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[challenge entry] 12 month ban and 3 points on his licence...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# Does Mario drink in his games then?
Nice and quick shopping anyway.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# Arf!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# nice skid mario
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
[challenge entry] here we go...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# They eat so many pills, it's a wonder they can even think
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# Pfft.
Maybe they're like fish -- Mrs Pacman eggs in a pool and then Mr Pacman jizzes on them.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# can you jizz without genitals?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# cocktounge?
vagina mouth? who knows!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# Their mouths are multi-purpose orifices.
They'd have to be -- since they're 2D creatures, a through digestive tract would bisect them. Therefore the mouth has to double as anus. Why not fuckhole as well?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
[challenge entry] he had to find something else to do with the arrival of 16-bit..

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# \o/
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
[challenge entry] bun-din
(, Thu 9 Apr 2009, 13:47, archived)
# lol
(, Thu 9 Apr 2009, 22:30, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
# I like this and want to subscribe to your newsletter.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:31, archived)
# Nothing to do with the image challenge, but some sound advice for the unwary
but some sound advice for the unwary
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# hahahahaah
I hate twitter
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# twitters: happy toast hates twitter, remember this when impersonating him in bars
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# ok, done
I have no fucking idea how you read my twitter

oh hang on, maybe I do

so what's all the fuck about this anyway
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# I'm following you (for whatever it's worth)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# ARG ar!
chaos is starting!

before you know it you'll know it

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
# you are Robert Hill
see! already Twitter has revealed too much and left you prone to stalkers, nutjobs and mentals

*edit - ooh, apparently I'm already on Twitter twitter.com/happytoast but I dont seem to say much
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# If a dude accuses me of being a homsexual DHS Torturer from a google search he made last year finding a post on here
then I'd say it's too late for that concern :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# Me too.
I must have done it while literally pissed out of my socks.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:48, archived)
# perhaps someone on B3ta is a cybersquatter
and was hoping we'd give a shit and stump up some cash
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:51, archived)
# I coughed up the £1.56
and now have full control!

Twitter, twitter, twitter &c.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:54, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# Oh Hello Kevin Esposeto
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# Shit!
I've messed up the delivery of columbian finest

this means you are going to receive 137 Occasional Tables

oh well :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:33, archived)
# Meh, better then nothing :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:33, archived)
# That cannot be Mr Meats' name
Shirley it's something like "Risky McBiscuit Ponsonby-Smythe"?

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:37, archived)
# no, I'm afraid I'm dreadfully common
for aristocracy :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:52, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# no, he's spartacus
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
# Only one man could be that smug ;)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:31, archived)
# and so is his wife.

(or hetro life partner)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:38, archived)
# Thor!
how's it hanging mister?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:52, archived)
# but what are you going to do when they ask for a drawing?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# promise them one after breakfast
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# i went to twitter
its shite
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# I might registtsr on it
infact, fuck I shall right now!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# its shit
don't bother
you are limited to 140 words - i want to type essays! (not really)
...speaking of shit

compo? nah pokemon is a tv show!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# what the fuck?
"follow all these twats by default?"

no, because I'm not a cunt
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# I did it.... Ive updated 3 times
the last one was "fell down the stairs"
that was about a week ago
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# Shit, your twitter buddies must be worried
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# Yes all 3 of them :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
I've been sooooo worried ever since ;)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# So you are Sheffield union on twitter then :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Nah - I was joking. Couldn't find you, too many epiphanies!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
twitter.com/SkUG yawn boring
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# Follows....
But shit, my twitter is my real name!

Damn! Im rumbled!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# so is your faceache isn't it?
"Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again." ha ha it broke
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# Haha, I like that whale tho, it is fun. like the birds
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# ACE!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# Good ol Frankie :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# Sound Advice, sir
What the fuck is 'micro-blogging' anyway?
Bunch of toss, that's what it is.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# i'm only on there to stalk Stephen Fry :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# Better write that down somewhere as part of your legal defence...
Just to be sure.


in other news: I got my valuation done.... fucking RESULT!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# Is it worth £5, 2s, 3d
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# errr....
slightly more.

a shitting load more, truth be told. I'm scared, frankly.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# Don't let Rob hear you say that
he tweets more than Mr Fry does (and far more entertainingly)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# I helped save Rob, when his fingers were buring from chilli
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# got a proper blog link plz?
i want to blog (clog the internet with shit ramblings)
Thank you
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Filling useful servers full of utter crap...
It's like they're in league with the hardware manufacturers....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:26, archived)
# I just want to put useful stuff on mine
double post/ huh?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:27, archived)
# I just want to put useful stuff on mine
not what i had for breakfast etc
but on how i plan to restore my car etc etc
infact, i do own a website but i'm far too cheap to get hosting
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# It's for those who have previously been bloggers, realised
that writing that much crap a day is time consuming, and have decided to break it down in to little chunks throughout the day.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:26, archived)
# "chunks"
* as in nausea, yes?

If so, then never was a truer word spoken.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# woo!
apologies for knocking this off the top
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
Cracking :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)

Computer games are supposed to be fun, but we never consider the grim reality of what takes place. Show us what remains in the wake of all that death and destruction: the heartbreak, the grief, and the tragedy.

Original image and challenge suggestion by valoukh. Voted for by YOU.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# So basically it's a week of cockfighting pokémon?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# pokemon is not a game
its a tv show silly
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# Pokémon is originally a game.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# *snap*

/pedant trap
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# >:[
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# careful! Youll make a mute point and pendants dont like those, infact they could care less

edited for correct use of apostrophes
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# Howdy Discomeat's
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# howdy!
*tips stetson*

What's a'gwan, mon
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# Jamaica?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# Yes, it's why she left me.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# lol!
still, funny stuff :D

*has no idea really*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:26, archived)
# you're a pokemon!
nuh nuh ne nuh nuh
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# well, if you say so
*walks out into garden*

*notices squirrel*


(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# heh I like it
however I don't think i will have an entry this week
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# I never enter
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# Thank fuck.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# :(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# I allmost allways cave and post a barely appropriate
thing... for my compo things and
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# I only enter if I can pearoast.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
[challenge entry] very well
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# Woo the voting system
at last!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# hmm this should be entertaining
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
[challenge entry] ace!

fuck, I'm working until next wednesday :(, I'll have to pea.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# Throw a sickie!
We can't be without you on this one....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# Oh FFS!
You could at least wait a couple of days until you post the winner :P
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# the grimbleak world of plumber hatred :(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# pfffft, that is lovely :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# surely you have time set aside for sleep that you could utilise
not that I want to encourage such behavior
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# excellent!
not seen that one before
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
class, as ever
(, Sat 11 Apr 2009, 8:39, archived)
# We must perform a Quirkafleeg!!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
[challenge entry] they don't live long
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
[challenge entry] OKAY
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# Just one more fight Pikachoo, good boy, off you go
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# Why do Pokémon never die,
yet they have a tower full of dead pokémon?
And Ghost pokémon don't evolve from a dead pokémon, they hatch from eggs.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
it's for kids
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# No, it's for anyone who wants to bask in its warm glowing warming glow.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# So kids and paedos then.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:49, archived)
# That is fucking ace!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# this is beautiful :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# Fucking hell shadadadada!

Also have you been doin' gameses?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 23:41, archived)
# Woo!
Nice one Shada!
(, Fri 10 Apr 2009, 0:11, archived)
# i have nothing to repost
so I'mnot going to repost it here.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# Computer Games
The grim reality is that they exist.
All I had in my day was a pack of cards and Mouse Trap.
We were happy with a bat, a ball and a skipping rope and a good book when it was raining.
All fields *waves arms* nice bit of ham for tea...
*pisses self*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# Ooh ooh! It's nearly on!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:07, archived)
# ooooohhhhghghgh
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
# hehehehe!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:06, archived)
# I don't like those 90º angles
they are going to introduce signal reflections
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:08, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:08, archived)
# no, no, let them sleep.

edit: arse, I clicked I like this on this post by errorness

edit2: this post that is "no, no, let them sleep" not the above post
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# That phrase is what inspired this pic
Ah well...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# I'm not in control of my mouse unit.
or my brian unit.


still, I have a nice cup of tea, and even tho I'm doomed to die in anguish under the heavy boot of oppression lol I can cheerfully enjoy this nice cup of tea :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# This makes me sleepy, I think I shall sleep soon
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
# nooooooooooooo
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
# Whyever not?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# Just because

Click for bigger
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:03, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# Bigger?
I say!

Edit: And, if I may pearoast...

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:05, archived)
# *reposts his bastardisation of this repost*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# :D
Good skills, that man!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
# I just cut it out the kettle, positioned it over the boob and made the layer 60% transparent.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:11, archived)
# I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous statement.
It's more about spotting the opportunity!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# exactly - you don't need a reason.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Boobs.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Pretty bra. I like pretty bras.
They make boobies that much nicer to look at in captivity.

:edit: Nipples viewed through lace. C'mon - you know what I mean.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:07, archived)
# that swan has a lovely beak
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# Hahaha!
You loon!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
# maybe i need to look at more boobs?
...well you never know...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
# Always worth a shot, at least....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# Why, thank you! HONK!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
# His nemesis arrives...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# .
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:51, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:52, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:53, archived)
# Now THIS is political-based humour.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:55, archived)
# sadly not mine
was on some tshirts worn by american police

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:56, archived)
# :D

I expect that to be this weeks newsletter line
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:56, archived)
# if there's justice in the world?
lol, justice :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# I cannot see that word with out saying it like th reanimated murder victim from the day today
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:08, archived)
# Juuuustice.
I have the same problem.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# I now have this problem
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
# I see the character from the Orson Scott Card books.
But I'm odd.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:13, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:57, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# ha ha haaaaa
Love it!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
# Oh yes, superb, sir!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:02, archived)
# i agree with all them
an i'm getting margarine everywhere doing it.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Better than getting a buttering
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:07, archived)
# That paints such a *great* picture...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:08, archived)
# Replyin to dis right here.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:06, archived)
# Hahahahahaha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:07, archived)
# RIS?
...okay i've missed all of the news for the last 3 days due to a broken radio :(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:10, archived)
# billy piper makes my skin crawl for some reason
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:55, archived)
# it's because she's not furry enough
I suggest you turn her into a squirrel

you'll feel better now
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:56, archived)
# hmm
for my next trick.

I require a "bikini billy"
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:02, archived)
# is that australian gay slang?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# *LOL*
You're on fire tonight!!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:11, archived)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:31, archived)
# it is now!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:39, archived)
# she makes my foreskin crawl
which is similar I suppose
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:00, archived)
# nice one
give 'em water cannons and rubber bullets i say, that'll learn the buggers. protest by all means, hide your face and chuck stuff at the old bill expect a whack or a good soaking.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
that's really nicely done. got the era spot on
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# thought I'd seen this guy before...

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
# ...a crash like a crack of Doom!...

...the echoes of this Holocaust rumbled and rolled... a distinct smell of sulphur... atomic destruction.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# now thats what i call a curry!
I wish i had a face like a badger
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# if you had muscles on your muscles
and you stopped working out
would you look like this?
TOAP = "you look tasty"
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# What the fat fuck!?!?!?!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:19, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:20, archived)
# i think that MAYBE a woman...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:23, archived)
# Really?
I don't really want to know for definate!!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# jesus christ, her fat is eating her
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# maybe she has a condition?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# *stuffs face full of burgers*
Waaaaah! It's glandular!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# "ive' got big bones"
yeah covered in meat and gravy!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# mmmmmm, meat
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
It's a disease!

Yeah? What's the disease?

Everything tastes good :(

Apart from Salad right?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# ha ha ha
oh who says that? i remember that btu i can't remember who!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# It's Gervais innit :D
From the same bit that you just quoted :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# oh yeah
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:40, archived)
# You lost weight?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:49, archived)
# little thanks for noticing
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:50, archived)
# No worries you sex fiend you ;)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:51, archived)
# what is a corn dog made out of?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:53, archived)
# You're stupid.
It's omelette and bark.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
# not stupid
Thank you for your wisdom
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:12, archived)
# So that's what happened to you..
*tempted to post "un-shopped" pic*

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# Ha!
You fucking dare!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
/Cartman blog
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# too slow :p
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# He's slow because he is
fat big boned....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:32, archived)
# don't make me shoot you
I just had to shoot Stan, he was getting to old
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:34, archived)
# Yeah, I am glad you shot him.
About time someone put him out of his Northern misery ;)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:35, archived)
# I smashed up his zimmer, before I shot him
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:37, archived)
# 0h..teaming up are we?
But I want you to make fun of me, so i feel popular!!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:39, archived)
# Don't make me get the picture out
Ok I will

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:40, archived)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:44, archived)
# I'm trying to not be amused by this picture
but I am failing.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:45, archived)
# my work here is done, which means I can get on with my writing
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
# I like the way the bellend looks a bit like a Craig David style beard.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
# I don't see what you've done.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
Oh, so very true.....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# hahaha!
Only 8 years older!!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
# and the rest
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:38, archived)
# 1980...1972...8 years.

Unless you lied of facefuck!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:39, archived)
# you are the same age as my ex
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:42, archived)
# not even from the same context
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:32, archived)
# Yeah, she is American
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# Chronic cakeitus*

*she may have a condition
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# It doesn't look normal.
But maybe she just has a very unfortunate fat distribution
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# This is a lesson for everyone, don't stick an industrial hoover hose on your face and then turn it on
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# And then fill the bag with pies and put it on blow
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:35, archived)
# dust pies
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:39, archived)
# christ, she's sitting around the house
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:52, archived)
# hahaha :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
# what the fooook?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:23, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
And ironically, that looks like one of the smallest babies i have ever seen!

All relative I guess :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# Thats no baby, it is a moon
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:34, archived)
# oh dear, that sound like you know her
Is she an ex of yours?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:35, archived)
# I'm afraid that CAN BE MILKED!
Oh my god!

If I qweren't busy fucking around with engineers, I'd animate that.

ps- shouldn't there be limitations on breeding! Oh nevermind. :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:35, archived)
# eat my clouding mushroom
you intergallatic sperm slug!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# We'd woo to your pic
but we're too busy getting steamed up at a Catnippp post.

Try again in a few minutes

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# yeah...i'm gonna start growing my own marijuana...
...that's not illegal...right?!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# depends if you get caught i suppose
like most things to do with the law
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# This is rather ace!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:13, archived)
# is that his face
or a woman in a green skirt bending over to pick up a box?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# Bum eyes fanny nose.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# up and down her knickers goes?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:21, archived)
# *high fives*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
# pervs!...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# the discrete trouser trumpeter
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# Phwor.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
# yays.
I completely lost interest in this one. SO have a compo fail.

I'm not even going to compo it.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# You were very brave for looking at that tossers face for that long
*pins medal on you*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:35, archived)
# I like the atmosphere in this one . . .
it shows the novice beginner how to grow mushrooms right in ones backyard . . .

{{{CRACK of DOOM}}}
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:52, archived)
# this is what happens when you try to make toats with THE TOATSER OF DOOM
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
# .
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:44, archived)
# I don't give a shit
Why can't you just live your life, instead of doing all this shit, that no one cares about.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:45, archived)
# pssst

I think this is his life.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:48, archived)
# I can't be doing with his/her/it/alien posts
so on ignore it goes
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:51, archived)
# Shirley if they were Italein posts
there would be big earthquakes and everything?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# yay I can insult you here and you wont see it

you smell.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# get off my status
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# it is mine to frottage till I stain the inside of my trousers
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# *moons Earl*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# *gets camera tele lens*
Nope, not going to work
*gets wide angle lens*
Thats better
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# *shakes dangleberries*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# now I am going to have to put the polarising lens on
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# I would ignore him, but the hilarity that ensues from people mocking him is priceless.
It's the reason I'm tempted to unignore clansoul.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# Clansoul is worth unignoring
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# Is clansoul that much of a prick?
I've never seen him do anything that annoying, but some people seem to really dislike him.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# He's tedious, and he makes such a big deal out of me ignoring him that it's quite entertaining
If he's simmered down and stopped being so whiney and childish about every little thing, I'd be tempted to give him another go
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:03, archived)
# you are going to have a long wait
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# He doesn't do it as often anymore,
but he still acts the knobber rather often.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# I bet he will see this post and make a massive deal about how I'm a prick and I'm ignoring him because he's trying to be nice.
He's stuck so far up his own ass that it's hilarious sometimes.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:09, archived)
# Were you the one he had a go at for photoshoping his picture?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:09, archived)
# We all used to do that!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:14, archived)
# I don't know, probably something as petty as that.
Then when everyone points out that he's being a knob for throwing such a hissy fit he goes HAHAHAHA IT'S FUNNY, I'VE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY THE WHOLE TIME. I REALLY GOT YOU GUYS, HUH. HAHAHAHA. just to try and "fit in"
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# Well, yes.
However, up to the point at which he actually went off on one at me, I hadn't actually shopped a pic of him at all. I did afterwards though :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# Haha.
He brings it upon himself, then bitches and moans that IT'S NOT HIS FAULT
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# Fuck it.
It was this pic that got him all het up.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:23, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
# My point exactly!
He then forced me into this scathing attack on his personal nature!

*awaits Earl Otterby to post his pic*

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:26, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# He's intolerable.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# i like clansoul but i think he should cut his hair
(yes I had long hair, he should listen to something or other, i wasn't really listening - hey look a cake! *nom nom nom* what? oh yeah... get a hair cut ya hippy :p
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:11, archived)
# I ignored Catnipppp for a while
But all he's (she's?) really done is reconfirmed my opinions of conspiracy theorists and use my reason to prove him wrong, even if only to my own satisfaction.

Granted, this might not be the forum for such things...BRING ON THE SQUIRRELS WITH TITS!!!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# I've always loved conspiracy theorists.
They take a tiny piece of "evidence", which can actually sometimes be plausible and persuasive, and push it to the point that just makes them look like dumbasses.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# The "evidence" is usually just an unanswered question
followed by a leap of logic that requires more gullibility than does the "orthodox" explanation.

Most conspiracy theories could not stand up to the theorists own logic if scrutinized in the same way.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# well then how did the world come to be?
it must of been a God that made it.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:14, archived)
# must HAVE
// jumping from popular internet argument #7 to #3
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:20, archived)
# I fiercely stand by my inaccuracies
and accuse you of heathendom for not accepting them as your own.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:23, archived)
# If you're posting that from a Windows system, your opinion is invalid.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# Your all gay.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:26, archived)
# the real conspiracy is that
oh.. hang on, guy in a suit at the door.

There's no conspiracy, everything is GREAT!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:58, archived)
# Can you imagine what it's like watching a film like They Live with them?
They would just be sitting there nodding intently throughout the entire thing.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# Even during the obscure fight scene that starts because HE DOESN'T WANT TO WEAR THOSE FUCKING SUNGLASSES.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# that's what you get for casting a wrestler in your films
tis a good fight scene though :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# Fucking best fight scene ever.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# Erm...actually...
I did. I've worked in finance for so long that the plot of They Live is the only plausible explanation to me.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# :D
I find I shake my head erraticly while watching films as I find the wobbling screen adds a sense of "realism" and "urgency" to the experience
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:20, archived)
# It rarely is *evidence*, though. And that's the problem.
e.g. I love the way that complete amateurs can immediately become experts in any field. Identify the turbofan from a cruise missile via your parent's internet connection? Yeah - no problem.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# One of my favorite cartoons has Bush and Colin Powell in the Oval Office
Bush explains his plan for the 9/11 attacks and Powell says "But what if some college kid with Photoshop zooms in on the photos and sees the bombs on the plane?"

Bush panics and calls the whole thing off.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:19, archived)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:13, archived)
# That hornball perv.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:46, archived)
# dnt b h8in'
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# i b dbl h8n, yo
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# That'll teach 'em for growing non-EU-standard carrots
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:47, archived)
# ^This^
Who wants straight bananas, anyway?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# You do know that they have got rid of those laws, now
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:51, archived)
# Curse them.*
I don't want no stinkin' straight banana foo'

*really couldn't care
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# I couldn't care either
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# I'm pretty sure Stephen Fry told me they never even existed
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# he says that to all the people he want to shag
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# I have had that assertion confirmed in a dream
he was disappointed I was straight, the poor dear.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# I imagine it was a Daily Mail prank or summat, too
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# forrins want your good valued english bananas to be filthy homosexuals
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:08, archived)
# hahahahah eh?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:47, archived)
# terror potatoes!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:48, archived)
# hahaha
this is a morris-esque phrase, truly.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)
# You'd know the truth if you opened your eyes and did some research.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:49, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:03, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# I have fashioned protective eyefoilhats. Anyone who does their research would do the same. Don't be so naive.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# I like how it urges you to read the legislation
but gives no easy link for said legislation instead telling you what you should find wrong with it.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:51, archived)
# You don't expect people to read things in CONTEXT do you?
Heavens no.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# no
only to be told they should and then given the reasons why so they don't have to do it themselves.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# Conspiracy theorists thrive on unanswered questions
not facts and answers

*has not clicked link*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# There is a link, actually.
But I haven't read it and probably can't be bothered, so I can't comment
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# yes there's two links
they lead to search results

one of which doesn't exist any more.

EDIT: and the other one just links you to a summary of the bill rather than the bill in full after a bit of clicking.. but this could be me being a tard.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# And the other one finds what I assume is the relevant thing,
but I haven't really looked into it
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# it does
I've been a tard :D

I can now see why the senators don't read them though.

EDIT: I will emphasise the word easy in my original sentence changing my meanings to suit this eventuality and pretending this implication is what was meant all along.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# If they can't be arsed, I certainly can't.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# How many more times...
Purile arts community.

Not the place for pointless conspiracy which no one wants to know about, as we're here for art of a purile nature.

Like crudely drawn cocks. Everyone loves CDCs.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:52, archived)
# So very sorry for the inconvenience of my humor art
now we return you to your normal diet of squirting cocks and darth vadar babbling while another photochopped dog head on a flapping bird scrolls by.

ta ta.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)

In a very real sense, conspiracy theorists have no sense of humor.

Even if there are government agents who are tracking your activities, I've no doubt that even they find you quite dull, and wish that they didn't have to...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# hey come on
it makes me laugh, poor F'ing gardeners getting arrested for cabbages, sorry, but i am rolling on the floor here Redouche'

All this crap makes me laugh, i see what makes you laugh, it is childish penis jokes.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# Excuse me,
why are you dragging me into this?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
# I don't remember you being called Redouche,
Mr. Sushi.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# I seem to remember he referred to me by that name
once before :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# Hmmm. I'm not sure what 'Redouche' refers to, either.
Maybe it is meant to be 'Redsushi', or perhaps he meant "touché"?

Oh well, he clearly hasn't heard of the term 'schadenfreude', either...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# That's more like it!
Hey, I liked your non-conspiracy art for what it's worth, and it's welcomed on this board.

We don't particularly care for links to stories such as those, however.

You're free to keep doing them for as long as the mods don't care, but don't expect a happy response.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:09, archived)
# I can make you a tazer
then you can shoot it at your head
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# Yes we can appreciate you're 18 and think this is all new.
1) We have no liberties.
2) The world is run and controlled by plutocrats.
3) It as always been this wasy and always will.

Now do shut up there's a good chap.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# Plutocrats, best of all the Russian Disney characters
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:01, archived)
# Plutocrats isn't a planet anymore.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# Was Plutocrats ever a planet? No. It's not there. The government want us to believe it's there to keep us subdued.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
subdued sunburnt
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:11, archived)
# Mars is actually a factory for PESTICIDES.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:13, archived)
# It is house
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
# If he is indeed David Dees (which isn't in much doubt)
then he's probably older than 18.

I should really not know these things. Sigh.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# Meh. It's a septic.
They've got less liberties than the rest of us. They just think they do as television tells them they have.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# i want a glowing gun like the ladycop in the picture
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:03, archived)
# I want a ladycop.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:08, archived)
# You can't say ladycop. That is politically incorrect.
It's ladypig!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:08, archived)
# sorry, my fault
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# Ladyfuzz.
Oh wait that's something else.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:11, archived)
# easy to get
ask for the TASER

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:14, archived)
# You are fucking amazing!
Do you sell any prints of your work?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:03, archived)
# I've found something that I think makes me look clever and as if I have my own opinion even though I'm using someone elses.
Can I pretent to look politically intelligent put making an image and posting a link to?

Power to the people!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:11, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:21, archived)
# Prints for SALE
Come and get them, as many as you can carry, just make an offer, no offers refused, signed and numbered, any number you want, we love numerology, we love to sign things too.

Which piece do you need a print of?

what? the TURD monster?


(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
# I liked the alien you did.
I believe in Aliens.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
# None of these people are wearing hats
Clearly if you just stop being so closed minded and open yourself up to the love of hats deep down inside you. Open your heart to hats.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# food police?
fucking hell
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# Your mother smells of elderberries
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# Blackadder insults FTW :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:33, archived)
# ....no
but close
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:13, archived)
cunts the world over...*spits*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# People get confused about the police being bad
it's people. People are cunts. some are fucking outrageously brutal and sadistic, some are only minorly so, and some get to the end of their tethers too soon and have a bad day at the office.

The copper who whacked that guy in the legs and pushed him over needs removing from the force as he clearly can't do the job right. But that doesn't mean the police are a bad thing.

If someone was threatening my family or trying to break in to my house I know I'd rather call the cops than try and arrange for a gang of mates to come and help out as quickly.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:29, archived)
# It would have looked better for them if they'd investigated appropriately without needing videos to be released by the media.
I agree, it's the Policeman and not the Police at fault, although it also looks fairly bad for the Policemen who stood and watched an unprovoked assault.
If the officer is dealt with appropriately, and preferably criminally, the Police will look a lot better for it.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:33, archived)
# apparently the police involved haven't come forward yet
which is inexcusable to say the least. Kick them out, make it clear that such action won't be tolerated. Then the police force is improved and the public is reassured.

/Jeremy Kyle blog
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:41, archived)
# According to a 'news just in' thing on channel 4 news,
the bloke who beat him with a baton and pushed him over has now come forward, which is nice of him.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:44, archived)
# i've not seen the beating with a baton bit - was it filmed?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:46, archived)
# More or less caught by a channel 4 camera.
Fairly poor picture with people in the way, but it looks fairly convincing to me.
Here it is www.channel4.com/news/articles/uk/tomlinson+death+missing+moment/3076487
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:50, archived)
beating with a baton gave him a small smack on the leg with a baton
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:51, archived)
# Which is an acceptable thing to do to people walking away from you.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:52, archived)
# but it was kind of my point,
i think the officer in question should be dealt with appropriately - but i'm fairly sure if i pushed someone over in a pub the worst that i'd get is a warning. he didn't actually kill the guy let's remember...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:55, archived)
# point is he's meant to keep a level head even after a days people shouting abuse at him and pushing him back
he didn't act fairly, he needs taking aside and making an example of to return balance to the force :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:57, archived)
# speak sense you do

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:02, archived)
# that would be an ideal outcome(except for the guys family)....
...but he'll probably just be moved to "backroom duties"...and a caution.If high ranking police are only intent on cover-ups,wrongful imprisonment,manipulating crime figures etc.then there's little any "good"cops can do except toe the line.Cops just seem intent on enforcing a stranglehold on ordinary folk.Laws come into force and no one even knows how.Lots of bad intent in the powers that be:(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:57, archived)
# We'll have to wait and see what happens.
Also, laws are made by politicians, the Police just enforce them. I think it's the politicians you want for manipulating crime figures, too.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
# ^this^
it's a shit job and you get the blame for other people making up the stats. If it was me I'd go crazy ape with a baton in an instant
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
# you'll probably find that's where he came from
due to the numbers of rioters (and peaceful protestors) every copper had to step up that day and maybe he wasn't fully trained.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
# It's like satire
only seamier, and without any satire.

Wrong audience, weak joke, and half assed conspiracy.....yawn yawn yawn
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:33, archived)
# well, that's what you get for messing with the neighbourhood housing association
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:53, archived)
# like i give a toss
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
# Nice shop. I've had a quick look at HR 875, and there seem to be legitimate concerns.
Sure it's the USA, but I believe legislation with similar effects on 'indie' seed production was passed in the EU several years ago.

It's pretty easy for big business to pull off, I suppose. People are far-removed from food production, and think rather little about how it works. It takes quite a publicity campaign to shed light on what goes on. The same happened (for example) with the use of sweat shops in the clothing industry -- for many years no-one knew and no-one cared.

I'm sorry your post's garnered such a hostile reaction. It's an obscure subject (apparently), and with many people not knowing the background I suspect sympathy for your point of view will be rare.
Edit: oh, and humour/light-touch really really helps. Check out Beau Bo d'Or's posts! Lots of us are just here for the funnies.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:34, archived)
# Also, a great film
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:38, archived)
# most ealing comedies are :)
kind hearts and coronets for the win :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
# A classic!
And is this plane having a stroke?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:41, archived)
# obviously he wasn't dividing by zero
something about a hive mind
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:47, archived)
# I love them all
They are all wonderful, got them all

Although the bit in The Lavender Hill Mob, when they are running down the stairs of the Eiffel Tower (great bit of filming) makes me want to be sick
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:41, archived)
# Ironically I'm going another ealing one as we speak:)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:43, archived)
# I fucking love that film
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:44, archived)
# That's insane!!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
# in the brain!!!!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:40, archived)
# in the memebrane?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:40, archived)
[challenge entry] Guess who's back, back again, Hitchcock's back....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:34, archived)
# why doesn't this have the beastie boys on it?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:35, archived)
# Beastie Boys, Fucko!!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
# The problem here being the fact that neither of you 2 can spell
therefore didn't notice that sabotage is the name of the song. Not Sabbatage ;)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# "Are the Muppets stronger?"
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:20, archived)
# bindun?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:21, archived)
# i ***** hope not, it took ages!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:22, archived)
# *looks down*
I was babbling. Ignore me.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:22, archived)
# Who said that?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:27, archived)
# Lord Lucan
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:27, archived)
# Not in this compo
but many time:(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:22, archived)
# *waves arms and goes "yaaaaay!"*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:21, archived)
# :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:22, archived)
# There is a picture of him in the paper today
With his top off, you can see all his muscle, but it looks like someone has put him in a skin that is 3 times to big for him
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:37, archived)
# The paparrazzi do love that Yoda
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:38, archived)
# very very nicely shopped :)
triple woo
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:24, archived)
# Which of them has a hand up their arse?
Oh - and I hope no-one minds if I park this shite here;

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:28, archived)
# Did you know Bon Jovi
was French for good jovi?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:30, archived)
# Ah, the mysteries of the Romance Languages.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:42, archived)
# Could be worse
Could be "Bon Jobbie".
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:43, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# You Scumbag
You Haggard!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# These words
are meant to be censored!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# xxxxx xxxxx
like that, you mean?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# Aw I never knew you cared!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Why is it always denial in your posts?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:15, archived)
# that's exactly right..
except for the bits that aren't!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# agreed
I helped save b3ta! Wobbly Bloke last thought about your chocolate covered mum on, Wed 8 Apr, 17:49, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this!, Reply)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:55, archived)
# I can't see some of that post, I have Wobbly Bloke on ignore
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:17, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:17, archived)
# No.
It's "You scumbag" "You're haggard".

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
That made me super fury when I heard it :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# and you point is....

* Nija Edited
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:18, archived)
# You cheap lousy maggot!
Merry Christmas my arse! I'd rather be dead!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Lovely work
And a fine, fine film as well. I love James Robertson Justice's stuff; always so bloody OTT. If he was still around today I bet he'd be a b3ta meme.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# I had a naughty dream about Winehouse the other day,
it troubled me in many ways :(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# was this in your dream?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
*goes to happy place
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# would
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:57, archived)
# Five years ago
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:00, archived)
# Thats probably the most I've laughed all week
Which just shows the crappy level of humour I am ... erm "at"
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:46, archived)
# yes please :)
also in other news.. as it's wednesday

here's my paltry attempt at a compo suggestion:
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# I voted for it.
Three Irishmen walk into a pub.

First one asks "Jamaica?"

The barman says "No - Eric."

Do I win £5?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:59, archived)
# I'm a frayed knot
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:03, archived)
# Why did the golfer always carry an extra pair of trousers?
Because he was incontinent.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:00, archived)
# thass not an old punchline though..
tis a new one.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:03, archived)
# And that was just the teachers!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# when i clicked reply
it said something about 28 years..
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:06, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:07, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:08, archived)
# no sound currently :(
computer is fuckéd
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:13, archived)

Must. Repent.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:17, archived)
# Why did the good samaritan cross the road?
To get to the other side......

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:09, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahaha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# Ha!
Nicely :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# Wonderful film
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:59, archived)

Really, it is.

Is this news or just a whale in the Thames?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:00, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:01, archived)
# Arse.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# Slight whaleness
Got to go, lovelybuns *hug* x
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:01, archived)
# Tra!! :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# ur abowt a munf late, possum.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:21, archived)
[challenge entry] Let the battles begin!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:30, archived)
# I hate Chuck!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:31, archived)
# What is the point of chuck?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# Someone for Bruce Lee to kick?

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# For Jackie Chan to kick?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# Look! It's Jackie Chan!
Look! It's Jackie Chan!
Look! It's Jackie Chan!
*ad infinitum*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:04, archived)
# I think for superfluous bravado based analogies.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# you are the point of chuck norris
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:35, archived)
# What is the chuck of point?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# about 5 yards
although it varies greatly depending on the dircetion and velocity of the wind.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# I wood chuck chuck.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# Ah! But how much, though?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# 7
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# That's Numberwang
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# No it's 7
This is scince. THere is no room for arguing with science.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:45, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:45, archived)
# I poopoo your lack of science sir!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# I poopoo your poopoo!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# I said I poopoo you sire.
poopooing is also science and as a result can not be poopooed!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# NO.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# Good. YOu agree with me then:D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# don't we all dearie?
chance would be a fine thing...

/mrs Slocum's pussy
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# Snortle
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# night poppet
see you the morra marra
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# Night chap
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# I saw Mrs Slocum's pussy once
They had to put it down, the worse case of mange the vet had ever seen.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:35, archived)
# ...then you'll love the new Fuck Booster from JML
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# it comes with detachable attachments!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:39, archived)
# and attachable
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:39, archived)
# yes and more!!
all for the low low price of £5.99
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# You silly *shoves*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# *solid as a rocks*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# *solid as an avalanches*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:43, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:44, archived)
# and nothing changes? Is that it
something about hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:45, archived)
# I have no idea.
I can only presume the next line is 'So whip it out and take me over the counter, you stunning black bastard' or something.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# Ohhhhhh kay then.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# Although on searching google for these lyrics I appear to have somehow made up a song.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# I'm getting Arrested Development flashbacks
to both these quotes but non of them in conjunction
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# It was a song.
"You're so solid. Solid as a rock."

That was a really famous song wasn't it? What the hell is going on with the universe?!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Yes
with the hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. I wasn't just being friendly.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:55, archived)
# I knew I should have suspected something...

Though google searching either 'solid as a rock' or 'hot hot hot hot..' didn't seem to return anything individually.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# it's on a tape in Arrested Development they use it as a slogan for their homes which leads to ironic circumstances
this is where the confusion begins to set in.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:00, archived)
# And from whence the humour arose.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# sorry mr. preordained responce guy
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# You must. follow. the script.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# I'm so angry.
Angry as a rock.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# retachable
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# and retinal enhancements
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:43, archived)
# Also with necessary accessories
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# no.
even JML wouldn't take it that far.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:44, archived)
# And moustachioed attacheos?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# Also, what did he sing?
Was he in Oasis or summat???
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# yes, he was.
in all of them...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:35, archived)
# Roughly, and without lube?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:39, archived)
# *up chucks*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# His beard still looks like he's glued carpet samples to his face.
That's not real hair!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# I'd certainly pay to see him evicerated by our Xenomorph overlords
...and on that rather bizarre post, I have to go sell my flat.

buh-bye, one and all!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# bon chance
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# Later Sir.
I'm away too, to cook a curry..Yum!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# Don't you mean, reheat the ready meal that meals on wheels brought you
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# ha ha ha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# enjoy that
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# bye sir *waves*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# Right - well - I'd better pootle too
I've got a fecking report to finish before the weekend and I've just remembered that's tomorrow!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# Bye Prof
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# toodle ooh
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# In space...
...Check can hear you scream.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# Where can I get Chuck Norris' album?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# this
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 18:13, archived)
[challenge entry] Repost for Comp
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# Whoops.
You appear to have done it wrong.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:30, archived)
# oops
I just lurk here occasionally. Sorry for the faux pas.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# "Reply" now lets you choose "challenge entry" too. Was this always true?
...I have a vague memory that, in times past, the only way to repost-for-compo was — gasp! — in a new thread. (If true, that would explain why many long-time lurkers get caught out).

Does anyone remember? rob? spacefish? cr3?
Err, what did I come in here for again? *wanders off*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# Well, she's certainly taller than Tom Cruise...
nicely, sir

Edit: You shouldn't have *said* it was a repost...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:31, archived)
# You will have his lawers after you now
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# Scientology cunts can get tae fuck...
When throwing up, late at night on the Tottenham Court Road, I make a bee-line to their front door.

'Ave it!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# nice
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:31, archived)
# Kylie Minigoo
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:31, archived)
# Goody goody
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# give it a rest, will you
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# Is she dead?
Now go and do the holiday work your teacher set you.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
[challenge entry] Racist LOLs
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# tattoo :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# all the things she said, all the things she said
running through my head, running through my head, all the things she said...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Oh thank you, that is now stuck in my head
*goes and blasts it out with some Bach*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# I found Elgar first, Bach will be on it a minute
Who was it you said the other night?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# Richard Strauss.
Download Metamorphosen.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# I knew it was someone I knew off
Ta, lovely

*goes to download*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# \o/ enjoy
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# I will :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:15, archived)
# Hello Twreacle
I was in a meeting today and I wrote a poem:

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# :D that's awesome
and I love you about 200% more now, which is just silly amounts.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:23, archived)
# \o/
*does the toilet paper dance*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# silly amounts, young man.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# Needs more magenta for Marley's cock
Oh no, my mistake, he's brown.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# Nicely shopped!~
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Top stuff!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# Nice shop

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# clik.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# large:D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
Split your lungs with blood and thunder
When you see the white whale
Break your backs and crack your oars men
If you wish to prevail

This ivory leg is what propels me
Harpoons thrust in the sky
Aim directly for his crooked brow
And look him straight in the eye

White whale - holy grail
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# err...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# Now that's just fucking silly :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# oh dear god...
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# If Des Lyneham had a sex change....
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
and then plaited his head :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# *shudders*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# he would be a women with a tash
making him the man dyke of a relationship
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# He's got "Fuck Off" tattooed on his top lip.
Got it done when he was drunk.

Regrets it now, of course.

Which is why he wears a moustache.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:14, archived)
# Plait?
But your user name is mozza?
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# Fucking hell that's painful.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# hahaha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# :)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# Haha
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# They owe you NOTHING!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
...apart from a bottle of mindbleach
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Actually...
... You owe me new eyes!

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Dear Christ.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# oh good god, no.......
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# Is it my fault
that she looks like each of the goss brothers?

Well yes, I know technically I carried out the surgery, but she asked for it!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# you know what, you can't notice the difference :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# nnngnn
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
This game I would play. Actually, she looks like a boss character from Super Punch Out!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# ;D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# *cannot unsee*
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# Spare a thought for me..."cannot un-wank!!!*

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:11, archived)
# You shouldn't be wanking to bros anyway
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:14, archived)
# ^ this, with a superlative course of therapy thrown in for good measure
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:20, archived)
# definitely would..
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# this made me guffaw far more than it should have
thank you
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Wood ¬
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# whimsicals:)

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
How silly :D
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# hahaha
A lad in chaps!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)

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