing but utter admiration for Mr Mack, the cheeky northerner.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
The teacher. Is the prat.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:17, archived)
Mr Mack may be a prat, but I am yet to be told this.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:20, archived)
"Mixing It" is on BBC Radio 3, though.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
Good call though. Mixing It is the shit.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:15, archived)
:) My favourite is Late Junction.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:21, archived)
Mixing It is better
but only comes once a week.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:24, archived)
You're my cleaning bitches
and my room is a TIP



How messy is your computer room/bedroom/wherever you're posting from?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
messier than that
you big homo
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
My bedroom is spotless
My office is a shambles

EDIT: is that a student halls of residence?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
They all look the bloody same
brings back memories
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:04, archived)
is that a condom wrapper on the floor?
an un-opened wrapper?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
uh, no
I looked behind me and it's a bit of tesco sandwich wrapper.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:56, archived)
it looks like a packet of Mayo more than anything.
Also, you have a sharp object near your sink.

Cut much, emo?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:01, archived)
It's a knife blade
I tempered in metalwork as a practice thing.

The pink box isn't tampons either, it's happy pills.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
of course
that's how it ends up looking..
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
I'm at the office
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
Messy, because I have run out of space for books and DVDs.
But I know where everything is, the floor is clear, and my clothes are all hung up neatly.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:56, archived)
I now have 2 rows of dvds infront of my window that there is no space on the racks for.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:58, archived)
i have a cabinet..

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
i thought the cabinet voted against a rack?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:01, archived)
haha, for some reason, I really laughed at that.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
I have a cabinet.
I had two sections of about 30 DVDs each for the DVDs so have a couple of piles outside it. I only had one section of that size for books and that was utterly useless as I buy far too many books.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
There's beercans and old bits of paper piled over my desk
and my course notes and stuff on my bed but the floor is pretty clean.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:56, archived)
Loads messier than that
But I'm not showing a photo cos you might see that there is a bra on the floor

EDIT: Also that is the tiniest student room ever. That's even smaller than my Mews room at Mary's College, Durham.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:56, archived)
and then the world would end
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:56, archived)
*probes the flaw in your logic*
*doesn't comment*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
as if people on the internet will know what a bra looks like

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
Its because f the internet that people know what a bra is.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
I've only ever seen braguettes in greggs

why would anyone put breads on the internet?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:08, archived)
'people on the internet'
suddenly gets removed from a persons mind does it..?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
my room is hosed down frequently

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
not very messy
could do with a hoover but thats about it.
*looks for photos of the front room*
*doesn't find any*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
You call that messy?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
There is loads of stuff and not much room to put it in/on, so it's very crowded. However, it's all organised and in boxes. The cables from all my various machines make it look somewhat messy, though.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:58, archived)
That is NOT a messy room.
go dirty it up a bit.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:58, archived)
not very
your room looks about the size mine was when I was in first year :(

edit: snipurl.com/ohlookatmydesk
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:59, archived)
Right now, pretty fucking messy.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:59, archived)
you have the all-important cup of tea.
well done, sah.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
It's got a smiley face on it!

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:10, archived)
Oh bloody hell, is that a fridge under your desk?
I think I had wardrobes bigger than this, back when I was a student.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
In Wales
We dont have any sleeping quarters.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
You can have that pile of coal in the corner to sleep on.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:04, archived)
That's funny because I actually do.
My house has a GOOD OLD open fire.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
we have a woodburner.
/makes 'got wood' jokes.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:12, archived)
The amounts of five pounds people claim off me here
bastards. No wonder I have to pimp my ass to old men on the street :(
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:14, archived)
You just love the wrinkly old cock.
No excuses.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:19, archived)
here you go.

here is my desk as of NOW.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
stonehenge? haha.
I do like the way b3ta is open on both of our screens.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:02, archived)
my mother and her christmas presents, bless her. The item of the most pride is my Tauren figurine. Oh yeah.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:03, archived)
..do you have lube, on your table?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:04, archived)
it's Coconut and Almond Oil moisturiser.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:05, archived)
I think he meant the San Miguel
Mmm, sparkly.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:18, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:22, archived)
studying quite hard there tony

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:06, archived)
voyeurism all the way baby.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:09, archived)
hand cream
next to the computer monitor

does the static chap your hands?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
the furious wanking doesn't help either
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:08, archived)
A lot messier than that.
Slightly cleaner maybe, but much less tidy. I've got about three months worth of paperwork spread around the floor.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:01, archived)
needs more excrement on the walls

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:05, archived)
I imagine it is all hidden behind the person taking the picture
along with the Gimp chained in the corner.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:06, archived)

gimp entire girls choir
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
An awful lot messier than that.
I need to give it a good clear out, but its too daunting a task.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:09, archived)
My room is a mess
I can't be bothered tidying it up at all, but even when I tidy it, it will still be a mess
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:10, archived)
I don't have enough space in my room...
I'm having a Big Sort Out tomorrow.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:13, archived)
I'm about to start selling t-shirts.
Should I start of with heat pressing then screen printing when I get the MONEYS.

Or go straight for screen printing?*

*limited funds.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)
no idea I'm afraid
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)
You're Welsh.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
*hugs sheep*
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)

hug shag
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
screen always
start as you mean to go on
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)
Re: google talk . . .
I have left the machine on at work, which may be the problem?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)
Oh well,
sod you then ;)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
Ah thanks.
I've been looking here at Indigo and it will be costing me £40 for 5 t-shirts.

Rip off?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
Although I can't load that page, you can get embroidered shirts for less than that!
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
press = shit and comes off easier, apparently.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)
i love doing screen printing
it can be tricky to get the hang of though. especially with multiple colours.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
Make sure they arent shit t shirt's first.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)
you and me baby aint nothing but mammals
so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:53, archived)
toot toot
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
thought it said monkeys too

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
Heat press
Because if your ideas are shit and they don't sell, at least you're not out that much.

And good luck to you. :D
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)
Vanilla Ice Screens
but then his career isn't doing so well
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:53, archived)
Unless you're tailoring the shirts yourself surely it would make more sense to sell you hip and cool designs to bigger T-shirt mongers?
Unless you're just selling cheap things with old witticisms upon them at the market. In which case you'd still probably need screen printing. Anyone can get the heat ones and make them for themselves.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
A lot of the designs are on
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)
They're nice designs.
But as the emphasis is on the design rather than the shirt you could try gauging interest by using something like CafePress.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:57, archived)
Or spreadshirt. Thank you :)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:59, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
I would say go for quality from
the start and which ever is going to be the best in the long run or has the best resale value should everything go tits up.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:54, archived)
it depends
if you are definitely going to do something like vector designs, go for screen printing. if you can come up with some designs that use lots of graded colours and less sharp edges, heat pressing is going to be better anyway. my local print shop does heat pressing much better than cafepress, and it's very professional-looking
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:00, archived)
Does it last in the wash?
That is my only concern.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:04, archived)
done properly, yeah
they only go yellow and flake if the edges aren't pressed right

and for best best results, cut around the picture so that there's ink right to the edges of the transfer
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:07, archived)
Thank you very much :)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:11, archived)
I've only just realised
on my brief time out with the girly tonight, I turned into Jam Master Geordie. I kept going on about how ace I was, and she just kept saying "modesty, dear".

And with that, I'm fucking well off to watch Back to the Future part 2 and be tired at work tomorrow because I'm HARDCORE.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:47, archived)
Did you talk about "spotty virgins"
and leave huge gaps between sentences?

'Cos if you had, you'd definitely have turned into him.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:49, archived)
And make a big thing about having approved lists?
And say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until you wanted to kill him?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:50, archived)
baby back?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:51, archived)
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:49, archived)
were you naked?

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:50, archived)
I have to go in work early
tomorrow but I don't mind because I am covering for my boss while he decides if he should put his cat to sleep or not :(
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:52, archived)

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