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# Had to be done...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:20, archived)
# I agree, she HAS to be done
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# ^^
as long as there are no mirrors about
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# I liked her bettor when she was younger ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# like Nicole Kidman in BMX bandits?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:30, archived)
# She is stupidly skinny now
Would have pounced on her in Mean Girls but wouldn't touch her with yours now
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
# Thats on Film4 tonight
I've never watched it, but Metro said it's a bit like Heathers so I'll give it half an hour
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:26, archived)
# it's a bit like Heathers in the same way Barney the dinosaur is a bit like Jurassic park
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:36, archived)
# The only one of her films worth watching
is Freaky Friday, the remake of, but then that's only for Jamie Lee Curtis.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:38, archived)
# who's she?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# Lindsay Lohan blablabla 'star'
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
# is it?
I must start buying tabloids and Heat etc
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:26, archived)
# I know who she is
Shes the bird in the papers. I've not idea why shes in the papers. Did she do a film or something?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:24, archived)
# Shagged a girl that looked like a boy.
Somewhat ironically.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:25, archived)
# Alanis Morisette?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:33, archived)
# I don't get why gays go for or act like members of the same sex ...
Who look like the opposite sex.

Lesbians that look like boys, gay men that act "like" women - mincing and camp and all that.

I mean - shirley if you're gay then you like to act like and shag people that act like the same sex?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:39, archived)
# this confuses me also.
however as a heterosexual, I don't fancy men who look like women.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:40, archived)
# i have pondered this also
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:41, archived)
# She was all set to be a big film star
and actually has a modicum of talent

Then went all drink and drugs hell...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:30, archived)
# just like most b3tans really
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:33, archived)
# Having just looked at her list on imdb.com
I think anyone would turn to drink and drugs if that list is what they worked on.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:34, archived)
# ... Better

*scarpers* ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# *cries*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# only joshin' :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
# I will never talk to you again

this hour
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
# 35 mins of bliss ;P
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:25, archived)
# she's lully...but needs a good feeding
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:24, archived)
# She had such nice tits...
big and firm etc.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:25, archived)
# She named them?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:30, archived)
# they looked ok here ;-)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:38, archived)
# haha :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 13:18, archived)
# she looks like she's doing a t-rex impression there
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:26, archived)
# Does she sound like Marc Bolan much?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:29, archived)
# Is that Rob?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:30, archived)
# he looks ill
eat some cake woman
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:40, archived)
# No wonder he never got laid.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:15, archived)
# I'd have done him
Christopher Reeve was FIT.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:16, archived)
# ..and now you're sterile too
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:16, archived)
# Harumph!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:25, archived)
# Black forest gateaux
Why do you never see this any more? It was the dessert of win.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:18, archived)
# ^^^this.. a lot of this.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:43, archived)
# He never got laid - He never got head!
Just one blow job would leave her with the same entry exit wound as Kurt Cobain.

inaddition (after 12:21 lols): Frank Skinner's joke was the best for this.

Her: What colour?
Him: Pink?
Her: Anything else?
Him: Are you going to have that shit now or later?

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:19, archived)
# *Mallrats high five*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# I came up with that myself and then saw it on Mallrats :(
Hate it when that happens. It’s an obvious one mind you.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:26, archived)
# hahahahaah
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# haha
ever time I see her it reminds me of the episode of Family Guy she goes mental in
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# Lois looks like she's be using 'Brand X'
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# hahahahahahahahahaha
feeding the pony could be messy
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:23, archived)
# Parrot's tongue! hahaha

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:24, archived)
# pffffffft
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:24, archived)
# Parrots tongue! Hahah
They feel really nice. My parrot had a beak of evil, but he was soft as anything with me. Kept licking my hand!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:29, archived)
# "Are you going to have that shit now or save it 'til later?"
/Frank Skinner blog
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:31, archived)
# And pissflaps like saddlebags...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 13:43, archived)
# i like making stuff dammit !

going to work takes up too much precious time.
you wont be seeing this again till its finished
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
Lully work as usual. The jetsons would be proud to take a spin in that.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
# Why are there no black people in the Jetson's?
because cartoon makers, Hanna-Barbera were incredibly narrow minded back then
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:10, archived)
# Because it portrays Hitler's future world.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:11, archived)
# ha ha ha !
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# because all the manual workers
were replaced with robots
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:13, archived)
# Because the basketball courts were down on the ground?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:15, archived)
# and it's good stuff dammit !
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:06, archived)
# what's the main body made of
have you got fibre glass shaping skillzorz?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:06, archived)
# i have them skillorz
but this is a bit small for fibre glass, this is mainly perspex with a bit of epoxy putty.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:09, archived)
# most impressive
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# how do you make the main body out of perspex, natures shit brittle plastic?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:13, archived)
# easy
find two matching perspex domes and glue em together
its brilliant once you get used to working with it very stable stuff
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:16, archived)
# oh, yes, i suppose that would do it
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:18, archived)
# I think you should make it into a popcorn poppy thing.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:07, archived)
# Aquarium.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:09, archived)
# Vivarium.
I win.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:09, archived)
# sanitarium
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# big glass of barium.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:13, archived)
# endocardium
element names could go on for a while
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:16, archived)
# e unus pluribum.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:18, archived)
# I want to remix that with Brain Damage.
San-i-TARIUM ... !

There's someone in my head, but it's not me ...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:15, archived)
# Heheh
That could possibly be very good
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:28, archived)
# Oh I thought it was an ideas shower not a compo.
In which case - yes - you win.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:13, archived)
# Always.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:15, archived)
# ooooooo thats nice dear sir
very jetsonisch
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:07, archived)
# Has anyone ever looked at something you've made and NOT fallen completely in love with it?
I bet you shit talent don't you?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:07, archived)
# that is far too awesome! :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:08, archived)
# That is awesome and lovely
And you are clearly all of the talented.

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:09, archived)
# looks great so far :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# HOw manY do you have now?
wooyay i say!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:21, archived)
# lovely as ever!
it makes me want to do craft (though i invariably end up in a pile of paper and glue wishing i had your talent)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:29, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# wow
very nice!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# Oh that'll be on the news tonight, I'm sure!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# it's the basis of most newspapers reporting so far I think
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# This is wonderful
I have this tattooed on my penis
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# Hahaha

Lully as usual sir.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# cool
in awe of your 3d skills
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# Lovley
Just out of interest, how come you dont tag your animations a little more? A small happytoats on one of the pigs back would be great :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# Oops, forgot to tag.......
but yes, on the pigs would have been good :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# I only say this as i put 'b3ta' into google images and one of my FPs came up on the second page (WITH tag for a change)
but ive seen some of your animations on FAR too many sites now and it wouldn't surprise me if some made money off you.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# a lot of them have removed the tags :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# Exactly :(
Thats why something IN the image would fck 'em over nicely.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:07, archived)
# hahahahhaha! that is so very WOOOOOO! *clicked*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# ooooh aaaaah
makes me want a ribena
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# Lovely sir.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# :D
Bloody pigs!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# haha!
sphere meet bump map :-)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:01, archived)
# rather fortunate bump map to create ears a snout and eyes! ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# Stunning!!
*clicks* :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# Nice science pigs :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:04, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:04, archived)
# Crack(l)ing!
Lully 3ds as usual mister Toats
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:06, archived)
# woo for animal SCIENCE

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:08, archived)
# ooh thats lush
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:08, archived)
# Mieeaaaahhuuuuuwwwrr
purrr purrr
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# ticks over nicely:)
yay for animal science...boo for science on animals
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 13:23, archived)
# pigeees!! :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# yes!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:41, archived)
# That's rather special!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:46, archived)
# byoootifa!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 13:26, archived)
# Any chance of a tiling version?
Pleeeeease? :)

That would make ace wallpaper...

(bonus points for having the tag on a pig as mentioned above).
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 14:30, archived)
# very very nice sir!
in fact, I'll say it - awesome!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Damn
that's good!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:36, archived)
# Topaz
Amiga font used for tag.

*Dons anorak*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:45, archived)
# This Is
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 22:31, archived)
# this is superb
a masterpiece
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 11:37, archived)
# this
is a bit* wonderful


woo and yay and a double scoop of hoopla!
(, Fri 1 May 2009, 2:36, archived)
# Yoda's sister
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# ahahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# haha
Dried up she is.
Crackles she does.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# cobwebby fanny she has
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# like an old chamois leather it is
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# I just got sent a Stormtrooper joke I'd never seen before, hold on....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# *holds on*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Fucking ace!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# Just wait 'til the super finds out
My wife's going to kill me!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# "How was your day, dear?"
"Well... You know those droids I was looking for?"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# haha sure?

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# hahahah fuck
that made me laugh so much I dribbled on my trousers
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:01, archived)
# :)
I should do something about the colour/contrast/brightness difference between the droids and the rest of the pic, but I really haven't a fucking clue how to
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# The Photoshop histogram magic
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:17, archived)
# I don't have photoshop
but when I've tried histogram stuff in Paint Shop Pro it all goes horribly wrong
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:28, archived)
# always wipe first
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# This is
just marvellous
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# *cleek*!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:52, archived)
# I would make her pregnant
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# Little Floppy Yodas!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# I dare you to shop this
gaz me the results
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:04, archived)
# Well, I tried :D

Edit: was quick and dirty, but too dirty
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:52, archived)
# hahahahhahaahahhahah!
awesome, N'!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# Thanks Stevie!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:10, archived)
# Moisturise! Always moisturise!
Woo, Ninj :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
# Cheers me dears!
How's the kicking tum? :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:10, archived)
# Splendid thanks :)
Only one day to go until the boy/girl question is answered :D

*is very excited*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:22, archived)
# Wow, One day!
I hope all goes well lully! Boy or girl, no matter. It'll have a smashing mum! :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:33, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:15, archived)
# granny wants a kiss
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 13:19, archived)
# Only ROCK can save us now.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# I have to point out
that taking pharmaceutical advice from Keith Moon may lead to unexpected results
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:51, archived)
# Experience counts in that field I guess.
It wouldn't surprise me if a rockstar is found to be the cause of it all.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:52, archived)
# I hope it's Chris de Burgh and we get to impale him on a peperami as punishment
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:53, archived)
# Wouldn't it be just like de burgh
to fuck it up for the rest of us?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:54, archived)
# Pig on my heeeeeeeead
is oinking at me
(oh he reeks)
There's nobody here
It's just him and meeeeeee
Where I wanna be
and I hardly knoooooooooooooow
This piggy on my heeeead
Never forget
How long it took to notice he was dead
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# I so want to release this.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# :D
think I heard this one on the radio yesterday...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:51, archived)
# great pic
did you see Sonic Youth on Jools Holland last night? Fucking excellent.

I also realise I quite fancy Lily Allen. How do I resolve this?

I don't think Andrew Marr will ever be asked back. The confusion of the Russian Premier was excruciatingly funny
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:54, archived)
# you could look at her face
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# I quite fancy Lily Allen. She writes well and she's got a nice bottom.
Also: not a titless hatstand.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# her new song complains that her boytfriend doesn't make her scream
I'd make her scream. I'd tie her up and then shit in her fridge
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# I'm glad you don't fancy me.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# You're a lady on the internet...
If you think people haven't already considered this, you are mistaken.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# I don't count as a lady on the internet.
I am neither loose, nor 15, nor both.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# HaHaHaHaHaHa!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:14, archived)
# ah that's where the problem lays
do you have a fridge?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:01, archived)
# I do, but it is a small fridge.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# I did not...
I didn't realise they were on until it was too late...

What were they playing, songs or mental noise and screaming?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:56, archived)
# Sonic youth? Play songs live?
That's what kicking around footballs and wasting people's money is for, right?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:57, archived)
# I saw them a while back...
When Jim O'Rourke was still hanging out with them. They played a whole set of songs, with tunes and everything.

The encore was apparently a barrage of white noise that didn't stop until the last fan left the building.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# I do love it when bands have to resort to something other than their music
to impress.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
# hahaha like Hitler resorting to something other than his painting
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:00, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# There's a difference though...
They'd already done the impressing bit... The encore was just a bit of fun for them. The deaf-arsed bastards.

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# They've certainly never impressed me.
Bah bumhug.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:03, archived)
# They're not to everyone's tastes
And I can appreciate that...

They vary enormously though... their recent, quiet stuff is actually rather lovely...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:06, archived)
# :) I'm only pissing about, love.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:09, archived)
# I know :)
I don't get the opportunity to talk music that often tho, and always feel compelled to defend Sonic Youth...

Not that one off show of Kim Gordon's that I saw though... that was just mental beyond reason.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:12, archived)
# haha
are you related to them?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:02, archived)
# Not related...
Just inspired by :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
# Can't remember the name of the song but the have a new album coming out

It was quite tuneful actually.

With about 12 guitars on the go
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# 12 is not enough! I demand more!
the most I've ever used on one track is...

*counts in head*

18. There were also three basses, two drum kits, four vocals, strings and a vibraphone.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:04, archived)
# haha
was a this a performance or a protest?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:08, archived)
# A recording... technically that doesn't count...
But if I could have performed it with all those parts on it, that would have been ace.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:10, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:05, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
Why the long face, Pete?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:51, archived)
# Had to be done ... spoze itz bindun
low flying air force one

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:45, archived)
# Hahaha
lovely bouncy action :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:46, archived)
# Those French women
know how to bounce
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:47, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:51, archived)
# did they attack the statue?
it would have been much funnier if they had instead of the world trade center IMHO
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:47, archived)
# The plane might have survived
And they could have swung around and taken out the Empire State building in the second pass
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:48, archived)
# but no Jews weren't working in the statue that day
/logic blog
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:48, archived)
# smashing stuff sir!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:48, archived)
# it was 8 years ago America
get over it
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:48, archived)
# I'm sure now Obama's in power, 9/11 didn't happen
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# I love saying to Americans
"Why? What happens on September 11? Is that some national holiday or sumfing?"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# 9/11?
something happened on the ninth of November?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:54, archived)
# Pope Innocent XII founded the city of Cervia.
They like popes maybe? Also USA received the rights to Pearl Harbour on that day...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 12:17, archived)
# hahah
ace. I was expecting something to do with pigs, so this was a pleasant surprise.

I just know that this 'photoshoot' was in fact MTV filming Obama's new mackin' rap video where he cruises above NYC scopin out da bitchez in his pimped out plane.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# hahahha! Utterly brilliant! *Click! *
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# ...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:44, archived)
# hahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:45, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:47, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:48, archived)
# Office lollage
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:50, archived)
# hahaha!....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:55, archived)
# Bandwagon? Moi?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:39, archived)

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:41, archived)
# Monir TJ
Was image seaching and found a link to a site called sneezing beauties. A softcore porn site full of pictures of sneezing women!
How bizarre!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:45, archived)
# any snot?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:46, archived)
# No
just nekkid or skanitly clad lasses in the act of sneezing.
obviously nsfw but www.sneezingbeauties.com

Actually some not so safe for work. I didn't see the whole site as I just had a quick butchers through google.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:51, archived)
# "Back by popular request is the spontaneous sneeze of Olivia Saint during a Tease & Denial Handjob we were doing together."


(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:54, archived)
# Yeah, she came so close to making it through on Britain's Got Talent:P
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:59, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:41, archived)
# hahahah OH GOD PANIC
do not go to bed in bacons
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:42, archived)
# hahahah
i love the last pic
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:43, archived)
# this is now by the handdryer in my office loo
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:45, archived)
# :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:47, archived)
# Virus hits the high street!
What me and the creative chaps slapped together this mornin'

Click for bigger (145 kb)

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:01, archived)
# hahaha nice
edit: that's impressive lurkage
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:04, archived)
# cheers
really need to get my shit together and post more.

cheers mate
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:09, archived)
# Hahaha
Hahaha :-) make a fake webshop.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:04, archived)
# hahaha
Reminds me of being in Singapore airport when the whole SARS thing was going on.
There was a little kid taking great zeal in acting like a monster in the reflection of the night time window.
I never bothered with a mask as they're only effective for about three minutes.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:04, archived)
# some bright spark is no doubt making up masks with a pigs nose emblazened on them as we speak
so you can look 'lolariously' like a pig when you walk down the street

and if they aren't, I want £20,000 start up costs, and you can have 35% of the business.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:05, archived)
# for that reason, I'm out
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:05, archived)
# Piss.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:08, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:11, archived)
# that kid is going to grow up to be a Bouncer
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:12, archived)
# or a pitbull
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:13, archived)
# or a pitbouncer
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:13, archived)
# What have I done NOW?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:13, archived)
# Erm ... suggested doing business ...
Over the internets?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:15, archived)
# Oh , right.
I thought someone had a problem with me again.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:19, archived)
# Jesus you need to get some chill pills, dear.
Paranoia is a form of egotism, don't you know.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:20, archived)
# There's an easy way to get rid of reading my
paranoia egotism.

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:25, archived)
# What's that then, Ted?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:44, archived)
# You can have 20p for 0.00003%
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:06, archived)
# I'll go halves with you on that.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:27, archived)
# Jusht sho you know wherrah ahm, ahm oot.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:07, archived)
# Cheers, Deborah ;)
suppose you could get them manufactured for a quid at most.
That's 20,000 'swine face' masks. Now, there's easily 20,000 gullible sods in the UK, or 'lolwacky' people who think it would be a 'lolwacky' idea to have one.

Mark them up at a min. of £1.99 each, and you've more or less doubled your money. Sell 'em via the internet to save on advertising as well.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:08, archived)
*puts bag on her head*

I don't get it. All that money and she looks like THAT. Get a better face, woman.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:11, archived)
# misogynist!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:13, archived)
# I don't hate women, just uggos.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:14, archived)
# get Banksy or Stella McCartney
to design it, you can say its limited edition and charge £25 a pop
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:12, archived)
# Can I apply for the position of science advisor?
We have absolutely categorically and most rigorously tested these masks under laboratory conditions and found them to be completely 100% as effective as we always believed they would be.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:27, archived)
# does she actually have any money?
she never invests in anything!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:11, archived)
# she's spent it all on twat-cream made from vinegar and lemons
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:15, archived)
# hahaha

that's an enduring image.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:29, archived)
# nah
she's a cheap fuck.... on more ways then 1
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:22, archived)
# *wears a red bandana*
*plays a cool piano in a honky tonk down in Mexico*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:05, archived)
# I haven't been keeping up with current events
but I assume the planet is being over-run with zombies, right?

*arms pump-action like Sarah Connor in T2"

Bring it on...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:08, archived)
# mexican pig-zombies
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:10, archived)
# Outstanding!
"Hey dead-head...take a bite of peach" KERBLAMMO!!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:12, archived)
# :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:14, archived)
# Ha Ha!
Day 20 sounds tasty
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:15, archived)
# hahaha
can we just have Day 20 first and then not bother with the others?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:16, archived)
# Sounds like a plan
you bring the rolls, i'll bring the HP sauce...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:19, archived)
# mmm
I could go for some big ben bacon right about now
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:23, archived)
# ghostbusters!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:11, archived)
# very nice :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:14, archived)
# can i have an emo one please?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:24, archived)
# Brilliant idea!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:28, archived)
# Don't Panic!!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Ha ha!
They don't like it up 'em Mr Mainwaring!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:52, archived)
# today
to show the folly of swine flu I am printing out all my work on slices of honey roast ham
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:53, archived)
# hahahaahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:53, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:53, archived)
# i want one
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:54, archived)
# they're great initially
but then the mustard cartridge runs out and no one knows how to change it
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:56, archived)
# ha ha ha
*wonders why my printer dosen't have a mustard cartridge.... :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:03, archived)
# Good, but
His sandwich at the end looks like 1 slice of bread between 2 slices of ham!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:04, archived)
# I don't see the problem?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:08, archived)
# ...ah freestyle samwidchhing
You rebel..
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:09, archived)
# I'm like the rebel mc of meat based sandwiches
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:16, archived)
# i just sneezed
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:54, archived)
# Who do you think you are kidding Mr World Health Organisation
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:54, archived)
# Who do you think you're infecting, Mr Pigler?
If you think we'll cough and sneeze
We are the Brits who will panic and collapse
We are the Brits who won't listen to the facts...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:54, archived)
# semi mind piss :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:54, archived)
# Extended due to feeling lazy.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:56, archived)
# impressive
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:57, archived)
# They can make it illegal for you to even ASK now?
Poor chap.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:03, archived)
His reputation had spread across north-west England and was considered by many to be an urban myth, the jury heard.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:06, archived)
# Not just the North west
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:11, archived)
# O_O
I also wonder about the woman being tried for breaching her anti-sex asbo. Why is her husband not getting done for inciting her to commit a crime?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:05, archived)
# You'd have thought she'd just keep quieter
or he'd have used a ball gag on her :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:07, archived)
# Nah, those things don't actually stop noise production
They just make it less coherent
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:12, archived)
# °o°
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:14, archived)
# :D <3's u
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:09, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:19, archived)
[challenge entry] Mind how you goaaAARRGGH!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:46, archived)
# Hahaha
*looks for the dyslexic one wanting Brians*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:47, archived)
# Hahahaha
See, I've spotted it now, but I don't know whether to trust MY dyslexia or not!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:51, archived)
# Hahaha
I hadn't noticed that:D

juicy Brians!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:59, archived)
# viva le zombie terrorism
fear the confusion they bring

"how can they be suicide bombers if they're already dead!"

woo :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:49, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:50, archived)
# Hahahah
zombie protesters holding signs saying 'brains'? Mental and ace
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:50, archived)
# apart from one...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:51, archived)
# "Oi give us that here - that's an offensive weapon, that is ... "
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:52, archived)
# what do we want? braaaaiiins
when do we want them? braaaaiiiins

// favourite zombie joke

this is marvellous
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:52, archived)
# ALso
How many zombies does it take to change a lightbulb?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:00, archived)
# braaaaaiiiinsss
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:58, archived)
# argh! he's got a leg off
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:52, archived)
# I don't think they're taking this seriously...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:39, archived)
# hahahaha I was wondering when someone would do this
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:40, archived)
# hehehe
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:40, archived)
# *grabs the Vicks vaporub and glo sticks*
In other news, quick reminder that todays 3pm draw off is Columbo. I've done mine, have you done yours?
To advertise said fact, here is my proudly possessed print of Peter Falk drawn and signed by Peter Falk

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:42, archived)
# Petuc Fack?
Damn, not here at 3 :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:44, archived)
# peter faulk can draw?
Wooo! Tis a good

I never watched cumlumbo, so i cannot participate. I swear ill do one of these draw-off things. Need to practice my drorin skills
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:44, archived)
# very much so
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:46, archived)
# No I haven't.
That's lovely though.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:45, archived)
# that there who you hold betwixt your hands
is my sisters boyfriends cousin.


also: I may be back in time for this.. need to get some batteries for my graphics pen thingy though.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:46, archived)
# I did mine yesterday
25 hours early. I'm that keen.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:55, archived)
# Yay, can't wait, roll on 3 oclock
or at least roll on lunch, then 3 oclock, then home time
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:00, archived)
# Yes, it's my first draw-off
I hope it isnt short, sweaty and embarrassing
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:05, archived)
# I heard he is really not well
advanced Alzheimer's, I think.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:58, archived)
# indeed, sadly in decline
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:02, archived)
# No ring. Not real.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 11:01, archived)
# hahaha this is the sound of altern 8...8....8....8.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:49, archived)
# some monkeys

morning b3ta
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:15, archived)
# ^ Would ^ Couldn't ^ Have
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:17, archived)
# oh now now NOW. that's great on a fabstick
good ning mm!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:17, archived)
# Wooyaymonkeyhoopla!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:18, archived)
# :D hahaha
why thank you
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:20, archived)
# I wish to see further installments of this nature
Yours Sincerely
Trellis, Mrs
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:21, archived)
# Mall Monkey
and a Call Monkey would be a nice addition.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:29, archived)
# Fall Monkey
Revelling in fallen leaves

Or using one of those SAD-busting natural lights
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:31, archived)
# a hooker monkey?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Yes, Simian prostitutes
with opposable thumbs for small change wrangling!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:37, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:18, archived)
# have a banana
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:18, archived)
# "'ave"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:21, archived)
# no, I'm privately educated
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:24, archived)
# "have Jeeves get me a banana" then?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:25, archived)
# the irony is I have a monkey-butler
but he's called Steven
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:45, archived)
# monkeys have
impecable grammar and spelling
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:32, archived)
Ahem. Your spelling is not "impeccable" :-D I know I know... you're just showing us you're no monkey. Whereas I... Oh dear. Oook ooook!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Where's the Barrel full'ov?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:19, archived)
# hahaha
monkey balls
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:19, archived)
# hahahaha
ball monkey looks so sad at his sphericism!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:19, archived)
# haha this is great
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:19, archived)
# Awwww lovelies!
Can I have two talls, a small and 42 balls please!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:20, archived)
# there are no other ball monkeys
there can be only one
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:26, archived)
# Awww balls! (or lack there of)
Can I get lots of smalls and make them into ball?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:30, archived)
# hahaha
some monkeys is reading all our love letters
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:21, archived)
# hahah, that is utterly WOOOO!
and nings!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:23, archived)
# *swoons*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:24, archived)
# thank you :)
*runs for bus now*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:31, archived)
# Allo droogy!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:32, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:26, archived)
# t'would look a bit pants i think
original is only a6
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:28, archived)
# Center it, and make a bigger yellow sheet in Photoshop
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:35, archived)
# pfff Photoshop
a 5-year-old could make yellow sheets
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:36, archived)
# ha ha
*wets the bed*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:37, archived)
# I drop yellow shit ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:38, archived)
# love that road!
*drives from Luton to Carlisle*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:35, archived)
# You jest
But there's a new stretch near here that's great. Long straight stretches and no speed cameras. Yet.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:39, archived)
# Make a lully postcard though:)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:38, archived)
# this should now be made into a children's book
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:33, archived)
# yay :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:49, archived)
# Glad to see that George is taking his hygiene responsibilities seriously in the current climate!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:11, archived)
# hahah
brilliantly done. Love his face expression!

Have some cleeeecks
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:12, archived)
# hahahhaha! awesome work, sir!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:13, archived)
# excellent
brilliantly animated you wonderful loon.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:14, archived)
# *clicketh*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:14, archived)
# Pfffft
serves the sheet right
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:15, archived)
# How do you flu?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:56, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:56, archived)
# pig is a bird flu
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:57, archived)
# h
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:19, archived)
# i
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:23, archived)
# Yesterday and this morning I got two mails from a regional. risk manager of our corp
The following methods can reduce your chances of contracting swine flu:
• Avoid close contact with people who are ill with flu-like illnesses (fevers, cough, muscle/joint aches and pains).
• If you begin to experience these symptoms remain home and do not go into work or any crowded environment. Consult with your doctor and remain at home for at least 48 hours after you are feeling better.
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, ideally with a tissue.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water; or you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth as much as possible.
• If you are based out of an impacted location (e.g., Mexico City)
o 1. Work remotely
o 2. Limit group meetings
o 3. Minimize visitors to the facility

What a bunch of wankers...if there are no zombies, then there is no panic at my side.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:02, archived)
# A regional risk manager??
Do they assess risky regions?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:03, archived)
# If I eat something spicey I have a very risky region
...but yes we do have one apparently, cause he's spamming me with messages of fear and I can't unsubscribe
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:05, archived)
# Send him/her messages of hope and joy back
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:08, archived)
# Considering the following items may alleviate stress in times of despair
- raindrops on roses
- whiskers on kittens
- oral gratification
- butterflies
- flying a kite
- you will never be 13 again
- the joke about the bees
- rainbows
- brown paper packages tied up with string
- steam engines
- finger painting
- chocolate
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:13, archived)
# I'm ready for zombies if they do come...
although I'm about to move to a new part of the country so I'll have to quickly detail a new survival plan...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:03, archived)
# I hope you chose your location based on the principles of the Zombie Survival Guide
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:04, archived)
# I'm moving to the North East of England
... *gulps*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:06, archived)
# I live in the middle east of England
So there are plenty of places to escape to in the peaks :)

Edit: that sounded like a racial slur based on the number of asians in the area and was completely unintentional
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:10, archived)
# I have my eye on Bamburgh Castle
or Holy Island...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:12, archived)
# Silly Prof, Holy Island is only cut off from the mainland for 6 - 8 hours a day
And I have dibs on bamburgh Castle..You can have either Alnwick or Warkworth
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:14, archived)
# I was thinking that the causeway
would make it easy to get backwards and forwards to B&Q in Tweedmouth and pick things up...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:20, archived)
# :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:22, archived)
# Mexican zombies would be easy to deal with
Just venture out between 1 and 3 pm when they are all having a siesta.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:04, archived)
# hahaha true fact
you lacist
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:06, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:22, archived)
# pigsnot
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:57, archived)
# bloody artsy fartsy chefs!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:04, archived)
# poor pigs :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:58, archived)
# i do hope the next compo isnt something to do with pigs and viruses.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:01, archived)
# hopefully not
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:12, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:14, archived)
# I flu like the boogaloo
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:05, archived)
# also
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:10, archived)

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:11, archived)
# :-)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:22, archived)
# The new Mexican wave
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:49, archived)
# haha
"Catch swine flu and dance like Hitler - today!"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:50, archived)
# oooh
that's a bit sultry
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:53, archived)
# This is making me so damn hot
woo to you
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:54, archived)
# porco disco!
lovely animation
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:54, archived)
# Ay ya yi! No me gusta!...Ay, el estomago!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:54, archived)
# *boiiiiing*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:01, archived)
# cheap flights this December
I'm spending Xmas in Tijuana
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:56, archived)
# would
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:57, archived)
# ..

Hello Boys!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:37, archived)
# for a moment I thought that was Roger Federer
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:38, archived)
# It's the BoyleDarling

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:40, archived)
# crikey - that's a coincidence
Bathgate Queen - eyebrows like Alistair Darling
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:52, archived)
# This is
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:51, archived)
# Pass me the mindbleach
if she didn't look like a man, this was nsfw
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:44, archived)
# Wrong on every possible level
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:48, archived)
# there's too many photoshops of sexy sue
i'm not complaining that the bandwagon is getting old, merely that her smiling face is in danger of being etched permanently onto my retina
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:50, archived)
# stop 'reading' that copy of Razzle then
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:53, archived)
# she's had a makeover you know.
I had to change the lyrics of my song to the past tense to reflect this.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:53, archived)
# you have a sexy sue song?
where are you gigging these days? we'd like to come to cheer for you sometime
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:56, archived)
# check out the
Daily Reckless for gig dates/song etc. Be good to see you again sometime.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:01, archived)
# oho! the stand on the 18th looks good at the moment
love the song. the alistair darling line made me laugh out loud
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 10:08, archived)
# good god, no.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:52, archived)
# cor lummie
is that what a man is supposed to look like?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:56, archived)
# Thanks Government!
For spending our money telling us about the tiny risk of catching an obscure disease!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:29, archived)
In these internetty, TVey days??

Damn terrrist govaments

Nice pic - shoulda cut some eye holes!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:31, archived)
# Heh heh heh :)
I was more impressed with this
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:31, archived)

what's happening to the world?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:37, archived)
# hahahaha
but where's the cancun racoon leaflets that's what i want to know
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:32, archived)
# they should just let it run its course. The population needs thinning, anyway.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:34, archived)
*builds bunker and prepares defence from pork zombies*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:34, archived)
anyone go's near my pigs i swer ill do time
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:36, archived)
# hehehe, exactly...
I'm still hoping for this to become a zombie outbreak.

Right, that's it, no more zombie films and games for me....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:36, archived)
# I think you should watch more
... take the rest of the week off and spend the time constantly awake in a dark room with one small flickering light, watching zombie films, playing zombie games and drinking red bull and coffee... prop a shotgun against the wall for when you finally snap!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:43, archived)
# what is it with internet folk and zombies?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:46, archived)
# mould?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:48, archived)
# it's an age old rivalry
dating back to the very start of the internet in 1994
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:49, archived)
# "prop a shotgun against the wall"? that's hardly a good idea.
you ALWAYS keep a shotgun strapped to your back, and a semi-auto pistol tucked into the back of you pants.

If you really want to cover all your bases, keep a crowbar handy to, in case the zombies are reinforced by interdimentional creatures.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:52, archived)
# now you're living in a fantasy world man
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:58, archived)
# Malthusian!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:37, archived)
# personally I believe
that when it was announced that there's going to be a reality TV show to decide who'd play Jade Goody in a musical, God decided to smite us.

And I'm an athiest!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:36, archived)
# you could be Sec of State for Health too
are you a communist ex-postman?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:37, archived)
# no
but I am an anarchist ex-plumber
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:38, archived)
# yes the world needs to die for that one
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:40, archived)
# He
I.ve got to do some work today, so i wont be on here :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:37, archived)
# someone tell Otterby his boss has hijacked his account
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:38, archived)
# Haha :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:38, archived)
# the thing which I don't think the media or scientific community
has looked into enough is whether it's normal swine flu or swine man-flu...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:39, archived)
# or it could all be bollocks
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:40, archived)
# if the flu virus is so advanced that it has bollocks
I think it might just be a Mexican in a flu costume...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:42, archived)
# it's all a sham to promote the sale of Donald Rumsfields Tamiflu

/starting a conspiracy
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:44, archived)
# well - perhaps THEY want us all to be vaccineated
so they can pump us full of whatever it is they pump us full of
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:46, archived)
# reptilian DNA
*tinfoil hats*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:49, archived)
# haha
I thought Donald Rumsfeld's Tamiflu was some sort of jazz combo
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:48, archived)
# haha :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:51, archived)
# nice!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:52, archived)
# \o/
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:54, archived)
# i think that it's obvious that they are treating it as swine man-flu
otherwise it would just have made a small column on page 9 of the Grimsby Chronicle
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:43, archived)
# *girly voice* I think I have the flu too...
*paramedic carrying man out on stretcher*
"...haven't you heard of lemsip luv?"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:44, archived)
# pft! Lemsip is for nancy girls
Real women just have a box of Jaffa cakes and then get back to heavy duty jeremy kyle watching
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:51, archived)
# is that one of the questions Coleen asks
to make sure they're "real women"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:55, archived)
# bwah
ha ha ha!!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 9:58, archived)

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